Videogame Player's Club. List your Top 10

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Helada Quemadura

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on: April 18, 2009, 08:40:54 AM
Ever notice how in some of the most popular videogame series that the main hero almost always have a particular love interest? Well, there are cases were the hero is the center of a love circle (friend and foe) and they are oblivious/dense to it and the subject is always raised up by the fanboys and fangirls of the series. In these fanworks, they are refered to as pimps, players, giggolos, etc. I'm just going to refer to these heroes as players.

#10: Derek Stiles - Trauma Center series
The first memeber of the Player's Club elite group goes to Dr. Derek Stiles from the Trauma Center series. He is surrounded by many pretty nurses. The main one is Angie Thompson whom acts tough around him but obviously got the hots for him. Her competition is Naomi Weaver, Reina and Heather Ross. It makes you wonder how he and Angie never got hitched as one would expect in Trauma Center: New Blood which takes place 10 years after Under the Knife 1

#9: Phoenix Wright - Gyakuten Saiban series
I can't really count Mia Fey in this one since she acted a little too sophisticated but Phoenix really got it going on with the other young ladies in the Faye clan: Maya, Chinami, Ayame, and little Pearl too although she's trying to push for Maya x Phoenix though she admitted herself that she wished she was old enough for him and a little jealous of Maya for it. Another girl worth mentioning is Ema Skye. Attaboy, Nick you deserve a spot in the player's club.

#8: Mario - Super Mario Bros. series
Princess Peach may be his trophy lady, but he's had other women in his life. Pauline was his first girlfriend when he made his debut in Donkey Kong but she only lasted one game (two if you count the remake), Goombella whom was only a one-time thing, Princess Daisy whom also seemed like a one-timer but started resurfacing in party games. Last but not least is Rosalia but that's only in fanfiction. It's a shame he could not be ranked higher.

#7: Kuros - Wizards and Warriors series
Although he is not that well known of a character, he has had the privilege of rescuing a lot of ladies in the first adventure and although he had no such luck in Ironsword, he hit the jackpot in Wizard and Warriors 3 by promising to marry 3 princesses separately. Too bad he never fufilled those.

#6: Zero - Megaman X/Zero series
The first of three Megaman heroes to make the list. He may be a reploid with no human emotions or feelings. That doesn't stop the ladies from falling for him. Iris was the only that he was serious for but you also got Layer whom even blushes when around him, you also got Marino if you consider having a wild and out girlfriend, Leviathan who is an enemy of his who is a slight tease. There is also Ciel, a human whom he met during the Zero series and always wanted to admit her love for him. For those familiar with the plot of how the beings came to be in the ZX series, I look at Jiro and I think that game plot is false, and Jiro was the first of a Reploid x Human lovechild trend that ushered in the ZX series. JAJA!

#5: Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy 7
He managed to have four main girls: Tifa, Yuffie, Aeris and Jessie but sadly the latter two died tragically. Love doesn't always have to happy ending, no?

#4: Lan Hikari - Megaman Battle Network series
The 2nd of the Megaman heroes to get in the club. He may be 12 but he has already had his share of ladies. Who can ever forget his eventual wife Mayl whom loved him since the beginning. Along the way, she had to compete with Princess Pride, Shuuko, possibly Saloma, Jasmine, Lilly, a few random older women, and even Iris whom is actually a NetNavi but yet falls for Lan. Just like with Zero, it's another case of cyberloving.

#3: Makoto - Shinpi no Sekai: EL Hazard (SAT)
Oh do I have to explain this one? You are basically responsible to which one of these Ladies. He was a shoe-in for the Player's Club thanks to the anime of the same name and if this Top 10 was for anime and not videogames, he would've been #1 in that category.

#2: Mega Man Trigger - Megaman Legends/Rockman Dash series
For the #2 spot, comes the 3rd and last Mega Man character that made the list in the Player's Club. His name is Mega Man Trigger and he is such a hottie with the ladies. Roll Caskett seems more suitable of being a sister figure in my opinion. Trigger has other girls on the market like his archnemesis Tron Bonne who has an obvious crush on him that he is oblivious too. Then there are also Yuna, Sera, Matilda (Roll's mother), Mayor Amelia, Shuu, and a few random girls here and there. It's funny how he gets smacked for trying to pick up Roll literally.

#1: Link - Legend of Zelda series
And the number 1 spot for the best member of the Player's Club is of no surprise. He's the man clad in green, with the pointy ears hailing from Hyrule. He is the one and only Link. When it comes to being a player, these other guys can't tough him. Almost every woman in the Zelda series has had a tease at being his love interest. Zelda seems like a shoe-in but let's not forget Saria, Malon, Marin, Ruto (whom he almost married), Nabooru, Medli, Din, Naryu, and the list goes, and the list goes, and the list goes on. Ooh yeah, who can resist such a sweet kid with blond hair and green suit. I don't think any other character can as good of a player as Link unless they try on purpose. Way to go Link. What charm, but don't forget there are many players like you all over the world.

There are many more players out there but these 10 were the ones that everyone knows about. More players may come in the future but I seriously doubt anyone will beat Link. At least not in videogames.

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Reply #1 on: April 18, 2009, 08:44:30 AM
I have porn for this. I don't need to think about it while I'm playing.

Offline Tickle Buffalo

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Reply #2 on: April 18, 2009, 09:41:42 AM
Why would you want to make a thread about this?

Helada Quemadura

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Reply #3 on: April 18, 2009, 09:55:08 AM
had too much whiskey.

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Reply #4 on: April 18, 2009, 11:15:22 PM
Wait, I'm curious~ who made the list? H, Q, or both of you? ^^

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Helada Quemadura

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Reply #5 on: April 19, 2009, 03:57:23 AM
H: It was me. Color coding our posts sounded like a good idea, but putting H and Q before the posts work better since the board is too much of a cold color for my posts. I was a little tipsy when I made that list. Heck, my comments on Link were inspired by the Macho Man on Coke Youtube video.

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Reply #6 on: April 19, 2009, 05:06:43 AM
Princess Daisy whom also seemed like a one-timer but started resurfacing in party games.
Daisy is Luigi's squeeze.

Anyways, I guess I can take a shot at a list of my own.  Dunno if I can hit 10 or not, though.

You'd be surprised, but even a 50/80/100 meter tall mutant engine of destruction can get a lot of attention from the ladies.  He certainly spars with Mothra, mother of two, often enough.  And then there's Biollante, although that's somewhat incestuous.  Nevertheless, a heat ray down the throat sure knocked her scales off.  Both his girls got to dance with him in Godzilla Unleashed on the Wii.

You might not think on the surface that Yoshi puts a lot of effort into this.  But if he can tell a male Birdo from a female Birdo (we all hope; it's in Camelot's hands) then that pretty much puts him ahead of the entire human race so far as attention to detail goes.  You can't tell me he was born like that, the little green guy has to have a few secret romps in his catalogue.  I'm sure of it.

Ike - Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
Marcia flirts with him, Mia can't get enough of sparring with him, and Aimee would probably nail him with a bear trap if necessary.  Then of course there's Elincia.  For somebody who has shown no romantic interests whatsoever, Ike has quite a following

Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney
Women of the Fey bloodline pretty much fall into the guy's lap, whether he wants them or not.  No amount of Objections will stop that.

Sonic The Hedgehog
Amy pursues him relentlessly and he's adventured with other gals, not the least of which is Blaze (the only character outside of male hedgehogs to use emerald power in the newer games).  He has quite a few other alternates outside of the gaming continuity as well, some of which made a cameo in Sonic Spinball (my personal vote goes to Sally).

MegaMan X
Alia may have been married to her work in X5, but from X6 on she seems to have her eyes on X quite a bit (one more in a long list of reasons I'm glad the series didn't end there).  X even got a little flirting on the battlefield from Berkana.  Then there's Nana competing for his attention next century.  Despite this X isn't going to get any action unless he's blitzed, seeings how he's so hopelessly oblivious.

MegaMan Trigger
His adopted family (but not REALLY sister) Roll, and a pirate girl.  Oh yeah, and the 2nd in command of paradise showed up naked even though there wasn't anything going on there (that we know...).  Boy, he can sure pick 'em.  As fun as it is to peek at someone who can slap you to death while they're changing/bathing, I think blowing their clothes off in a robot fight is much hotter.

Four or five (wondering what "reward" Nabooru had in mind earlier...) girls drooling over him in OoT, 'nuff said. 

Zero may not have matched Link's track record in a single game, but for a series with comparatively less emphasis on story and little dialogue between non-combatants, Zero's held up pretty darn well.  Nailing 4 or more ladies (minimum: Iris, Layer, Ciel, and anonymous resistance chick) in a series of sidescrollers is pretty darn impressive.

Princess Peach
Who says the player has to be a man?  Seriously, how many guys has Peach been cockteasing?  Mario, Booster, and HIGH TECHNICAAAL chameleons are only the tip of the iceberg.  She keeps Yoshi satisfied despite making him sleep on the roof.  And of course, her biggest victim is the big man himself, Bowser.  There's something to be said for having a giant snapper turtle who rules over every other creature in the world wrapped around your finger.  Too bad the poor guy usually winds up getting dunked in lava whenever he gets turned on.

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Reply #7 on: April 19, 2009, 06:58:41 AM
#8: Mario - Super Mario Bros. series
Princess Peach may be his trophy lady, but he's had other women in his life. Pauline was his first girlfriend when he made his debut in Donkey Kong but she only lasted one game (two if you count the remake), Goombella whom was only a one-time thing, Princess Daisy whom also seemed like a one-timer but started resurfacing in party games. Last but not least is Rosalia but that's only in fanfiction. It's a shame he could not be ranked higher.

Actually, Pauline was actually in a total of 3 games (if you count the remake). She was also in Mario vs. DK: March of the Minis, where she received a nice design revamp that made her quite hawt. 

And, in my opinion, I doubt that Goombella and Rosalia were girls that Mario took that seriously (if at all). In both instances, he was focused on saving on saving his designated woman, which wouldn't really leave him with much time to have a "lil sumthin' on the side".  8D

You might not think on the surface that Yoshi puts a lot of effort into this.  But if he can tell a male Birdo from a female Birdo (we all hope; it's in Camelot's hands) then that pretty much puts him ahead of the entire human race so far as attention to detail goes.  You can't tell me he was born like that, the little green guy has to have a few secret romps in his catalogue.  I'm sure of it.

The American side of the equation may always make Birdo's gender questionable, vary from game to game, but in Japan, "Catherine" was ALWAYS a tranny. That much is inescapable.

In fact, if I remember correctly, Cathy's lil profile in the Japanese version of MK:DD was basically as follows:

"...Seems to be Yoshi's girlfriend....or should that be 'boyfriend'?...."  8D

Princess Peach
Who says the player has to be a man?  Seriously, how many guys has Peach been cockteasing?  Mario, Booster, and HIGH TECHNICAAAL chameleons are only the tip of the iceberg.  She keeps Yoshi satisfied despite making him sleep on the roof.  And of course, her biggest victim is the big man himself, Bowser.  There's something to be said for having a giant snapper turtle who rules over every other creature in the world wrapped around your finger.  Too bad the poor guy usually winds up getting dunked in lava whenever he gets turned on.

*stands up and applauds* YES.

Peach HAS to be aware of what's she doing. She knows fully well that Mario and Bowser will be content to battle each other, until the end of time (or whenever Ninty gets tired of making Mario games, whichever comes first!)....and all because of her. Wouldn't be surprised if she and Bowser actually DID fool around a bit in between kidnapping episodes...after all, why didn't she just say something to the effect of "HELLLLLLLLLLLLL NAW!" to Jr, when he started popping off and claiming she was his "Mama", back in Sunshine?

She always has that whole "gentle and demure (and some what air-headed)" act going for her, but no no no...the whole rule of "players being able to spot game" demands that her game being recognized for what it is.

She's one of the most cunning and accomplished players in her field, and all the while, the fate of the entirety of the "Mario-verse" will always hang in the balance, as long as she wants it to. Nobody else can even hope to TOUCH her, in that respect.

Don't be fooled by those air-head-like remarks of "Peachy~!". Peach is one stone-cold, UTTERLY SMUG Q. Bee.