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Reply #525 on: September 03, 2010, 02:31:01 AM
- Batman
- Batman and Robin
- Booster Gold
- Green Lantern
- Thanos Imperative

(dissolves in jizz)

This is gonna be so awesome.

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Reply #526 on: September 03, 2010, 02:34:33 AM
My comic shop needs to get the Annihilation hardcovers in stock or I'm gonna have to buy them on Amazon for cheaper.

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Reply #527 on: September 09, 2010, 05:44:06 PM
Scan's out for Batman. Not written by Morrison or Daniel, but the story's pretty good too. The point of it is to make Damian want to know more about his father instead of just thinking and accepting him as a generic dark knight of justice.

I love the way Damian's growing.

...AW [parasitic bomb] BATMAN & ROBIN #14 IS [tornado fang]ing TIGHT. It's awesome, I can't wait for the next issue. I don't want to spoil, so I'll wait a bit before talking about it and spazzing out like a good fan.

And like any other decent comic book lover, I am taking the time to read the current issue of One Moment In Time, in order to [sonic slicer] about it.




[tornado fang] YOU, QUESADA. [tornado fang]. YOU.


QUESADA, YOU [chameleon sting]er. YOU. STUPID. [chameleon sting]er.


HOW [tornado fang]ing COULD YOU


...that's it. That's [tornado fang]ing it. Seriously, I am taking a VERY long hiatus from Spider-Man until this man is out of Marvel for good.

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Reply #528 on: September 10, 2010, 04:03:52 AM
Scan's out for Batman. Not written by Morrison or Daniel, but the story's pretty good too. The point of it is to make Damian want to know more about his father instead of just thinking and accepting him as a generic dark knight of justice.

I love the way Damian's growing.

...AW [parasitic bomb] BATMAN & ROBIN #14 IS [tornado fang]ing TIGHT. It's awesome, I can't wait for the next issue. I don't want to spoil, so I'll wait a bit before talking about it and spazzing out like a good fan.

And like any other decent comic book lover, I am taking the time to read the current issue of One Moment In Time, in order to [sonic slicer] about it.




[tornado fang] YOU, QUESADA. [tornado fang]. YOU.


QUESADA, YOU [chameleon sting]er. YOU. STUPID. [chameleon sting]er.


HOW [tornado fang]ing COULD YOU


...that's it. That's [tornado fang]ing it. Seriously, I am taking a VERY long hiatus from Spider-Man until this man is out of Marvel for good.

 -AC  B(  >8|

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Reply #529 on: September 10, 2010, 06:35:59 AM

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Reply #530 on: September 10, 2010, 06:46:57 AM

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #532 on: September 10, 2010, 09:37:19 AM
And like any other decent comic book lover, I am taking the time to read the current issue of One Moment In Time, in order to [sonic slicer] about it.




[tornado fang] YOU, QUESADA. [tornado fang]. YOU.


QUESADA, YOU [chameleon sting]er. YOU. STUPID. [chameleon sting]er.


HOW [tornado fang]ing COULD YOU


...that's it. That's [tornado fang]ing it. Seriously, I am taking a VERY long hiatus from Spider-Man until this man is out of Marvel for good.

Really?  I mean, are you really that shocked?  What the [tornado fang] did you expect after One Moment in Time was announced?  CLEARLY he already had zero qualms about taking his [parasitic bomb] and making Spidey fans eat it with One More Day.  He gave Spidey fans [parasitic bomb], and they continued to pay money for Spidey Comics, so in his mind, how could giving them even more [parasitic bomb] to eat hurt?  Again, there's a part of me that has NO sympathy for people who still read Spidey after OMD, because of how horrifying THAT whole thing was.

Heh, I will take back what I typed above though, as even I was shocked at just how much of an abomination OMiT was. I mean, it literally makes OMD about 100x worse, easily. If I read it correctly, it still doesn't explain what happened to his powers from The Other, or why he's back to using Web Shooters again instead of the organic ones (unless that was the whole Strange, Stark, Richards bullshit thing). Hell, I still don't know how or why Harry is back.  

However, despite that, what really REALLY makes OMD and OMiT the worst event in comic history is the complete and utter lack of understanding or caring about the character of Peter Parker. I mean, him unmasking in Civil War is quite possibly the stupidest thing ever, being that above every hero in, I don't know, comic book HISTORY, he KNOWS. FIRST. HAND. what happens when psychopaths find out who you are under the mask. LoL, but then I see him say things in OMiT like "It's never going to end" when Aunt Anna & Mary Jane are attacked, and it's perfectly clear at that point that these writers have no [tornado fang]ing idea what they're doing. None. HE SHOULD KNOW DAMN [tornado fang]ing WELL WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN HE PUBLICLY UNMASKED HIMSELF, ESPECIALLY WHEN ACCORDING TO THE REGISTRATION, HE DIDN'T [tornado fang]ing HAVE TOO!

Haha, so fast forward to now, with him taking MJ with him in the magic remembrance bubble so he'd have someone to...........remember all his grief with because he "loved her too much?" Wow. LoL, I mean it's pretty much laughable at how mortifying this whole thing is...

Essentially, pretty much everything good ol' Uncle Ben taught him is gone. Now, with Great Power Comes ZERO Responsibility, as was already proven with OMD, but made even more potent with OMiT.  Gone is the growth of his character, the lessons learned through life, experience, and maturity. Peter Parker is now nothing more than a sniveling, worthless, selfish, [dark hold]-ish almost villainous human being who makes deals with the devil in order to save his Aunt instead of taking responsibility for his actions, begs for Dr. Strange to clean up the mess that Gwen Stacy's death should have made him very well aware of what the [tornado fang] was going to happen, and then takes ONE OF THE PEOPLE HE WAS TRYING TO PROTECT FROM ALL OF THIS into the magic bubble because "HE LOVES HER TOO MUCH?" I mean, that's abominable. With all you've put her through, she should've been allowed to forget to, at the very [tornado fang]ing least of this cancer, give SOME closure to the whole god damn Peter & MJ marriage/being together thing.  The writers know this to, as they literally make her TELL him this in the issue, which again just goes into the fact of how they just don't care about the character of Peter Parker, which is funny considering how when Marvel first started, what separated them from DC was how the character behind the powers mattered just as much or more than the superhero itself. Actually, not only have they ruined the character of Peter Parker, but that of Mary Jane as well.

LOL, and NOW after all of this gutter [parasitic bomb], they're BEST friends, yet still in love, yet just can't be together because they made Mary Jane a pussy & Peter Parker a spineless, irresponsible [dark hold]. The true exclamation point on this back alley abortion are the images you showed, because what they show isn't Mary Jane talking to Peter, but Joe Quesada talking to the readers of Spider-Man. Literally. Joe Quesada, throughout OMD and OMiT IS Mary Jane Watson.  This is him putting on a red wig, a pretty smile, and saying [tornado fang] YOU SPIDEY-FANS.

One More Day is the worst event in comic history. All One Moment in Time does is solidify it even more and make the whole thing 100x worse.

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Reply #533 on: September 10, 2010, 09:51:19 AM
So basically everyone should omit OMiT from their comic libraries? 8D

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #534 on: September 10, 2010, 10:05:59 AM
So basically everyone should omit OMiT from their comic libraries? 8D

I don't think you've fully grasped the concept of what Quesada has done here. Imagine seeing your favorite character and the core of his being as well as what made him special literally wiped away with the snap of a finger, reduced to a pathetic shell of himself because of some hack writer who shits ideas and gets them published cause he's in charge. And this isn't an Elseworlds or What If tale either like JLA: Act of God or some other bullshit, "non-understanding of characters" story.  This is canon. This IS what befalls my favorite Marvel hero.  Like I said, I almost have NO sympathy for fans who kept reading after OMD, but I do because he is my favorite Marvel character, and he's been [tornado fang]ing destroyed to the point where I don't even recognize him anymore.

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Reply #535 on: September 10, 2010, 11:47:33 AM
I don't think OMD is the worst event, honestly.

Because OMD, as bad as it was, introduced a deal with the devil. There was almost a CERTAINTY that Peter was going to face Mephisto in the future and make him undo it or something, and that seemed epic.

I mean, deals with the devil are BAD. And we're supposed to think that, and Mephisto is bad, and never has really gotten away with something so incredibly swiftly like this, as if it was a good thing he was doing.

...but THIS? This makes us DISREGARD all of that. This one, single event is nothing more than Quesada giving us NO REASON WHATSOEVER to completely ruin a character and make sure nobody has any loopholes currently to redo the marriage. This is the characters COMING TO TERMS with the situation. This event... this event is nothing more than pleasing Quesada alone and rubbing his fanboy ego with the realization that he finally has HIS Spider-Man. That he has HIS character back. That Mary Jane is evil and he should get away from her and that he should remain single.

...and that is the most [tornado fang]'d up thing I have ever heard. NO comics writer has ever made an event singlehandedly to stroke his own ego like this, no writer has ever been so self-pleasing, and honestly, I've never met a Spider-Man fan who has been pleased with this.

...congratulations, Joe Quesada. You have officially written the worst story in comics history.

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Reply #536 on: September 10, 2010, 08:07:53 PM
I consider One More Day & One Moment in Time one giant event and one giant clusterfuck.

I don't think OMD is the worst event, honestly.

Because OMD, as bad as it was, introduced a deal with the devil. There was almost a CERTAINTY that Peter was going to face Mephisto in the future and make him undo it or something, and that seemed epic.

I mean, deals with the devil are BAD. And we're supposed to think that, and Mephisto is bad, and never has really gotten away with something so incredibly swiftly like this, as if it was a good thing he was doing.


You and ANYONE who believed that Peter was going to have a future confrontation with Mephisto in the future over this are all CHUMPS! After reading OMD, watching the [tornado fang]er speak and reading his interviews, it was a certainty that NOTHING was going to ever change about this event. NOTH-ING. BECAUSE HE'S. IN. CHARGE. There's only 2 possible ways that this was ever going to get rectified. #1 is if Joe Quesada is no longer in charge, which by all intents and purposes isn't changing any time soon. #2 is if enough fans were so disgusted with One More Day that they stopped buying the comic all together, and put such a HUGE dent in sales that in order to continue making a profit, he'd have to fix it. 

CLEARLY, none are happening. Enough Spidey fans stomached the [parasitic bomb] he fed them and continued purchasing the comic, and they will probably continue to do so even after this testicular cancer. So Quesada has no reason to stop. This is not going away. Not for a loooooonng time. In fact, he can keep going with this. I mean, why should he stop? He's already created more loopholes in history, made Gwen Stacy a whore and cheapened her death, made Peter Parker so [tornado fang]ing stupid as to not even consider what would happen if he PUBLICLY UNMASKED, made him make a deal with the Devil instead of actually taking responsibility for the absolute stupidity of his actions, made Mary Jane a complete pansy, and made them best friends who love each other but can never be together because she's "not strong enough."

...but THIS? This makes us DISREGARD all of that. This one, single event is nothing more than Quesada giving us NO REASON WHATSOEVER to completely ruin a character and make sure nobody has any loopholes currently to redo the marriage. This is the characters COMING TO TERMS with the situation. This event... this event is nothing more than pleasing Quesada alone and rubbing his fanboy ego with the realization that he finally has HIS Spider-Man. That he has HIS character back. That Mary Jane is evil and he should get away from her and that he should remain single.

He was already ruined after One More Day, through years and years of horrific writing. One More Day already showed that the character of Peter Parker was ruined pretty much beyond recognition. All One Moment in Time does is staple the fact, the fact that was COMPLETELY CLEAR AFTER ONE MORE DAY, that Peter Parker & Mary Jane are done as a couple for as long as he's in charge.

Like I said, those last panels you posted is Quesada talking DI-RECT-LY to Spider-Man fans. He IS Mary Jane. He's smiling and laughing in your face at what he's done. I mean, did you actually READ what he wrote? Here, I'll quote it for you...

"You know I'm right. You've been sitting here wondering... waiting for something that ISN'T going to happen!"

HE. EVEN. BOLDS. IT. He directly tells you that as long as he has his way, they have no future together. And then he continues...

"You need to get on with your life, Peter. There's someone wonderful out there for you. But if you keep holding on to "this," you may never find her...even if she's standing right there in front of you!"

I mean, do you realize what he's saying? Joe Quesada is Mary Jane, Peter Parker represents the Spider-Man fans, "her" is the current comic after what he's done, and the italicized "this" is his butchering of their marriage. This is him telling fans straight to their [tornado fang]ing face that this is the way things are going to be, that the comic is now great even if you can't see it, and that they just have to get over "this," move on and continue buying Spider-Man comics, cause look...

"You're going to be okay, Peter. We're both going to be okay!"

Cause I'm going to keep this back alley abortion going, and you're going to be okay with it! WE'RE (Quesada & the fans) BOTH GOING TO BE OKAY! And then, the pièce de résistance...

"Today. My best friend, the best person I've ever known-- --set me free!"

Listen to the words. LISTEN. He's referring to himself as Spider-Man fans "best friend" and saying that he's the "BEST PERSON THEY'VE EVER KNOWN," and that he has "SET THEM FREE!" Like I said, all One Moment in Time does is staple the fact that they're done as a couple as long as he's in charge, so now it's time to get over it, move on, and continue buying Spider-Man comics because he's you're best friend, the best person you've ever know, and he's done you a favor.

In terms of arrogant, power mad gloating, this is a [tornado fang]ing Machiavellian MASTERPIECE!

...and that is the most [tornado fang]'d up thing I have ever heard. NO comics writer has ever made an event singlehandedly to stroke his own ego like this, no writer has ever been so self-pleasing, and honestly, I've never met a Spider-Man fan who has been pleased with this.

You're right. No Spider-Man fan I've talked to was pleased with One More Day either...BUT THEY STILL KEPT BUYING THE [tornado fang]ing COMIC! And that's why he wins. Because people will still continue to spend money on this drivel.

...congratulations, Joe Quesada. You have officially written the worst story in comics history.

If you consider OMD & OMiT two separate event, then I'd probably agree with you that this is worse than OMD. But because it is an admitted sequel/epilogue and directly ties into OMD, I consider the whole thing one giant event, and it is still indeed the worst thing I've ever read in comic book history.

For what I think a lot of fans don't realize is the the character of Peter Parker is gone. All that matters now is Spider-Man. All that matters now is the spider-powers (although not really since The Other powers & organic web shooter thing was never resolved) and the quipping. "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" as well as all the life lessons that Peter Parker has learned over the years has been thrown into the gutter and left for rat food. And like I said before, it's so god damn tragic because the whole point of what made Marvel different from DC back when it started out was that the characters behind the costume, behind the powers, mattered just as much or more than the costume & powers. With my favorite Marvel super hero, that is no longer the case.

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Reply #537 on: September 10, 2010, 08:35:26 PM
So basically- at this point, The Spider Man comic franchise's only hope is to be re-booted? (once Mexican food is out of the way)

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #538 on: September 10, 2010, 08:49:38 PM
Not really. Technically, this was the reboot. This whole thing was a foolish attempt to try and get Spider-Man "back to his roots" so to speak, but in reality it's as Superbat & I have said, being that it's Quesada stroking his sick, twisted fanboy ego. It would need a complete overhaul, because simply going back to before OMD would be almost just as bad, due to the years and years of god awful Spidey writing that preceded OMD. OMD was really just the icing on the cake or the final nail in the coffin. At this point, the damage is so deep, that the entire Spider-Man franchise, or hell even the current Marvel Universe would pretty much have to start over.

But the problem is that the already did that with the Ultimate line. That was the whole point of the Ultimate Marvel U, and despite Bendis' very lengthy & wordy writing at times, Ultimate Spider-Man was pretty good, and from what I've seen, still is. It would definitely be the Spider-Man I would recommend far FAR above the current 616 Universe clusterfuck, outside the Cosmic Marvel U., which from what Superbat and others tell me, is the only Marvel worth reading at this point.

So honestly, I don't even think a reboot would help save 616 U Spidey at this point. Like I said, if you want good Spider-Man storytelling, go with Ultimate.

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Reply #539 on: September 10, 2010, 09:03:26 PM
I consider them two separate events, but yes, they are in a way, one single event. Let me just say the difference between One More Day and One Moment In Time.

One More Day is Peter having his life taken away from an evil entity and then suddenly being "rebooted". And although I read the interviews, I actually thought there was a chance, a TINY chance that a small window of oportunity was still open, so if enough fans didn't like this, it would be undone for good. It was a tiny window, yes. But you can't deny that it was there. And even Bendis, one of the current Spidey artists and the guy considered to be the first in line to occupy Quesada's position once he's gone, hates this. Hell, Stan Lee has BLATANTLY stated he hates it by making the a bizarro version of this reboot (in which Peter wakes up happily married) in the newspaper comic. Nobody likes One More Day. Just Quesada. So there was a TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINY bit of hope. A very small one, but there was.

But One Moment In Time? One Moment In Time is closing up every window, sealing the situation in a box, burying it in cement, sticking it in a place where nobody will ever find it and telling us "YOU'RE NEVER GONNA GET OUT OF HERE, EVER AGAIN!". OMD was bad, but it wasn't this bad. This? THIS IS BAD. This is fanfiction come to life. And it's making a point of killing every tiny bit of hope we ever had VERY SLOWLY so it hurts alot, ripping our heart out of our chest and rubbing it on our faces, along with his ballsack. This is pure disrespect. This is vandalism. This is Quesada doing the very thing no editor should ever do. Make comics for a single person. HIMSELF.

...get Geoff Johns here. Have him do a Spider-Man: Rebirth, a Goblin Corps War and a Spidest Night. That's the only way to save this.

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Reply #540 on: September 10, 2010, 09:22:17 PM
I consider them two separate events, but yes, they are in a way, one single event. Let me just say the difference between One More Day and One Moment In Time.

One More Day is Peter having his life taken away from an evil entity and then suddenly being "rebooted". And although I read the interviews, I actually thought there was a chance, a TINY chance that a small window of oportunity was still open, so if enough fans didn't like this, it would be undone for good. It was a tiny window, yes. But you can't deny that it was there. And even Bendis, one of the current Spidey artists and the guy considered to be the first in line to occupy Quesada's position once he's gone, hates this. Hell, Stan Lee has BLATANTLY stated he hates it by making the a bizarro version of this reboot (in which Peter wakes up happily married) in the newspaper comic. Nobody likes One More Day. Just Quesada. So there was a TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINY bit of hope. A very small one, but there was.

But One Moment In Time? One Moment In Time is closing up every window, sealing the situation in a box, burying it in cement, sticking it in a place where nobody will ever find it and telling us "YOU'RE NEVER GONNA GET OUT OF HERE, EVER AGAIN!". OMD was bad, but it wasn't this bad. This? THIS IS BAD. This is fanfiction come to life. And it's making a point of killing every tiny bit of hope we ever had VERY SLOWLY so it hurts alot, ripping our heart out of our chest and rubbing it on our faces, along with his ballsack. This is pure disrespect. This is vandalism. This is Quesada doing the very thing no editor should ever do. Make comics for a single person. HIMSELF.

...get Geoff Johns here. Have him do a Spider-Man: Rebirth, a Goblin Corps War and a Spidest Night. That's the only way to save this.

Honestly, I had no hope of this ever being undone as long as Quesada's in charge, just by my own judgment of the man's character and personality. And as soon as I saw the announcement of One Moment in Time, I pretty much knew this was coming. Also, I understand the fact that no one liked OMD, but like I said the problem was that people kept buying the comic. From what I read on message boards and everywhere, pretty much 99% of people hated OMD, including the Marvel peeps you mentioned. But if you complain about it and keep buying the product, who cares? The money is still coming in, and ultimately that's what it's about. It's gonna be the same thing with OMiT too. People will [sonic slicer], people will complain, but if people keep buying the comic, then nothing's going to be done about this travesty.

As for Quesada closing up every window, that's not my problem with it, because as Geoff Johns, Ed Brubaker, and Grant Morrison have clearly proved, there is nothing in comics that can not be undone. OMD & OMiT can easily be undone with all the awesome magical, reality altering [parasitic bomb] that plenty of characters in Marvel have the ability to do.  There's just 0% chance it will be as long as Quesada is in charge. Like you just said...

This is fanfiction come to life. And it's making a point of killing every tiny bit of hope we ever had VERY SLOWLY so it hurts alot, ripping our heart out of our chest and rubbing it on our faces, along with his ballsack. This is pure disrespect. This is vandalism. This is Quesada doing the very thing no editor should ever do. Make comics for a single person. HIMSELF.

To me, he already did this with One More Day. OMiT is just a continuation of his fanfiction, making it 100x worse.

...get Geoff Johns here. Have him do a Spider-Man: Rebirth, a Goblin Corps War and a Spidest Night. That's the only way to save this.

From what I've seen, Brubaker is another candidate for something like this.

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Reply #542 on: September 10, 2010, 09:35:21 PM
Now I got 15 things to read.

I forget everything on the list, but I agree with pretty much everything he said.

I definitely agree with him not wanting to review OMD, because he's not telling us anything that we don't already know.

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Reply #543 on: September 10, 2010, 09:43:59 PM
So, guess the only super that hasn't been Tampered by Quesada is Iron Man? I might look into those.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

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Reply #544 on: September 10, 2010, 09:55:12 PM
So, guess the only super that hasn't been Tampered by Quesada is Iron Man? I might look into those.

Well I've never been the biggest Iron Man fan overall, but I think his character was also pretty much ruined in Civil War. However, I don't know what's going on with him lately.

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Reply #545 on: September 10, 2010, 10:19:39 PM
Well I've never been the biggest Iron Man fan overall, but I think his character was also pretty much ruined in Civil War. However, I don't know what's going on with him lately.
If I remember right, he went full retard, tough they might have cured him of it.
I dunno, I stopped reading Marvel after Siege.

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Reply #546 on: September 10, 2010, 10:20:07 PM
Looks like Civil War might be the cause of Peter making the deal with the devil. It's my assumption, since I noticed a trend how bad comic book plots have been getting these days (lolgrimdark).

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

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Reply #547 on: September 10, 2010, 10:37:23 PM
So, guess the only super that hasn't been Tampered by Quesada is Iron Man? I might look into those.
It's halfway decent, but not really as good as the stuff DC has gotten me used to. If you want to read anything good with Iron Man, read Extremis by Warren Ellis.

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Reply #548 on: September 10, 2010, 11:03:18 PM
..What does Quesada have against MJ?...I don´t get it? Peter and MJ belong to eachother similiar to Lois and Clark...
Setting up all this to make them break up seems tad extreme...

Offline Flame

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Reply #549 on: September 10, 2010, 11:04:49 PM
..What does Quesada have against MJ?...I don´t get it? Peter and MJ belong to eachother similiar to Lois and Clark...
Setting up all this to make them break up seems tad extreme...
Welcome to Quesada. leave your reason at the door, and [tornado fang] up everything that is ingrained into a character and makes him who he is.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.