My attempts at Art that might be awsome. - Now with Random Story things!

Magnus Ragnar · 47396

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Offline Night

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Wow, with all these rules and regulations you have just so you can draw us makes me wonder why so many people are signing up....

Offline Magnus Ragnar

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Wow, with all these rules and regulations you have just so you can draw us makes me wonder why so many people are signing up....

Well, when you put it that way, then yea, it sounds like i'm being a complete moron(or something else not smart or something.) and need to be punched in the face. I'm a bit of a OCD-ish nut when it comes to most any game i know alot about, and, well.............Okay, that made no sence.

Night has officially won a cookie for making a comment i cannot make a valid responce to that doesn't sound like a horrible cop-out excuse.

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Wow that looks pretty good and you said don't draw girls that good oh well.  What are those things on the strap by the way, gernades?

Wow, with all these rules and regulations you have just so you can draw us makes me wonder why so many people are signing up....
But why did you sign up?

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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...BLU team is a bit of a sausage fest.
But it's an awesome one!
*cries in a corner*

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Offline Magnus Ragnar

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Wow that looks pretty good and you said don't draw girls that good oh well.  What are those things on the strap by the way, gernades?

Yes, those are grenades. Sadly, they are not useable except in the Soldier's shotgun taunt where he juggles them along with a missile.

Offline TeaOfJay

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Hm, so we've got another writer here, eh?

And you're actually pretty good. I laughed while reading some of your stories.

Looks like I got some competition.

...But he's also an artist.


Curse my lack of drawing abilities!

Offline Night

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Wow that looks pretty good and you said don't draw girls that good oh well.  What are those things on the strap by the way, gernades?
But why did you sign up?

I didn't. I wanted to, but I didn't get to pick what I wanted. I was going to with draw my request, but my class was already chosen for me.

Offline Magnus Ragnar

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Reply #107 on: August 16, 2009, 03:03:51 AM
I didn't. I wanted to, but I didn't get to pick what I wanted. I was going to with draw my request, but my class was already chosen for me.

GAWD. YOU asked me what you thought I should draw you as after you tried to sign up as a Sentry. In fact......

But you made some pretty good guesses already...

And well...I don't think I'd be good at killing people. I'm too small.
So all I could hope to do is slow them down. Maybe grab onto their foot?

After you said THAT I decided sence YOU didn't pick, you'd get to be an Engie. NOW NO MOAR COMPLAININ' IN MAH THREAD. I has to geet to wark on drawing  again.....

Offline Night

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I'm sorry....
I mean...since you already signed me up to be the engineer, I couldn't exactly tell you, so I though it might be fun to see how you
would make me in a cute little engie outfit...and I said I "liked" it; remember?

And I'm just giving so advice on making commissions! People don't want to feel their options are limited.
You don't have to acknowledge it if you don't think the same way...

Offline Magnus Ragnar

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I'm sorry....
I mean...since you already signed me up to be the engineer, I couldn't exactly tell you, so I though it might be fun to see how you
would make me in a cute little engie outfit...and I said I "liked" it; remember?

And I'm just giving so advice on making commissions! People don't want to feel their options are limited.
You don't have to acknowledge it if you don't think the same way...

Sorry if this sounds angry, but i specifically said that I'd be drawing the CLASSES. Also that sence I didn't(and still don't) know many people here well enough to take a rough stab at it(the guesses for Dr. Wily II, Vixy, Akira, and Protoman Blues were just stabs in the dark from bits of their personalities that come across through their posts) i put out a sign up sheet.

Jeez, you make me sound like a moron. Then again, it's partly true, because ya kinda HAVE to be a bit of an idiot if you wanna be insane.

*sees something shiny roll by* WHEE SHINY *chases after it*

Dear god, I need some serious mental help. this post makes no sence. O_o;

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Dear god, I need some serious mental help. this post makes no sence. O_o;
Welcome to RPM. 8D

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Offline Magnus Ragnar

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Scout Quickman RED Team

Scout Nexus BLU Team

Soldier Milien BLU Team


Due to Nick Z. Rythm's RPM Fortress short story, I've decided to just assign people to classes nearly at random so i can actually finish this entire set. The images above are listed in the order i actually finished them, so Quick was first, then Nexus, then Milien.

I figure the inspiration for Quick should be obvious. I'd originally intended for Quick to be on BLU team, then i remembered Nexus had signed up for that slot(technically). I used Nexus' avatar as a refrence, and i get the sneaking suspicion it's the character he'd originally tried to sign up but oh well. Drawing the scout weapons was a pain in the ass for both the bat(in Quick's hand) and the Scattergun(in Nexus' hand). Milien's was a random idea so Wily would stop complaining about BLU being a sasauge fest. I'm fairly certain I got her hair wrong, and there's also the fact i personally think her head looks weird in my drawing. D:

Also, here's some ironic food for thought: I prefer playing on BLU when actually playing TF2 because i have this epic picture that says "GO BLU!" on it, So Magnus may end up switching sides and someone ELSE gets to be the RED Pyro.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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I'm not the one complaining, ok, partially... But not fully! O^O
Still... Very nice updates.
I can see a combo from PB and Quickie now. XD

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Awesomesauce! =D Now I have an excuse/obligation to write more tales of RPM Fortress!

That aside, I really like these characters. I know I say that a lot, but I think you did a great job here. Also, good choice of players.

And BLU Team is no longer a sausage fest! Wooooo~

Offline Magnus Ragnar

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Because i got bored and i could, I've made a one-shot RED Team version of Nick Z. Rythm's RPM Fortress story! Check it, peoplez.

[spoiler]RPM Fortress: RED

When all else fails.....

"Ah man, that was awsome." Magnus said with a massive grin, holding his flamethrower with one hand and resting it on his shoulder as he sat in RED's Resupply room. "Those BLU's didn't even see it comin'."

"Good fer you, captain burn-them-all." grunted Night, the local Engie. "We still lost our demoman to that [tornado fang]ing sniper."

"Take it easy, dude..."

Magnus and Night looked over at the scource of the vocie, the team's resident 'Ego-kinetic Spy Muffin' as he called himself, Protoman Blues who was sipping on a glass of Mango Lemonade. "We still beat 'em pretty soundly. By the way, either of you seen Sakura or Quickie?"

Magnus and Night shook their heads.

"Last i saw of either of 'em they were headed to their rooms." The Pyro stated. "And I know better then to get close to those, 'specially Sakura's. Missiles to face bad for Magnus."

The sliding door to the resupply opened, and Quick darted in and skidded to a stop, a newspaper in her hands. "Hey, check this out guys!"

The RED Teamers gathered around as Quick pointed to an ad for BLU team recruits. "Looks like BLU's gonna have some more people here real soon."

"That'd explain the crowd of people coming and going over there." Sakura stated as she entered the Resupply. "Given that the last two i saw go in there haven't come out, it's safe to say they have a couple newbies."

"What newbies?"

RED Team whirled around, and saw Vixy and Akira, the Team's Medic and Heavy respectively, walking into the room.

"Aw man, don't stare us like that. I thought you were that freaking BLU Spy." Magnus said, breathing a sigh of releif. Vixy giggled, then looked at the ad in the paper.

"You know...." Akira commented. "We could probably use a few new people ourself. I found our Sniper face-down in a barrel with a huge knife wound in his back."

"God damn [tornado fang]ing spies." Night growled. "I liked him. He had a funny accent."

"Hey, wait a minute....Something doesn't seem right....." PB stated, his eyes narrowing behind his shades.

"What cha' mean?" Vixy asked, tilting her head.

"There's TWO of Magnus."

Everyone looked over at Magnus, and sure enough, there was another one right next to him. They looked at each other, then one narrowed his eyes and pointed a Flare Gun at the other's face.

"Spy, you have THREE SECONDS." The Magnus with the Flare Gun growled. The other one simply pointed his flamethrower at him and lit him on fire.

"FIRE FIRE FIRE!" The Burning Magnus screamed while he quickly ran out of the room. RED Team looked at each other, then at Magnus.

"Whelp, when all else fails, LIGHT EVERYTHING ON FIRE!" Magnus roared, charging out of the Resupply spraying flames every which way while singing "Fire in the mornin', Fire in the evenin', Fire at supper time....~"[/spoiler]


So thar it be. Comment 'n stuff. or not. either way ish kewl.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Mighty chucklesome, dude. I like~

Offline Gotham Ranger

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Does this mean BLU isn't a sausage fest anymore?

Offline Magnus Ragnar

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Does this mean BLU isn't a sausage fest anymore?

Kind of a DUR. *points at Soldier Milien*

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Oh lawl... That was a fun read.
Great job. XD

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Offline Magnus Ragnar

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Heavy Cephi BLU Team

Blame Nick Z. Rythm for this one. I asked him for some ideas and one of 'em was Cephi as a Heavy. <_<
Don't exactly like how it turned out due to the Minigun obscuring part of her due to my horrible posemaking skills. D:

Then there's this guy. Don't have an official name for him yet, so i've just been calling him Rune.

Yea, just threw in Rune there to prove that my Handdrawing skillz > My MS Paint Mousedrawing skillz

Offline Rad Lionheart

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Where be the Centaur Man Spy (Dead Ringer kthnx)?

Offline Alice in Entropy

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That's the most adorable Heavy I've ever seen~

Also, I like Rune there! Is he an AI? A King?

Offline Magnus Ragnar

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Where be the Centaur Man Spy (Dead Ringer kthnx)?

All Spys has been claim'd. Best you could get is RED Demoman at this point. And then only maybe.

That's the most adorable Heavy I've ever seen~

Also, I like Rune there! Is he an AI? A King?

Okay, I curse you for refrencing the Magnusverse right there because now i feel obligated to explain WTF ye be talkin' about. But to answer your question, Yes he is an AI, but i haven't exactly decided on what type yet.

For those of you(pretty much everyone but Nick) out of the loop, AI are what i reffer to Repliod-like robots in my homebrew character universe dubbed the Magnusverse. The AI come in various types, named after Chess pieces(with a few exceptions)

Pawns are the basic, everyday model type. Very adaptable, most have some special functions built in but are otherwise rather plain. And example of one would be my character Merc as he appears in the Magnusverse. If you wanna see him, go to my DA Gallery. It's not hard to find, just search for "Magnus Ryujin" and you'll find roughly 40% of all my drawings.

Knights are high performance, air-combat units. An exampe of one would be my character Sky who is a Knight-type himself. Knights are sometimes reffitted with Hydro Wings for underwater combat.

Bishops are a bit weird, as they have higher ground mobility then others due to various types of wheels built into their feet.Atren is a Bishop, but he's a unique variation with an energy-based Hover/sliding system for high speed ground travel using energy orbs rather then conventional wheels.

Rooks are big, lumbering giants with massive frames. The smallest Rooks get is still around 8ft tall, and they're built like tanks, and infact a few of them walk up TO tanks and rip them apart with their bare hands. An Example of a Rook would be my character ImpactMan(See first post for this thread), though most of the time they're combat-based units that have heavy artilery mounted on their backs. Sometimes they'll be equiped with Knight-type Jet wings and be called "Heavy knights", acting as bombers.

Kings and Queens are simmilar in that neither one is suited for direct combat. They typically work as Snipers, Spies, or Mechanics in combat situations. They also work as the management units for factories and can monitor a large group of drones at once. If another type is refrenced with King or Queen in its name, it is because they are a very high-performance upgrade of their particular frame(for example Atren would be a King Bishop because of his advanced systems).

Jesters are one of the exceptions to the "Chess" theme of the AI Frames. As the name suggests, they are quirky combatants, possessing streatchy arms akin to ClownMan in MM8. They can also be refitted for Underwater combat. Apart from their extendo arms of doom, there is nothing really different between a Jester and a Pawn.

While not really a cookie-cutter frame type, Unique AI frames are called "Aces" simply to denote they are different from the rest. Aces are very uncommon, but they are usually a cause for concern among AI Military forces due to their typically one-of-a-kind abilities.

So yea, kind of a random rant that suddenly pop'd up outta nowhere. Blame Nick. Srsly.

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A Demoman!?

I do like Demoman...

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Heavy Cephi BLU Team

what o.o
I can barely carry in grocerys without dying, wonder how I'd carry that >w<