Official Nintendo 3DS Discussion Thread - Specs, Tech, Price? It's all here!

Emiri Landeel · 275410

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Oh we won't even get into the whole "Why every Mario Kart after 64 is worse!" debate.
Debate? Doesn't that require people who don't agree with this sentiment? XD

Offline Protoman Blues

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Debate? Doesn't that require people who don't agree with this sentiment? XD

Heh, valid point.

Offline Bueno Excelente

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Crash Team Racing and Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing are both the superior MASTER RACE KARTERS. =P

Offline Kieran

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Hang on a second.

Flash, did I honestly see you say you wanted a "3DS Lite" on the last page?  The thing's already smaller than every other DS that's ever been made.

The Other Side #theotherside

Commander Shepard: *stares blankly at a video of scantily clad asari dancers* ...What kind of hotel is this?
Liara T'Soni: It is a luxury resort with an... exotic edge.  Azure is slang for a part of the asari body in some places on Illium.
Shepard: Where?
Liara: The lower reaches, near the bottom.
Shepard: I meant, "where on the asari body?"
Liara: So did I.

Offline Bueno Excelente

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Hang on a second.

Flash, did I honestly see you say you wanted a "3DS Lite" on the last page?  The thing's already smaller than every other DS that's ever been made.
I used it as a euphemism for "next model after the standard 3DS".

I just want a god damn dual analog stick DS.


This is one of the reasons why I'll be playing it with the 3D off.

Offline Bueno Excelente

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Hahahahahaha, that's awesome.

Offline Hypershell

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Holding the tradition that every DS system must have some tie to breasts, I see.  XD

Thing is, TvsC was essencially attempting to be a serious fighter, while Brawl is a fun party game that people [sonic slicer] about not being able to play seriously.
Bitching about a game not being what it's not even trying to be is not something that makes a lot of sense to me.  Same applies to offline Brawl discussions.

And in terms of Mario Kart, you and other people may not know this, but it was the first Wii game that got to the point of having... well, a mediocre online system which every single XBox/360/PS3 game had so far. The normal required options, the modes, and the necessary speed to play. At this time, anyone else used to regular online gameplay wasn't pleasantly surprised. I just went "Really? Oh, that's cool, I guess". Identities are really important in online games these days. Having a profile, having an actual way to see what kind of games you play, to be able to play with that person again...
See, I wasn't clear on what you meant by "identity".  The whole game-specific-code-crap, not knowing what your friends are playing, and all?  There's a club for complaining about that.  It's called Everybody, they meet at the bar.  The 3DS is taking steps to rectify that, though IMHO there is absolutely no reason they shouldn't have had their act together with the Wii.

Communication ain't Nintendo's forte, either.  I've been as frustrated by that as anyone else and I haven't even played an X-Box Live game.  You don't have to run XBL comparisons to see the problem, by any means.  The simple feeling of being cut off from your fellow players when online versus sitting down for a good local multiplayer session is pretty self-evident.  But those are complaints against basically the entire Nintendo WFC service, not of any particular game.  In that sense, Brawl is superior to Kart in that you at least get some personality in your customizable taunts.  But it is just that, customization, not communication.

Ah well, one more reason I like Monster Hunter Tri.

Seriously? Every single one of my experiences made TvC look like GGPO in comparison to Brawl =/
Not me, man.  I don't very often see Brawl screw up in a one-on-one (I'm not saying never, I'm just saying 2-3 players is usually stable).  And even when Brawl does turn south, the gameplay style in itself tolerates lag better than a traditional fighter does.

Crash Team Racing and Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing are both the superior MASTER RACE KARTERS. =P
Crash, I haven't played.  Sonic is fun, though the courses seem somewhat less interesting and less well-marked.  But the balance is better, gotta give it that.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Offline xnamkcor

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I just spent about 2 hours on a bus to go to a Best Buy with a demo.

The buttons are nice and clicky. I like them.
Home Start Select buttons feel nice.
I pushed the power button 3 times trying to pause. Who decided that we need to be able to turn off our 3DS as fast as we pause it? Also, who decided it also needed to be in the same area?
The stereoscopy is nice. All they had was Pilotwings, but it was nice and clear.
I noticed that when I slid it down to Minimum, the screen flickered. That suggests that a signal is sent to the 3DS itself to let it know it's in "2D" mode.
The Slidepad felt like a nicer version of the PSP nub, but I am still unable to confirm if it is actually built different or just better made/lubricated.

Offline Bueno Excelente

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Bitching about a game not being what it's not even trying to be is not something that makes a lot of sense to me.  Same applies to offline Brawl discussions.
See, I wasn't clear on what you meant by "identity".  The whole game-specific-code-crap, not knowing what your friends are playing, and all?  There's a club for complaining about that.  It's called Everybody, they meet at the bar.  The 3DS is taking steps to rectify that, though IMHO there is absolutely no reason they shouldn't have had their act together with the Wii.

Communication ain't Nintendo's forte, either.  I've been as frustrated by that as anyone else and I haven't even played an X-Box Live game.  You don't have to run XBL comparisons to see the problem, by any means.  The simple feeling of being cut off from your fellow players when online versus sitting down for a good local multiplayer session is pretty self-evident.  But those are complaints against basically the entire Nintendo WFC service, not of any particular game.  In that sense, Brawl is superior to Kart in that you at least get some personality in your customizable taunts.  But it is just that, customization, not communication.
Crash, I haven't played.  Sonic is fun, though the courses seem somewhat less interesting and less well-marked.  But the balance is better, gotta give it that.
Yep, most of the reasons I hate "tournament players", is because every single game has to be perfectly balanced and amazingly competitive. Jesus Christ, Melee was accidentally competitive. Just let it go, guys.

And I know. But you know me, I like to complain. And the 3DS isn't taking [parasitic bomb]. Making only one code required instead of one per game isn't taking steps, it's just streamlining and making easier a feature which should have never been there in the first place. Nintendo only does this out of children safety, but what they don't understand is that all companies deal with this crap, and they wouldn't lose their family-friendly image by allowing something which would vastly increase their product quality. Then again, they're Nintendo. If they're making money, they don't give a [parasitic bomb] about raising the bar. And taunting is nothing, since Mario Kart essencially provides you with Leaderboards and other options that are common in games nowadays. The game essencially marked an attempt by Nintendo to do things right. Thing is, when you're painting with poop, there's not much else to go but brown.

Also, about Crash, you should really try it sometime, it's (don't kill me, crazy people) superior to MK64, in alot of ways. On All-Star Racing, I actually like the tracks better, because of the big airs you can pull, and how drifting is actually an in-game mechanic, easy to pull out and constantly used, instead of just the spark thing people overuse for snaking.

Offline Hypershell

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And the 3DS isn't taking [parasitic bomb]. Making only one code required instead of one per game isn't taking steps, it's just streamlining and making easier a feature which should have never been there in the first place.

3DS supports some level of stats on your friends including what game they're playing, IIRC.

And as a latecomer to PSN I must disagree with the notion that identifying one's account via random code is without merit.  Because see, if you identify by username, it means that if ANYONE ELSE IN THE WHOLE FREAKING WORLD had the same idea as you, ever, you have to either pick something else or attach random [parasitic bomb] to the end.  I hate that.  I'd rather the system identify me by a random number and my name appear to players as whatever the hell I want, regardless of originality.

And taunting is nothing, since Mario Kart essencially provides you with Leaderboards and other options that are common in games nowadays. The game essencially marked an attempt by Nintendo to do things right. Thing is, when you're painting with poop, there's not much else to go but brown.
One man's paint is another's [parasitic bomb], it seems.  Because to me, leaderboards, mean nothing.  I see no value to them whatsoever and I in no way believe that Mario Kart, Mega Man, or any other such game is better for them.  The taunts provide some manner of personality.  Leaderboards just show who has the most time to kill.  To me, the earlier is a far superior aspect of "identity" than the latter.

Nintendo's got a lot about their online setup that they could stand to fix, but stat-tracking some anonymous weirdos on the internet isn't one that interests me personally.  It never did.  If I want to know how awesome my friends are, I'll ask.  And if I don't know who they are, then I don't really give a damn.  And even if for the sake of argument I did, that's why we have YouTube.

drifting is actually an in-game mechanic, easy to pull out and constantly used, instead of just the spark thing people overuse for snaking.
There's no snaking in Wii.  That's why we have, and despise, bikes. -_-

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Offline Bueno Excelente

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3DS supports some level of stats on your friends including what game they're playing, IIRC.

Do you have any idea of how far online gaming has evolved when it comes to consoles? Heck, even with platforms like Steam. We have real-time chat, no matter what game we're playing. We can send each other messages which can be seen anytime, not just through the main menus. We know which games have been finished and which ones haven't, out of all our contacts. You wanna play with someone? Give'em your gamertag, or PSN ID. Contact people with similar interests as you, and choose different difficulty areas. Have heavily involved matchmaking and complex multiplayer lobbies. Launch another completely different game while you're playing something else, by simply accepting another person's multiplayer invite. And this is just the cherry on top of the hundred-layer cake that online multiplayer is, both on XBox Live or PSN.

And as a latecomer to PSN I must disagree with the notion that identifying one's account via random code is without merit.  Because see, if you identify by username, it means that if ANYONE ELSE IN THE WHOLE FREAKING WORLD had the same idea as you, ever, you have to either pick something else or attach random [parasitic bomb] to the end.  I hate that.  I'd rather the system identify me by a random number and my name appear to players as whatever the hell I want, regardless of originality.
Hahahahaha! So, for the sake of keeping your favoured identity because you can't think of something original, you forego easy access to everyone and choose to let other players you know reach you through one of the worst net identity ideas I've ever seen, as if you're keeping some kind of long phone number you can be contacted with.

"Oh man, you play Halo? Awesome! My Gamertag is DrGamma, look for me there."

"Oh man, you play Mario Kart? Great! We should... play online sometime. I'll just... give you my e-mail, so we can log in and trade numbers, because I don't carry mine with me. But we'll meet up! Sometime..."

Gamertags and PSN IDs make it so trading identities is like trading e-mails. You're foregoing pretty much everything just for the sake of still having your own name to be identified by in matches. Matches with people you know, because obviously people you don't know will see a code or some [parasitic bomb].

One man's paint is another's [parasitic bomb], it seems.  Because to me, leaderboards, mean nothing.  I see no value to them whatsoever and I in no way believe that Mario Kart, Mega Man, or any other such game is better for them.  The taunts provide some manner of personality.  Leaderboards just show who has the most time to kill.  To me, the earlier is a far superior aspect of "identity" than the latter.
Nintendo's got a lot about their online setup that they could stand to fix, but stat-tracking some anonymous weirdos on the internet isn't one that interests me personally.  It never did.  If I want to know how awesome my friends are, I'll ask.  And if I don't know who they are, then I don't really give a damn.  And even if for the sake of argument I did, that's why we have YouTube.

That reminds me of that Aesop. Fox and the Grapes.
You don't like a feature. That's cool. What the [tornado fang] does that have to do with our present argument? Nothing whatsoever. Nintendo's online setup is still [parasitic bomb]. And Leaderboards and social options are worshipped by alot of online players.

There's no snaking in Wii.  That's why we have, and despise, bikes. -_-
Because snaking makes the game SO MUCH FUN.

Bikes rule.


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Mario Kart 64 is THE [parasitic bomb].

Friend codes and Nintendo's online service in general are STONE AGED and TERRIBLE. THE END.

Preordered mine, along with SSFIV3D. I can play Shante DS with this now, right? Right?! :(


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Offline VixyNyan

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I think so, since the DSiWare in USA and Europe has Shantae: Risky's Revenge, and the region of the 3DS is the same, so you can download that in May when the 3DS firmware update pops up. >U<

Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
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Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
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May? :( It doesn't work out of the box?...


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Offline The Great Gonzo

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I came into this conversation late, so I'll just say: Tried out the 3DS tonight (last night? It's after 3 A.M. here) at GameStop, and I like it already. :) Too bad the earliest my sisters or I can get one is this Christmas...

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My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

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That's frickin' hilariously awesome. :D

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline VixyNyan

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I want to StreetPass with more people. O^O

I got Puzzle Trophies for Mario & Koopa (Bowser), Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Hoshi no Kirby. I want Samus Aran and Link.

And I guess I should go back and collect more Game Coins so I can get more hats in StreetPass Quest, since I already beat it once. :3

Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
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Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
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Hahahahaha, holy [parasitic bomb]. There's an R4 for the 3DS out already.

So getting this.

Offline Krystal

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Tell me if it actually works >_>!

J/k. I don't have plans for getting the 3DS any time soon, even if it is cool. But this is the reason Nintendo hates us -v-; Pity.

Offline Bueno Excelente

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I'm only getting it for homebrew, truth be told. =P

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I wonder if anybody will make any nice SNES emulators.

Offline Bueno Excelente

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I just think that giving homebrewers a console capable of basic stereoscopic 3D is gonna do some CRAZY STUFF for mods and other things.

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sonic boom