What software sold your hardware?

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on: June 27, 2009, 07:42:27 PM
So here's a nice, "tell us about your gaming history" thread.  They say software sells hardware.  (Some of us know that sometimes hardware failure sells hardware. *eyes his DSi*)  There's some special game out there with every system you buy.  A gem we knew we couldn't call ourselves respectable gamers/nerds without, or sometimes even a consolation prize while we wait for the big guns.  So, let's hear about it!

As the youngest in my family, I just leeched off of my brother's systems for the most part.  It was quite a while before I had gaming hardware to call my own, but here we go:

Gameboy Color - Pokemon Blue
Well, my brothers each had their own brick-Gameboys that they weren't particularly protective over.  One had a bunch of lines on the screen, though.  When Pokemon came, I thought nothing of it.  Then I watched the show.  Couldn't stop.  Found myself buying a Player's Guide before I even had the game.  Got the game, but I needed to be able to TRADE, right?  GBC was out by then, so I saved up yard sale money, fumed that the link cable plug was different (hey, I didn't have the internet back then to check this stuff), got the adapter, and the rest is history.  My, how I enjoyed demolishing my brother with my Rare Candied Dragonite.... 8)

Genesis - Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Every Christmas, Birthday, and any excuse for gift-giving, it was always the same.  Sure, we all liked Nintendo's stuff, and my love of plumbers riding dinosaurs wasn't going anywhere.  But I wanted Sonic.  Watched the cartoons, leeched off of friends, drooled over the store demos.  Begged my parents at every opportunity.  One day, it finally came, and there was only one game (well, two "locked on" together) that came to mind.  Blasting through Flying Battery as Super Tails just never got old.

An honorable mention to Toejam & Earl, as well.  Lots of fond memories there.

Gameboy Advance - Super Mario Advance
Oh sure, I liked SMB2, but there was more than that.  See, I loved SMB3's battles, and always wanted to get my hands around some incarnation of the old arcade Mario Bros.  These days I play it more for SMB2, though.  I was particularly anxious for this due to hardware failure, as well: a nasty fall cost my GBC half its screen, so I'd been leeching my brother's again.  This one is still with me, though the shoulder buttons are shot to hell.

Playstation - MegaMan Legends 2
Okay, so this was a hand-me-down when my bro hooked up his PS2.  But even if it wasn't, I craved X and Legends like a fish craves water, I wasn't going to be left without it.  Never.  And Legends 2 is easily the champion of them all.  The Geetz fight never gets old.  Hell, half the boss fights in the game never get old.  The thing is an absolute masterpiece.

Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure
Another hand-me-down, but ever since I saw the first Sonic Adventure screenshot, I knew I had to find a way to play it.  And I damn well did.  Played but never owned the original SA2.  However I did nail both on GCN, and as a result, this thing pretty much stays tucked away now.

Gamecube - Super Smash Bros. Melee
What else?  My brother got this at launch for Rogue Leader, and as time went on it occurred to me we wouldn't live under the same roof forever.  I had long since bought Melee, at release, with my own money, and NO WAY IN HELL was I going to take the chance of being stuck without Melee. 8)  So, next birthday check from Grampa, I came home with a lovely black box, and tricked it out with a GB Player, too.

Nintendo DS - Super Mario 64 DS
As you know, I am a raving Yoshi lunatic.  Yoshi playable in an enhanced Super Mario 64?  Hell yeah, no way I was passing that up.  WINGED Yoshi was even more exciting (too bad it's multi-player only, damn Power Flowers...).

GBA SP - MegaMan Xtreme 2
Yeah, you read that right.  As the DS showed me the glory of a "back light" for my GBA games, I craved it for the one GBC game that outranked any MegaMan action the GBA ever dished out: Xtreme2.  I had money set aside from a trip that I hadn't spent, so I sank it into one of those backlit models that was released alongside the GB Micro.

Wii - Zelda/Excite Truck
I'm one of those guys that never really accepted the Wind Waker style.  So Twilight Princess was huge.  Twilight Princess with a wand to swing as my sword?  Even more huge.
But Zelda was coming to Gamecube as well, even if later.  So I have to give this one a respectable tie with Excite Truck.  I love high-adrenaline racers.  Boost blasting monster trucks, shifting and crumbling terrain all around, and your own custom soundtrack?  I wasn't about to miss that.

Slim PS2 - MegaMan X8/Namco X Capcom
Yep, I didn't get my own PS2 until after I had my Wii.  I'd long since been leeching my brother's for X8.  Not only did I need my own for that, but I'd been drooling over NxC for ages.  So the very split-second my own PS2 was home (thank Uncle Sam for that economic stimulus), the order for a flip-top cover and an imported disc were sent.  New cover was installed immediately, and I enjoyed the kickassiest strategy crossover of all time.

Nintendo DSi - still trying to figure that one out
I mainly picked this up to replace my original DS, which got severe cracks in the top screen during my move.  I love the new features, I really do, but Nintendo really needs to release some DSi-specific software that's actually worthwhile.  Did pick up Dr. Mario Express, but that's more of a diversion than anything.

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Reply #1 on: June 27, 2009, 07:48:19 PM
i guess i did get a PSP for MHX and Powered Up. the hope that Banjo Kazooie would be rereleased on XBLA (which turned out to be true) was part of the reason i picked 360 over PS3. once i had collected all three SNES MMX games, i had to get a Super Nintendo. and my sister got a PS2 because of Kingdom Hearts.

otherwise, no particular game made me get the other systems i have/had. they were just the things to have.

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Reply #2 on: June 27, 2009, 07:49:45 PM
Family Computer - Super Mario Bros.
Gameboy - Rockman World 3 (Megaman III)
Megadrive - RISTAR
Super Famicom - Rockman 7
PlayStation - Rockman 8
Sega Saturn - Burning Ranger
Nintendo 64 - Super Mario 64
Gameboy Advance - Rockman Zero
Dreamcast - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike
PlayStation 2 - Rockman X7 (Yes, that was a big mistake for me...)
Gamecube - Bloody Roar EXTREME
Nintendo DS - Akumajou Dracula Sougetsu no Juujika (Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow)
PlayStation Portable - Ridge Racers and PangYa portable (The latter game made me to rebuy the PSP second time, and I'm happy)
Wii - The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

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Reply #3 on: June 27, 2009, 07:56:20 PM
Gen- Sonic the Hedgehog
SNES- Super Mario World
N64- Super Mario 64
GB- Pokemon Yellow
GBA- Mario Kart Super Circuit
PSX- Final Fantasy IX
GC- Legend of Zelda Collection
GBASP- Golden Sun: The Lost Age
PS2- Tales of the Abyss
DS- Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
PSP- Tales Series
Wii- TLoZ: Twilight Princess
360- Tales of Vesperia
PS3- Tales of Vesperia

Offline Jericho

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Reply #4 on: June 27, 2009, 08:00:55 PM
NES - Super Mario Bros. (Although I had the system prior to having an interest in games thanks to my mother and aunt.)
SNES - Super Mario World & Donkey Kong Country Series
N64 (<3) - Jesus, too many to name, but I'll say Super Mario 64 here. XD
GCN - Super Smash Bros. Melee, The Windwaker & Metroid Prime Series
Wii - Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption & Super Smash Bros. Brawl. (The Wii was huge with how fast these came out.)

GB/Pocket - Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins, Ducktales, Pokemon Red
GBC - Super Mario Bros. DX, Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX, Shantae
GBA - Megaman Zero Series, Metroid: Zero Mission & Fusion
DS - Super Mario 64 DS, Kirby's Canvas Curse, Sonic Rush, Phantom Hourglass, The World Ends With You

Hmm, I notice now that in the later years, it took a lot more than one game to completely sell me on a system, but the ones that sold me back then left lasting imprints on me. Also, I guess I should also list things that would have sold me on the other systems if I didn't experience them with friends now:

Genesis - Sonic 3 + Knuckles, Ristar (durr)
Sega CD - Sonic CD (double durr)
Saturn - NightS into Dreams
Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure and Jet. Set. Radio.

PSX - Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, Megaman Legends 1 & 2
PS2 - Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, Shadow of The Colossus, Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
PS3 - Valkryia Chronicles; Tales of Vesperia

Xbox - Jet Set Radio Future
Xbox 360 - ...I'll get back to you on this. XD

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Reply #5 on: June 27, 2009, 08:06:03 PM
Vectrex: Mine Storm
Commodore 64: Bubble Bobble and The Lost Ninja

Family Computer (NES): Super Mario Bros. 3
Super FamiCom (SNES): Super Mario World, Super Metroid and Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce (ALttP)
Nintendo 64 (USA): Banjo-Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Pokémon Stadium 2
Gamecube: duh, Dairantou Smash Brothers DX
Wii: double duh, Dairantou Smash Brothers X

Game Boy: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins and Tetris
Game Boy Color: Pokémon Yellow and Pokémon Crystal
Game Boy Advance: Super Mario Advance
Nintendo DS: Super Mario 64 DS

Sega Mega Drive: Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sega 32X: Knuckles Chaotix
Sega CD: Popful Mail
Sega Saturn: Radiant Silvergun
Sega Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, Soul Calibur, Gun Spike, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Samba de Amigo + the 2K version, and Segagaga.

Playstation: Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (CV SotN), Final Fantasy VII, Parappa the Rapper and Mega Man Legends 1 & 2.
Playstation 2: habeeb it or not, Rockman X7 <3
Playstation Portable: Rockman DASH 1 & 2, Rockman Rockman and Irregular Hunter X

Wonderswan Crystal: Rockman.EXE WS
NeoGeo Pocket Color: Rockman: Battle & Fighters

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Reply #6 on: June 27, 2009, 08:08:23 PM
Genesis: I don't think I wanted any particular games for it. I just got it and played Sonic.
SNES: Megaman X: At this point in time I didn't know that the X series was already on the PS1, so yeah... *ahem*
PS1: Some football game? Hell, I can't remember.
N64: Pokemon Mother [tornado fang]ing Snap.
Gamecube: Super Smash Bros Melee
PS2: Megaman X7... Before I knew it was bad.
Wii: Zelda
360: Honestly, I don't remember which game sold me on this system, but I've loved it so much it broke on me. Cost me a $100, too.
PS3: Resistence

Sega Gamegear: Portable Sonic? I have no idea. I was a little kid then.
Gameboy: Again, I also don't remember. Maybe it was Pokemon?
Gameboy Color: Pokemon Crystal. I think. Maybe it was Gold and Silver?
Gameboy Advance: Megaman Battle Network. Yes, that's the game that made me want this awesome system.
GBA SP: I think just the backlight alone sold me.
Nintendo DS: Super Mario 64 DS
PSP: Megaman Maverick Hunter X

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Reply #7 on: June 27, 2009, 08:14:49 PM
Gameboy: Rockman World 2
Gameboy Advance SP: Pokemon FireRed
Nintendo DS Lite: Megaman ZX

Yes, that's it. :W

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Reply #8 on: June 27, 2009, 09:12:05 PM
NES: Was just kind of there. Had SMB1 and SMB3. My first game I got for it was SMB2.
Genesis: Gifted to me with Sonic 2.
32X: Knuckles Chaotix
Sega CD: Sonic CD
SNES: Gifted to me with Super Mario World.
N64: Super Mario 64
Saturn: Just kind of wanted one. Got it with Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic Jam, looking for Mega Man 8.
Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure
Gamecube: Super Smash Bros Melee
PS2: Final Fantasy X
Wii: Twilight Princess
360: Just kind of got it for Sonic Next. Eh... it kept me entertained a little, horrible st--(NOW LOADING.... NOW LOADING... NOW LOADING... NOW LOADING... [tornado fang] STOP PLAYING THIS NOW LOADING...)--ory and pacing aside.
PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4

Game Gear: Inherited it from my sister because she got bored of it, had Sonic 2 GG.
Gameboy: My Dad's-- had Tetris.
Gameboy Color: Pokemon Gold.
Gameboy Advance: Mario Kart Super Circuit
GBA SP: Clamshell? "Backlight"? Done.
Nintendo DS: Super Mario 64 DS
PSP: Maverick Hunter X

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Reply #9 on: June 27, 2009, 09:51:45 PM
I'm a Nintendophile.  I buy Nintendo systems because they're Nintendo.  That's really all there is to it, in terms of them!  LoL, actually don't buy them. I get them as gifts from family or friends.  I've only ever purchased the GameCube and my GBA SP, in terms of Nintendo.

My PSP I bought SOLELY because of my addiction to DJ MAX Portable.  The MM games were a happy bonus, as were the later on Gundam games as well.

My original X-Box, Lou bought for me because he wanted me to join in the fun time of Halo 2. 

My PS2, Lou bought for me because I had missed out on all the PS MM games, and so our rivalry, which is the basis of our friendship, could continue.

My Wii, Lou bought for me because I can always calculate & deduce what present he's going to get my for my B-Day/X-Mas present, and he knew there was no chance my parents would get me this before the release date.  Also, he possibly wanted me to wait online at the Ninty store all goddamn night/morning, knowing how much I hate waiting on line for anything!  What a douche!  XD

The Game Boy Color I got from a friend, mainly for Pokemon Silver.

My 360, the rents bought for me for my B-Day, to continue with Halo 3 with my bro, as well as JEEP ACTION with Josh. 

My PS3, my Dad bought for me for his birthday, or summer X-Mas as he calls it ([tornado fang] I'm a spoiled ass), primarily to use as a Blu-Ray player for my room.  Our 2nd PS3, the 'rents got for X-Mas to use as a Blu-Ray player downstairs.

Oh, and I have half a Dreamcast over at Lou's, which was bought for Power Stone 2 and Virtual On purposes.

Finally, due to the first Wii being bricked, and my own carelessness, I have a 2nd Wii, a Frii Wii, which has the Wii Key chip in it which allows for the playing of Frii games.  This was done for Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom.  In theory, if I didn't have this need to buy games, I'd never have to pay for a Wii game again.

I think that about covers it.  I'm the happiest boy on the planet! 

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Reply #10 on: June 27, 2009, 09:55:31 PM
Now if only I had a sliver of that good fortune. XD

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Reply #11 on: June 27, 2009, 10:02:29 PM
Now if only I had a sliver of that good fortune. XD

It truly helps having a nerd for a father.  LoL, he's in his office reading my comics right now!  XD

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Reply #12 on: June 27, 2009, 10:08:21 PM
My mother and aunt used to be nerds. They were [tornado fang]ing awesome at NES games. Then they became stereotypical older folk. :\

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Reply #13 on: June 27, 2009, 11:03:25 PM
I know how that goes.  When I was too young to be left alone, my mom used to try her hand at Super Mario Bros.  Those days are LONG, LONG gone...

And yeah, I won't deny that I'm a Nintendo nut myself, but there has to be a first game played on every system, right?

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Reply #14 on: June 27, 2009, 11:23:51 PM
This really wasn't an issue until about the Gamecube, otherwise, it was just, "Hey, here's the newest console or handheld; it's mine."

Gamecube - Super Smash Bros. Melee
~I SWORE I wasn't going to get a Gamecube. It had gotten to the point where I was trying to ween myself off of games, I guess, so that I could either be objective about my hobby or pick up some new hobby or try something new. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Melee was everything I was hoping it would be.

PSP - Mega Man: Powered UP
~Oh come on, create your own freakin' levels?! What part of that is there not to like, really? But, the game was so immense what with playable Megamen, how many ever flavors of Roll, Proto Man, and the bosses, on top of the difficulty modes, that it was like eating really rich, heavy food. So, I don't have it. But, there is a chance I might get a PSP again; we'll see what happens with KH3 and FFVIIRemake. Speaking of which:

PS3 - Time Crisis 4
~TC4 would be the main reason why I got the console when I did. Rock Band was also on the list, but it just wasn't my thing. Now the PS3's being kept afloat by a few future games that will hopefully be there.

DS - Super Mario 64 DS
~Super Mario 64 on the go, plus added content? Sign me up!

The Wii and N64 had too many titles to try and attribute it to just one, and they weren't "promised" or "tentative" like the PS3's, so far. Brutal Legend, though, I am looking forward to, though now that it's been hyped for so long and had publishing probs, I am going to wait for some reviews.

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Reply #15 on: June 27, 2009, 11:28:49 PM
NES - Already had it, but most likely SMB3
SNES - Super Metroid. Luckily I found both at a Gamestop about to go under.
Gamecube - Metroid Prime, I think.
GB - Pokemon Red. Probably the first game I fully played through.
GBA - Metroid Fusion.

Playstation - MediEvil and Spyro the Dragon. To this day they're my all-time favorites.
PSP - MediEvil Resurrection. I got thrilled of hearing a new MediEvil game after years of nothing.
Wii - Super Paper Mario and Kirby Wii, when I still had my hopes up.