You know that Wii firmware version 3.4 that came out three days ago? Notice the privacy policy update?
We may without notifying you, download updates, patches, upgrades and similar software to your Wii Console and may disable unauthorized or illegal software placed on your Wii Console to ensure that your Wii Console is operating properly and efficiently, comply with applicable laws, assist law enforcement, protect us and our customers, or prevent the use and distribution of software obtained through improper channels won't kid myself. There is a LOT of piracy out there, especially among WAD installers, and Nintendo is well within their rights to combat it.
But I feel that a line has been crossed. When you buy a console, it is yours, and any law-abiding activity your partake in,
whether authorized by them or not, is none of the manufacturer's damn business. Nothing, whatsoever, should ever be distributed to the end user without their consent. Using Ocarina to play as Giga Bowser and running the upcoming Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom on an American console does not justify this kind of big-brother attitude.
The only alternative is to either go deeper into hacks to your Wii console to bypass the update restrictions among the network, or to simply cease to connect your Wii to Nintendo's network at all (you can just cease updating, but doubtless certain aspects of the network will eventually require updates, as has happened before with the Shop Channel). The first is probably a terms of service violation, and the second means you and Nintendo lost each other's business. Apparently this didn't cross anyone's minds at Big N headquarters.
The more they tighten their grip, the less likely hackers-with-morals will be willing to continue to jump through hoops for them. I have the good sense not to steal their games just because they're making it a pain in the ass, but my updates stop here. And if Nintendo decides in response that they no longer want my money and close off the Shop Channel again, so be it, I'll find other games to play. I refuse to be a guinea pig in their crusade against "unauthorized" activity.
If anyone's wondering, the 3.4 update still doesn't touch the Homebrew Channel if it's already been installed (though it blocks the Twilight Hack, so you can't install it for the first time), however it allegedly will remove other custom channels, including DVDx.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and