Personal Gaming Lexicons

Satoryu · 16508

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Reply #50 on: October 27, 2009, 03:22:45 AM
- His pink costume is Bubblegum Crisis.
- His orange costume is either Citrus Arakune or Tang.
- His white costume is Sperm.
- The drill bug, as in the one you use with D, is called Debug.
- Not something in BlazBlue, but the final boss of Contra Rebirth has earned the name Arakune.

- Yellow Bang with the pink hair is Gravitation Bang or Grapefruit Bang.

Not sure if you hear me when we play but I sometimes call the orange Arakune "Orange creamsicle Arakune" and paink haired Bang "Pink lemonade Bang". XD

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Reply #51 on: November 29, 2009, 01:32:17 AM
Told ya I'd forget some.

Posted on: October 27, 2009, 04:48:16
Just a couple more to add.

Back to BlazBlue, Arakune is sometimes called The Kun. So his 2C is called Kun Kar, though sometimes it's also been referred to as Doom Train.

And I have some Castlevania ones. The leather whip is called the Pussy Whip, or sometimes to be even funnier, Puss Wagon. The fully upgraded whip is called the Mondo Whip.

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Reply #52 on: November 29, 2009, 03:13:01 AM
'man, plural: 'mans - Pokemon, derived from that "Let me show you" meme.

Barfos - Those SMB3/NSMBWii critters that hock up a spiked ball before throwing it at you.

Pogo-Stick Cyclops - Big Eye (MM1).  I refuse to dignify that monstrosity by using its proper name.

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Reply #53 on: November 30, 2009, 04:28:03 AM
Pop My Cherry! - What you yell at a close friend when you want out of a bubble in New! Super Mario Bros. Wii

Got Mah Suit! - Snatching the better of any two power-ups that are randomly given out in most blocks during multiplayer. This must be said a la Randy playing the Juggernaut in "The Juggernaut, [sonic slicer]". XD

- Losing a life because player one scrolled too far ahead of the rest of the group.

Mushroom Mooch - Any player that picks up your character when they have a power and relies on it to get themselves through it.

Offline Satoryu

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Reply #54 on: April 30, 2011, 05:03:33 AM
Oh wow, I can't believe I forgot this gem this whole time.

It's one my friend made up, actually. In Mega Man 8, in the Rush Jet sections, when you get the weapon that makes Rush shoot bullets in a spreadshot formation. He calls those Rush Rice Krispies.

Posted on: December 08, 2009, 07:38:48
Wow this thread is older than I thought. Whatever, I don't care, I'm reviving it.

Now that MvC3's been out for a few months, I imagine people have some lingo they use for it. I got some.

- First, as you probably know, it is imperative that you shout BIONIC ARM when a Spencer uses it. Well, I got a similar thing. If a Magneto uses Gravity Squeeze, you must spread your arms forward like Magnus. Shouting the name in a hammy fashion is optional.
- Doom's Plasma Beam is called Blast Puppy. That's what one of my friends thought he was saying.
- Hulk's Gamma Crush is called Hulk Bomb because the sounds it makes on a clean hit sound like a ticking time bomb.
- Finally for now, on this week's Wednesday Night Fights, the commentators were quoting Double Rainbow when a Zero would use Rekkoha then XFactor cancel into another Rekkoha. I was cracking up.

There's a bunch of others I use that I can't take credit for. Big Poppa Pump, Bubbles of Fun, Buff Bagwell, America's Favorite Combo, Dog, Lassie, Scooby, the list goes on.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.

Offline Hypershell

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Reply #55 on: April 30, 2011, 05:34:21 AM
Shark-bait - Games which are EXTREMELY tempting to hack on account of certain items, tactics, or unlock requirements being insane/unrealistic/excessively meaningless time-killing.  Examples:
-Mew, and other "event-only" Pokemon back before we had Wifi.
-For that matter, pretty much the entire IV/EV system post-3rd-gen Pokemon.
-1-star ranking 150cc on Mario Kart Wii.  I got a perfect score and the game still letter-graded me [tornado fang]ing B.
-Red rings in Sonic Colors.  Being the ONLY game to feature Super Sonic in 3D stages, it is the ultimate gaming cocktease.
-Pretty much every Alatreon body break in Monster Hunter Tri, should your choice of weapon be anything other than a bowgun.  Webbing alone is hell; I don't see how anyone after a Skypiercer keeps from destroying the totality of existence.

Dragonite power! - My typical Pokemon battle cry, testament to my favorite 'man, and the fact that I absolutely refuse to build a team without him.

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Reply #56 on: April 30, 2011, 11:14:56 PM
Those wierd things Vile shoots at the ground in Megaman X1 and X3 that look like yellow pulses are called Butter Buds. Because they remind me of butter.

Likewise, the football shaped shots used by almost every enemy in Megaman Legends one are called French Fries.

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Reply #57 on: May 01, 2011, 12:18:59 AM
Likewise, the football shaped shots used by almost every enemy in Megaman Legends one are called French Fries.

Hah, I've always called them Lemons.

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Reply #58 on: May 01, 2011, 12:49:12 AM

Wow this thread is older than I thought. Whatever, I don't care, I'm reviving it.

Now that MvC3's been out for a few months, I imagine people have some lingo they use for it. I got some.

- First, as you probably know, it is imperative that you shout BIONIC ARM when a Spencer uses it. Well, I got a similar thing. If a Magneto uses Gravity Squeeze, you must spread your arms forward like Magnus. Shouting the name in a hammy fashion is optional.
- Doom's Plasma Beam is called Blast Puppy. That's what one of my friends thought he was saying.
- Hulk's Gamma Crush is called Hulk Bomb because the sounds it makes on a clean hit sound like a ticking time bomb.
- Finally for now, on this week's Wednesday Night Fights, the commentators were quoting Double Rainbow when a Zero would use Rekkoha then XFactor cancel into another Rekkoha. I was cracking up.

There's a bunch of others I use that I can't take credit for. Big Poppa Pump, Bubbles of Fun, Buff Bagwell, America's Favorite Combo, Dog, Lassie, Scooby, the list goes on.

Marvel lexicons might seriously be some of the best stuff around. Most notably to me currently are an alternate take of your Magneto comment where everything else is the same, but you pronounce the move as "Grabbity Squeeze". Cracks me the [tornado fang] up every time. XD

Offline Satoryu

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Reply #59 on: May 01, 2011, 01:27:06 AM
Here's some relating to move notation. You know how forward, down, downforward is called a Dragon Punch or DP? And how the command for Geese's Raging Storm is called the Pretzel? I've got a couple like that. First is quarter circle forward, half circle back. I call that motion a Daifunka even though Bang is not the first to use it. If you do it backwards, as in quarter circle back, half circle forward, that's a Reverse Daifunka.

But there's one command that I was annoyed at for the longest time because there wasn't a good name for it. Half circle back, forward. Well I thought about it for a long time and I came up with an easier name for it: Fishhook. That's what it most resembles if I trace it out.

For some less complicated stuff, if there's a double tap down motion, I just call it a 22. And for a move that's down and a button in the air, I switching between calling it J2x, filling in whatever button is used, or I call it a Lumbo, named after a spammer of those types of moves. Elbow drops with Tager all the time.

Otherwise I just use standard stuff. Quarter circle forward, quarter circle back, DP, RDP, 360, 720. That's when spoken aloud. If I'm typing, I'll typically use number notation.

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Offline ViperAcidZX

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Reply #60 on: May 01, 2011, 04:50:15 PM
Here's a few of mine.. Other might be funnier than mine..

Rosenkreuzstilette ~Blades of the Rose Cross~
"Playing Tag" - Luste's stupidity can be exploited to make fighting her a LOT easier. Whenever you get close to her, she'll leap over you like Metal Man does, except in this case there's no conveyor belt to unwillingly move you all over the place. And whenever she's trying to get away from me, I'm like "Oh, playing 'tag' now are we?" since she loves to play games with Spiritia. Even though she's an idiot, I still love her~ <3 X3

"Mocking Death" - Similar case with "Playing Tag", but not as easy or exploitable; you'd probably need good timing for pull this off. During the second phase of the battle with Thanatos (a.k.a. Raimund Seyfarth), he'll fire off a counter attack if you press the Fire button and jumps from one side of the screen to the other if he's hit. This is where it gets kinda funny. With Seelegewehr and proper timing, you can smack him with a fully charged Seelegewehr while jumping over his counter attack, quickly slide to where he was after he jumps over, Seelegewehr [sonic slicer]-slap him again while hoping over his red scythe beam of doom, wash-rinse-repeat.

More to come...
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 05:22:49 AM by ViperAcidZX »

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Reply #61 on: May 01, 2011, 11:27:36 PM
I don't have any personally (at least not yet), but I remember a few from the early videos of SSoHPKC's Killing Floor. He would call the enemies pretty funny things:

Stalkers - Invisibitch 
Scrake - Chainsaw guy 
Crawlers - Spider things 
Sirren - screaming bitches 
Bloat - Fat man
Husk - Missile guy

Thats all I remember.


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Tahu: "No. That leaves only me."

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Reply #62 on: February 04, 2012, 03:39:22 PM
Pardon the necro-post, but this is a fun thread, and I have a few recent additions:

Mega Man X: The Lost Levels - Fastest way for me to summarize Mega Man X6 (and a good way to get an idea of whether you will or will not enjoy it).  X6 and SMB2(J) are highly comparable in terms of their presentation, their use of old resources, their lack of involvement from their respective figurehead series developer, their difficulty, their fairness, and their general uniqueness compared to other games of the series.  Had X6 been withheld from the U.S. on the grounds of being too difficult, I'm sure more people would have loved it.

As useless as Bubble Man - One who suffers an incredibly stupid and/or embarrassing death/loss, to the point where they clearly posed no threat to their opponent whatsoever.  May refer either to myself or others, but especially to easy boss fights, ie: Spark Mandrill.
(thank Duane and Brando for that one)

The collapse of Mario Kart 7 society - Maka Wuhu.

Glug! Glug! Glug! Glug! Glug! Glug! - You know that fingery thing that they do in the Super Mario Bros. movie?  Victory celebration for my brother and me whenever we destroy the Death Star in Star Wars Rebel Strike.

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Reply #63 on: February 04, 2012, 06:21:33 PM
Majora's Mask Fail: a fail that is so bad it's hilarious. Taken from when my friend was playing MM for the first time recently and drank the potion for Koume right in front of her. (Luckily, Kotake gives another free one with the line "You hopeless child... Make sure this one actually reaches her.")

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #64 on: February 04, 2012, 08:24:21 PM
Snooper - The Sniper class often goes around and doesn't stay in the same spot for long, but does manage to slip into enemy territory far more successfully without being detected by the brother class, the Spy and getting kills without ever getting noticed amongst the chaos.

Demomaniac - As Demoman, you often shoot five stickies ahead of you.

Heavily Useful - Most likely as the name suggests, as a diffrent class, you end up playing a rowdy playing style more suited to the Heavy.

Road Hog - Bump everyone out of the race track imaginable, and be the biggest douche in all of racing.

Crosseyed - Someone who has a hard time seeing past the crosshair of a FPS game. Can be said for gun-totin' maniacs who rather burn their bullets in a psychotic manner.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

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Reply #65 on: February 06, 2012, 04:14:09 AM
Just thought of this one while post at the "What games are you playing" Thread.

WAVE MOTION Gun - This is something I plan on using on Earth Defense Force 2017. The "WAVE MOTION" part stands for Waste and Vaporize Every Mofo Obliterating and Terrorising Innocent Orgamisms Now. If no one has heard or played EDF 2017, the "mofos" are the Ravagers (aliens) trying to wipe out the "innocent orgamisms," in other words the human beings. Also, "mofo" interchangeable with the F-bomb.

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Reply #66 on: February 14, 2012, 04:37:33 PM
"pulling a Mirb" - Stealing a star from someone's 7 in Mario Kart 7

So named after I did it once and was all OH HOLY [parasitic bomb] in the OCR IRC (was racing with OCR peeps) and given the name after one of my friends did it that very next race.

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Offline Satoryu

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Reply #67 on: July 27, 2012, 04:19:29 AM
Bumping up cause I had a great idea. This below...

But there's one command that I was annoyed at for the longest time because there wasn't a good name for it. Half circle back, forward. Well I thought about it for a long time and I came up with an easier name for it: Fishhook. That's what it most resembles if I trace it out.

Scratch that. I got a better name for it: RDLR or Riddler. Because those are the primary directions you go if you're on the player 1 side. Right, Down, Left, Right. Trying similar with forward and back (Fidbif) or toward and away (Teedat) don't really work as well.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.