The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)

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Offline Satoryu

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Reply #1600 on: February 16, 2011, 06:58:24 PM
so wait.... what version of MvC3 should I get? I ain't investing $300 in Canadian money on 2 fightsticks!

You don't need to. 360 sticks work on PS3s, but not the other way around.

I haven't had any problems playing the game on the new rotating dpad 360 controller. I never tried my stock controller because I know better.

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #1601 on: February 16, 2011, 08:36:23 PM
This is for the Marvel votes:

This is for the Capcom votes:

Okay, I did this! Yay!

Offline Ninja Lou

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Reply #1602 on: February 17, 2011, 04:08:46 AM
Okay, so who voted and and who did you vote for? As for which version I have I bought the collector editions for both systems.

PSN name is Ninja_Lou
Gamer Tag is Ninja Lou 53

If you add me just make a note in the message that you are an RPMer. It will take me a bit to add people because I'm still doing (starting) a paper.

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Offline Ramzal

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Reply #1603 on: February 17, 2011, 04:24:36 AM
Is anyone else getting tired of having to fight Dante online?

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #1604 on: February 17, 2011, 04:55:29 AM
If you add me just make a note in the message that you are an RPMer. It will take me a bit to add people because I'm still doing (starting) a paper.

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Teacher - "Um Lou, what does any of this have to do with the impact of statistics on our economy?"

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #1605 on: February 17, 2011, 05:09:49 AM
Okay, so who voted and and who did you vote for? As for which version I have I bought the collector editions for both systems. 
I only did Capcom so far, but I put:

Mega Man X
Jon Talbain (Darkstalkers)
Ryu (Breath of Fire)
Red Arremer

Is anyone else getting tired of having to fight Dante online?
Eh, I've been running into more Akumas. Dantes are certainly up there though.

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Reply #1606 on: February 17, 2011, 05:12:08 AM

I have no idea why I laughed so much at this XD

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

Offline Satoryu

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Reply #1607 on: February 17, 2011, 05:31:23 AM
I was brainstorming an X movelist earlier. I should write that stuff down, actually.

Alright, here it is.

[spoiler=MvC3 Mega Man X movelist]The Simple Stuff:

-X's speed, health, and strength are all average.
-He cannot double jump, but he can air dash forward and backward.
-When blocking, the blue aura sphere from X3's armor upgrade appears around him. If X blocks for more than three seconds, the aura turns red.
-X's intro mimics his intro from the Playstation X games. As does his outro, though it's slowed down to accommodate win quotes.

Regular Moves:

standing L --- X jabs forward quickly
standing M --- X kicks in an upward arc, much like the Mega Ball kick from MM8
standing H --- Double Cyclone; X thrusts both hands to the sides, then releases green orbs from each hand. Unlike the regular move, they don't travel anywhere. Both orbs and X's hands can deal damage.
forward+H --- Strike Chain; X fires a grappling hook forward that retracts once it reaches its maximum length (about 1.5 paces ahead of X) or hits the opponent. If it hits the opponent, X is reeled in towards them. He can only follow this up with a Hyper Combo.
backward+H --- Fire Wave; X fires a stream of flames forward about the same distance as Strike Chain. This is functionally identical to Chris' flamethrower.
S --- Tornado Fang; X produces a drill at the end of his buster and performs an uppercut. It's basically Volnutt's Drill Upper from TvC, but this is X's launcher.
crouching L --- X jabs forward quickly again
crouching M --- Acid Burst; X fires a bubble of acid on the ground in front of him. On contact with the ground, it splashes a little to the left and right. All parts of the projectile hit multiple times and stun the opponent a bit. The initial attack hits OTG.
crouching H --- X spins 360 degrees around with his leg out
j.L --- X jabs quickly again, but this time diagonally downward
j.M --- X kicks forward with his foot
j.H --- Drift Diamond; X spins around once while a group of 6 ice clumps circle around his body
j.S --- X slashes in front of and slightly below him with the Blade Armor's sword
Forward and backward grab --- X judo flips his opponent onto the ground, steps on their stomach, and fires a weak charge shot at their face.
Air grab --- X tosses his opponent down to the ground and fires 3 uncharged shots at them while falling until he lands on top of them.

Special Moves:

hold any button and release --- X Buster; X charges his buster, then fires. He can charge his buster to up to four levels. The first three function identically to Zero's in that there's no difference between them. The fourth level, however, differs depending on the button used, and costs 1 hyper bar to use:
--- L releases the Hermes Armor spread shot. One blast fires forward, one diagonally upward, one diagonally downward. Each blast by itself is not terribly strong, but it covers a lot of ground, and does quite a bit at point blank.
--- M releases the pink helix shot from X1. The blast is taller than a lvl3 charge shot and hits multiple times.
--- H releases the Plasma Shot from X4. The size of the blast is identical to a lvl3. The initial hit is about the same strength as a lvl3, but the blast creates a wave of energy when it makes contact, adding a bunch more hits afterwards. If the initial blast is blocked, the extra wave is still produced.
--- If S is charged and released, X swings the Z Saber downward much like in X3. The length of the saber is slightly shorter than Zero's, but the damage is remarkable.

quarter circle forward + attack (air OK) --- Ray Arrow; X fires a beam of light forward. It's y position changes with X's y position, so if X jumps after performing the move, the Ray Arrow will move up with him. The L version is slow and weak, but comes out quickly. The M version is faster and stronger, but has a bit more startup. The H version fires two Ray Arrows stacked vertically. The speed of the blasts are identical to the M version, but they're stronger and come out slower. This move is X's Beta assist.

dragon punch + attack --- Wing Spiral; X performs a Shoryuken-style uppercut and leaps into the air, with trails of wind circling around him. At the end of the attack, the wind rises upward and continues to deal damage. The stronger the button used, the higher the wind rises. This move is X's Alpha assist.

quarter circle back + attack --- Crystal Wall; X raises his hands from the ground to above his head, summoning an orange crystal stalagmite out of the ground. The button used determines where it appears. L is right in front of X, M 2 paces ahead of X, and H 5 paces. It stays up for 2 seconds, then falls and crumbles. It will fall earlier if any character (including X) or an attack comes in contact with it. It nullifies regular projectiles. It does damage on the way up and when it falls. This move is X's Gamma assist.

half circle forward + attack (air OK) --- Speed Burner; X dashes forward a generous distance while enveloped in fire. It hits multiple times, and the amount of hits increase with the strength of the button used.

half circle forward + S (air OK) --- Nova Strike; X leaps into the air then flies forward while enveloped in a golden aura. The startup is long, but the move hits more and hits harder than Speed Burner.

Hyper Combos:

quarter circle forward + two attacks (1 meter) --- Double Charge; X quickly charges both busters. He releases the charge on his dominant hand, then the opposite. The first charge shot is bigger than a normal charge shot, hits four times, and makes the opponent fall to their knees. The second charge is even larger, hits 7 times, and causes a wall bounce. If you hold S during the move, you can cancel the second charge shot and keep it in reserve. You can move around and attack as you want, just with the limitation of not being able to use S. When you release S, you'll fire the second charge. If you switch partners while holding the second charge, you will lose the charge when X returns to the field.

quarter circle back + two attacks (1 meter) (air OK) --- Giga Crash; X floats in the air while crossing his arms in front of him. He then spreads his arms out, creating a explosion spreading outward in a circle. The maximum diameter of the blast is three times X's wingspan. It hits so long as an opponent is in the radius of the blast, but the move is not terribly powerful.

dragon punch + two attacks (3 meters) --- Shining Finger; X punches hard forward while the gem on his helmet shines brightly. If the hit connects, the opponent is sent flying backward. X then gets into stance as his hand begins to glow a bright blue. As the opponent staggers to their feet, X leaps forward and grabs his opponent's face with his glowing hand. A beat later, X screams and fires a large Shinkuu Hadoken-type energy blast from his glowing hand. The opponent is blasted into a wall. When the blast ends, they fall from the wall onto their face.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.

Offline Ninja Lou

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Reply #1608 on: February 17, 2011, 06:05:56 AM
I glanced through the pages and X is doing well. I saw MegaMan.exe alot and even a few Protomans. I really wish I voted for Nina or Momo.... bah.

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #1609 on: February 17, 2011, 06:45:24 AM
I glanced through the pages and X is doing well. I saw MegaMan.exe alot and even a few Protomans. I really wish I voted for Nina or Momo.... bah.

I voted for Vile! XD

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Reply #1610 on: February 17, 2011, 07:17:22 AM
They need to bring back Hayato, or maybe bust out some Breath of Fire characters.

Edit: The game also needs more Gambit. Much, much more Gambit.

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Reply #1611 on: February 17, 2011, 07:28:32 AM
Even though Fokker is the most likely choice from Power Stone, I voted for my girl Rouge!

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Reply #1612 on: February 17, 2011, 08:08:44 AM
They need to bring back Hayato, or maybe bust out some Breath of Fire characters.

Edit: The game also needs more Gambit. Much, much more Gambit.
Agreed on all accounts. I had a lot of fun with Gambit, personally. Probably going to be on my Marvel request list.

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Reply #1613 on: February 17, 2011, 09:07:12 AM
Well, after going about 20 rounds with Galactus and finally beating him, and seeing Spidey's Combo list, it's safe to say that I still suck quite handedly at these types of fighting games!  8D

Offline Ninja Lou

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Reply #1614 on: February 17, 2011, 09:12:28 AM
You will develop your own combos and get better at the game. It was made for people like you  in mind.

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Reply #1615 on: February 17, 2011, 11:08:38 AM
Okay, so who voted and and who did you vote for? As for which version I have I bought the collector editions for both systems.

For Capcom: Megaman X, Sigma (preferably X1 or X4), Ryu (Breath of Fire), Ryoma (Power Stone), and Phoenix Wright

Marvel: Carnage, Venom, Gambit, Juggernaut, and Silver Surfer.

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Reply #1616 on: February 17, 2011, 01:39:50 PM
Well, after going about 20 rounds with Galactus and finally beating him, and seeing Spidey's Combo list, it's safe to say that I still suck quite handedly at these types of fighting games!  8D

I saw Dante's combo list.

My jaw dropped.

Then my friend showed me that Dante has unlisted added extensions to attacks, and he gains even more of these in his Devil state.

My copy cannot get here soon enough.

Offline Ramzal

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Reply #1617 on: February 17, 2011, 05:24:21 PM
I've gotta turn my Spidey into a Sentinel slayer. Like, seriously. He's slow as hell, yet the sweep kick and the beam are always hitting. >_>

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Reply #1618 on: February 17, 2011, 05:42:05 PM

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Reply #1619 on: February 17, 2011, 07:07:58 PM
So I'm playing the game with my friends. Just as I hit a ten win streak, one guy invites a friend of his. Dudes rank is 6th Lord, has 227 wins and 74 losses. That's a win rate of 75.16%. Longest win streak is 23.

He's using Wesker, Morrigan and Tron. I can generally only take down one of his characters before he decimates me.

Quick edit: I do fine until he busts out Morrigan. Then he just rapes my face off.


Offline Satoryu

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Reply #1620 on: February 17, 2011, 07:57:41 PM
Okay, here are my votes:

1. Gambit
2. Carnage
3. US Archer
4. Squirrel Girl
5. Black Cat

1. Mega Man X
2. Strider Hiryu
3. Franziska von Karma
4. Poison
5. Sigma

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.

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Reply #1621 on: February 17, 2011, 08:29:13 PM
You will develop your own combos and get better at the game. It was made for people like you  in mind.

The main problem right now is the controller. The 360 DPad sucks so bad that I figured out why I'm not dashing forward as much as I dash upwards, because the DPad is just that [tornado fang]ing awful. Also, the pad you lent me sucks for me because all the buttons confuses my terrible at fighting games brain!

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Reply #1622 on: February 17, 2011, 10:42:10 PM
Have you tried the rotating d pad controller? It's much better imo. If not, Gamestop controller d pads are really good.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.

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Reply #1623 on: February 17, 2011, 10:46:16 PM
The main problem right now is the controller. The 360 DPad sucks so bad that I figured out why I'm not dashing forward as much as I dash upwards, because the DPad is just that [tornado fang]ing awful. Also, the pad you lent me sucks for me because all the buttons confuses my terrible at fighting games brain!

Yeah, that 360 dpad x.x

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Reply #1624 on: February 17, 2011, 11:05:55 PM
Have you tried the rotating d pad controller? It's much better imo. If not, Gamestop controller d pads are really good.

Yeah, I'll have to look into those.

Yeah, that 360 dpad x.x

I know. Hold me!  8D