Your Favorite Games of All Time

Satoryu · 15650

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on: November 08, 2008, 06:54:42 AM
i'm doing a Top 10, but you don't have to. just keep the lists at a readable amount.

10: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
It took this long to get past the Door of Time?
OoT is showing it's age. But still, as the pioneer for all 3D Zeldas after it, it deserves recognition. And it's the only Zelda to make my Top 10. I could play it again, I just don't see myself doing so. After thinking about it long and hard, Twilight Princess just doesn't cut it for Top 10. Something's missing. It's Top 20 material, though, and a contender for 11.

9: Super Metroid
[shadow runner] stole my Metroid!
Originally, I tried to limit games from the same series to one in my lists, like how ScrewAttack does it. Not anymore, because Super Metroid is just as deserving to be in my Top 10 as what's to come later. The game just has so much polish, it's very nonlinear, and it's what brought me into Metroid fandom. It also set the bar for future 2D Metroids. Leaving it out of my first Top 10 was a mistake, and I apologize.

8: Super Mario Galaxy
I feel that Galaxy has surpassed its predecessor (Mario 64, not it's immediate predecessor). The levels are immense and very well done, although some of the later ones have a bit of an Inverted Castle thing going on. Most of the new powers are pretty fun. It manages to reclaim most of the nonlinearity that was lost in Sunshine. There was a nice degree of challenge. But the real clincher? Playable Luigi.

7: Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
I'm a Belmont. That's my job
It's hard to deny that Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night are some of the best Castlevanias out there. So if you put them together on the same UMD, how can you go wrong? While it does take forever to load the original Rondo and SotN, they still play well. More so the latter. I'll admit the new SotN Maria sucks, but Alucard and Richter still play as they should. The remade Rondo plays exceptionally well, and the few changes made to it didn't detract from the original charm. By themselves, other games may have beaten SotN and RoB, but DXC wins because it's a 2 for 1 package.

6: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Jammed packed with Ninty goodness
Brawl beats the pants off of Melee. The level of fanservice has risen exponentially, and so has the shear amount of content crammed into the game. It has one of the biggest and best soundtracks ever to grace a videogame, almost everything is 2 players, and it's like 2 games in one, considering how extensive Subspace Emissary is. Snake and Sonic are really nice treats too. Though Meta Knight is [tornado fang]ing broken.

5: No More Heroes
Mister Sir Henry Mother [tornado fang]er
No More Heores is easily the best 3rd party game on the Wii, and to me, even beats out Ninty's own. Combat can be repetetive, but it still remains fun, and it has a level of complexity to it. The oddjobs are kinda limited, but that con is outdone by bosses. They're all fun to fight and feel like life or death situations. The writing and characters are top notch. And it's just so stylish. I'm so glad a sequel's being made. Silvia's a [tornado fang]ing liar.

4: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Throw the switch and DRAIN the liquid!
I've played the crap out of this game, and would gladly pick it up again anytime. I feel this game got 3D Sonic right, though I will admit I probably would've liked it even more if Sonic, Knuckles, and Eggman were the only playable characters as originally planned. This game has cursed Tails. And even so, I'll gladly play any and every stage.

3: Mega Man X/Maverick Hunter X
Spoiler: Zero dies
There are quite a few Mega Man games I love, but this is the only one that makes the Top 10 for me. There are many honorable mentions, but they just don't quite make the cut. MMX is Mega Man done right. Very few flaws, an acceptable amount of difficulty, and something you can play and beat any time. Maverick Hunter X added on more story and playable Vile. Not needed, but very nice. I count this as one game because MHX is a remake.

2: Metroid Zero Mission
Charge Beam is useless
I've probably played and beat MZM more than anyone else alive or dead. It's that good to me. Why I prefer it over Super boils down to its faster pace and user-friendliness. Any changes made to the NES Metroid were for the better. For example, the Zero Suit Samus sequence was a very nice diversion. Overall, it's an incredibly polished game with next to no faults. It really makes me wish for more 2D Metroids.

1: Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Stupid Carnival Night barrel
This one ain't going nowhere's, yo. This is what Sonic is all about. Super forms, branching paths, multiple characters (and not an insane amount, mind you), beautiful music, great scenery, connected acts, minibosses, Doomsday Zone, Blast Processing, the list goes on and on. Many things in that list are small nuances, but other games don't have some of them, and S3K has all of them. While the above 9 are likely to change over time, S3K will be my Number One even after I die. Nothing can hope to beat it. Hell, nothing even comes close. The gap between 2 and 1 is immense.

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Reply #1 on: November 08, 2008, 07:08:27 AM
Super Mario 3.. do i really need to continue 8D

Offline Rad Lionheart

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Reply #2 on: November 08, 2008, 07:11:33 AM
I want to make a giant post too, to express my love for the video games I've grown up with and are currently enjoying/luffing.
But damn, I have no will power to do so right now, so I think I'll just edit this post sometime in the future, with a nice extensive list.

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Reply #3 on: November 08, 2008, 07:17:13 AM
My top ten titles (in no particular order) as of now are as follows:

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Fire Emblem (GBA)
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Blaster Master
Mario Kart Wii

I'm interested in seeing if this'll change once Castlevania Judgment is released.

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Reply #4 on: November 08, 2008, 07:23:17 AM
Megaman ZX
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Animal Crossing Wild World

those are my top 5.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #5 on: November 08, 2008, 07:25:28 AM
I'd love to make a long list here but I unfortunately don't really have the time to do that right now but I'll share my current favorite.

??: Sly 2: Band of Thieves
Cops And Robbers Was Never This Fun.
One of the few games that exceeds its predecessor in recent memory. Gone are the fetch quests from Sly Cooper and the Theiveous Raccoonus and replaced by more mission-oriented gameplay. Who thought sneaking along rooftops and pickpocketing guards would be fun? Don't dismiss this as a kids game, Sly 2 almost plays like an interactive version of Oceans Eleven with charming characters, surprising twists, betrayals, and a jailbreak.

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Reply #6 on: November 08, 2008, 05:00:24 PM
I'll start things off (with my oddly Nintendo dominated list) although I'll probably edit in reasons in a bit. XD

10.) StarTropics & Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics 2

9.) Ristar

8.) Mega Man X / Mega Man Zero 3 / Mega Man Legends 2

7.) Mother 3 (EarthBound 2?)

6.) Super Smash Bros. Series

5.) StarFox 64

4.) Jet Set Radio / Jet Set Radio Future

3.) The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker

2.) Sonic 3 & Knuckles / Sonic CD

1.) Super Mario Bros. 3 / Super Mario Galaxy

It might have been due to growing up and only getting one system per generation as a young one, but yea, my list is very heavily Nintendo influenced. Who's to say that some of these spots will remain unchallenged in the future though?
« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 03:47:35 PM by Jericho »

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Reply #7 on: November 08, 2008, 07:04:00 PM
10. Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
This game kicked the pants off of anything RPG like. Hilarious characters, great areas, awesome enemies, and the ability to go past a power level of 9000?! Man, this game was better than the internet meme at it's greatest.

9. Odin Sphere:
With a beautiful score, deep story, and diverse characters, as well as a classic battle system, this game was great. The only flaw was having to play through each character in an ordered list, but even then it didn't matter so much because the plot required it.

8. Mega Man 6/7:
I love Mega Man, and it's no surprise that a Mega Man game should happen to fall on this list. The only question is where, and what game. Even though I loved Mega Man, one thing that these two games caused me to enjoy more were power suits, especially ones that fly and punch the crap out of things, with it only getting better when both were COMBINED in 7.

7. Mega Man X5:
Another Mega Man game, this one of the X series. I loved the music and the game play in this one, it just couldn't be beat. I loved finding all of the extras and hidden bits, and using and not using the cheat codes to maximize my game. Going so far as to get every ending, this is one of the few games I loved getting 100% on (and I'm talking about every possible scenario occurring as well).

6. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile:
I LOVED this PS1 game. It was just so great. The ending brought me down to tears. It was so sad, but touching. The puzzles were great, the game was challenging, it was just an awesome game.

5. Xenosaga III:
This was the greatest Xenosaga game EVER. [parasitic bomb]'s goin' down, people are goin' crazy, and instead of talking for 30 minutes for the player to barely understand a single thing they're sayin', they're telling the lead man "WE IS GONNA DIE!" By far the best combat system in the series (you don't have to worry about the ABC and Air and Ground zone crap, and the giant robots are unlocked with a single visit), the game wrapped up the story nicely, even if the plot was cut half-way off.

4. Final Fantasy 7:
This WOULD be the greatest Final Fantasy game ever...if I didn't discover another. The game wasn't bad. It deserves it's praise because it's the only game in the FF7 franchise that doesn't make Cloud look like a giant emo. Seriously, what kind of depressed jack-ass says "Let's mosey!" before the final fight, or dresses up like a girl to save his childhood bosom toy? FF7 had some interesting characters, BA bosses, and a comedy relief at many points to make the game less depressing and emo-ish (stupid movie and DoC makin' everyone all gothic and emo ><).

3. Final Fantasy 6:
This IS the greatest Final Fantasy game ever. The story was FF7 minus modern and futuristic technology and space aliens, but the summon system SUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED (why do I want to kill myself with a summon? what good does that do me?). The characters were great, diverse, and the music was awesome. There weren't that many secrets compared to other FF games, but the flow of the game was just great. Very rarely was there some sort of random puzzle you had to solve with no clue as to how to go further (stupid Ancient's Key ><), or some kind of unknown location had to be gotten to first before you could do anything.

2. No More Heroes:
If you have never played this game I feel SO sorry for you. Awesome music, head slicing every where, a dementedly funny Otaku as the main character with the greatest goal in history? A recipe for awesome. Suda51 who created this game had actually CHALLENGED the creators of Manhunt 2 as to who can make the gory and bloody of the two games. In some ways, Suda won. When the first actual game play scene shows up, the main character runs through an iron gate on his bike, crashes, leaps up in the air, and slices two guy's heads off all ninja style! What happens next? a giant fountain of blood jets out of their necks and Travis Touchdown goes on to kick more ass with a BEAM KATANA! Just pure awesome.

1. Persona 3:
The best RPG I have ever played, hands down, bar none. It will clock you about 50-90 hours of game play no matter how fast you go. An interesting twist to common mystery dungeon crawlers, it doubled as a Sim game during the game's day with ass kickings at night. The only game I've ever played where magic was actually important and not something that you stop using after awhile unless it's to heal or buff, the fusion system was insanely awesome for creating a Persona with every elemental spell, or healing and buffing, or powerful physical skills. It also has one of the FEW final bosses that you just can't insanely over power. Even at lv. 99 for everyone, you CAN and most likely WILL get your ass handed to you if you are not lucky as all hell. A deep story, with characters I actually became close with after a period of time, it was just one of the most epic RPGs I have EVER played.

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Reply #8 on: November 08, 2008, 08:05:42 PM
I have trouble just plain ranking games because I end up listing too many of the same series. My actual Top 10 list would consist of five Mega Man games... So I'm listing my favorite franchises and then my couple of favorites within.

1. Mega Man 3, MM2, MM9
The formula brings more than enough replay value to me as I still enjoy tackling boss orders in different ways. Gameplay is spot-on with an elegant mix of action and platforming. Presentation is charming and music is unforgettable. Basically, I feel right at home with these games. MM3 holds special meaning because it's sort of a symbol of my childhood. I never owned the game as a kid, so I was completely obsessed about it.

2. Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy
When I take a more objective look at my games, I find that these are the greatest efforts around. 64 is my personal choice for an ideal sandbox-style videogame and arguably the most revolutionary game ever, while Galaxy is a technical masterpiece where almost every single feature could turn into a full fleshed game of its own. I would totally buy a whole game of ray surfing or ice skate racing.

3. Super Metroid, Metroid Prime
I got into Metroid not even two years ago. I spent more time with Super and Prime than any other game since. Fell in love with atmosphere, custom difficulty and gameplay freedom.

4. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, RE4
Along with Mega Man, classic RE is the only series I can safely say I'm really good at. I have a blast with path planning and supply management. Horror setting and crappy writing only make it better. RE2 might be a more memorable entry, but the amount of interaction and customization in RE3 bumped it to first. And RE4 is a monster, way ahead of its time.

5. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Sirlin's article illustrates my opinion on DKC2 perfectly.

Ten games right there. The list does change from time to time, but MM3 is always up there as my absolute favorite.

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Reply #9 on: November 08, 2008, 10:14:10 PM
1- Xenosaga Series
2-.hack//GU Series
3- Metal Gear Solid Series
4-Super Mario 3
5-Devil May Cry series
6-Sonic series
7- SRW series
8-Kingdom Hearts series
9- Rockman X series
10- ANUBIS: Zone of the Enders

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Reply #10 on: November 08, 2008, 11:27:45 PM
This is too hard to choose....

In random order.

Suikoden series
Chrono series
Some select FF series
Shadow of Colossus
Hack//GU series
Megaman series
Castlevania series
etc2... it's just too many!

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Reply #11 on: November 08, 2008, 11:28:23 PM
My current top 3:

3: Killer 7

Grand confusing storyline, beautiful art, addictive gameplay, a great stylish soundtrack with lots of variety, great twists and great what the [tornado fang] moments, humor, action and so much details make this perhaps the greatest risk a game designer has ever done for me personally.

2: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Brawl has probably beaten Melee already in my eyes, but my tournament experience with Melee is still misguiding me from the obvious conclusion. One of the greatest fan service games out there, with a gigantic well done soundtrack(Although not my instant favorite one), tons of unlockables and gameplay which is simple too learn, and hard to master(See: tournaments). Replay value will last for years on this one.

1: Mega Man 3

The ultimate classic game for me, as I will never forget it when I played it in my childhood. Aside from being a memorable gem for me, it really is a masterpiece regarding video games. Mega Man 3 is my current personal favorite game of all time.

Flok's favorites:

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Reply #12 on: November 13, 2008, 07:10:54 AM
Zelda, Zelda II, SMB3, Megaman 2, Megaman 3
Zelda, Lufia II, Megaman X, Megaman X3, Actraiser 2, Rockman & Forte, Seiken Densetsu 3, Front Mission: Gun Hazard, Kirby Superstar, Kirby 3, Star Ocean, Mario Kart, Yoshi's Island, Super Metroid
Zelda OoT(Debug is my favourite version), SSB, Super Mario 64
SSBM, Zelda(WW and FSA),
Zelda, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Victorious Boxers, SSBB
Zelda: Oracle of Ages
Zelda: Minish Cap, MMZ, MMZ3, MMZ4, Metroid Zero Mission, Kirby: NiD, CV: Aria of Sorrow
CV: Portrait of Ruin, Kirby Superstar, Tetris DS, MMZX, MMZXA
Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Monster World IV, Sonic 2, Phantasy Star 4
Sonic Adventure, Jet Grind Radio(ooooo), Marvel vs Capcom 2, Grandia II
Test Drive Off Road 3, CV SotN, Wild Arms, Wild Arms 2, Megaman X4, Megaman X5
Wild Arms AC:F, Wild Arms 5, Devil May Cry 3:SE, Blood Will Tell, Super Dragon Ball Z, MGS2, Dave Mirra 2, Dark Cloud
CV:DXC, MM:MHX, Gurumin, Wild Arms XF
Ys I&II Complete, Half Life 2(Including Garry's Mod), MMX8,  Cave Story, Jumper

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Reply #13 on: November 13, 2008, 07:23:40 AM
Random Order:

MediEvil (I and II)
I was the first game I ever played, and it had me addicted from the start. It was this game that got me into the occult, and with MediEvil II, that's what got me into steampunk. Difficulty's not too easy, but not too hard either. Weapons are fun to use, especially the magic drumsticks that turn enemies into tasty chicken.

Kirby Super Star/Ultra
Most favorite Kirby game for me, as certain mechanics (like not losing your ability everytime you get hurt) made almost never wanna touch other Kirby games again. The DS remake didn't change this at all. Not only that, but multiple-use abilities are always fun for me.

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
Although the last of the original trilogy Spyro games played (found 3 before 2), I adored it. Awesome music, memorable stages, and infinite superfire as your reward for getting 100% completion made it stood out amongst 1 and 3.

Kirby's Adventure/Nightmare In Dreamland
The game that first got me into the Kirby series. I loved the somewhat simplistic charm it held, and introduced me to what would become my most favored copy ability - Backdrop/Suplex. Just as memorable as Kirby Super Star. If only my foolish younger self never sold it...

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Reply #14 on: November 13, 2008, 07:42:23 AM
-Godzilla, Monster of Monsters.  Best use of the license before Pipeworks came along.
-MegaMan 3.  Orgasmic music abounds, first appearance of Rush and Protoman, and the ever fun slide.

-ActRaiser 2.  Hard as all blazing hell, but keeps me coming back.
-Yoshi's Island.  Whole game, final boss especially, is awesome.

-Pokemon Stadium.  Best soundtrack of any Pokemon game.
-Super Smash Bros.  Quite shameful they never reused Metal Mario's theme.

-Metroid Prime.  Meta Ridley is simply highly enjoyable.
-Super Smash Bros. Melee.  I MISS MY MEWTWO!!!

-Rayman Raving Rabbids.  DAAAAAAH!
-Zelda Twilight Princess.  Best overall Wii game, too bad the controls suffer launch-itis (*WHY* are we using the control stick to differentiate slashes with a wand?)
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl.  Super Dragon power!

-Sonic 3 & Knuckles.  Best 2D Sonic ever.  Gotta love them Super Emeralds, boss themes are awesome too.
-Toejam & Earl.  Extraordinarily rocking co-op game.

-Sonic Adventure 2.  Best 3D Sonic.

-MegaMan X6.  Gate's Lab is highly enjoyable.
-MegaMan Legends 2.  The pjwnage of this game is mind-boggling.  Best game on the PS1, period.

-Namco X Capcom.  Play it for five seconds after deciphering the menus, there's no turning back.

-Super Mario Land.  Old, classic, forever replayable (especially when you hack it).

-MegaMan Xtreme 2.  Best ever teamwork of X and Zero.  Retro intro stage BGM is awesome.

-Metroid Zero Mission.  A truly orgasmic nostalgia experience.

-MegaMan ZX.  Models X and OX, FTW.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

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Reply #15 on: November 13, 2008, 08:18:16 AM
1. Chrono Trigger
2. MegaMan 2
3. Street Fighter (series I can't pick one)
4. Final Fantasy VI
5. Final Fantasy IV
6. Super Smash Bros Brawl
7. Suikoden II
8.  Ratchet and Clank (series I can't pick one)
9. Another Century's Episode 3
10. Robotech: BattleCry

List changes =p

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Reply #16 on: November 13, 2008, 09:01:28 AM
StarCraft  (Strategy)
Donkey Kong Country 2  (Plat)
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3  (Action)
Zelda Ocarina of Time  (Act-Adv)
The Longest Journey  (Adv)
Harvest Moon: FoMT  (Sim)
Halo  (T/FPS)
Final Fantasy 12  (RPG)
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer  (Driving)
Mike Piazza's Strike Zone  (Sports)

Top of the line, favorite game of all time: StarCraft

Hard to find more than a few "complete" games these days. Oldschool ftw!

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Reply #17 on: November 13, 2008, 09:24:43 AM
I always love these games

Rockman classic and X series
Touhou Rekkaden : Rift to a friendship game (and another Touhou series)
Rosenkreuzstilette (still waiting for Rosenkreuzstilette : Freudenstachel)
Castlevania : Symphony of the night
Digimon world 1 and 3
Marvel VS Capcom
Street Fighter series
RagnaroK online
Pangya online

I'm still continue to play if I have a time >w<

Fear the power of my BANANA!!

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Reply #18 on: November 13, 2008, 09:25:34 AM
Megaman X/X2
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Street Fighter Alpha 2/3
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Kirby Superstar
Yoshi's Island
Chrono Trigger
StarFox /64
Super Castlevania 4
Donkey Kong Country 2

That's all that comes to mind right now, but the list goes on... and on... and on.

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Reply #19 on: November 13, 2008, 03:39:54 PM
1. X-com.

The earth is under attack, alien forces are destroying everything. You are in charge of the only organization that can save the earth. Prepare your men, send them in missions to protect people, recollect bodies and alien technology. Research said technology, make autopsies, know your enemies, develop better ships, superior weapons, train your soldiers and see them become war machines. The tension never stops, even your more skilled soldier can die in a blink of an eye, every corner, every shadow, every room, you never know what to expect, and the danger never end until the last alien drops dead or unconscious on the ground. Find new enemies, from floating brains that can control your people to lobster men who can take direct shots of missiles and eat grenades while walking toward your base and scaring the [parasitic bomb] out of you. This game is what every game should be, an unforgettable experience.

2. Banjo Kazooie/Tooie.

The definitive 3d plattaformer. Tons and tons of mechanics and creative ways to use them , a gigantic..titanic world to explore. The genius and humor of the 64's era Rare is seen here at it's pinnacle, the rhymes of Gruntilda and the sarcasm of Kazooie are some of the most loved memories of my childhood. Exploring every inche of every world was exciting, you didn't knew if it there could be a secret entrance to another world, a jiggie, or some puzzle that involved using one of your abilities in a creative way.

3. Final fantasy tactics.

A deep and complex system, although simple and addictive at the same time. An interesting story ( probably my favorite story in any game ever), addictive battles, superb designs ( specially the Zodiac demons ) and a game that you can stop playing over and over.

4. Megaman X/X2.

You know what made the classic megaman series great ?, the perfect music (  :V Megaman 2.. ) and the challenge. You are the small robot who must work his ass in order to gain a war only by himself. Make one step in false and you are scrap metal. Megaman X instead let you begin as a weakling who after some upgrades and items could become this incredible war machine. Jumping from wall to wall like a ninja while charging your buster and preparing to release it over your enemies..ride a robot..dash and avoid attacks..get new weapons. At the end you are this incredible powerful robot with a huge arsenal of weapons and Sigma is no match for you. The Megaman Zero series rescues that feeling as well, it's funny how defeating Omega is a piece of cake for a small robot like Zero.

5. Windwaker.

The different design was a bold step by Nintendo, but helped to give personality and life to the world you were in , and helped you to submerge in the atmosphere of the game. It's a Zelda at it's best, ganondorf and it's best, and everything that makes Zelda's games fun at it's best. The only ( gigantic )flaw is that retarded triforce quest, what the [tornado fang] Nintendo ?.

6. Red alert 2.

I's not a better RTS game that Starcraft for example. Actually it's not an perfect RTS by any means, the first one to spam tanks or any other unit can win easily. But what makes this game great is how it was designed. You have this huge and bizarre collection of units and weapons and ways to use them. Have you tried to teleport tanks to the middle of the sea ?, how about getting some of the secret units ?. " Construction ... complete", " Never existed !" , " Warning, your base is under attack"..when you play this game you are happy just by hearing the units and by watching time travelers fight  dogs or Giant squids battle seaships. Over the top and fun, that's all.



BOM BOM BOM bom bom bom BOM BOM BOMBOM bom bom bombom ...AH, [tornado fang] THE WOOD, I DON NEED IT, LET'S KILL DODONGA AGAIN

Offline TheDivine

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Reply #20 on: November 13, 2008, 05:08:09 PM
I have very good reasons why these are my top five favorite games of all time, but I'm just giving the list now. I'll edit the reasons in later.

1) Xenogears
2) Final Fantasy Tactics
3) Kingdom Hearts
4) Banjo Kazooie
5) Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening.

They are in order.

Offline HyperSonicEXE

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Reply #21 on: November 30, 2008, 03:52:20 AM
Given a recently-created topic, I feel this needs to be bumped. Helps people iron out what their favorites actually are.

10. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (SNES)
9. Sonic 3 (and Knuckles) (GEN)
8. Megaman X (SNES)
7. Super Mario 64 DS (NDS)
6. Super Smash Brothers Brawl (WII)
5. Kirby Superstar Ultra (NDS)
4. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES)
3. Mario Kart 64 (N64)
2. Starfox 64 (N64)
1. Final Fantasy VII (PSX)
« Last Edit: January 01, 2009, 08:46:31 AM by HyperSonic.EXE »

Offline Acid

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Reply #22 on: November 30, 2008, 03:56:04 AM
Does a "Favorite Games of All Time" even exist? I have my doubts. At least, I don't have one.

Offline HyperSonicEXE

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Reply #23 on: November 30, 2008, 05:12:24 AM
Does a "Favorite Games of All Time" even exist? I have my doubts. At least, I don't have one.

Well, considering it's a subjective opinion, no.

But we can each have our own "Your Favorite Games of All Time".

This is the hardest question to ask of gamers. Hottest girl/guy is usually answered right away by most people.

Offline RockmanHalo

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Reply #24 on: November 30, 2008, 09:53:32 PM
15. Call of Duty 4 (2007, 360/PS3)
As much as I wanted to hate COD4, I couldn't. I might just be partial because of the nukes, but campaign was a blast; [eyebrow] ; and the multiplayer is great. I'm not a huge fan of class-based FPSs, but COD4 seems to make it not as broken.

14. Mario Golf: Advance Tour (2003, GBA)
I really don't know how to go into detail about why it was a good game, I just know it is. I mean, I love golf, and the gameplay was spot on and the RPG stuff was fun.

13. Cyber Sled (199X, Arcade/PSX)
Hell Yes. I know it wasn't exactly perfect, but it appealed to me. There is little trace of this game on the interwebs.

I will edit this later. Dinnertime.

Talk. Fast.