The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread

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Reply #1650 on: April 23, 2011, 10:27:37 PM
We totally need to create our own E4s & Champions sometime. Maybe have a few of us who battle the best with Pokemon of a certain gen get to be that region's champ?

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1651 on: April 23, 2011, 10:31:23 PM
Hmm I'm wondering if we should replace some of the Gym Leaders since a handful are gone now or just leave it as is.

We totally need to create our own E4s & Champions sometime. Maybe have a few of us who battle the best with Pokemon of a certain gen get to be that region's champ?
Ooh if I wasn't a Gym leader I would totally take the Hoenn spot.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1652 on: April 23, 2011, 11:07:39 PM
OK guys, I officially have a problem, namely I can't settle down and make a team that I like completely. XD

I love Hydreigon & Eelektross way too much, so they are staying on the team, but from the pool of Pokemon I'm looking at now, I have no idea what to think:

Fire: Infernape/Darmanitan/Volcarona/Arcanine

-My God, Infernape. No seriously my [tornado fang]ing God, Infernape. Thanks a ton Pyro for introducing me to this bad [chameleon sting]er right here. This Pokemon alone is responsible for so many single Pokemon battle wins I've pulled out just because of its amazing attack stats, speed out the ass (this thing is faster than my Hydreigon) and its typing. I am this close to considering it the third "unchangeable" party member. The only issue I have (while really meaningless in the long run) are that when I pick a starter, I have an annoying habit of wanting the other two starters on the same team. Curse you Pokemon anime, you childhood marketing machine you! XD

Volcarona is my runner up pick just because of its cool typing, the ability to shoot down entire teams with a proper Quiver Dance set up and well, because it just looks damn cool. Darmanitan is there because I feel like a Pokemon that was able to see me through the entirety of the main game without much issue should get a second chance as part of a team of mine. This feeling is also pumped up when I consider that Sheer Force is like I'm using the Incredible Hulk as a party member. XD

And Arcanine is there purely because he's one of my top 3 favorite fire types in design. It also helps that he got Close Combat to play with this gen.

Water: ???

- I really have no idea what to run here. All I know is that I'm tired of being out sped by damn near everything when I play using my Jellicent, Empoleon, or Swampert and since I haven't started up with the item metagames yet, I'm trying to keep my selections viable in the barebones state. Right now I'm experimenting with another old favorite, Milotic, but I never really realized how straight forward the options were for it. (You can run water sets, water/ice sets, or sets for stalling... Yay?)

And before anyone says anything smart, I'm already looking at a Gyarados set.

Grass: ???

Same situation as before, except the 'mon I'm looking at are Torterra, Exeggutor, Serperior... And I'm not really feeling anything with them, Serperior excluded (dammit, I still want that DW Snivy). With Torterra, it has a great typing, lots of bulk, and a great attack stat, but its speed, dual weakness to Ice, inability to obtain Seed Bomb through leveling & the next best physical Grass move (imo), Wood Hammer, having recoil damage kills me slowly. Exeggutor also has a 4x weakness to something (bug), and pretty eh speed, but at least it comes with a Psychic subtyping meaning I can have something for Psy stabs without dedicating an entire spot on the team to it alone. Serperior is completely situational right now. I have no access to DW and no understanding of how it works, but at the very least I know that it's the strongest candidate for a permanent spot thanks to Contrary/Leaf Storm shenanigans and dat speed.

I was also looking at using a Sceptile or Ferrothorn for a bit too, but got crushed when I realized that Sceptile's awesome movepool is mainly physical (back in the day, I never took stuff like this into consideration and just thought that Scept was just outright amazing for what it could pick up normally.) and thorn is insanely sloooooow.

Wildcard: Reuniclus/Lucario/Scrafty

These guys depend almost entirely on what my setup with the other members of my team turns out to be. I don't want to create any abusable redundancies in the team or make opening for one type to come in and sweep, but since i havent gotten far enough along to make the final calls, this much is up in the air. Of these guys though, Reuniclus came the closest to being permanent due to me having a bunch of slower team members and it having the bulk to tank and set up a Trick Room for them to play in. I decided against it though since most times, I'd be looking at eating something heavy as Reuniclus tries setting up thus making the whole thing backfire.

Hmm I'm wondering if we should replace some of the Gym Leaders since a handful are gone now or just leave it as is.
Ooh if I wasn't a Gym leader I would totally take the Hoenn spot.

I'd love to take RPM's Unova or Kanto positions. As for the older ones, I guess for now we can rationalize it and say we have/had a bunch of Giovanni's. XD

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1653 on: April 23, 2011, 11:29:58 PM
If it were me I would go with Infernape, Milotic, Torterra, and Lucario but that's just me.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Jericho

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Reply #1654 on: April 23, 2011, 11:59:31 PM
If it were me I would go with Infernape, Milotic, Torterra, and Lucario but that's just me.

We think eerily alike sometimes. Thing is with Lucario though, I did something stupid thinking that a physical sweeper Lucario was more viable than a special sweeping one and got rid of Nasty Plot on the one I currently have... Only to realize that Close Combat really can [tornado fang] him over when he isn't fast enough to deal with what's coming in on him or if something can wall it and a NP'd Aura Sphere is no [tornado fang]ing joke. I might raise a new one soonish though and run Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse or Psychic/Stone Edge/Extremespeed for cleanup.

And after giving it a little thought, I think I might actually go back to running with my Jellicent again. Cursed Body hax are just waaaay too good in this game.

Offline Ramzal

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Reply #1655 on: April 24, 2011, 12:29:59 AM
Infernape is the way to go. He's my main damage do'er. I need a bit more stucture with my team though.

Thatfossilturtle who's name I forgot.

Gardevoir with trick room helps so much when it comes to Parasect and Turtle. Spore with Parasect and life draining with Giga Drain or X-scissor as well as the Turtle with Curse and heavy attacks like Aqua Tail, Stone Edge and Ice Beam (For the lovely psuedo Legendaries that people love. :D) But I'm thinking of switching out Braveiary and maybe Raichu. Thunderwave is useful with Raichu without a doubt but all I mainly have is electric attacks with him. And Braveiary is good for heavy flying damage and Superpower, but it dies kinda easily.

On a side note, there are a -lot- of rage quitters online. >_> (First time jumping online with pokemon.)

Offline Jericho

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Reply #1656 on: April 24, 2011, 12:34:02 AM
I just came up with something devilish, but I need some help achieving it. Anyone here have a Hitmonchan with Vacuum Wave handy? If so, let me know, and we'll see what kind of trade we can work out.

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Reply #1657 on: April 24, 2011, 02:27:49 AM
-My God, Infernape. No seriously my [tornado fang]ing God, Infernape. Thanks a ton Pyro for introducing me to this bad [chameleon sting]er right here. This Pokemon alone is responsible for so many single Pokemon battle wins I've pulled out just because of its amazing attack stats, speed out the ass (this thing is faster than my Hydreigon) and its typing. I am this close to considering it the third "unchangeable" party member. The only issue I have (while really meaningless in the long run) are that when I pick a starter, I have an annoying habit of wanting the other two starters on the same team. Curse you Pokemon anime, you childhood marketing machine you! XD

Moi? If so, then you're welcome.  8)

Anyhoo, I'd take either the position of Lavaridge Gym Leader or Flint's position on the Sinnoh Elite 4. Gotta live up to my name and all.   ;)

Come and read some Thoughts of a Platypus

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1658 on: April 24, 2011, 03:32:06 AM
I tried a Trick Room Gardevoir once but I shot myself in the foot when Hypershell just happened to switch in his Steelix the same turn so I vowed never to use it again.

Now I'm going to replace my Feraligatr, Gardevoir, and Salamence with a Milotic, Gengar, and Dragonite so I can get some more Special Attackers and I felt a decent Special Defense wall Dragon is more practical than a decent Speed one.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Akamaru

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Reply #1659 on: April 24, 2011, 03:49:23 AM
So I realized that my Zoroark can learn a Physic move and it was hard trying to breed it into him. Now I just need him to be of Timid Nature and I am done with that guy...
BTW, so I can be fair, my team is:


What I also considered was Sawk for his Sturdy ability, Whimsicott for his Prankster ability, Darmanitan for his scary stats, Carracosta because I don't have any notable Water/Ice attacks, Elektross for having literally no weaknesses, Cryogonal for same reason as Carracosta, Hydriegon for his ability to master Physical and Special attacks, and Accelgor  for his monster Speed. Should I eplace any on my team for the ones I mentioned?

When was the last time I poked you guys...

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1660 on: April 24, 2011, 04:03:47 AM
Well I think I would replace Chandelure with Carracosta since you have 2 fire types and Hydrgion in my opinion has better stats over all than Haxorus.  Between Sawk and Meinshao I say it's a toss up but I honestly prefer Meinshao.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Jericho

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Reply #1661 on: April 24, 2011, 04:05:18 AM
That team looks scary as [tornado fang]. Bad enough you have my kryptonite on that team in Haxorus, but Volcarona & Chandalure too? XD

Edit: Anyone up for trying a few mock battles with me now? A good portion of my team aren't leveled accordingly though (high 80s, low 90s) but I'd like to see what I can pull off in a battle with RPM folk now.

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Reply #1662 on: April 24, 2011, 04:47:05 AM
If your still on, I can battle!

When was the last time I poked you guys...

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Reply #1663 on: April 24, 2011, 05:06:50 AM
Well, now that I'm at metagame, I'm thinking about putting together a speed-based team, with a hint of sp. atk to go with that. Victini may be out of the question, due to it's legend tier. I'll plan the moves once the team has decent speed attributes (around 50+ or so), got any suggestions? Maybe afterward I could try them out with any of ya.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Akamaru

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Reply #1664 on: April 24, 2011, 05:34:06 AM
Accelgor, Weavile, Alakazam, Sceptile, and Whimsicott are the only notable speed pokemon that I know of and aren't legendary. You'll have a glaring Fire weakness, though.

When was the last time I poked you guys...

Offline Gaia

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Reply #1665 on: April 24, 2011, 05:38:41 AM
Well, if I could get one of them to know a water-type move, that could cover up said weakness. Luckily enough, I got 4/5 of the pokemon you suggested, but I might need to breed another Sceptile just right so that it could outrun most fire-types, and probably teach it a ground (or a rock) move to help cover that weakness.

The only alternate speed-demon from Unova is currently Serperior. He could be a mainstay too.. hm.. Lucario's pretty fast, but I might want to have a fresh speed-team, so count him out, unless I might want to cover the fire weakness. Then the team may be severly crippled by Ghost-Type moves, which I have to think about that, but if Celebi can learn Shadow Ball, so can Alakazam.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

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Reply #1666 on: April 24, 2011, 08:01:43 AM
My Black(J) team is alright, I guess.
Arcanine, Espeon, Lantern, Breloom, Gliscor, Bisharp

Espeon is pretty badass, though. Sure, not enough speed (then again, 301 is respectable), but S.ATK is through the roof combined with Psyshock to rip up just about anything.

I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations

Offline Ramzal

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Reply #1667 on: April 26, 2011, 12:52:54 AM
I feel happy with my current team and what it causes. People to rage quit. XD


I put Blissey in the middle and protect, have jolteon thunder wave whoever is the fastest on the middle or right side, and then have Braviary use tail wind. I've caused eight people to rage quit JUST from that.

Edit: I've made six people rage quit in a row now. XD I'm not even that good and this team isn't even that beefy.

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Reply #1668 on: April 26, 2011, 08:24:38 PM
Sooo... I am torn with what I should do with my Zoroark. I don't know whether to breed him with Extrasensory to fight against his weakness, Fight, teach him Grass Knot to cover Ground and my Water weakness or U-Turn in order to have full use of his Illusion ability. What do you guys say?

When was the last time I poked you guys...

Offline Jericho

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Reply #1669 on: April 26, 2011, 09:17:42 PM
Sooo... I am torn with what I should do with my Zoroark. I don't know whether to breed him with Extrasensory to fight against his weakness, Fight, teach him Grass Knot to cover Ground and my Water weakness or U-Turn in order to have full use of his Illusion ability. What do you guys say?

The U-Turn strategy has amazing potential, but if you go that route, make sure you have enough bite to make it worthwhile. Otherwise, Extrasensory is the better choice.

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Reply #1670 on: May 03, 2011, 09:34:34 AM
Damn, in that case, does anybody have a Ditto with Timid nature they are will to let me borrow?

Posted on: April 26, 2011, 08:59:55 PM
Alright guys. I am ready to fight. Anyone willing to try out my tricked out team?

When was the last time I poked you guys...

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Reply #1671 on: May 04, 2011, 01:12:27 AM
I tried a Trick Room Gardevoir once but I shot myself in the foot when Hypershell just happened to switch in his Steelix the same turn so I vowed never to use it again.
You know, not that I don't consider myself a good player, but lady luck seems hell-bent on scarring my fellow RPMers for life when they battle me.  Just ask the last person to use Latios as a lead against me. >w<

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have jack squat in the way of a 5th-gen team.  Hell, I still don't have my second badge.  3DS swept me up and I only just yesterday jumped back into White (will likely stay on that until the Legends 3 Prototype hits).  Been researching on Serebii who I want to use in-game (oh, Audino, why can ye not evolve?).

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

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Reply #1672 on: May 04, 2011, 04:59:31 AM
You know, not that I don't consider myself a good player, but lady luck seems hell-bent on scarring my fellow RPMers for life when they battle me.  Just ask the last person to use Latios as a lead against me. >w<

At least I had the pleasure of making you alter your strategy once!


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Reply #1673 on: May 04, 2011, 10:41:40 AM
I've been raising/injecting EV steriods into my pokemon since the RBY days.

I doubt that.

Offline Jericho

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Reply #1674 on: May 04, 2011, 12:47:40 PM
You know, not that I don't consider myself a good player, but lady luck seems hell-bent on scarring my fellow RPMers for life when they battle me.  Just ask the last person to use Latios as a lead against me. >w<

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have jack squat in the way of a 5th-gen team.  Hell, I still don't have my second badge.  3DS swept me up and I only just yesterday jumped back into White (will likely stay on that until the Legends 3 Prototype hits).  Been researching on Serebii who I want to use in-game (oh, Audino, why can ye not evolve?).

You don't know bad luck until the first time in your life you miss an uber'd Leaf Storm against an opponent 4x weak to it, then get blasted with a 70% accuracy Blizzard in return. XD

In other news, I do believe that I've finally set up a team that I like. I might mix and match a bunch, but this is pretty much the foundation for everything:


BTW, Eelektross is such a cool Pokemon. I wish if it were a little faster, but its design and ability has seriously grown on me.