You know, a Smash-style Bass would be pretty awesome to see, even if it was just as a skin. It'd be funny to see Bass mirroring those poses and body proportions and whatnot, seeings how Capcom/Inti resorted to such ludicrously simple sprite edits for MM10.
But as far as the "characters I want that probably won't happen" thing goes......Reiji and Xiaomu. I mean, crossovers are kind of their thing, and Namco Bandai has their hands in this already. Shinra Bansho: Ultimate would make such an epic Final Smash...
I honestly think if they add any characters from Kid Icarus Uprising it would probably be either her or Magnus.
There's also Phosphora, seeings how Sakurai enjoys throwing the occasional curve-ball.
I was actually really happy to see the "Reset Bomb" level being in the game; means we'll at least have SOME reference to Viridi.
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