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Alice in Entropy · 121372

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Offline Mirby

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Reply #125 on: April 17, 2010, 07:50:56 PM
[INCOMING MESSAGE FROM LUCKY STAR: Don't god mod Nova. INCOMING MESSAGE FROM MIRBY: Nova, since your char and mine are just alternate versions of each other, your powers are only as strong as mine, which are still limited. Just saying this to avoid any trouble! ^_^]

Mirby reappeared and found a thicket to hide behind. Much to her surprise, the robot she had saved earlier was there too!

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #126 on: April 17, 2010, 07:54:32 PM
The worm was defeated...or so it seemed.

From the flamming tornado emerged the beast, it's skin burned and torn. It bled a vile ooze of purple slime which melted the ground beneat it. Its magnifecent teeth were covered in the ashes of the corpses that made the surface of it's body.

The worm shrieked at the knights, as it shot out more teeth. However, the teeth transformed into daemons.

Worm summoned its children

There were four of them, each with their own characteristics. One was tall and thin, it's arms resembled large canons. Three long horns adorned his head, on its neck a necklace of fangs.

The other was large and round, and bore long sharp claws, and talons on it's tiny feet. On its stomach, was a horrifying face of a beast. Its head was short and ulmost unoticeable, and on it's ears were to large ring shapped teeth.

The last two seemed to be twins sisters. They had four arms, two of which were on their back. They had markings on thei body, one was parallel to the other. Instead of a face, they had a large crimson eye. Compared to the other daemons, they looked more like human beings.

They readied themselves for battle, taking their stance to fight with the knights.
In the mean time, the teeth of the worm melted unto its skin and formed a shell wich it used to hide inside.

Worm used Harden/Shell

"You hurt mama..." said the thin daemon
"...Those that hurt a Royal Daemon must be punished" proclaimed the round one.
"We'll mak sure you learn your lesson throught the Era of Hell" said one of the sisters
"...Your cute" The other sister told Sieg, its pale face turned orange.

The other daemon stared at the sister in confusion.
"...Well I think he is..can I keep him as a pet after we tear him apart?" The blushing daemon asked.
"..,Sure, I get to have the female though" The thin daemon told her.
"I could go either way really." The round one stated
"I get play with the sun faced warrior, he looks like he'll make fine toy" The other sister said as she stared at Sonne.

Children of Worm used Awkward Conversation

And so the four quickly went towards the knights with great speed.
"Please do entertain us."

Children of Worm are now ready to fight!

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #127 on: April 17, 2010, 08:02:58 PM
[INCOMING MESSAGE FROM LUCKY STAR: Don't god mod Nova. INCOMING MESSAGE FROM MIRBY: Nova, since your char and mine are just alternate versions of each other, your powers are only as strong as mine, which are still limited. Just saying this to avoid any trouble! ^_^]
Mirby reappeared and found a thicket to hide behind. Much to her surprise, the robot she had saved earlier was there too!
[I didn't think I was, but um, alright.]

Offline Mirby

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Reply #128 on: April 17, 2010, 08:08:24 PM
[Preemptive strike-type thing; Lucky was worried you might in the future, so I was just helping him out. Plus, he asked me to tell you ^_^]

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #129 on: April 17, 2010, 08:18:43 PM
[Alright, but tell him he should tell me himself, I won't rip him to shreds.
Though thanks for delivering the message. ^^]
Nova started waring down, his fists gradually going slower and slower
"Retreat seems best, even with White-Nova, Mirby and my power are split in half, only going 100% even with White-Nova" Nova thought, falling back as he made sure no Demons started following him.
"Fighting them now would be useless, we need more people..." Nova kept running until he found himself alone once more, the demons were being held back only a little.
"People have so many different ambitions, but what about me..." Nova pondered this as he fell onto the grass, a voice whispering into his mind
"Kill them Nova, with extreme prejudice."

Offline Blackhook

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Reply #130 on: April 17, 2010, 08:31:51 PM
The worm was defeated...or so it seemed.

From the flamming tornado emerged the beast, it's skin burned and torn. It bled a vile ooze of purple slime which melted the ground beneat it. Its magnifecent teeth were covered in the ashes of the corpses that made the surface of it's body.

The worm shrieked at the knights, as it shot out more teeth. However, the teeth transformed into daemons.

Worm summoned its children

There were four of them, each with their own characteristics. One was tall and thin, it's arms resembled large canons. Three long horns adorned his head, on its neck a necklace of fangs.

The other was large and round, and bore long sharp claws, and talons on it's tiny feet. On its stomach, was a horrifying face of a beast. Its head was short and ulmost unoticeable, and on it's ears were to large ring shapped teeth.

The last two seemed to be twins sisters. They had four arms, two of which were on their back. They had markings on thei body, one was parallel to the other. Instead of a face, they had a large crimson eye. Compared to the other daemons, they looked more like human beings.

They readied themselves for battle, taking their stance to fight with the knights.
In the mean time, the teeth of the worm melted unto its skin and formed a shell wich it used to hide inside.

Worm used Harden/Shell

"You hurt mama..." said the thin daemon
"...Those that hurt a Royal Daemon must be punished" proclaimed the round one.
"We'll mak sure you learn your lesson throught the Era of Hell" said one of the sisters
"...Your cute" The other sister told Sieg, its pale face turned orange.

The other daemon stared at the sister in confusion.
"...Well I think he is..can I keep him as a pet after we tear him apart?" The blushing daemon asked.
"..,Sure, I get to have the female though" The thin daemon told her.
"I could go either way really." The round one stated
"I get play with the sun faced warrior, he looks like he'll make fine toy" The other sister said as she stared at Sonne.

Children of Worm used Awkward Conversation

And so the four quickly went towards the knights with great speed.
"Please do entertain us."

Children of Worm are now ready to fight!
The four knights had a conversation during the time the Daemons had their own

"They do look kinda threatening, so are we doing a 4 vs 4 battle or do we do 1 on 1 fights?" Asked Sonne.
"1 on 1 Sonne, I take dibs on that thin one. I want his necklace  :3" Proclaimed Stolz
"Pfft, how childish of you, I could just take them all out with my time stopping" Said Schimmer, who was about to change forms but got stopped by Sieg
"You should stop focusing on only one of your abilities, try to win by using your other forms and besides your elder siblings want to fight too"

Knights are ready to fight

Stolz turned into model O and slashed at the thin daemon with her O-saber, trying to behead the daemon.
Schimmer turned into Queenbee the Hymenopteroid. He then proceeded to pick up the round Daemon and fly him high into the sky.
Sieg and Sonne faced the Daemon twins.
"They look kinda cute, from a certain point of view, don´t ya agree Sieg?" Asked Sonne, who gigled and waved his hand toward the girls
"Whatever, more importantly, do you guys have names?" Asked Sieg pointing his lance at the sisters. "You are different from the mindless beasts we fought till now and I think you might be worthy opponents, so please tell  me your names so I know what to write on your gravestones when I´m done with you"

Knights used counterattack!

Offline Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon

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Reply #131 on: April 17, 2010, 09:18:39 PM
The one who had saved Spectro earlier was now is the same thicket also. He went up to her.

"Hello. It seems our paths are destined to cross over and over again. Do you mind if I were to tag along with you? The lord of demons over there doesn't seem to be a very pleasant character."

I put on my [twin slasher] face.

I also go by Spectro D., Idylleaus, Malabar, and Dumb-bit Twofuck.

Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #132 on: April 17, 2010, 09:49:23 PM
[Ano... Could someone find Sapph and dig him out of the rubble that was once his place?]

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #133 on: April 17, 2010, 10:04:05 PM
Mean while in A.RPM, A.DWII, A.Afro and A.Stolz are closing in on the transdimensional machine's half in their world. They traveled for a while all over A.RPM until they arrived near a machine that was emitting the most powerful energy waves they could find. "This must be it!" A.DWII exclaimed as he read the readings his palmtop was giving him. " we need to find out what this thing exactly does." A.Afro said examining the machine. "Yes, once we do know, we can report the findings to the master." A.DWII said as he prepared some equipment. "Er...yeah that too." A.Afro said. Damn...I need to find away to use these before the doc can give this to that mad man every one calls our master. A/Afro thought to himself but he soon noticed something on the other side. Danshu.

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #134 on: April 17, 2010, 10:13:00 PM
Inside the city, Nova tried to get people to prepare themselves, although it seemed useless as Nova hasn't ever done anything important.
He gave up, and went to search for Mirby "If we're the same, then I can find her..." Nova's eyes opened, startled at5 what he just realized..."Oh god thats so confusing!" Nova walked, concentrating on what that meant..."Then....shes a"

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #135 on: April 17, 2010, 10:22:05 PM
The demon hardly put any effort in dodging the knights attacks.
"Are you trying to behead me? Or are you simply just fanning me?" The daemon teased.
The being slid under Stolz and blasted her from behind with one of his arm canons, sending her quite a distance away from the daemon. As his back faced the knight, he told her. "You have nice pair or undergarments, by the way." It then licked what is asumed to be his lips with his long tounge.

Thin Daemon used Panty Shot  8D

"Oh, the views quite nice up here. I always did wanted to see how the mortal world looked...shame I can only see a sea my breathren." The round daemon stated.  "Oh wait no, can see two dogs fishing from here...its making me hungry." its stomach began to drool.
"Oh well, no time for that, let's spar then." The daemon curbed himself into a ball and started spinning wildly. Since the knight was holding thight to the creature, he too spun wildly in mid-air.

Round Daemon used Crazy Roller

"Well look at that sister, a man with manners. How sweet of him to ask our name...Course in a proper meeting, one tells their name first before asking the others. Not that it matters." Said the more mature sister.
"Um...hi" Said the shy daemon, hiding behind her sister's leg like a scared child.
"Venenifer, that's no way to talk to your soon to be pet, you must show him whose the boss...observe." The daemon used chains which shot out from her body to quickly tie up Sonne in a perculiar way.
"YOUR GONNA BE MY [sonic slicer] NOW, GOT THAT!?...See, easy as that." The daemon told her less aggresive sister.

Crazy Sister used Bind

"As I mentioned before, my sister's name is Venenifer. As for my own, you may call me, Viduata." She told Sieg.
"Um...'k" Venenifer slowly approched Seig...and hugged him.

"..." Her cheeks blushed with an orange hue.

Venenifer used Hug...D'awwww

"Your body's quite cold...I kinda like it" And tough the knights body was indeed cold, the daemon began to sweat.
This made the knight feel a bit uncomfortable.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #136 on: April 17, 2010, 10:47:19 PM
"And from the skies rained fire, and from the earth grew fire, and the inferno of the pit rose up and gathered around the people. The land became scorched by the demonic hellfire, and the Beast ruled over its terrible domain ever more."

The Darkaiser Castle found an area somewhere in the Badlands where nobody resided. It slowed its movement and sent a number of black tendrils crashing into the ground below.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #137 on: April 17, 2010, 10:52:17 PM
Mirby looked at Spectro. "Yeah, sure. That is probably a good idea..." she said.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #138 on: April 17, 2010, 11:04:47 PM
Meanwhile, in the ruins that had been Sapph's, Sapph himself regained conciousness, found himself incapable of moving, and severely hacked off. "Damn... I need to get outta here..." He growled, struggling a little, but not making progress. "Now let's see... How am I gonna attract attention?" He asked himself, thinking surprisingly rationally. "If I use lightning, I'll probably pass out... And I doubt anyone'll hear me if I call for help... If someone was in earshot, they'd probably think me crackers for talking to myself anyway. Hmm... Meh, I'll try the lightning." He said to himself, finally deciding what to do.

He flexed his muscles and relaxed them, continually repeating this action and picking speed to generate enough electricity. After several minutes of this, he had gathered what he felt was enough, and he was physically tired. "Hope this works..." Sapph sighed, releasing all of the electricity straight up and through the cracks in the rubble. The electricity rose several hundred feet into the air and formed the letters SOS with a line connecting to where he was.

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #139 on: April 17, 2010, 11:05:27 PM
"You two should better hurry up, the demons are spreading, and that guy up there is starting to get annoying with his preaching" Nova breached into Mirby's mind,  feeding her his thoughts.
"I'm glad you haven't severed our ties when we took down Eden, though that makes us both weaker, too."
The town had obviously been hit somewhat, a rain was pouring, the sky here was also red, but not the crimson of where the hole was. Some of the houses were broken, either than that it was alright, no one noticing the crazy fellow doing destructive stuff.
He sat down in a restaurant, severing the call, he munched on his sandwich, his human form looking like he just returned from working in the skeleton king mines. After finishing his lunch, he set what little things he could create and set them down on the table, he walked away from the town, slamming his fist on the town's sign, on his way to where the monster was heading.
"If there's a giant floating castle and a beast smashing through towns, there ought to be someone else there fighting back."
Nova sped through town, floating an inch from the ground as he left drivers dazed from seeing a man levitating to the center of the destruction and earthquakes.

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Reply #140 on: April 17, 2010, 11:21:33 PM
Stolz crushed into the ground. As she got up she was unhurt on the outside, but her ego was hurt pretty badly. It seemed that she was surrounded by a sinister aura, that made some bystanding demons tremble in fear.
"So, I guess you really want to return back to hell ,huh? Well good, because I can help you out with that!  O:<"
She started rapidly firing her O-buster at the thin Daemon while she rushed towards him, hitting  some bystanders in the process.

Knight chick used Rage!

"Weeee the world is spinniiiiiing yaaaaaay 8D"
Schimmer has already turned into Hedgeshock the Erinaceroid (for some reasons Schimmer felt a hunger for chilly dogs and a urge to say his name over and over again). His spinning was faster than the spinning of the round daemon so he was able to free himself from it, hurting it in the process. The he used an electric attack against the daemon

Tanuki knight used Thunderbolt!

"You think you can trap me with bonds? You think you can call me your [sonic slicer]? Ha! Let me kindly return the favor to you!"
With that Sonne´s cape changed it´s shape and turned into ropes that tied up Viduata the same way she tied up Sonne.
"Now it looks like we are eachothers bitches sha-ha-ha-ha-ha  >0< oh but Sonne´s feelings go deeper that that Miss big eye Mc sado-maso"
As he said that, the ropes startedstrangling Viduata, threating to cut her appart

Psycho knight used Constrict

"Errrrm....I am really not used to this kind of situation...Sonne, what should I do?" :| Asked Sieg
"I´m ON A DATE right now!"
Sieg then started thinking about what his other siblings would do, but then he remembered that those two are immature brats who keep acting before thinking about it. He probably should not care for this demon anyway, he killed and hurt many people in his life, but then this was really akward he can´t atack unless Venenifer does anything threatening to him. In his desperation he started thinking about what Blackhook would do.
"Venenifer is a nice name err...I am Sieg by the way... '>.>"

Gentleman Knight is confused...and a virgin

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #141 on: April 18, 2010, 01:43:38 AM
Meanwhile, in a forest...

"...We've been walking for quite a bit haven't we?" StrangeMan asked his companions.
"I told you, we're lost...and I'm starting to get hungry. Nyyaaaar" Nekolian stomach rumbled loudly.
The two then checked on their broccoli friend, who was munching on some rocks.
"...I'm fine, just ate...want some?" The creature offered his treats.

"Er, no thanks Brocky, I can't eat rocks" Nekolian told Brocky.
StrangeMan however was all too happy to take the rocks and quickly stuffed them in his mouth.
"*crunch* *crunch* *gulp* Ah. A bit salty, but not bad."

"...How did you-" Suddenly, Nekolian noticed a strange pattern in the sky.
"...S...O...S...looks like we're not the only ones here. Come on guys!" The cyborg quickly dashed towards the source of the signal, StrangeMan and Brocky followed right behind him.

The daemon dodged the blast from the knights buster, his steps made it look as if he was dancing with the wind.
"Yes, YES! OH MA~MA! I simply adore a feisty woman! Dance with me! Dance with The Wind, Ventus!" Vents shot out multiple large bullets of compressed, some of which phased right through Stolz buster shots. The two grew ever closer to each other.

Ventus dodged Stolz attack!
Ventus used Aeroblast

Though the attack hit the daemon, it did nothingto it.  "Oh ho, that tickles." The daemon merely shrugged off the shock. "Now then, are we gonna play seriously now?" The round demon dad right behind the knight and clawed his back. The attack was even able to penetrate the warrior's armor.
The daemn showedit'scaws, which shined ever brightlly as it reflected the light of the nearby flames. "Be happy knight, you're going to become The Beast, Vestia's meal."

Schimmer's attack was not very effective
Vestia used Slash, it was very effective!

Viduata only laughed as the ropes grew tighter and tighter. She closed her eyelids in a way that mimicked  mischievious smile.
"You really think you can pull a fast one on me? HA!! THINK AGAIN!!" Viduata's body began to crumble away, the ropes fell t tegrund. In her stead,layed millions of spiders which resembled black widow spiders.
Thespider's quickly formed back into the daemon witch. She laughed at Sonne
 in amocking maner.
"You're gonna have to try harder if you wanna get a hold of The Widow, Viduata!. By the way...boom."

Sonne was a bit confused by what she meant by the word. He then noticed the chains which binded him had transformed it spiders. One of the spiders started flashing, then another, and another, until all spiders began to flash. Suddenly, all the spiders exploded with the force of nitrogen bombs.

Viduata's spiders used Self-Destruct

Venenifer continued to hold unto Sieg, her sweat began to pourunto his armor. She was ejoying this moment of sweetnes...but, her happy expression soon turned into a sad one.
"Its not're so sweet. If only I didn't have to kill you..." She muttered to the knight.
Sieg then noticed something peculiar, it bega to get hotter. When he looked down, to his horror, he saw his armor slowly melting away as the streams of the daemons sweat touched hismetal plating.

"It will all be oversoon...think of it this way, at least you died in the arms of The Poison, Venenifer...I'm sorry..."

Venenifer used Acid...still kinda cute that way she's kiling him with a hug. -w-

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Reply #142 on: April 18, 2010, 02:20:10 AM
The Beast roared again, standing in the pit with its mighty body stretching out upwards, and Blackmore watched joyfully as the demonic hordes wreaed chaos below.

The castle, having fixed itself to this particular spot, proceeded to fire a beam of dark energy into the ground below, blowing a large crater into the barren wasteland floor. It slowly lowered itself down to the ground, retracted the tentacles anchoring it there, and fixed itself into the fiery crater here in the wastelands.

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Reply #143 on: April 18, 2010, 03:40:36 AM
"Erg, this place sure is shaking a lot, I still haven't found a single person here, and my feet are killing me."
The thin man continued to wander around inside Darkaiser Castle.

"Wish I had a comfy chair to sit on" He though to himself. He then stumbled upon a finely crafted throne. Fit for a dark and terrifying king.

"Ah, a sit! I'm sure no one will mind if I sit down on it." Adn so he did.

The chair was comfortable, though a bit painful thanks to some of the spikes.

"...This thing needs to be re-designed."
The man took out his sketch book, and drew a silhoutte of himself, sitting on the sketch lines of a throne. He quickly finished the drawing and closed his book.

The once dark throne started to get the shape of something a bit more light hearted.

The throne now looked like a cartoonish dog, it's eyes which were connected by a spring poped out from the back rest of the sit. The arm rest we're shaped like the dog's paws.
And below the sit was the hound's mug with it's tounge sticking out. The throne can also be transformed into a reclining chair with the simple pull of a lever. Next to the lever was a cup holder for when one wants   relax and drink.

And of course what throne wouldn't be complete withouth it's very own vibration system.

*Brrrrrrrrrrrrr*"A-a-a-a--a-a-a-a-a-a-h N-n-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-c-c-c-e-e-e."

The man then drew a television set and a remote on the same page wich had the Alpha Pop Dog Throne.
It was cruedly drawn thatnks to the vibration, but the man was satisfied.

"Now let's see what's on TV." The man saw on the light box the many daemons which tormented the outside world.
"Errg. A parade, how boring. What else is on?"

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Reply #144 on: April 18, 2010, 03:49:34 AM
From behind the throne emerged Deathwatch, who had been observing the intruder's presence since he arrived. He threw his arm out and wrapped a skeletal hand around the man's neck, gripping it tightly and dragging him out of the chair and up to suitable face level.

"I don't know who you are or how you got in here," snarled Deathwatch, his eyes burning ragefully, "But I suggest you take your leave this very insant. Unless you would like me to tighten my grip and force your eyeballs out of your sockets like smashed grapes."

With his free hand he sliced a portal with his scythe, then forcibly threw the man through it, back to the outside world, and sealed it shut again. The sketch creations instantly faded and his master's throne returned to its usual form.

"The things I do in the name of evil..."

The castle, now settled firmly into the hellish wasteland, erected a large fountain of dark flames around it and numerous smaller black structures nearby it.

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #145 on: April 18, 2010, 03:57:16 AM
Nova looked at the castle at the distance...
"Looks a lot like Ganondorf's castle from Orcarina Of Time,weird."

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Reply #146 on: April 18, 2010, 04:20:11 AM
Tai, who was far away from the chaos at that moment, was starting to get really bored. To see if he could find anything to do, he teleported to the Grasslands, unfortunately, his telporter broke somehow before he arrived to the ground and he started falling. Luckily, he fell on Lucky's ship making the fall not that bad.

"Ouch, what the hell happened" he said while holding his head in pain.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

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Reply #147 on: April 18, 2010, 04:23:07 AM
Cap'n, Mania and Agro were walking along looking for Afro when suddenly a portal opened above them. "Aw crap not this again!" Agro took several steps back away from the portal, only to break the fall of a thin man with a sketch book who came from a different portal behind him. "...Yup...He sure is a genetic clone of Afro." * -AC* Said Cap'n as he casual walked over with Mania. "So who are you and why are you sitting on my younger brothers clone?" he asked.

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

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Reply #148 on: April 18, 2010, 04:33:10 AM
Lucky, seeing someone landing on his ship, immediately climbed out of the cockpit and ran onto the bow. He approached the brown-haired young man and helped him get to his feet.

"Wow, that must have been some fall you had," he said with a quaint little smile. He looked up and down at the newcomer and blinked curiously. "You look...familiar. Do I know you?"

Offline Solar

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Reply #149 on: April 18, 2010, 04:37:17 AM
"I don't know, do you? I'm sorry, I'm not that good with faces I don't see often." said Tai a bit embarassed.

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