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Reply #75 on: June 04, 2010, 11:41:04 PM
I don't know....Morrison's mind might be too crazy for the DCAU!   8)
I just kinda want to see what he would do to Earth 14, since it's already stated in his own personal canon (and so far, the DCU's) that Damian is the one who inherits the Batman's cowl after everyone else retires or dies. I LOVE, LOOOOOOOOOOVE Damian. But as an obnoxious little Robin. I honestly like Terry better as a new kind of Batman for the future. And as I've seen, Morrison's Batman One Million is a bit like that.

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Reply #76 on: June 04, 2010, 11:45:31 PM
As far as Damian is concerned, when Morrison is concerned, I don't think any future is certain.  As for Terry, I think he's a fantastic future Batman, probably the best I've ever come across.  I'm a huge fan of his character, and I love the speech Waller gives to him at the end of Epilogue.

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Reply #77 on: June 05, 2010, 12:05:34 AM
As far as Damian is concerned, when Morrison is concerned, I don't think any future is certain.  As for Terry, I think he's a fantastic future Batman, probably the best I've ever come across.  I'm a huge fan of his character, and I love the speech Waller gives to him at the end of Epilogue.
You kidding? HYPERCRISIS, man. Morrison makes a point to pretty much connect everything he's ever done in comics. XD Dude put both the Golden Superman and Solaris the Tyrant Sun from DC One Million in All-Star Superman, his Barbatos monster threat originally comes from a cult in his very own Batman: Gothic, he has been doing the Final Crisis events for YEARS NOW (no, it's still not over =P) and TINY elements from his Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on A Serious Earth have crossed over into the current saga. The guy is MENTAL with continuity.

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Reply #78 on: June 05, 2010, 12:16:21 AM
Hmmmmmm, valid points actually, but All Star Superman isn't canon.  That Batman comic was, and so I still think that the future of Bruce & Damian in the canon could be altered a bit.

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Reply #79 on: June 05, 2010, 12:29:13 AM
Hmmmmmm, valid points actually, but All Star Superman isn't canon.  That Batman comic was, and so I still think that the future of Bruce & Damian in the canon could be altered a bit.
All-Star Superman isn't canon...


We all saw what happened with Batman: Son of the Demon. =P

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Reply #80 on: June 05, 2010, 12:30:33 AM
You kidding? HYPERCRISIS, man. Morrison makes a point to pretty much connect everything he's ever done in comics. XD Dude put both the Golden Superman and Solaris the Tyrant Sun from DC One Million in All-Star Superman, his Barbatos monster threat originally comes from a cult in his very own Batman: Gothic, he has been doing the Final Crisis events for YEARS NOW (no, it's still not over =P) and TINY elements from his Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on A Serious Earth have crossed over into the current saga. The guy is MENTAL with continuity.
[parasitic bomb].
Morrison sounds like my kinda guy.
I too, am [tornado fang]ing crazy about the continuity in my "stories(which I have yet to write [tornado fang]ing down as... well, ACTUAL STORIES).

I just like him, even tough I didn't like Batman Beyond THAT MUCH.
(still, the episode with Future Justice League, and Return of the Joker are one of my favorities.)

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Reply #81 on: June 05, 2010, 12:41:58 AM
[parasitic bomb].
Morrison sounds like my kinda guy.
I too, am [tornado fang]ing crazy about the continuity in my "stories(which I have yet to write [tornado fang]ing down as... well, ACTUAL STORIES).

I just like him, even tough I didn't like Batman Beyond THAT MUCH.
(still, the episode with Future Justice League, and Return of the Joker are one of my favorities.)
Here. I'll tell you how Hypercrisis works.

This is pretty much how we found out Oberon Sexton was Joker long before the reveal.

And this... is the Barbatos Immortality Theory:

As we can see, Morrison keeps trying to take Hurt away from being the devil in his original story, and humanize him more as a dark villain who just wants to destroy Batman and fulfill his nefarious purposes.

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Reply #82 on: June 05, 2010, 12:59:38 AM
All-Star Superman isn't canon...


We all saw what happened with Batman: Son of the Demon. =P

Very true!  XD

If they made an Absolute All Star Superman, I'd probably buy it.

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Reply #83 on: June 05, 2010, 01:01:41 AM
Very true!  XD

If they made an Absolute All Star Superman, I'd probably buy it.
I consider All-Star Superman the equivalent of Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow, only instead of being the last Silver Age story, it's the last Modern Age story.

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Reply #84 on: June 05, 2010, 01:02:51 AM
I consider All-Star Superman the equivalent of Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow, only instead of being the last Silver Age story, it's the last Modern Age story.

Yeah, definitely.  Personally, I think it's better than WHTTMOT!

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Reply #85 on: June 05, 2010, 01:09:40 AM
Yeah, definitely.  Personally, I think it's better than WHTTMOT!
It is. Best Superman tale ever told, in my opinion. It basically tells us everything Superman ever was and is. My only problem with it being canon or not, is that he's not married to Lois, and Pa Kent dies there again. I don't mind Pa Kent coming back, but Clark and Lois is one of those couples I REALLY, REALLY REALLY wouldn't want to Mephisto.

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Reply #86 on: June 05, 2010, 01:14:30 AM
It is. Best Superman tale ever told, in my opinion. It basically tells us everything Superman ever was and is. My only problem with it being canon or not, is that he's not married to Lois, and Pa Kent dies there again. I don't mind Pa Kent coming back, but Clark and Lois is one of those couples I REALLY, REALLY REALLY wouldn't want to Mephisto.

I really REALLY don't think DC is stupid enough to OMD Superman & Lois.  Also, can't argue that it's not the best Supes tale ever told, cause I think it is.  I would love to see DC make an animated movie based on it, like they did DC New Frontier.

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Reply #87 on: June 05, 2010, 03:33:07 PM
I really REALLY don't think DC is stupid enough to OMD Superman & Lois.  Also, can't argue that it's not the best Supes tale ever told, cause I think it is.
Stupider things have happened. May I count the ways?

- Turning Green Lantern into a universe destroyer was one of them.
- Remember what they did to Batgirl? First, they turned away from her cute River Tam-like character who kicked ass and couldn't read, and turned her into a generic [classy lady]. Then they replaced her with a dumb blonde who runs around the city in her vibratormobile and whose only good moments in the comic stem from Damian calling her a whore. And now, aparently, she's a villain in Birds of Prey, and if my conspiracy theories are correct, Gail Simone is trying to apply to her the old Christian Warrior concept she pitched to DC years ago. Urgh.
- Making a Crisis on Infinite Earths sequel where they make Superboy Prime into a metaphor for whiny fans who murders everything, make old good characters evil, and takes Kal-L, the ORIGINAL SUPERMAN, from his well-deserved happy ending, into dying tragically. (I liked Infinite Crisis, but Johns sure shat around the pre-established characters). Crisis was supposed to set the DCU back on track. But suddenly they decided they LOVE MULTIVERSES.
- Did I mention the REALITY PUNCH?
- "Loeb, we're two issues away from the ending. But we suddenly decided you can't make Jason Todd Hush's real identity. We decided we're never bringing him back. No, you can't make Two-Face him either, we're gonna keep him as a GOOD CHARACTER. Why don't you use that one guy... you know, that friend of Bruce who died in the beginning? Just make some bullshit excuse like he's always hated Bruce or something. You know, [parasitic bomb] all over Jim Lee's lovely art. I know this'll have you work long hours, but you'll be able to spend time with your son later."
- "Hey, you know what would be cool? Let's bring Jason Todd back. Yeah, let's retcon to say Hush had both HIM AND CLAYFACE, and uh... HE SWITCHED HALFWAY THROUGH THE COMBAT!" And, um... make Two-Face bad again!
- Let's not forget the biggest damn blow of them all. [parasitic bomb] ALL OVER FAN'S FACES. They made it as if Maxwell Lord, a blatantly funny character in a comedy comic and an important part to the DCU, had SUDDENLY BEEN EVIL ALL ALONG. All for the sake of murdering Ted Kord in a nasty, bloody way, just for the sake of unnecessary drama for a sideplot in Infinite Crisis. Yes, turn away years of character development in Justice League, Justice League International, Justice League Europe, Superbuddies and all other appearances, just for cheap drama. And break up the Gold and Blue team. ;_;
- Make a book in which Star City is blown up by a small-time character who everyone insists should be the villanous Batman, everyone acts out of character and yells "JUSTIIIIICE" alot, and Hal Jordan is revealed to have put two distinctive, evolved and strong female characters who'd never want to even look at him... IN A THREESOME. Oh, and ruin Green Arrow's reputation in the process, while making him live in a whatthefuckorest like Robin Hood.

Damn it, DC. WHY do you do this?

I would love to see DC make an animated movie based on it, like they did DC New Frontier.
Honestly? Wouldn't work without Quitely's art. I've had dreams about an All-Star Superman series, and the ONLY way it would work, was if it was made like this:

- High quality series like the ones produced in the 90's MTV. Remember The Maxx, or Aeon Flux? Hell, Maxx pretty much picked every single panel from the comic and animated it. Best cartoon-comic adaptation ever.
- Art direction, while not having to follow Quitely all the time (He's my favorite artist but I still think he draws women's faces in a funny way and sometimes makes kids look like old men), would have to be close. That means employing a TON of professional artists and animators, Disney-caliber ones. Maybe get some of those hardcore asian animation studios. The guys who made Paprika would be awesome in coloring and big detailing.
- Not make it a simple cartoon show. Warner Bros could make it a kind of cult show, a superproduction meant for a high quality adaptation of the story. Push Superman AS HARD AS THEY'VE EVER PUSHED HIM. I want him to reach the popularity his first movies had. And that way, they could make an AMAZING hit, and bring All-Star Superman to places it's never gone before.

In the end? We'd pretty much have the best goddamn cartoon of all time. PERIOD.

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Reply #88 on: June 05, 2010, 06:17:27 PM
Everything you described I have less of a problem with than OMD.  I am one of the few people who have NO problem with the reality punching aspect of Infinite Crisis because in the long run, it's a comic book, so I love that silly otherworldly [parasitic bomb].  I mean Superman could once move planets.  With Batgirl, I don't follow her that much so I had no idea, and thus don't care much about her, which incarnation of her she is.  Last I saw she was the Spoiler chick.  With the Multiverse, I always liked the Multiverse.  I expect them to screw it up or not use it in some way, but I never had a problem with it, despite how much I loved Crisis on Infinite Earfs.  Oh, I'll admit the Jason Todd handling was utter tripe, so no arguments there.  As for Prometheus, I was a huge fan of his when Morrison brought him onto the scene in JLA.  That's pretty much all I ever followed of the character, until the whole Green Arrow thing.  Believe me, with GA, Max Lord, and the other stuff, I'm not the hugest fan of "dark, gritty, & bloody" DC, but despite all of that, I still think OMD is the worst comic event ever, culminating a 5-6 year run of Spider-Man that was absolute garbage. 

Yeah, the Maxx animation would work well for an All Star Supes movie.  And I think they could do Frank's art well enough for animation.

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Reply #89 on: June 05, 2010, 06:42:33 PM
Everything you described I have less of a problem with than OMD.  I am one of the few people who have NO problem with the reality punching aspect of Infinite Crisis because in the long run, it's a comic book, so I love that silly otherworldly [parasitic bomb].  I mean Superman could once move planets.  With Batgirl, I don't follow her that much so I had no idea, and thus don't care much about her, which incarnation of her she is.  Last I saw she was the Spoiler chick.  With the Multiverse, I always liked the Multiverse.  I expect them to screw it up or not use it in some way, but I never had a problem with it, despite how much I loved Crisis on Infinite Earfs.  Oh, I'll admit the Jason Todd handling was utter tripe, so no arguments there.  As for Prometheus, I was a huge fan of his when Morrison brought him onto the scene in JLA.  That's pretty much all I ever followed of the character, until the whole Green Arrow thing.  Believe me, with GA, Max Lord, and the other stuff, I'm not the hugest fan of "dark, gritty, & bloody" DC, but despite all of that, I still think OMD is the worst comic event ever, culminating a 5-6 year run of Spider-Man that was absolute garbage. 

Yeah, the Maxx animation would work well for an All Star Supes movie.  And I think they could do Frank's art well enough for animation.

Listen, I still hate OMD more than pretty much any single retcon event in history, because it was a comic that serves only that ONE single purpose. To rid Spider-Man of his marriage. It served no other purpose whatsoever. Bringing back Harry was simply a stupid little bonus which didn't even make sense, but on the whole? The book is simply Quesada saying "Peter is no longer married because I like it better, and aside from the American Son arc, none of his 616 comics will be anything more than pointless shitty drama."

You still gotta admit that DC can do stupid retcons for the sake of nothing at all. Retconning Clark and Lois would simply take a nutty editor taking over after Didio, and deciding he likes Clark better without Lois. I mean, All-Star Superman used that mechanic of Lois not respecting Clark, but going nuts about Supes. Batgirl, you might have not followed her around much, but she was an incredibly good character. And she was needlessly ruined. Prometheus, well... Morrison can make any character be awesome, no matter how ridiculous he, she or it is. Prometheus hasn't appeared much, but in Hush Returns for example, he was atrocious, and that arc brought us what was possibly the worst Joker of all time. (A mafia boss who didn't smile, have a rich mansion of his own, spent all the time whining about his wife and what happened to her in The Killing Joke, and didn't care about Batman, just about finding who set the conspiracy to kill her back then, who aparently, Ed Nigma saw. It was [tornado fang]ing stupid, and it's not clear how much of it is canon). Anyway, the least said about him, the better. Green Arrow's pretty much ruined for good, as well as the characterization of everyone in Cry for Justice. And about Max Lord... well, they pretty much made a retcon of the WHOLE 90's period of the Justice League. All of it. Heck, from 1987 to 2004. And people loved him as a manipulative bastard who was essencially a good guy. I just hope the new JLI book can fix him, if just a little bit of it. What I've read of it... I'm hopeful.

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Reply #90 on: June 05, 2010, 06:52:27 PM
Listen, I still hate OMD more than pretty much any single retcon event in history, because it was a comic that serves only that ONE single purpose. To rid Spider-Man of his marriage. It served no other purpose whatsoever. Bringing back Harry was simply a stupid little bonus which didn't even make sense, but on the whole? The book is simply Quesada saying "Peter is no longer married because I like it better, and aside from the American Son arc, none of his 616 comics will be anything more than pointless shitty drama."

You still gotta admit that DC can do stupid retcons for the sake of nothing at all. Retconning Clark and Lois would simply take a nutty editor taking over after Didio, and deciding he likes Clark better without Lois. I mean, All-Star Superman used that mechanic of Lois not respecting Clark, but going nuts about Supes. Batgirl, you might have not followed her around much, but she was an incredibly good character. And she was needlessly ruined. Prometheus, well... Morrison can make any character be awesome, no matter how ridiculous he, she or it is. Prometheus hasn't appeared much, but in Hush Returns for example, he was atrocious, and that arc brought us what was possibly the worst Joker of all time. (A mafia boss who didn't smile, have a rich mansion of his own, spent all the time whining about his wife and what happened to her in The Killing Joke, and didn't care about Batman, just about finding who set the conspiracy to kill her back then, who aparently, Ed Nigma saw. It was [tornado fang]ing stupid, and it's not clear how much of it is canon). Anyway, the least said about him, the better. Green Arrow's pretty much ruined for good, as well as the characterization of everyone in Cry for Justice. And about Max Lord... well, they pretty much made a retcon of the WHOLE 90's period of the Justice League. All of it. Heck, from 1987 to 2004. And people loved him as a manipulative bastard who was essencially a good guy. I just hope the new JLI book can fix him, if just a little bit of it. What I've read of it... I'm hopeful.

Oh of COURSE DC can do stupid retcons.  I'm not arguing that at all.  LoL, even though I really have no problem with my Reality Punchin' Prime action figure, it's still stupid!  Also, as far as I know, Morrison created Prometheus, since I don't remember seeing him before JLA.  Since I don't really follow many of the Bat books, due to the X-Men comic equation of multiple titles + tie-ins = PB poor, I had no idea what became of his character.  Also, I stopped reading Cry for Justice after issue 1 because I saw how out of character they made the characters, and I've learned to keep away from those comics since JLA: Act of God.  Of course, Cry for Justice is actually Canon, so [parasitic bomb].  I'm not fond of what they did to Arsenal, since I was a big fan of him becoming Red Arrow.  Finally, in regards to Max Lord, I will say this; Whereas I'm not the biggest fan of making him a villain, I think he makes a good one.

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Reply #91 on: June 05, 2010, 07:14:04 PM
Oh of COURSE DC can do stupid retcons.  I'm not arguing that at all.  LoL, even though I really have no problem with my Reality Punchin' Prime action figure, it's still stupid!  Also, as far as I know, Morrison created Prometheus, since I don't remember seeing him before JLA.  Since I don't really follow many of the Bat books, due to the X-Men comic equation of multiple titles + tie-ins = PB poor, I had no idea what became of his character.  Also, I stopped reading Cry for Justice after issue 1 because I saw how out of character they made the characters, and I've learned to keep away from those comics since JLA: Act of God.  Of course, Cry for Justice is actually Canon, so [parasitic bomb].  I'm not fond of what they did to Arsenal, since I was a big fan of him becoming Red Arrow.  Finally, in regards to Max Lord, I will say this; Whereas I'm not the biggest fan of making him a villain, I think he makes a good one.
Oh of COURSE DC can do stupid retcons.  I'm not arguing that at all.  LoL, even though I really have no problem with my Reality Punchin' Prime action figure, it's still stupid!  Also, as far as I know, Morrison created Prometheus, since I don't remember seeing him before JLA.  Since I don't really follow many of the Bat books, due to the X-Men comic equation of multiple titles + tie-ins = PB poor, I had no idea what became of his character.  Also, I stopped reading Cry for Justice after issue 1 because I saw how out of character they made the characters, and I've learned to keep away from those comics since JLA: Act of God.  Of course, Cry for Justice is actually Canon, so [parasitic bomb].  I'm not fond of what they did to Arsenal, since I was a big fan of him becoming Red Arrow.  Finally, in regards to Max Lord, I will say this; Whereas I'm not the biggest fan of making him a villain, I think he makes a good one.
Prometheus originally appeared in New Teen Titans back in 1986. Morrison re-created him for JLA later on, and then he pretty much never saw a good use again. And yeah, I know it gets hard to follow everything at the same time. It's why the only Marvel thing I've followed for a long time have been the event books. And the awesome tiny bits of Cosmic, of course. And yes... Max Lord DOES make one HELL OF A VILLAIN. Because he has always been a wonderful, magnificent bastard. He's always been very smart, and very manipulative. It was just dumb to make him evil. It's like revealing that Batman has been evil all along. Even though it would have been cool to see him act like that, it doesn't make any sense.

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Reply #92 on: June 05, 2010, 10:54:03 PM
If they were to make Batman a villain, then DC would do something as stupid as OMD.  I like Max, but I don't think comparing making him a villain to making Bats a villain is a fair comparison, due to Batman's history.  Although, this probably wouldn't be a problem for Frank "Gritty" Miller.

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Reply #93 on: June 06, 2010, 02:24:01 AM
If they were to make Batman a villain, then DC would do something as stupid as OMD.  I like Max, but I don't think comparing making him a villain to making Bats a villain is a fair comparison, due to Batman's history.  Although, this probably wouldn't be a problem for Frank "Gritty" Miller.
Batman IS a villain in Frank Miller's stuff. The "EAT GLASS, LAWMAN" pretty much makes him more proud to be reckless than Sin City's Marv.

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Reply #94 on: June 06, 2010, 07:57:36 AM
Batman IS a villain in Frank Miller's stuff. The "EAT GLASS, LAWMAN" pretty much makes him more proud to be reckless than Sin City's Marv.

Hence why I brought it up!  XD

Man, I watched a review of The Spirit the other week or so.  I'm gonna have to brace myself for when I watch the full horror.

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Reply #95 on: June 06, 2010, 01:22:24 PM
Hence why I brought it up!  XD

Man, I watched a review of The Spirit the other week or so.  I'm gonna have to brace myself for when I watch the full horror.
I'm honestly never planning to. From the little of the movie I've seen, Miller picked who is pretty much one of the most upbeat heroes of all time (I imagine him as a Plasticman from another universe) into his dark gritty Sin City-like world.

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Reply #96 on: June 06, 2010, 07:32:03 PM
I'm honestly never planning to. From the little of the movie I've seen, Miller picked who is pretty much one of the most upbeat heroes of all time (I imagine him as a Plasticman from another universe) into his dark gritty Sin City-like world.

I'm a maso when it comes to movies, so I kinda have too.

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Reply #97 on: June 06, 2010, 07:59:39 PM
I'm a maso when it comes to movies, so I kinda have too.
Speaking of movies, Green Lantern logo has been revealed.

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Reply #98 on: June 06, 2010, 08:02:14 PM
I saw when I got home last night.  I highly approve.

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Reply #99 on: June 06, 2010, 08:41:31 PM
I do kinda think the "Anyone can be chosen" doesn't fit well with the tone of the story, but I guess they want to show that the Corps choose races all over the universe to be a part of them.