The Busy World of Rockman Perfect Memories

Strider Xhaiden · 445761

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Reply #5225 on: December 16, 2009, 01:29:58 AM
"Uhh...what the...I powerful." Agro murmured as he examined his new body carefully.

"Yes, this a new prototype that Master Roa commissioned. It increases your energy output and has the ability to recreate your body."

"Heh. I see, in that case." Agro pulled himself. "Let's go, I need to see Danfro again. He's up to something and I want to try and atleast hold him up for awhile.." He frowned. Especially since everyone else is more concerned with a COOKING COMPETITION of all things...

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #5226 on: December 16, 2009, 01:34:55 AM
Hajime grunts painfully as he used what little energy was left in his damaged arsenal pack to knock away the rubble surrounding him, coughing out some of the dust before toppling down to ground zero.

He was lucky to not have been dead that long before his rejuvination parts kicked on to jolt him back to life.  But he was still severely weak from the ordeal.  He struggles to stand up, barely managing to see Rukus and Nova among the casualties of the area, most of whom were barely alive.

Muffling a strained growl, Hajime crossed his arms and threw them out, shouting at the top of his lungs, "CURAGA!!!"

Sparks of light surrounded those who ere barely alive, sealing their wounds, mending their bones, and recharging their anemic energies.  Hajime kept his arms stretched out, trying to get as much of the casualties fixed before his white magic energy runs dry.



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Reply #5227 on: December 16, 2009, 01:37:57 AM
Flying through the air and top speed, Agro and Ricardo were heading towards where Hajime and co were.

"...hehe, I can fly?" Agro murmured a little amused.

"You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" Ricardo sang.

Agro turned his head to glare at him. "Dude, shut up."

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #5228 on: December 16, 2009, 02:08:12 AM
Nova and Rukan were lying dead still, but they were far from dead, as the impact of energy had little effect but rather the fatigue of thier cores being attacked giving them a short burst of energy, the blast sucked it all dry Rukan was the first to get up, cursing under his breath.
Boy, if the writer hadn't disappeared, we could have ended this quickly!
"Thank you for your help on healing our 'bones' and whatnot, but now I have to kill that man, thouh it seems the poison has left my body, and I thank you for that. Now where do we find Danfro and rip his head off?"
I'm going to have to teach him a lesson soon enough, I shouldn't have underestimated him, so I guess it's up to you, Nova With that, Rukan gave his core to Nova, Nova reluctatly accepted it, joining it with his own. Sparks shook the ground as Black Nova was alive once more.
He would call myself Super Nova, but thats been used too many times.
I am complete, but that battle has left me with the fact that I must go and finish Danfro off, we were both tired form the battle, but I will strive to win this time. Hello, i believe I see some people heading towards us at a topped speedBlack shot fireworks to get the travlers attention, they looked strong enough that they could help seal Danfro or maybe even kill him.

Meanwhile with Min
Humph, he deserted me, thats just like him Min flew towards where they,or he was, grumbling about how Nova always leaves her.


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Reply #5229 on: December 16, 2009, 02:16:41 AM
Agro arrived at where the fight with Danfro had taken place, with Ricardo behind him.

"...huh? Where is Danfro?" He asked them with a frown.

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #5230 on: December 16, 2009, 02:18:44 AM
Ah, so we seek he same person, he left, taking the girl and the boy with him. My name is Black Nova, you may call me Black or Nova if you would like Said Nova, extending his hand towards the strangers. If yu are also looking for Danfro, I suggest we work together, I and myself almost overcome him, but if you could help, I am sure we could defeat him. What do you say?


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Reply #5231 on: December 16, 2009, 02:22:52 AM
Danfro...he's someone I want to defeat by myself, but that is just foolishness. I can't beat him by myself...not yet, anyway.

Agro sighed before nodding. "Very well, let's work together."

Behind him, Ricardo shrugged. "I was tasked with eliminating the traitor. Well, as long as it gets done."

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Reply #5232 on: December 16, 2009, 02:23:26 AM
Hajime sighs a bit as he clutches his hands on his arms, causing red, blue bordered crosses to glow through his gloves, causing areas of hi body to glow a light green while his human parts glowed lines indicating where the wires connect.  What little fatigue and pain he suffered disappeared as he was brought back to full health.

He willingly accepts the handshake, releasing some more Force Metal Energy towards Black Nova to take care of any mechanical fatiques he might have suffered.

"Do you know how to get into the VOID, first of all?" Hajime asked, "It's completely soulless, so I can't sense where they are and warp there on my own."



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Reply #5233 on: December 16, 2009, 02:26:30 AM
"Actually, I can help there." Ricardo said with a smile. "As you may or may not know, at one point I was dimension traveler." He pointed at Agro. "Agro is copy of Afro, but some of the connection that Master Roa made the copies with their original still exists. If we follow that, we can easily follow Danfro."

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #5234 on: December 16, 2009, 02:28:03 AM
I know of a few universe transformation and world disruption spells, would that help in any way? And you, Agro is it? You do not need to think of beating him yourself, it might sound cool at first, but when your head is on the pavement it won't be pretty, I learned that the hard way. my spells take around 5-40 minutes depending on the place, but if you can get us there faster, I would prefer that.


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Reply #5235 on: December 16, 2009, 02:31:05 AM
Agro frowned. "It has nothing to do with looking cool! And-wait, did you just read my thoughts?!"

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Reply #5236 on: December 16, 2009, 02:35:07 AM
Elsewhere in the VOID, Danfro emerges from his portal from his encounter with Nova and Rukan. He lands donw next to Vixy and to his suprise, Akira...

Danfro: Well...*pant* seems you snuck in here...*pant* matter...your both trapped here unless I allow you to leave.

Akira: *holding a sobbing Vixy* W-who are you and why are you doing this?! *he winced alittle from the pian of his shoulder's wound*

Danfro: *slowly walked towards Akira and knelt down* I am the one who will end all this conflict between your foolish countries.

Vixy: *wiping her tears* But what your planing to do will destroy every thing.  O^O

Danfro pokes his finger into Akiras wound, and through the screams he looks at Vixy...

Danfro: I never said anything about a peaceful coexistence. If there's no one left to fight, then there won't be any fights, or hate, or anything bad for that matter. 8D

Danfro takes his finger out of Akira's wound and as Vixy holds onto him, Danfro leaves them alone for a moment as he repairs and re energizes him self.

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #5237 on: December 16, 2009, 02:39:39 AM
Agro frowned. "It has nothing to do with looking cool! And-wait, did you just read my thoughts?!"
Get used to it, Now that i have reawakened, I will finish off that bastard, no matter what. Oh sorry, didn't mean to offend you, your much nicer than that other guy. So shall we teleport?


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Reply #5238 on: December 16, 2009, 02:43:20 AM
"Now you're just being arrogant!" Agro growled. "At this point Danfro is probably about as strong Roa was when he destroyed the world - and I don't even think he's reached his full potential!" Behind him, Ricardo nodded. "If you think you can win just because you're not human or whatever, then you're a moron."

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #5239 on: December 16, 2009, 02:47:45 AM
"Now you're just being arrogant!" Agro growled. "At this point Danfro is probably about as strong Roa was when he destroyed the world - and I don't even think he's reached his full potential!" Behind him, Ricardo nodded. "If you think you can win just because you're not human or whatever, then you're a moron."
I only want to stop him from messing with these cities, and if you believe that, Ricardo, you should see the other celestial beings. So if he is strong enough to destroy the world, we should find others to help us fight him, or maybe train. But if he keeps getting stronger, then this will never cease to end. Well you two know more about him, have any ideas?


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Reply #5240 on: December 16, 2009, 02:53:03 AM
Ricardo shrugged. "I only have the info Master Roa gave me-"

"Speaking of which, where is he anyway?" Agro asked with narrowed eyes.

"Like I said before he is taking care of somethings. He has decided that this matter is not, uh, worthy of his attention."

Agro shook his head. "That guys a real bastard anyway, about Danfro?"

"Of course. Master Roa was forming Danfro with the motive of making him his weapon, so he is aware of his capabilities...anyway, he apparently has the ability to control the VOID which alone makes him extremely powerful, not counting the power he already has..."

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Reply #5241 on: December 16, 2009, 02:55:08 AM
Ricardo shrugged. "I only have the info Master Roa gave me-"

"Speaking of which, where is he anyway?" Agro asked with narrowed eyes.

"Like I said before he is taking care of somethings. He has decided that this matter is not, uh, worthy of his attention."

Agro shook his head. "That guys a real bastard anyway, about Danfro?"

"Of course. Master Roa was forming Danfro with the motive of making him his weapon, so he is aware of his capabilities...anyway, he apparently has the ability to control the VOID which alone makes him extremely powerful, not counting the power he already has..."
That VOID is a amazing power, did this Roa create it? He seems quite the genius to create a machine like that and destroy the earth.


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Reply #5242 on: December 16, 2009, 02:57:57 AM
Ricardo shook his head. "No, the VOID has always been there. It is what everything returns to eventually - nothingness, but Master Roa was the one who discovered the way to maniuplate it and travel there without becoming nothing. But, it's different for Danfro, amazingly his power to do such things seems to be natural."

He scratched his head. "And as for Master Roa destroying the world? That was more like his power mixing with his boredom and insanity..."

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Reply #5243 on: December 16, 2009, 03:00:50 AM
Ricardo shook his head. "No, the VOID has always been there. It is what everything returns to eventually - nothingness, but Master Roa was the one who discovered the way to maniuplate it and travel there without becoming nothing. But, it's different for Danfro, amazingly his power to do such things seems to be natural."

He scratched his head. "And as for Master Roa destroying the world? That was more like his power mixing with his boredom..."
So then, shall we hit the VOID? Or will we try and think of another way to stop him?


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Reply #5244 on: December 16, 2009, 03:05:14 AM
"I can't really think of any other way..." Ricardo admitted and Agro nodded. "So, let's go...?"

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #5245 on: December 16, 2009, 03:07:06 AM
Well, I'm not certain about this either, but this is better than anything I can think of, so lead the way, if you please.


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Reply #5246 on: December 16, 2009, 03:10:27 AM
"Agro!" Ricardo commanded, "search out with your sharp senses!"

Agro sighed and reached out for Afro's presence. "I...I can feel it."

Ricardo nodded, and grabbed Agro and the others. "Let's go." Was all he said, before they vanished.

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Reply #5247 on: December 16, 2009, 03:14:41 AM
Min came a little too late, and saw Nova and a few others dissapear Nova? He turned back to his real state, I guess he is off once more, sigh.

In the VOID
Nova looked around the VOID So shall we find Danfro and annihilate him? I am anxious, or is it that gallant side of Rakun or whatever his name is? Shall we go and fight him, everyone, I can't stand letting those two people abused by Danfro.


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Reply #5248 on: December 16, 2009, 03:28:21 AM
When Ricardo had teleported them to the VOID, he had a placed a device on each of them "This allows us to keep out form while in the VOID, it's unbreakable, so don't do something stupid and drop it." He explained.

"At a time like this...I wish I had my old toothpick." He murmured and suddenly blinked when he felt it between his teeth. "What the-?"

"Like I said before, the VOID is where all things go. It's also the place where plotholes lead." Ricardo chuckled.

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Reply #5249 on: December 16, 2009, 03:36:43 AM
Danfro smirked to himself as he saw the group walking in the distance. As A heart broken Vixy sobs over a near dead Akira...

Danfro: SO the copy is back huh? Well since he's here I guess it would be rude of him not to say hi to some old friends...*he snaped his fingers and thus appeared some figures*

???8:'s you. could say that and since I have leading comand over you they are your warm up...have a nice time.

???8: What perv.

And thus these shadowy figures ambushed Hajime, Nova, Agro, and Ricardo. Every one took a fighting stance but Agro took a step back in disbelief...


MVN 8: Hello...MVN 5, you old perv you.  bVd

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...