Kharaxel's crappy engrish writing.

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on: May 01, 2009, 03:42:36 AM
HAI THAR! I just wrote this one crappy engrish fic out of pure boredom. It's not even funny, but tak a look anyway, k?


Zero was walking through the Maverick Hunters HQ. It was just a moment ago, when he finished perfecting his perfect hair. He was such a perfect Maverick Hunter in every aspect. Unlike that lame ass Axl.

Axl: You are a [Top Spin], Zero.

That's what Zero heard when he walked into FUN & GAMES room. Axl and some hunter were playing poker. There was a huge mountain of money on the Axl's side of the the table. It was obvious that the unnamed hunter was losing... badly.

Zero: What the [tornado fang]... did you just said to me? - Said Zero walking up to the table.
Axl: That you are a [Top Spin].
Zero: OH? And why is that?
Axl: Isn't the answer obvious? You spend so much frickin' time doing your hair, and you almost always make PERVERTED noises while doing so. If that's not a trait of a humongous [Top Spin], I don't know what is.

Zero's eye twitched. It was obvious that young and unexperienced boy that was sitting before him, had no idea what it really means to take care of your own hair. So, the obvious course of action would be educating Axl.

Zero: Listen Axl. You must know, that taking care of one's own hair doesn't make anyone a [Top Spin]. It just shows that you're a person who loves his hair and wants it to look clean. It shows that you are a caring person.
Axl: Whatever, [Top Spin].

Zero's eyes narrowed. He considered for a moment punching Axl right in the face, but in the end, he decided to act like a Reploid with good manners and just turned around to leave the room. However...

Axl: Oh, and I'm not the only one who thinks that, Zero. EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE HQ thinks the same. That you are a [Top Spin].

Zero's eyes widened in shock for a moment. But he just walked out of the room trying to ignore what Axl just said.

*  *  *

Zero: Say, Alia. I have a question.

Zero walked up to Alia, who was sitting at her usual post in the Navigation room.

Alia: Yes, Zero? What's up?
Zero: Well... I wanted to ask... if maybe... by any chance you think... that... I'm gay?

After these words were spoken, there was horrible silence. Alia was just staring at Zero blankly, clearly not being sure of what just Zero asked. After a five minute long silence, Alia put her head down and turned it a little to the left.

Alia: Ummm... well... I mean... you know... you sometimes... while doing your hair... you ummm... and you know.
Zero: Just tell me. Do you think I'm gay?
Alia: Yes.

After that blunt reply there was another long silence.

Zero: I see.

Zero turned around and left the room.

* * *

When Zero was going through the hallways of the HQ, he was slowly losing it. He thought that every hunter he passed by, was looking at him strangely... almost as if they too thought he was gay. Then, he heard familiar voices talking... and then he heard one of them saying “You know what Zero asked me today?”. Zero sneaked near the place the talk was taking he place. It was Alia and X.

X: What did Zero ask you?
Alia: He asked me if I think that he's gay.
X: What. And what did you reply?
Alia: Well... obviously yes. I mean, how could I lie to him?
X: That's mean! Zero is not gay!

“Yes! That's my X! Tell her!” Thought Zero. He knew that his dear friend X would not disappoint him.

Alia: Do you seriously think he's not?
X: Actually... well... okay, he's horribly gay.

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Reply #1 on: May 01, 2009, 07:49:05 AM
That was an interesting read...
Poor Zero... Even X says so... XD

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Reply #2 on: August 11, 2009, 08:38:34 PM
The Exciting Story of Megaman Y!

Y grabbed his beam saber. He felt that there was a Maverick nearby, thanks to his magical powers. He got up from the ground, on which he was laying because he lost 2 cents and tried to find them, and started carefully watching his surroundings.

Then, suddenly, from the bushes jumped out Maverick known as Double. Y did a quick movement with his hands, and Double was cut in four pieces.

"That will teach you to stop sneaking up on somebody." Said Y and laughed proudly.

BUT THEN, SUDDENLY, from the bushes behind Y came out X and Zero.

"I expected you guys to show up sooner or later." Said Y and turned around.

"What the... he looks just like you X, except, more cool."

That was indeed true. Y looked just like X, except, more cool. He was all black and gothic and stuff, while X was lame-ass blue like a hedgehog(GET IT?).

"Who are you?" Asked surprised X "I've never seen you here before!"

"I'm Y, and I'm your brother X."

"NO IT CANNOT BE!" Said shocked X.

"X's brother?!"

"Yes. I have been created by Dr. Light, but I was never finished. Then after Zero killed Megaman and others I was found by Dr. Wily and finished to be better than you both combined. I was created to kill the entire world dead. However I rebelled against Dr. Wily, killed him then sealed you Zero away. I've been living and hiding from people for all these years, but I'm showing up now because something evil approaches!"

"WHAT EVIL?!" Asked bothe Zero and X together surprised.


DUM DUUUM DUUUUM! What will happen next? Don't miss the next episode of this exciting fanfiction!

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Reply #3 on: August 12, 2009, 03:13:20 PM
Light Virus?
THAT DOUCHEBAG!!! *shakes fist*

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Reply #4 on: September 27, 2009, 12:20:03 PM
Okay, guize. I tried writing a serious story in english. I will present you with the results, and you will tell me about all the mistakes, I'm mostly worried about grammar, and stupidly written sentences. It's not very long, so give it a read, k?

It's based in my own world, and I actually have many characters and stories made up and prepared long ago. So I might continue this.

Still, it didn't turn out exactly how I imagined.

Anyway HERE IT IS:

[spoiler]It was a dark and calm night. The castle was, like always, quiet at night. Well, at least that part of the castle he lived in. The other one, which was populated by his legion of loyal vampires, was usually very lively. Thanks to special barriers however, Natevurus could enjoy peace and quiet alone in his chamber.

That is, he could, if a certain person haven't arrived.

Natevurus was sitting at a long dining table with his unwanted guest. He was dressed in his usual get-up of black tuxedo and equally black cape. His long black hair, was like always clean and well maintained. His arms crossed, he was watching his guest very carefully. Many thoughts and possibilities of conversation were going through his head. It was a regular thing for him to plan in advance, just so he could have an upper hand.

His guest, a young looking man, seemed to be a complete opposite of the vampire. He had short white hair, and shining white armor. He was eating joyfully food that was on the table, and it looked like he just didn't care about anything else.

However Natevurus knew better. He knew very well, that behind that seemingly innocent exterior, hid a legend. Yes, the legendary "Holy Warrior", also called the "Hero of Heroes"... Santzudan.
According to folklore, he was the first mortal who ever spoke to Altar "The Miracle God", or just God. He was the one who created the group of Natevurus' mortal enemies, "The Order of Saints".

However, that person is supposed to be long dead. So, if Santzudan is long off this world, then who was it that was sitting in that chair across the table? That question pained the vampire, especially since the holy aura which was emanating from his guest, would say that he indeed is who he claims to be.

Suddennly, Santzudan stopped eating. He wiped his mouth with one of the handkerchiefs from the table and looked at the vampire with a happy smile. Natevurus shuddered a bit, yet against his will. It rarely happened to him, however there was something about that happy smile, that made him feel uneasy.

"Well now, Natevurus my friend." He said. "We can talk about business now." With that said, he drew his right hand up, and in a flash of light, a white orb appeared in it. "Do you know what this is, my friend?"


"..." Santzudan paused, taken aback by vampire's blunt reply. On his face appeared a surprised look. "Really? I thought you would recognize this."

"I'm sorry, if I do not recognize some white ball." Said Natevurus, with a grimace.

"Ball? Oh please, Natevurus, I feel insulted."

Santzudan placed the orb on the table, and looked at Natevurus with a serious face.

"Now... watch."

With that said, he tapped the orb with his index finger. After a moment of silence, Natevurus heard a crackling noise from beneath the orb. The table was freezing. With each passing moment, it was getting colder, and colder, when eventually the whole table was frozen completely. All the food and cutlery on the table was frozen also, and the orb was floating in mid air. Natevurus was standing few steps away from the table. His eyes widened a bit in amazement. It was at that moment he understood what the orb was.

"You know what this is now, don't you?" Said Santzudan. On his face, there was a huge evil smile. It was completely different from his previous happy one.

"Yes. Yes indeed. An Elemental Orb, 'The Ice'." Replied Natevurus.

"YES!" Shouted Santzudan and started walking towards the vampire, grabbing the orb. "I know that you have both 'The Flame' and 'The Spark'! Therefore I propose a deal..."

"A deal? Are you telling me you want to trade something to me for those two? Or are you trying to trade this orb for something else?"

With that said, Natevurus moved toward the door leading out of the dining room. Santzudan followed after him.

"Actually, I want your help in exchange for something else." Said Santzudan, and the orb disappeared from his hand.

"My help? With what?"

They entered into main part of the chamber, also called the throne room. There were huge bookshelves at the walls, all filled with books. There was another pair of doors to the left, leading out of the chamber and into a long corridor. Across from said exit, was standing Natevurus' black throne. Natevurus sat in it, and looked at Santzudan, who was checking out one of the books from the shelves.

"Why do you need my help?" He repeated the question.

"Why? Well, because I want to become God." Said Santzudan, without taking attention away from the book.


"What you heard, vampire boy. I want to dethrone Altar and become a God of this world."

Natevurus started laughing. Santzudan looked at him, pouting.

"This is not funny. I'm serious."

"I know, and the exact fact that you're serious about this, is so horribly hilarious." Said Natevurus, trying to contain his laughter.

Yes. It was indeed a hilarious statement. Especially for him. Natevurus was after all, caught up in an eternal battle against the Miracle God, and he tried many things already in order to defeat Altar. None of them worked. The source of those failures is simple, Altar never appeared before him to fight. He always only sends his soulless servants, Angels. You just simply cannot defeat an enemy who doesn't appear on the battlefield.

"Listen, Natevurus. I need all the Elemental Orbs to initiate my plan into motion. I also need a strong follower, like you, who will help me in battle with Altar. In exchange I will trade you something very precious to you."

"Oh, and what is it?"

On Santzudan's face appeared a huge evil grin. "Your life." He said, and in his right hand appeared a shinning sword with a white handle.

He jumped towards Natevurus and did a cut with his sword. However the vampire reacted quickly, and using instant teleportation appeared behind Santzudan. Without wasting any time, Natevurus attacked back, cutting at his enemy with his long cape, which served now as his weapon. Santzudan however jumped high in the air, avoiding the sharp blade of the cape.

"You're using your own cape as a sword? Interesting, vampire." Said Santzudan, standing face down on the ceiling. He was smiling with a cocky smile.

"So you're trying to force me into "partnership"? You're kind of different from the legends about a noble hero who saves orphans and maidens."

"Those legends exaggerate everything about me greatly."

"I can see that much."

Natevurus' eyes flashed red, and on the ceiling, right under Santzudan appeared a black portal, that sucked him right in, before he even managed to react. The vampire laughed, and closed the portal quickly.

"Fool. You can now dwell in the "Zone of Silence" for all eternity."

Natevurus walked toward his throne, and noticed that it was damaged by Santzudan's sword. He cursed.

Suddennly, he heard a strange noise, like a buzzing. He turned around, to see that there was a crack in the air. It was white blue, it looked just like the air in itself has cracked. Then suddenly, the crack literally blew up and before Natevurus' eyes, there was standing none other than Santzudan. He still had a cocky smile on his face. Behind him, there was a slowly closing gap to the Zone of Silence.

"Oh my. He cracked down the barrier between this world and the other dimension." Thought Natevurus.

"Well, it seems like your little plan of trapping me there has failed. Why don't you just give up, vampire?"

"Give up? You seem to not realize who I am, Santzudan." Natevurus pierced his enemy with a cold gaze.

"Oh, but I do know, and that's why I'm so sure of my advantage over y..."

Santzudan paused, because Natevurus suddenly appeared right before him and punched him in the stomach. Santzudan's eyes widened, however he didn't even had a time to react, before Natevurus punched him again, and again, and again. Even tough the holy warrior was wearing an armor, it did not protect him from the force of Natevurus' punches. The vampire was very powerful, each of those punches would be able to demolish entire buildings.

After a minute or two of this, Santzudan fell on the floor all beaten up. He could barely move. Natevurus walked toward him, and stepped on his head.

"Well now, worm. I think you were trying to say something before I interrupted you. C'mon, say it. Finish!" He said, stepping on Santzudan's head harder, and harder with each word.

"Natevurus..." Said Santzudan, and burst out into an insane laughter. "You, you think this matters at all? You think you've won?! Ha... hahahaha!"

"Shut up." Said Natevurus, and kicked Santzudan in the face. However the holy warrior seemed to not be even phased by this, and just started rolling on the floor laughing maniacally. Natevurus backed away a few steps.

Suddenly, on Santzudan's face appeared an expression of absolute horror. He looked at his own  hands, and there he saw that he started to dissolve into nothingness.

"Where am I?! What's happening to me?! What... THE WITCH... WHERE IS SHE?! IT'S THE WITCH'S DOI..." He didn't finish, because he dissolved into nothing.

Natevurus, surprised by this strange turn of events, sat on his throne, and started thinking deeply about the whole situation. There were many strange things about what happened this night, and the strangest of them all was Santzudan's unusual death. Is he truly dead however? Where did he get The Ice? What was exactly up with his stupid plan of becoming God? Or what about that... witch.

Suddenly, like lightning from the heavens, a realization hit him. Identity of the "Witch" Santzudan spoke of before he died. There was one person, only one, whose existence would explain most of the mysteries of this night.

Ultimania, The Witch of Time & Space.[/spoiler]

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Reply #5 on: September 27, 2009, 02:41:44 PM
Well, it's pretty good actually, nice flow.
There were a few missing words here and there, but overall, nice read.

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Reply #6 on: September 27, 2009, 07:01:33 PM
Well, it's pretty good actually, nice flow.
There were a few missing words here and there, but overall, nice read.
Thanks, Wily. You're the only one here who seems to give a crap about my writing(either that, or they just found even this story so atrocious, that it wasn't worth commenting on). Your thread of creative works has been added to my "to check out" list, tough I did plan to check it out eventually. : P

Also, I added a little thing in the story at a certain moment, it makes more sense with that addition. It's about force of Natevurus' punches, and how he managed to hurt Santz through his armor.

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Reply #7 on: September 27, 2009, 08:47:59 PM
I don't know why you don't get much reviews, but that often happens in RPM.
 I really loved the first one cause I really didn't expect the ending.

 The second one reminded me of "teh bonking", because it's another fic mocking all dumb stuff fan(girsl especially) can write in their fics. Of course, I liked it.

 The third one was interesting and well written despite some mistakes here and there. But overall, pretty good.

 Keep up writing!

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Reply #8 on: September 28, 2009, 02:26:17 AM
Also, I added a little thing in the story at a certain moment, it makes more sense with that addition. It's about force of Natevurus' punches, and how he managed to hurt Santz through his armor.
Hmm... I see.
Then again, I always thought of Light and Dark neutralising each other at plot juntures... XD

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Reply #9 on: September 28, 2009, 12:08:16 PM
Asena: Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it really. : >

ANOTHER CHAPTER OF MY STORY! I kind of rushed this one, because in the third one there will be the bestest of things... I think so. Also, this story has a title now.

[spoiler]Return of the Ultimate Witch
Chapter 2
The Ancestor

"TekEter sure is huge, ain't that right Evena?"

Salazar Tagard, along with his friend Evena Syllubim, were walking through the streets of the capital of the Tekkerion Continent, TekEter. It was a truly huge city, with skyscrapers on every turn, a lot of cars, people on the streets and huge flashing billboards at most of the buildings. It was completely different from, for example, the capital of the country of Astraroth from the Magion Continent, from which both Salazar and Evena were coming from.

"Yes, yes it is. After all, this is the biggest city on this whole continent, and also the center of all technological advancements of our world." Replied Evena.

Salazar is dressed in a long red unbuttoned leather jacket with black leather pants. Under the jacket, there he has a black shirt. His bush of long black hair moves with every breath of the wind. On his face there is his standard cocky smile.

Evena on the other hand, is dressed in a blue silk jacket with yellow laces. and with light-brown pants. Under the jacket there she has a white shirt. She has long red hair, that symbolizes the fact that she is a magician who uses mostly fire magic. Unlike Salazar, she rarely smiles and has usually a very bored look on her face.

"Why don't we have some rest?" Said Salazar and pointed with his thumb in the direction of a small cafe.

"It's a good idea... but we shall do that right after we find the one who stole that data from Magnus Corp." She replied, with a very strict tone of voice.

"I already know where to look for it. It's now simply a matter of going there, and there's no rush."

"Yes, there is. Do you remember what that CEO said? That disk contains a very dangerous information, that should not be accessed just by anybody. If we don't hurry they might make many copies of it. If you really know where to look for it... then let's go, and we will have some coffee later."

Salazar touched Evena's lips with his index finger. She made a surprised face, while he was smiling with a charming smile, very different from his usual cocky smile.

"Hush, my dear. I don't give a crap about any of that, I just want to have some coffee with you at this charming little cafe."

With that said, Salazar embraced Evena and put his mouth close to hers, prepared to kiss her. However, before their lips met, she kicked him in the groin, also pushing him away from herself.

"What the hell was that for?!" Shouted Salazar, trying to control himself, even tough the pain was getting in the way of that.

"We have a job to do, Salazar Tagard. There's no time for you to play 'Carlos the man of love'."

"God damn it! Why do you have to be such a [sonic slicer]?!" Salazar spat on the ground. "Whatever. I lost interest anyway. Let's just find that bastard, and be done with it."

Salazar started walking forward, Evena followed right behind him.

"So, you said you know where is the thief." Asked Evena.

"Indeed. When you were taking a nap at that hotel, I asked around... and it seems there's only one person in this city who would do such a thing."


"I don't know exactly. He's a hacker or some crap. He specializes in obtaining illegal information for his clients, especially if they pay big money. They call him 'GigaByte.'"

There was a moment of silence. It seems Evena was thinking about something because she stopped walking and crossed her arms.

"What is it?" Asked Salazar, and also stopped walking.

"I wonder... if he's a hacker, then that means he steals data by hacking servers and databases, right?"

"Uhh, yeah, something like that." He replied scratching his head.

"The thing is, no one hacked the servers of Magnus Corp. Someone simply got inside their special vault and stole a disk with data. I don't think a hacker working with a computer could do that."

"Which means that..."

"Yes. I don't think that hacker person did it."

There was another silence, this time longer one.

"Fuuu..." Said Salazar facepalming. "I paid for that information 245 Terrians."

"Well, no use to cry over the spilled milk. Now we need to find..."

Suddenly there was a huge explosion. A shop on the other side of the street blew up, many people were caught in explosion and were laying on the ground, either dead or burning alive. From the fires of the burning building walked out a young woman with long green hair, dressed in equally green robe. She had a long magic staff in her right hand. Salazar's eyes widened, he recognized that woman. However, it was impossible. It couldn't have been HER.

"Hello, my dear Salazar." The woman said, smiling warmly at him.

Evena looked at Salazar surprised. He had a very serious expression on his face.

"Do you know who I am, Salz?" Asked the woman.

"Selerina Tagard, of course. My great grandmother."

"Yeeees!" Said Selerina cheerfully. "As a reward for this good answer, I will give you this!"

With that said, she tossed a flat box to Salazar, who managed to catch it. The box contained a computer disk.

"This is..."

"The disk that was stolen from Magnus Corp. I no longer have any use for it, so I can just give it back to you." Replied Selerina, and laughed. "However, I must see if you're really so strong like they say... en garde!"

Selerina pointed her magical staff at Salazar and two fire balls flied towards him. Both he and Evena jumped in the air. In Salazar's hands appeared a huge sword with spiked blade. He cast a 'Speed Enhancement Spell' on himself and charged on Selerina. She smiled evilly, and tapped her staff quickly on the ground two times. Salazar cut at her with his sword, but she disappeared and reappeared right behind him. Then, from the ground started growing a huge tree. Salazar quickly backed away. Selerina who was standing on top of the still growing tree, jumped down.

"So... how do you like my little tree here?" She asked Salazar, who was standing few meters away from her.

"It's pretty... but I'm sure you didn't just summon it for show, did you?"

"Oh, of course not. When this tree will stop growing, its leaves will start producing a special toxic odor, which will spread all over the city... killing many people." With that said, she started laughing.

Salazar also laughed.

"Sorry, lady, but I think it's time to say good bye. GO FOR IT, EVENA!"

Suddennly, ground around Selerina and the tree flashed and right there appeared a huge magic circle. Her face twisted in a expression of horror.

"The God's Wrath!" She said.

Just then, a huge beam of light hit right into the circle, destroying the the tree completely. Selerina screamed in agony and there was a huge explosion, however only inside the magic circle. Evena who was previously standing on the top of a building, walked toward Salazar who who admiring the destruction that was brought down by her spell.

"Nice work, girl. Tough I wanted to ask her a couple questi..." Salazar paused, because in the clearing smoke he saw Selerina, barely standing. He walked towards her and got in a battle ready stance.

"Sala...zar. Listen closely." Said Selerina, and fell on the ground.


"The witch... she is responsible for this... the ultimate witch... Ulti... mania." She said, and looked at her hands which were almost gone. She started to dissolve into nothingness.

"What... what is happening?" Asked Salazar.

"You must... meet... with Nate... vurus... he knows... who she... is..." With those last words, rest of Selerina's body dissolved. There was not a single trace of her left now.

"Evena. I think we will have to pay that bastard a visit." He said, got out the disk from his pocket and looked at it.

"I think that we will have to ask, what's in this disk." Said Evena.

"Yeah." Replied Salazar and started walking forward. Evena followed after him.


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Reply #10 on: September 28, 2009, 02:47:56 PM
Well, the general flow is still good, though the last few paragraphs/lines started to show a bit of inconsistences, like missing words, and a bit of grammar.
Still, nice job.

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Reply #11 on: September 29, 2009, 12:53:33 PM
Hmm.. There's room for improvement. Not trying to say it harshly. It's mainly pacing and such. This Ultimania stuff seems to be coming out of nowhere. Completely disconnected from everything else going on in the given situations. A white knight who wants to be God suddenly going OH SNAP ULTIMANIA and then this Selerina chick dishing out info after fighting like that.. I might also suggest finding another name for Ultimania.. Its not very good and it seems more less a rip off of Ultimecia from Final Fantasy 8.

Other wise, I think you have something here. Grammar could use work. You seem to jump between two different perspectives at times..

Salazar is dressed in a long red unbuttoned leather jacket with black leather pants. Under the jacket, there he has a black shirt. His bush of long black hair moves with every breath of the wind. On his face there is his standard cocky smile.

Evena on the other hand, is dressed in a blue silk jacket with yellow laces. and with light-brown pants. Under the jacket there she has a white shirt. She has long red hair, that symbolizes the fact that she is a magician who uses mostly fire magic. Unlike Salazar, she rarely smiles and has usually a very bored look on her face.
This has a more.. You're there as it's happening vibe. You're experiencing it right now.

Just then, a huge beam of light hit right into the circle, destroying the the tree completely. Selerina screamed in agony and there was a huge explosion, however only inside the magic circle. Evena who was previously standing on the top of a building, walked toward Salazar who who admiring the destruction that was brought down by her spell.
See the difference with the above quote? The tense and such?

It'll be interesting to see how it turns out. Writing, like most everything else, is something you can only improve upon through practice. Constructive criticism helps point you in the direction you need to go. So good luck with it!

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Reply #12 on: September 29, 2009, 06:35:43 PM
Gotham: Yeah, I noticed that there was a problem with tenses. I will try to work on it with the upcoming chapters. I more or less got rid of this problem when I write in Polish.

As for the plot, yeah, right now all the things you mentioned do not make much sense. There's however a reason behind both Santzudan's and Selerina's stupid actions. I will not reveal it now, because it's to be revealed in the story, but I promise that everything will make sense soon.

This story serves me as a training and setting everything up, before I get into the first real story arc, "The Lord of the Dark Tower".

As for the name Ultimania, well... yeah. When I found out there's already a witch like chara with name "Ultimecia", I wanted to change Utlimania's name. In the end, I decided not to, because it was hard for me to let go of a name I already made for a chara long time ago. I made it up with the thought of Ultimate + Mania(polish word meaning obsession, which relates to her character). Therfore Ultimania.

Anyway, thanks for the tips and overall for leaving a comment in my thread here. : >

Posted on: September 29, 2009, 17:18:35
Because suddenly I'm in the mood for writing retarded parodies, I present you with this story. I know it might look more lame than funny, but whatever.



Chapter 1: Petals of a Dark Flower

Kalestro woke up. He looked around his room, and noticed that there was nothing unusual happening, like always. He got up, got dressed and went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Just then, he noticed that there was no bread.

"Fuc*. I lack much needed bread. I must go and buy one."

And so he goes to the shop to buy some bread. On his way there, he passes by some hooded stranger. Not minding him one bit, Kalestro enters the bakery shop and buys some bread and then just walks out of the store when the hooded guy stops him and it's all so trippy because the time seemed to have stopped and oh my god the hooded guy grabs Kalestro by the arm and whispers in his ear.

"Can you feel Sora?" Says the hooded guy.

"What?" Asks confused Kalestro.

"I mean, you are the chosen one. You must come with me." Replied mystery hooded guy, and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, they appeared in a completely different place. They were on the courtyard of a huge castle. There were peoples dressed in those ancient wardrobes and stuff. It was pretty medievil... or maybe it was medieval? Whatevers. So they are there, and then there a old guy with a long beard in a robe comes up to them and says:

"Ho ho ho."

"Are you Santa Claus?" Asks Kalestro.

"Ho ho ho. No I'm not. Buy you must be the chosen one." Replied old guy, stroking his long beard.

"Merluvon, he's the chosen one, alright. The destiny bread chose him, just like you said it would."

"Yes. I can see that."

Kalestro was just listening to the ramblings of two dudes and was totally like dumbfondled. He didn't knew what the whole ordeal with "Chosen one" meant, but he probably was in some deep sh*t.

"I haven't introduced myself yet." Said the hooded guy. "I'm Darkly Darkness. But you can call me Dark."

"I'm Merluvon Eastnorthwestsouth. I'm the royal magician on the service of Kingdom Azeroth."

"You mean like from Warcraft?!" Asked Kalestro.

"NO!" Shouted everyone on the courtyard.

"Okay, okay. But what do you guys want from me? And what do you mean that I'm the chosen one?"

"Listen well, Kalestro. Both your and our world is in great peril. A great evil is currently on it's move to destroy us all!"

"What great evil?!" Asked shocked Kalestro


To be continued...[/spoiler]

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Reply #13 on: September 29, 2009, 06:57:04 PM
... I am so confused...

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Reply #14 on: October 08, 2009, 07:24:04 AM
So after that atrocity I've written before, I return to bring you a sequel to the very first thing posted in this thread, and that is the Megaman X fanfic. It's very short, just like original. Not very funny, but the previous one wasn't either.


[spoiler]Axl was sitting at a table in his own room. There was darkness all around him, because it was night and his lights were off. Besides there were no windows in his room anyway. As he was sitting like that, in this absolute darkness, he was thinking about how [tornado fang]ing awesome he is.

Not only is he one of the big shots in Maverick Hunters ranks now, he's also in a team and good friends with X and Zero, the legendary hunters(even if Zero is a huge [Top Spin]).

It wasn't all, of course. He was also a master of gambling, which in his case, amounted to playing poker with other hunters and outplaying them when they least expect it.

Yes. He was such a huge mass of awesome, that it was only natural for him to be deep in thought about his awesomeness.

Suddenly he heard a knocking at the door. He looked towards it, narrowing his eyes.

Axl: "Who's there?" - He asked.

???: "AAAAXLLLL... I'VE COME FOR YOUR SOUL!" - Replied a cold voice form behind the door.

Axl got up quickly, and backed away a few steps. The cold, deep and scary sounding voice seriously freaked him out. However, logical thinking quickly wormed its way into his electronic brain, and he immediately calmed himself, thinking that it might be just a joke. IT HAD TO BE.

Axl: "Ha, ha, ha. Very funny. Is that you ProtoZero?"

???: "NO, AXL. IT'S ONLY ME... YOUR DEAR FRIEND... DEATH." - Replied the mysterious person calmly.

Axl: "That's it. I'm going to kick your ass. Whoever you are!"

With that said, Axl walked towards the door, ready to input the code releasing the lock on them(Since this is a hi-tech sci-fi door). However...


Axl stopped dead. Slowly, an irrational feeling started filling him up from head to toe. It was fear. He was now very close to the owner of the scary voice. He felt chills, which was unusual because he was a machine.

Axl: "Ridiculous." - He thought, trying to shrug off the fear that was overwhelming him.

He typed in the code quickly, there was a short beep, and the door quickly opened. There was, however, no one standing there. Axl walked into the dark hallway. There was no one to be ssen. He sighed with a relief. It must have been a stupid prank after all.

He turned around, door closing behind him. He decided to turn on the lights. Axl flipped the light switch, and at the same exact the room was lit up, he froze dead. At his couch, there was sitting a pretty girl with long brown hair and a beret on her head. She had an armor mixed with normal clothing(namely a dress) that was mostly red and blue. However the thing that caught Axl's attention the most, was the fact that she was pretty much transparent. Like a ghost.
Ghost Girl: "I told you I will get in if you open the door." - She said, smiling at him softly.

Axl: "Wh-wh-BUH-WHAAAA?!" - Shouted Axl. If he was human, this would be the moment he would [acid burst] his pants.

Ghost Girl: "My name is Iris. Nice to meet you, Axl." - Continued ghost girl. - "I think we will have a lot of fun tonight." - She giggled.

Suddenly, lights in the room started blinking before going out entirely. However with each blink, Iris' visage started becoming more and more demonic.

*  *  *

X: "Zero! What happened?!"

Said X, while running up to Zero, who along with many other hunters, was standing before Axl's room.

Zero: "It's Axl. His neighbors heard him screaming, so they came to check on him. When they opened the door, he was like this, cuddled up under the table, trembling."

With that said, Zero and X entered the room. It was indeed how Zero described it. Axl was laying cuddled up under the table, trembling and also muttering something to himself.

Then, into the room walked two medical Reploids. They got him on a stretcher, and then took him to medical bay.

X: "I'm going with them. What about you, Zero?"

Zero: "I'm going to join you later, I just need to take care of something."

*  *  *

Zero entered his room. There in the middle of the room was a magic circle. There were many candles around it. On his couch, there was sitting ghostly Iris, drinking tea.

Zero smiled with an evil smile.

Zero: Just as planned.[/spoiler]

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Reply #15 on: October 08, 2009, 08:07:14 AM

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Reply #16 on: October 08, 2009, 03:08:59 PM
Bravo Zero... Bravo. XD

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Reply #17 on: October 08, 2009, 11:49:43 PM
Awesome! XD

There was darkness all around him, because it was night and his lights were off

 hahaha it's like "sparkling lavender that sparkled a lot"

Very nice mmx fic.

 The fic right before the mmx fic was wierd, I didn't get it much, So I can't properly review it. :/

 And I still need to read another text here, so I'll review it when I read it :)

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Reply #18 on: October 13, 2009, 10:04:50 AM
The fic right before the mmx fic was wierd, I didn't get it much, So I can't properly review it. :/
The thing with that one was, that it wasn't a fic but an "original" story parodying shitty stories about dem chosen ones.
It was also based a bit on a story my friend Norvel wrote once upon a time(which wasn't really THAT bad, it's just that there was so many cliche things, that you could almost choke on them).

Anyway, here i bring you a Rockman.EXE fanfic, set in no particular universe. Let's say it's my own universe that takes inspiration from games, manga and animu.
Tough you won't learn much about it, since it's only a prologue, and I wrote it quite long time ago. To see if I can write something in english. Anyway, here you go.
If I get positive feedback, and see that you guys like it, I might write more. Anyway, HERE IT IS:

[spoiler]Net Navi War

Prologue: It all begins…

Forte was hovering over the Internet City. It was a breath of fresh “air” for him, seeing as he always lurks in the shadows of the Undernet. But he didn’t leave that place just because he was bored of it, oh no. He left because he wanted to fight with Rockman once again.

Rockman is a Navi who relies on his human operator, on the other hand, Forte is a Solo Navigator who relies on nothing more than his own strength. He also despises humans.

They both are rivals. Forte sees only Rockman as his equal, even tough their powers come from completely different things. Forte is fueled by his rage and hatred, while Rockman’s power comes from friendship and unity.

While he was floating above the net city, he couldn’t help but notice how happy all the Navis down there were. They were smiling, laughing and clearly having a great time. Then, he noticed that some Navis in a alley were assaulting some girl Navi. The Evil Navis looked like typical Undernet Navis, but the girl was quite beautiful. She has long white silver hair and white dress typical for girl navi. Such girls were rare sight in the Undernet, but here, in the normal part of the net, they were quite common.

For some reason, instead of ignoring her, he decided to help her. He quickly landed in the alley. The girl was too “busy” being scared for her life, and evil navis were too busy scaring her, so they didn’t even noticed when Forte appeared.

- “Hey, you two.” – Said Forte calmly, and both evil navis turned around to him. - “Aren’t you two pathetic. Ganging up in two on a one weak girl? Such scum like you is barely even worth being an addition to my tremendous power.

-“What? Who the hell are you, fin-head? This gal here stole something from us, so we just want to have it ba…GUARRGH!”

Forte pierced the biggest navi with his sword, the big one collapsed and Forte started punching and kicking the second navi. After a while, the second one collapsed too and Forte crushed his head under his foot.

-“Thank…thank you so much for saving me!” – Said the girl happily. – “How can I repay you?”

-“Did you really steal something from them?” – Asked Forte giving the girl a cold stare.

-“Oh goodness, NO! They were lying! I could never steal from anybody!”

-“Better go back to your PET and operator.” – He said as he started to walk away.

-“My name is HE! What’s yours?”

-“Forte.” – He said, before flying up high into the sky above net city.

-“Forte…yesss.” – The girl muttered to herself – “He should be an ideal pawn for Hate Eternal. Yesss.”[/spoiler]

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Reply #19 on: October 13, 2009, 03:30:20 PM
Looks surely are deceiving...

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Reply #20 on: October 13, 2009, 11:00:10 PM
Indeed.. Very nice !

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Reply #21 on: October 16, 2009, 01:11:07 PM
Okay. This time I wrote a longer fanfic, taking in place in classic series. Once again, it's my own universe, so few things go differently there(things from few games for example never happened).

It will be a series... I think. We will see.
I will be trying to write this half-jokingly, half-serious. Let's see how will this turn out.

Have at you!
[spoiler]Rockman NEXT
Story 1
Chapter 1: Copy

Forte was sitting on the couch in the “Fun room” watching tv. They were airing some football, and because it was better to watch this than some stupid romantic comedy, he was wasting his time watching "stupid humans who run around kicking a ball".

Suddenly then, he heard a familiar voice. This voice was so horrible, that every time Forte heard it, he wanted to puke. Yet, he couldn't, because he was a robot. It was one of the advantages he had over the weak and pathetic humankind.

"FORTE! GET YOUR METAL ASS IN HERE!" Shouted Wily. His voice spread out through the entire Skull Castle. Probably because there were speakers on every wall in the building.

"Goddamnit!" Said Forte, and got up from the couch.

If there's something Forte hated more than a robot boy scout, it was a mad scientist. Especially a certain kind, one that has a habit of constantly trying to take over the world, with a rehashed plan from the previous 100 times it tried.

Recently however, Wily was just sitting in his laboratory, making something. Never even coming out. Not that anyone here was particularly worried about what happened to the old geezer. He can be dead for all they cared.

The thing is, Wily was alive, unless it was his ghost that spoke through the speakers. And if he's alive, it means that he will put him into some kind of trouble.

That wouldn't be nice.

*  *  *

"What do you want, you old man?" Said Forte, walking through the sliding door to the laboratory.

The laboratory looked like a typical thing you see in the movies. It was full of strange machines and gadgets. Nothing out of ordinary like always.... however, there was something that was standing out from the norm. It was a certain thing placed on a little stage, which was illuminated by colorful lights. The thing in itself was hidden beneath a white piece of cloth.
Wily, who was looking at it, turned around towards Forte. He had a very big and proud smile on his face.

"Oh, you're here. Good. I have something to show you." Said Wily and pointed with his thumb at the mysterious object.

"Oh joy. I suspected as much." Said Forte and stood next to Wily. "What did you build this time? Maybe a time traveling device in a tv remote?"

"Don't be silly. Time travel is impossible... even for me." Replied Wily, and walked on the stage. "Well... it's time to show you my newest and greatest creation!"

"Yeah, yeah. Just show it already."

"Well then... BEHOLD!"

With that said, Wily grabbed the cloth and removed it in one swift move, revealing... Rockman. He was standing there, with his eyes closed. The expression on Forte's face was a combination of both shock and disgust. He wasn't exactly sure what he was seeing, but he didn't like it, nope, not even one bit.

"So? What do you think?" Asked Wily, blissfully unaware of the rage that was building up inside Forte.

"What... what do I think?! Better question is... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Shouted Forte.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean THIS!" With that, Forte pointed at Rockman. "Why in the holy mother of hell, did you build another smurf?! It's quite enough we have one! We don't need two!"

"Oh, calm down." Said Wily grimacing. "It's not as if I didn't program him to be completely on our side." He added, and pointed his index finger up. "He will be our key to victory!"

"A copy? Defeating an original? Since when?" Said Forte, slowly calming down.

"Well, you know, I don't expect him to be fighting alone. You will be helping him."

After hearing this, Forte's rage immediately returned. However this time, it was a rage with the power of over thousand suns. He is supposed to partner up with a copy of Rockman, to defeat the original? Over his dead body.

"You must have gone completely nuts Wily, if you expect me to fight Rockman alongside this... this... FORGERY of yours!! NEVER! I'm the only one who will destroy Rockman!"

On Wily's face appeared expression of disappointment. It seems, he genuinely thought Forte would agree to something like that. However, ever so clever, Wily decided to take a different approach. He smiled crookedly. and cleaned his throat.

"What if I told you... that if you two succeed in eliminating Rockman, I will let you also destroy this copy? Hmmm?"

"Hmmm. Gee, let me think." Said Forte crossing his arms. "How about I just trash it right now?"

With that said, Forte pointed his buster at the copy Rockman. Wily, still smiling, reached out to his pocket, and clicked a button on a small remote. Almost instantly, Copy Rockman awakened. Moment after, Forte started shooting at him. Copy Rockman ducked to the right, and fired back at Forte. The shot didn't miss and he was hit right in the chest. The blast sent him back, right into the wall. Copy Rockman looked at Wily, surprised and confused with the situation.

"What's this about, Lord Wily?" He said directing now his attention to Forte, who was getting up from the floor. "Why was I attacked?"

"Oh, well. This here moron refuses to cooperate with you. He wanted to destroy you while you were offline. You're lucky I managed to turn you on in time." Wily said, looking at Forte with pity.

"Oh, I see."

"You're good... for a copy." Said Forte walking up to the two of them. He had an angry look on his face.

"Thank you, brother." Said Copy, looking at Forte.

".." Forte stopped. He wanted to tell that "damn copy" to not call him "brother", but there was something so strange about him, that he decided not to say it. The copy's eyes, unlike all the eyes of robots he ever seen, were just... hollow. There was no life in them. Adding to the strangeness, was the fact that even tough he was just attacked, Copy Rockman was very calm. His face was completely expressionless. Completely different from the original. It was not only strange, but kind of creepy.

"Oh, Forte? It seems you noticed." Said Wily and chuckled.

"Noticed? Noticed what?" Asked Forte.

"That he acts kind of... "strange"?"


"Well... you see. I decided to make him a perfect killing machine, that's loyal to his one and only master... ME." Wily said cackling evilly. "He's calm and composed at all times... unlike a certain other bot I know."

"Well, whatever." Forte turned around to leave the laboratory. "Call me when we are going to go kill Rockman. I'll be waiting." With that said, he left the laboratory.

Wily cackled once again. He knew for sure that Forte will be interested in the cooperation, now that he knows that Copy Rockman is very strong. He will surely try to destroy him. First however, it will be original Rockman who will fall.

"I'm a genius!" Wily thought.

To be continued...[/spoiler]

C&C much appreciated.

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Reply #22 on: October 16, 2009, 02:45:38 PM
Well, I'm pretty intrigued with this plot for now, another Copy Rockman, but this time, a fully loyal one...
This should prove interesting.

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Reply #23 on: October 16, 2009, 09:34:00 PM
He's a genius indeed! XD

Interesting, keep it up!

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Reply #24 on: October 18, 2009, 09:23:05 PM
Thanks for the comments, guize.

Now, I will present you with another original story. I'm more serious about this one, than about the previous one I presented here. Some of it was translated from Polish, the part that was written, that is. Rest was finished in english.

I'm trying to go for something different with this one, which should be really noticed with the next chapter. Okay, ENJOY!


Story 1: Sad Prelude

"When your life crumbles down, you will see how much it all really meant to you."


I am a very confident man. I can say that about myself, after all I have the right to do so. I'm a noble... people call me "Count". It's a title I earned thanks to the fact that I was born in the family of Malevulus, one of the richest families in our whole country. There's no denying it, I am better than other people.

In that case... why?

I don't understand it. How something like this could have befallen me? I feel great, but yet...

I'm laying on my bed. Beside me, also on the bed, sits an old doctor. His words bounce off me, I refuse to accept them.

"What... what did you say? I think I don't understand." I said, trying to act as calm as it is possible.

You're dying, gracious Count. Slowly, slowly, with each and every day you're nearing your own grave." Replied the doctor.

I don't know what to say. Hundreds of thoughts are flying through my head. I hear a fearful squeal of my fiancee Elizabeth, lamentations of my mother and father's nervous questions directed to the doctor. However, all those sounds are overpowered by my own thoughts.

"Why? How? Why? When? What did I do? God! I don't understand it, what did I do to deserve this? I, Count Kristopher Malevulus! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!" I scream in my mind. I just can't fathom it. Absolute despair, and feeling of complete hopelessness are overcoming me.

"However... there might be a way to cure this."

"Huh? What?" I have been thrown out of my mental panic, but only after a while it comes to me what has just been said.

"It can be cured... I think. Tough it won't be easy." With that said, the doctor cleared his throat and got up from my bed.

"Never mind! What must I do?!" I also got up.

"Well, a long way from here, on the outskirts of the city of Aerialth, lives a wizard. He's called "The OverMage". He's supposedly the last one of his kind." The doctor looked me straight in the eyes. I could feel his stare. His eyes were cold, devoid of any emotions. "I can't guarantee that he will want to help you... but I think it's always good to try. No, gracious Count?"

With that said, the doctor left my room. I sat back on the bed, deep in thought. If there's truly someone who is able to save me... I must find him. At all cost.

*  *  *

I still don't understand it. I always felt great, no troubles with health. Ever since I was a child. Now suddenly this illness, "The Reaper", hits me like a hundred ton of steel right in the face. Come to think of it, I never even heard of it. What is it? Where did it come from? Such a mystery. Maybe I will uncover it after I meet with that OverMage.

I pondered all of those things, while looking out of the window upon the night sky. In my room there was a one huge window, it had great view on the moon. As a child, I used to sit here hours upon hours at night, whenever the moon was full. My father didn't like that too much, so he ended up scolding me harshly when he found out that I was still doing it, even tough he clearly told me not to. "Night is for sleeping, young man. You must sleep at night so that you can have to strength to study during the day!", is what he said. Eventually I stopped looking at the moon. Many years since has passed since then, I almost forgot how beautiful it looks.

Suddenly, I heard knocking at the door. It was Elizabeth.

"Kristoph, can I come in?" She said, after she opened the door a bit.

"Of course. Feel free." I replied, without taking my eyes off the moon.

She came in to the room, and stood beside me. I took a small peek at her, she was dressed in her usual gold dress. Her blond hair, was shining in the moonlight. She was beautiful, a woman of my dreams. I knew her ever since I was little... and I know she was always strong. However, I'm sure she must be near a nervous breakdown. She was always worried sick about me... since we both were but small brats.

"Say, Kris." She said, looking at me, there were tears in her eyes. "What if... what if you won't make it there in time?"

"I will make it in time. Don't worry." I smiled at her, trying to not burst into tears myself. "Everything will be alright. I will be back before long, and then... then we can get married."

She started weeping loudly and came into my arms, cuddling up against my chest. I embraced her. I knew very well, that I might never see her again. The feeling of sadness was unbearable, yet, I had to mask it. I had to hide away my true feelings, lock them up in a cage made of lies, for both her sake...

And mine.

*  *  *

"Be careful" Said my mother, and gave me a hug.

It was time for me to go. My family and I was standing before the gate leading to our manor. There was also carriage, prepared especially for me.

I was dressed in my black tuxedo and white frilled shirt. In my right hand I was holding my good old crane. I pushed my brown hair back, and smiled at my family. They had worried looks on their faces.

"Well, then everyone. I will see you soon."

With that said, I boarded the carriage. I didn't even wait for them to say anything, I just wanted to get it over with. I took a deep breath. I did not know what was waiting for me during this trip, but I could only hope that it was the cure for The Reaper.

"Let's go!" I said to the driver, and in a moment the carriage was on its way.

*  *  *

It was getting slowly getting dark. The carriage was still going, without a stop. We were now in a forest. I was bored out of my mind. "I should have taken a book or two with me." I thought. At first I didn't think of taking anything except my crane and money. I did not expect that I would get bored. It was however refreshing, yes, very much so. Being so bored, instead of scared was a nice change.

It didn't last long.

Suddenly I felt a nauseating pain. My vision became blurry. It was the same... just like the first time it happened. I now felt the power of my sickness for the second time. Fear overcame me completely, I fell on my knees.

Suddenly there was an explosion and the carriage was knocked over on the side. I heard the scream of the driver and then... absolute silence. Even tough my pain has not completely passed, I'm trying to get out of the carriage. I stood up and tried to open the other door, which were now above me. After a moment I managed to open them, but...


I heard a cold, metallic voice above me. I looked up to see a person in a metallic armor, black cape and a mask that had a "psychotic" smile painted on it. The person also had a very long, snow-white hair. He grabbed me with both hands by my clothes and pulled me out from the carriage, putting my face near his.

"HOW DO YOU ENJOY IT?" He asked me.

"Enjoy... enjoy what?!" I said, almost shouting. I was scared.


"What? I..." I wasn't sure what to say. How did he knew about it? More importantly... what does he want?


With that said, he tossed me aside, and started to walk away. However, I lost my consciousness. I was sure that I will die, probably wild animals will eat me... is this it? I didn't even die because of my illness? I will die before even... my God. I... I...

I'm... sad.[/spoiler]