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Alice in Entropy · 120643

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #100 on: April 16, 2010, 11:42:36 PM
"95%, sir. One minute remaining."

The ground began to shake and rumble even more violently, and a large cannon in the shape of a monstrous eye appeared from below the castle.

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #101 on: April 17, 2010, 12:42:54 AM
"Hmph, something feels odd...I just don't know what.." Nova said, pretending not to noticethe sky seeming to warn Nova of something, too bad he couldn't understand what exactly it was. But he didn't care, if something was going to happen, at least it could help make something more understandable.

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Reply #102 on: April 17, 2010, 12:51:31 AM
"This... this is an omen of ill fortune," Mirby said upon sensing a change in the air. Suddenly. unexpected, the ocean around the island started to bubble and froth... "Yeah, this is bad." The air she was breathing started to stagnate, the trees on the island took a sickly pallor, and the very warmth of life seemed to vanish. "Really, really, REALLY bad... The only way this could work is if the very energy of this world was being used for... for something it shouldn't... What could be happening?" The sky turned a deadly shade of red...

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #103 on: April 17, 2010, 12:55:41 AM
"Well, we can't do much if we're stranded on an island." Nova said, building up coruage, then looking at Mirby, not a least bit flustered at all. For once.
He stomped the ground, starting to shift the trees to create a makeshift boat. He presumed to jump onto it, extending his hand "Can you paddle fast, Mirby?"

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Reply #104 on: April 17, 2010, 01:10:28 AM
"No, but the water can destroy that fast," Mirby said as the boiling ocean incinerated the boat.

"What? Aw man!" Nova said. "What will we do now?"

"I think... I think this is the safest place..." Mirby used the Scann sigil and pinpointed the source of the energy disruption.

"Where is it coming from?"

"That castle... the one we were warped to... And it's about to fire..." Suddenly, the Scann sigil broke, and the mortal forms of both Mirby and Nova came undone...

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #105 on: April 17, 2010, 01:14:53 AM
"100% power achieved, sir," declared Deathwatch, "Now preparing launch of the Eye of Dante."

"Marvellous! Ohhhhh, I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner, hyeheheheheheheheheheh~"

Slowly, the eye below the castle opened up and glared down at the rumbling ground below. It began to glow a sinister crimson hue. Deathwatch began the countdown.


Energy gathered in the centre of the eye.


The ground began to shake even more agitatedly.


A. Lucky looked at the flying castle in the distance. "The hell?"


Lucky, from the front of his ship, was also staring at the castle in the sky. "That can't be good..."


The energy stopped flowing into the eye. It was now pulsing madly, with thick veins of red energy glowing around the centre. There was a cold, ominous silence. Even the air seemed to stop moving.

"Fire the Eye of Dante!"

It did just that. In one mighty blast, a gigantic laser beam of blood-red energy crashed straight into the earth below, shattering through the ground and releasing a powerful shockwave across the burning floor. In that moment, a series of huge cracks appeared along the ground and spread out like a mostrous spider's legs. The ground rumbled and shook like the very planet was being thrown across the sky. Flames quickly began to issue forth from the fissures and cracks spread madly across the ground. Blackmore watched with grim delight as his plan unfolded before him.

Soon afterwards, the laser slowed down and eventually dissipated, leaving a gigantic flaming crater where it burned its way through the ground. Everything seemed quiet once again.

And then, from seemingly nowhere, came a mighty roar that seemed to shake the planet to its very core.

"Behold, RPM!" declared Blackmore, who had scaled the castle and was now standing at the very topmost tower, his cape billowing in the dark sky theatrically and terribly, "Your worst nightmare! Hell on earth is here at last! HYAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH~!"

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #106 on: April 17, 2010, 01:22:36 AM
Nova, realizing that his human form practically dissolved into thin air, escaped from its shell, knocked back on his heels, trying to understand what happened. Indeed this was not his day. As he tumbled onto the sandy shore, no control of his body, but still in control from his core. He released the flames. sending them to understand exactly where he was. Fortunatly, he ragained control of himself, seeing what happened to Mirby, just a soul.
"It appears that we finally get to battle" The water flowed into the cracks of the earth, Nova sprinting through them, jumping and dodging as the earth tried to devour his delicous soul.
With his very might, he ran towards where the laser erupted, obviously pissed off that someone believed they could do whatever they pleased to RPM
"You fool, making such a mark on this place." Nova said calmly.

Offline Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon

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Reply #107 on: April 17, 2010, 01:24:22 AM
[[Does this mean everyone's dead?]]

I put on my [twin slasher] face.

I also go by Spectro D., Idylleaus, Malabar, and Dumb-bit Twofuck.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #108 on: April 17, 2010, 01:28:08 AM
Now in their ethereal forms, Nova and Mirby watched in sheer horror and utter sadness as a massive rift appeared.

"This... this is bad. Very very bad... Let me try something..." Mirby opened a CSR and, much to her surprise, it worked perfectly! "Let's go... we need to seal this rift! Ready?"

"Yeah! Let's go!" They entered the rift and vanished from the now-devastated island.

[no, it's just a massive rift, not the end of the world. Confusing, I know, but that's what happened]

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #109 on: April 17, 2010, 01:32:40 AM
Blackmore laughed heartily at Nova's bold bravado below him.

"Oh, you simplistic little boy! How magnificent you are! You see that hole there? The big flaming crater you're standing beside? That, my dear boy, is The Abyss. You may know it as Hell, Gehenna, Shaitan, Abaddon, evil rose by any other name would be just as deliciously hideous, as the saying goes. At any rate, I do reccomend you move. I somehow doubt the pleasant little creatures that live down there will be too pleased about my impetuous interruption~!"

A soul-chilling noise, the combined cacophony of thousands of eldritch beings moaning, gnashing, hissing, roaring, growling and shrieking all at once, emerged from the flaming pit. With it came things; things so undeniably monstrous and fiendish that they could only be described as things, or demons, or monsters. These things were of the foulest nightmares, things that could only be conjured forth by a horrendously gruesome mind, baroque beings that defied all senses of logic, taste and sanity. These nightmarish things crawled, leapt, flew and emerged from the burning inferno of The Abyss in their hundreds.

"I'm. Just. Getting. Started."

[[Does this mean everyone's dead?]]

No. Nothing has been destroyed. There is, however, a gigantic crater where eldritch abominations are coming to desecrate the land.

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Reply #110 on: April 17, 2010, 01:34:21 AM
Meanwhile, in the heart of RPM City, three Afroed figures fell from the sky. One with a stern and serious face landed on his feet as if the fall was nothing, the other with a more sadistic and evil smirk landed kneeling, and punched the floor shattering it on impact and the third...well he just fell and landed face first in a water fountain.

 "..." the two other figures just watched as the third got back up. "What the hell was that!?" shouted the soaked figure. "Hm...It seems we're back in RPM but it seems....newer." Said the stern one. "Bah, I don't give a crap any more Cap'n! All this madness is just my kind of town you know." said the sadistic one. " does seem fitting for some one like you Mania, but we need to find DWII and our brother Afro." said Cap'n as he began to walk. "Uhg, fine. Come on 'Fro we're leaving." Said Mania to the soaked afro figure. "Hey I told you it's AGRO now. I just need to figure out how in the world my hair grew back so's alsmot as if it was never cut in the first place." Said Agro as he followed Cap'n and Mania.

Else where, Waddle Dee fell right into his class room. " think just cause your the new student you can come here and crash my desk?" said a rather feirce looking student. the waddle dee looked and saw he cras landed on top of the fore mentioned desk. "Looks like we need to teach him a lesson boys!" said the student as he cracked his knuckles and several rather muscular students came from behind. The waddle dee facepalmed before he got tackled.

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

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Reply #111 on: April 17, 2010, 01:34:46 AM
The blast from the Eye of Dante caused the area around Sapph's to shake, and crumble, causing the building, with Sapph on it, to collapse. "AUGH! SON OF A--" Before he could finish, a large piece of rubble struck his head and knocked him out cold, burying him in the arena that made up most of the inside of Sapph's, covered in rubble. Sapph wasn't dead, but he'd be severely sore, and pissed off, when he'll wake up.

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #112 on: April 17, 2010, 01:37:26 AM
"Once again you save me from utter defeat, I should keep a tally." Nova said, his mind trying to process what happened.
"So a army of demons, how fantastically cliche, an army from the depths of hades, the souls of the damned. Come to reck havoc among the living and make them live in the coffins the demons oh so despised. Make them bow down in fear, or maybe enslave them all? Indeed closing the rift would end it all quickly. Or it could only be hopeless like the Titanic, where only very few shall survive and the brave workmen sink." Nova pondered.

Offline Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon

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Reply #113 on: April 17, 2010, 01:52:07 AM
Spectro finally got his body under control again, wondering what the hell was with the flying castle.

Then, as if in response to his questions, the flying castle fired a beam straight into the ground, creating a massive quake as it fissured the landscape, causing Spectro to fall.

After that was over, Spectro got up and tried to get a clear view of what happened. He wouldn't be able to see much from inside the city, but running over to the site of the blast would be suicidal. Still, there wasn't much to lose if he went to investigate, so over he went to the giant fissure.

I put on my [twin slasher] face.

I also go by Spectro D., Idylleaus, Malabar, and Dumb-bit Twofuck.

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Reply #114 on: April 17, 2010, 02:34:18 AM
Above the crater, the thin figure was flying above, gazing at the beasts and rift he oh so barely manage to evade.

"Eeeerrggh, that was too close. I amost fell down that pit of horrible, ravenous customers. Must be a sale going on" The man muttered to himself as his sketchy and cartoonish wings flapped merrily.

He chuckled "At least I know this place has good buisness. I just hope they still a spot open for me" He then flew over to the castle, in search for a job.

A few minutes ago...

Caramel was still watching the sky, she was looking for clouds that resembled animals, objects or other people.
"That one looks like a' octopuss! That one looks like a' eagle! Ooh, that one looks like a space man!...this is borring." She pouted, as she usualy does when she's upset.
"It's no fun playing with myself. I need somebody else to play with me!" She shoutted angrily.

After her tamtrum, Caramel looked up at the sky, and to her suprise, she found a shooting star.
Seeing said star gave her a big smile on her face, Mr.Bloody told her that if one sees such a star, if they wish upon it, they deepest desire will come true...sadly.
She didn't undestand what he meant by that, but she knew that this way, she'll find someone to play wit.

So she closed her eyes and said: "Mr.Star, can I have a friend to play wait ,make it lotsa friends! So many friends that won't get bored so quickly. Please Mr.Star, can you make that wish happen?"

And as she oponned her eyes, the ground began to shake. By the second, it shook stronger and more violent.
The land cracked and fell into the fiery abyss that laid before the eyes of the child. Soon after, the child too fell into the abyss.

As she fell down, she saw dozens upon hundreds upon thousands of beings. Big and small, short and long, with multiple limbs, eyes, mouths, tentacles, claws, teeth etc. She continued to fall, the spikes, claws , horns and teeth of the creatures scratched an tore parts of her skin off as she descended deeper and deeper into the flaming pit.

As she continued to fall, she saw the most unimaginable, most groutesque, mind ripping abominations not even concieved by the human imagination. Beings that would drive anyone who merely glances at them mad.

But what did Caramel do? She smiled. Because her wish was indeed granted, now she had an endless amount...of friends.

She closed her eyes and sighed happily. Then from within the flames of the abyss, one of the beings, which could only be described as a giant worm like monstsity made of melting corpses and large human teeth that formed various rings around it' entire body, swallowed the girl whole as it made it's way toward the surface. [ 8D]

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #115 on: April 17, 2010, 04:34:34 AM
Nova landed near the hole in the earth, he closed his eyes as he mended the earth, though the demons kept coming at him, so he decided to fight back. He slashed them away with his sword arm. Stabbing them and extending his reach as they attacked in rows. sending homing beams to grab them into a cluster as he took them out using his remarkable strategy. Although he was successful in taking down demons, they came in many different forms, with wings and large claws. Ones that rolled around, trying to pounce on him and rip his very core away from him. All their weaknesses where the lack of range, though some did.
"If only I could fight them all back, I am only one Starlight." Nova unleashed White-Nova from his body, doubling his abilities, only for the time that he could control the copies mind. He fought back with more ferocity, trying to hold back his copies mind from controlling him.

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Reply #116 on: April 17, 2010, 05:12:31 AM
Akamaru and Maru continue to fish among all the destruction. The evidently massive laser that tore a massive crater on the planet went mostly unnoticed since they are floating on the water. Sure there where a few large waves, but that just increased their determination to capture dinner.

Akamaru: "You know... Why was my clone in the water acting like a fish?
Maru: "I don't know. I was just there for some reason."
Akamaru: "I see. I won't be fishing others in the water, right?"
Maru: "Nah. I don't think so."

And so, they continue to fish for some fish, while the fighting and destruction continues.

When was the last time I poked you guys...

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Reply #117 on: April 17, 2010, 05:59:51 AM
The thin figure managed to make his way through the ever growing number of eldritch beings. He rested on a nearby ledge.

"Flying is tiring...luckilly I got here withouth having to fight tos grizly beings...makes me wonder just what this guy's are selling." He thought to himself.

He opened up his sketch book ad ripped out a piece a paper. The paper has a sketch of a man with the same shape as the one holding the very same drawing, it also bore the same wings the thin man had mysteriously sprouted.

From his belt, he took out a small capsule. The man pressed the button on the capsule and it instantly transformed into a lighter. He used said lighter to burn away the sketch.

As the paper burned, so too did the man's wings.
"I have such a useful ability" He told himself. "Now then, let's see if I can get a job"
The man then began to climb up towards the nearest window, rather slugishly.
Suddenly a demon clawed the man from behind.
"AAAAAIIIIGH!! The hurt you dick...I'm trying" The man starred down, he was quite high up from what used to be the ground.
"...I shouldn't have erased those wings" The man began to sweat. He held tight to the bricks of this great structure of evil. The demon swooped towards him for a second attack.

Things looked grim for the man. Since he had no other choice, the man had to defend himself the only way he could.
He oponed up his sketch book to begin to draw, however, since he had to hold himself up with his drawing hand, the man could not properly draw.
The demon drew closer, th an had to think fast, lest he plummet to his death or be maulled by a hellish being.
Suddenly, a pencil with a perculiar design appeared in his mouth. He hasty drew on his sketch pad, the demon was drew closer, its claws ready to tear at the man.Its maw drooled with anticpation over the thougt of feasting on the man's entrails.

Out of nowhere, a strange swarm of scribbles appeared and pounced the demon. It seemed to mimic a mouth and bit the abomination, it's many scribbles skewering the whole body of the being.

The demon fell, asthe scribbles continued to bite it, all the way to the bottom of the abyss.
"Erg, those customers are fierce. I really hope I don't get fired on the first day for this."
The man quickly went up the window and entered the castle.

"Phew....gonna take a break before applying for a job here." muttered the man, finding a corner to sit down and rest his tired body.

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Reply #118 on: April 17, 2010, 12:30:44 PM
Lucky watched the carnage from afar, wondering whether or not to get involved. He knew well enough that Blackmore never had any motivation behind what he did, other than a twisted desire to wreak havoc and cause devestation. He was chaos incarnate, it seemed.

Lucky sighed and walked back to the main cockpit of his ship. He couldn't just sit here while Hell was, quite literally, being raised.


The pit seemed to go on forever and ever. No matter how many things were slain, more and more rose out of the pit to tarnish the world of the living. Blackmore was, of course, taking great pleasure in watching the world descend into insantiy beneath him. As though to accentuate his blasphemy, he reached into his cap and produced a large book, leather-bound, with a crimson cover and a large pentacle on the front. He opened it towards the end and flipped through a few pages until he found what he was looking for. In a loud, booming, dramatic voice, he read it aloud.

"And yea the pit did open, and the ground was torn, and the sky was coloured dark with blood and shadows; and from the pit did emerge foul daemons, the legions of Hell, to bring despair to saint and sinner alike."

The ground rumbled again, and the cracks spread even further across the ground. More and more flames blasted out of the fissures on the earth, hissing and seething and spitting out like fiery tongues.

"And as the men and women of mortals screamed and howled lamentations and prayed, a great Beast emerged from the fiery pit. They beheld the Beast, having a body like blazing hellfire, and six arms, and four horns, and many eyes, and a maw like the pit itself. They beheld in awe and fear as the Beast emerged, climbed from the inferno of the pit, and with flames issuing from its many eyes and mouth, gave a roar that shook the world."

Indeed, as Blackmore read out the verse, the Beast he described slowly emerged, clambering its way out of The Abyss and and bellowing fire from all over its gigantic body.


"And yea, though the world of mortals feared the Beast, they stood in awe of its great power. And in their fear and awe, they abandoned their god and fell to their knees and gave worship to the Beast."

Blackmore, grinning like a madman - which he was, of course - leapt from the high tower and landed on top of the Beast's head.

"And the people offered worship upon the Beast, and they declared thus: "Who is like unto the Beast? WHO IS ABLE TO MAKE WAR WITH HIM?""

Little did anyone notice the Darkaiser Castle, moving ever so slowly.

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Reply #119 on: April 17, 2010, 02:24:04 PM
4 figures were standing and watching the beast emerging from the pit.Wearring white armors and carrying weapons in their hands they were discussing with eachother

"Hwa-ha-ha-ha-ha, now this is one hell of a party, what about it guys, shall we play the 4 horsemen?"

Said Ritter Sonne, the knight who´s wearring a mask shaped like an evil looking sun. Stolz, the young woman replied to him:

"We are looking for the misstres, we have no time for pitty games"

The smallest of the four - Schimmer then suggested

"We landed in this world and the first thing we meet is hell...don´t you think this is the chance to proove that the armor created by the misstres can wistand the forces of hell, what do you thing, Sieg?"

The leader of the 4 and the oldest one Sieg didn´t answer, he looked around and saw the spot where Carammel was just standing.

"Those monster make hold from nobody, they are a threat for this whole world, we should stop those beasts"

"Stop them?" asked Stolz, "why should we care about them?"

"Because they mean harm to Silan and we as her guardians and followers should not allow any harm to her"

Said Sieg and charged at the demons. The other three looked after him, then they quickly follwed him.

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Reply #120 on: April 17, 2010, 04:00:54 PM
It was truly a sight to behold; the wretched beast towered over the landscape, making all sorts of grotesque noises. It looked as if it could rip the sky open if it raised its arms up.

But this was no time for poetic prose. Spectro needed to hide from the thing's view, because it didn't look like it was going to just stand there (plus, there was a whole profusion of demons emerging from the fissure). He ran for cover in a nearby thicket, waiting for something or someone that could be of help.

I put on my [twin slasher] face.

I also go by Spectro D., Idylleaus, Malabar, and Dumb-bit Twofuck.

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Reply #121 on: April 17, 2010, 04:36:31 PM
[Er, Blackhook, Carammel was eaten...however, if you wish to do battle with the thing that ate her... [eyebrow] ]

The four knights began to slay the daemons. Using their special abilities and great strenght, they tore away at the first wave of this vile creatures. But it was useless, the more the armored warriors slashed away at the abominations of hell itself, the more of this creatures came from within the abyss, one more groutesque than the other.

They managed to hold their own, when suddenly...


*Pokemon Battle theme plays*

A giant worm-like creature appeared before the knights. Its maw drooling for the flesh of the warriors that stood before. Hungry for them, the worm shook its body, which made the corpses that made it skin, look as if they we're dancing madly.

In its disturbing excitement, the creature spun the many rings of giant teeth which it wore like a necklace. But this was not a show of the worms happyness, suddenly a few of the many teeth which adorned the worm, shot out and headded straight for the knights. And the worm continued to shoot one after another, making sure it crushes its prey.

Inside the casltle walls, the thin man began to explore this place.
"...Hello? Anyone there?...I'm looking for a job..." The man received no answer.

He wondered if he could truly find a good job in this empty retro mall.

As he ventured deeper into this structure.

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Reply #122 on: April 17, 2010, 05:22:22 PM
"And lo, the Beast was not pleased with the homage and worship offered unto it; for it wanted not such things, but only to sow the seeds of destruction and rain fire upon all the land. And though the men and women continued to offer unto it worship, the Beast gave them no such mercy. And their god saw this and wept."

While all this was happening, the Darkaiser Castle continued to move. It was moving away from the site of the pit, seemingly moving towards a part of the land scarcely touched by the citizens since anyone cared to remember.

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #123 on: April 17, 2010, 05:23:31 PM
Nova's patience was running out with the demons, as the beast emerged from his prison, Nova looked at him, eyes flickering to him and the rest.
"I'm so glad you could all join me, ah and there is the one I praise for White-Nova" He batted an eye over to Schimmer, charging down the demons.
Sending barrage after barrage of attacks and traps, he let out a cry "Kill him, Nova, with extreme anger and prejudice!"

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Reply #124 on: April 17, 2010, 05:37:33 PM
The four knights were unfased by the sudden appearance of the worm creature. Schimmer used his A-trance ability to change his form into that of Chronoforce the Xiphosuroid. In a blink of an eye all the teeth the worm shoot out were lying frozen on the ground and the worm had a dozen of huge ice icicles stucked to its body.

"Now time, REVERSE!"

After schimmer said that the icicles flught out of the worm´s body, the worm started "bleeding" strongly, but Schimmer wasn´t done.

"Now time, FAST FORWARD"

Now the icicles flew straight back at the beast, hitting it on the same spots. Schimmer -Chronoforce then repeated that attack over and over and over again, making the worm fall to the ground. Schimmer then changed his appearance again, this time he turned into Black Nova. Stolz joined her "brother" and turned into her model F form. The worm was then bombarded by the hail of fire, which was strengthened thanks to the air manipulation of ritter Sieg. Within minutes the entire worm was engulfed in a fire tornado. Ritter Sonne was staring sadly at the beast.

"Aww man,why can´t I use such attacks...I have to talk with Ms. Silan about this, the moment we find her :'("

Knights used combo move!
It was super effective