I just beat it with Bass. I love ow the last stage is all upside down.
Its also awesome when the little line on the fortress map goes p up up aaaaaaalll the way up STILL going up- to end up in space. that is such an awesome moment.
Also, the Archive thing boss is probably one of the most interesting copy bosses since Doc Robots. though I find it odd Wily would use the data from light's robots. But then again, you just cant beat Thunder beam.
the first fortress Level is very cool. Although i was almost disappointed the whole thing wasnt outside in the rain. that would have been brand new for the wily stages... And the music for it was cool too. but then it became another generic Wily stage.
Also, small question.[spoiler] If Bass was not specifically fighting Wily before he caught Roboenza, (which seems to be the reason for him wanting to teach him a lesson- for letting him catch it) then why did he go through all of WIly's first fortress stage?
And lastly-