Naruto (Manga Discussion Mainly)

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Reply #350 on: July 09, 2009, 07:51:33 AM
Ugly as [tornado fang].


Those bandages make it look like his eye is in the wrong position >_>

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Offline Jericho

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Reply #351 on: July 09, 2009, 07:56:34 AM
Sorry that I actually analyze literature or graphic novels instead of going "Fight! Fight! Fight!", "Sasuke iz gay/awesomez!" "Lol!". The people made it to tell a story and I'm discussing it. Don't like it? Go back to Jeresy. Same to Acid.

Oops... I don't live in NYC anymore and I used that expression. Oh well. Don't get me wrong, I respect you all, as far as I wish people to respect me, but take that garbage to someone who'll eat it. You are both nerds like me and Zan. Sooooo....

Not to be an ass, but I don't think it's a good idea to go on the offensive because someone doesn't enjoy the manga the same way that you do. I understand that you might want to analyze and comprehend how things go along in the story, but at the same time, be respectful of those who choose to read it a different way and get satisfaction out of that.

Also, where did you get the idea that borockman was serious with that comment? o-O

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Reply #352 on: July 09, 2009, 08:04:15 AM
So, Danzou has the Sharingan. Great. Time to predict the next mindfuck that's so obvious you think they wouldn't do it but they do anyway.

Offline Solar

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Reply #353 on: July 09, 2009, 08:07:28 AM
Hey, at least this isn't Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, now THAT is mindfucking (for a shonen at least)...and it has Bleach's pacing these days to top it off (XXXHolic is worse in that department though) >_>

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Reply #354 on: July 09, 2009, 09:39:55 AM
So, Danzou has the Sharingan. Great. Time to predict the next mindfuck that's so obvious you think they wouldn't do it but they do anyway.

Like the tengu king? or Killerbee training Naruto 8D, or that what Itachi gave Naruto is an item that relates to japanese mythology that can counter the MS? or more japanese myth or outside of Japanese myth (as proven w/ Nagato) w/ other myths? 8D

Offline Acid

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Reply #355 on: July 10, 2009, 01:43:57 PM
Sorry that I actually analyze literature or graphic novels instead of going "Fight! Fight! Fight!", "Sasuke iz gay/awesomez!" "Lol!". The people made it to tell a story and I'm discussing it. Don't like it? Go back to Jeresy. Same to Acid.

Oops... I don't live in NYC anymore and I used that expression. Oh well. Don't get me wrong, I respect you all, as far as I wish people to respect me, but take that garbage to someone who'll eat it. You are both nerds like me and Zan. Sooooo....

Your post just proved that people get waaaaay to serious about stuff like this. Thanks.

And yes I am a nerd, but I am objective enough to admit the weaknesses of the stuff I enjoy. You, as it seems, can't.
This is Naruto, it's as far from good storytelling as Mega Man is. If you want something deep and involving I suggest you read a book. Without pictures.


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Reply #356 on: July 10, 2009, 02:11:12 PM

Offline Ramzal

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Reply #357 on: July 10, 2009, 06:42:10 PM
Your post just proved that people get waaaaay to serious about stuff like this. Thanks.

And yes I am a nerd, but I am objective enough to admit the weaknesses of the stuff I enjoy. You, as it seems, can't.
This is Naruto, it's as far from good storytelling as Mega Man is. If you want something deep and involving I suggest you read a book. Without pictures.

This is going to be wordy, and I'll accept the fitting consequence from my tone of this post be it ridicule or a warning or worse should it arise.

And your post just proved that people get intensely arrogant due to popularity on a online forum, to the point that they believe they can say anything they wish without a response to the contrary. I question your opinion and self insertion of importance and assurance. I'm not serious of a graphic novel itself, but what it's story itself is. While the story itself is not the next Dies the Fire, the characters themselves are rather unique and deep as well as their interactions with each other. The exact opposite of Mega Man, which has shallow character development.

As far as my choice in literature goes, that is none of your concern, but I would be glad to show you photos of my personal library that I've constructed for myself, in the home I own. I'm am fully capable of reading pieces that involve no pictures as you insist, and some of my favorite authors--Anne Rice has much attention in my selection. The difference between normal literature and this is that most main characters submit to the harsh truth of adulthood and begin to sacrifice either feelings or goals to get by in life, or to advance their own position.

Naruto, has something where the main character is simple, yet complex, stupid yet intelligent in his own right. As well as the fact that he holds fast to childish goals and ideals, yet strives to see them completed despite what others would think of him. Very rarely do you find a character in literature that is so immature, yet so dedicated to the point of inspiration to the characters around him who once shunned and hated him.

And if I recall, I pointed out the weakness of japanese graphic novels, as well as character and story development in another thread and was ridiculed for it. So, no. Don't act as if I don't know the difference between prime rib of an author's work and rump roast.

So, yeah. Thanks for -trying- to undermine me as well as question my taste and intelligence but not only did you take the first shot in all this by being rude first hand--And I'm sure you'll get away with it due to your popularity on the forum, but, I honestly don't care how popular you are, you're not above the rules of treating others how you wish to be treated on the forum, and neither am I.

Be it Naruto, Lucky Star (Which I dread), or Mega Man. It's a nerd's forum and we're here to discuss things in our nerdy ways. If you don't like how light or deep someone is going into discussion about something, pay no mind to it and keep the attitude to yourself. And next time, try not to go into a dog fight with as little ammo as a childish insult as "You're discussing it too deeply for my preference", add some wit and backbone to your insult and statement.

I'm not going to change how -I- like to discuss something because -you- don't like it. Grow up and stop acting the child.

Now as far as the manga goes, I'm willing to accept that Danzo is Madara's little brother if anything.

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Reply #358 on: July 10, 2009, 07:23:10 PM
Your post did nothing but prove that you state irrational things as good reasons based on hate against me because you think I am popular. What's your problem? I'm a nerdy mod on a nerdy forum. I am just a nickname, and I don't give a [tornado fang] how many people adore this account on RPM. You however seem to give a lot more attention to [parasitic bomb] like this.

In your hate you even go as far as negating things you said in that very same post showing how incredibly biased and uncecessary it was.

If you, oh high and mighty Ramzal, are not gonna change the way you see things, then I don't have to do that either. So I propose a deal:
Shut the [tornado fang] up, or leave. I can deal with different opinions and do my best to stay objective, but I'm human too.
This entire matter would have been forgotten in an hour or two if you had not felt the urge to open your piehole. But you got so worked up because a person you can't stand disliked your favorite waste of paper that it would be better for you to take a break from the internet for undertermined amounts of time.

And this will be my final word on this, think of it as you will. I do not care how much petting your e-dick needs.

Offline Zan

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Reply #359 on: July 10, 2009, 07:44:11 PM
And this will be my final word on this

As if, this is NARUTO. Believe it.

This is Naruto, it's as far from good storytelling as Mega Man is. If you want something deep and involving I suggest you read a book. Without pictures.

Surely Naruto isn't the most deep series to ever grace the world. But what I don't get, why would a book be any more or less deep than a comic? Whilst format does influence how any degree of depth is shown to the viewer, depth itself ultimately boils down to the intent, concept and setting that underlie the execution.

Both Naruto and MegaMan have their own type of depth, created by a variety of things, planned or otherwise. Mostly, as long running series, they evolve overtime and grow increasingly complex introducing new and deeper concept as time goes by.

Naruto as it is, has a primary focus in depth.

There is a harsh world setting coming to us in the form of an elaborately drawn plot that spans across generations of the fictional world's history. But, the series started as the simple stories of a happy go lucky mock-ninja seeking recognition. The series is evolving from that start by colliding that with something always intended to be; a history steeped in the madness of trickery and deceit.

The character's struggles between naive childish dreams and the underlying harshness of the setting, that is exactly the point of Naruto. And as it stands, we are discussing the extend at which the antagonist's complex masterplan actually exists.

As for MegaMan, seeing how half this forum can't make heads or tails about even the series' primary concepts, you must ask yourself how deep it truly is.

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Reply #360 on: July 10, 2009, 07:49:00 PM
I'm not trying to insult Naruto or books or anyone else in here, if I did, I am sorry. Neither am I saying that something HAS to be deep to be enjoyable. I like Naruto, the manga. I read it. But it's just one of many shonen mangas and not as special as the fans wish it to be. That's it.

But the mistake probably came from my side, trying to be rational in a fan discussion. On the internet. What was I thinking.

Offline Zan

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Reply #361 on: July 10, 2009, 07:54:59 PM
I like Naruto, the manga. I read it. But it's just one of many shonen mangas and not as special as the fans wish it to be

Who's making it out to be more special than it is? I see the author making an effort to bring forth a conflict between childish simplicity and harshness of war, just like I see the author making an effort to establish a complex masterplan that Uchiha Madara is carrying out. It's not like we're talking about the deep symbolism of Sexy No Jutsu and Ramen.

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Reply #362 on: July 10, 2009, 07:56:39 PM
Sheesh Zan, are you gonna try and lecture me now too? I'm not here to ruin anyone's fun. Just stating what I think. That is all.

Offline Ramzal

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Reply #363 on: July 10, 2009, 07:58:23 PM
Your post did nothing but prove that you state irrational things as good reasons based on hate against me because you think I am popular. What's your problem? I'm a nerdy mod on a nerdy forum. I am just a nickname, and I don't give a [tornado fang] how many people adore this account on RPM. You however seem to give a lot more attention to [parasitic bomb] like this.

Did it? Or did I? Who's the one tossing curses out in almost every post possible? I don't hate you. I don't know you to hate you. I don't have the time to hate someone who I don't know. You on the other hand, seem to. I was addressing your attitude as well as how you seem to be carrying yourself.

If you, oh high and mighty Ramzal, are not gonna change the way you see things, then I don't have to do that either. So I propose a deal:

I never asked you to. Simply that if you don't like how people are discussing something, don't bother with said discussion and show your attitude.

Shut the [tornado fang] up, or leave. I can deal with different opinions and do my best to stay objective, but I'm human too.

Your previous posts say else wise.

This entire matter would have been forgotten in an hour or two if you had not felt the urge to open your piehole.

Which leads me to believe you feel that you can say what you wish as well as treat others how you wish and nothing will be said of it. Because it will be "forgotten".  That's a poor excuse to be blindly rude.

But you got so worked up because a person you can't stand disliked your favorite waste of paper that it would be better for you to take a break from the internet for undertermined amounts of time.

That's "undetermined".

Did you even read your posts? Any of them? I'm not the one who's worked up. It's obviously you. Your spelling is off, your thoughts are every which way, your throwing curses right and left showing you couldn't think of anything to say to address the matter with any structure. It seems like you're rather upset at the moment and possibly you need to take a break and talk like a structured adult rather than sounding like a kid lashing out.

And this will be my final word on this, think of it as you will. I do not care how much petting your e-dick needs.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't need that. Not to sound insulting, but it's a possibility that you do. You're obviously so angry that you can't respond correctly, and you're getting sloppy right now. Take ten minutes, cool off, or read your own posts. And if you still feel the same, then hey, you're angry. They're nothing but insults and curses at most. You in this state makes it sound as if you're self reflecting. (Anything you're saying towards me in anger, is really about yourself. It tends to happen when people are irate to a large degree.) You're better than that.

I wouldn't even be having this discussion if you would have resisted the urge to come out sideways from your mouth and make a comment just in an attempt to be sly.

Look, honestly, we both could have watched our mouths and out tones. But we didn't. I'm not sure what you believe my intentions are, but I'm not trying to pick a fight. If you're responding from that, I'll tell you that you're mistaken. You're angry and I'm sorry for making you angry. That was not my intention.

Sheesh Zan, are you gonna try and lecture me now too? I'm not here to ruin anyone's fun. Just stating what I think. That is all.

And I acknowledge that both of us were just stating what were were thinking and it might have gotten blown out of proportion at some point.

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Reply #364 on: July 10, 2009, 08:02:36 PM
Sheesh Zan, are you gonna try and lecture me now too? I'm not here to ruin anyone's fun. Just stating what I think. That is all.

Beyond lecturing, I'm trying to force you into pondering on the immense potential of sexy no jutsu to destroy the space time continuum by combining it with the mass shadow clone technique. But we'd probably need an infinite supply of Ramen to supply the fuel.

Your spelling is off

I think you too should take a cooling down when you start complaining about someone else's spelling....

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Reply #365 on: July 10, 2009, 08:04:32 PM are just arguing and no longer talking about the subject....

Offline Acid

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Reply #366 on: July 10, 2009, 08:05:46 PM
Look, honestly, we both could have watched our mouths and out tones. But we didn't. I'm not sure what you believe my intentions are, but I'm not trying to pick a fight. If you're responding from that, I'll tell you that you're mistaken. You're angry and I'm sorry for making you angry. That was not my intention.

I have never tried to be disrespectful towards anyone without a reason, if you ever felt that I somehow attacked you and your ideas then I am, again, sorry. As a mod I try do a somewhat good job. I don't ban without reason, I try never to be the one who starts a fight.

This entire matter was just unecessary. So, seeing as I really hate all that e-drama bullshit. Let's just quit this. But don't get me wrong, I will not retract the things I said, we'll will just stop being so childish over opinions.

So, as I just said, let's quit this. It leads nowhere.

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Reply #367 on: July 10, 2009, 08:10:54 PM
I think you too should take a cooling down when you start complaining about someone else's spelling....

Hit in the most tender of my areas...  -u-' Point taken.

This entire matter was just unecessary. So, seeing as I really hate all that e-drama bullshit. Let's just quit this. But don't get me wrong, I will not retract the things I said, we'll will just stop being so childish over opinions.

So, as I just said, let's quit this. It leads nowhere.

Agreed on each point here.

On another note. Man..Danzo is ugly as hell.

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Reply #368 on: July 10, 2009, 08:13:28 PM
Ramzal, dude, you gotta get some self confidence. None of this posting like fifteen paragraphs defending why you do something, just accept that some people won't always approve of the way you do things and move on.

I mean damn. :/

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Reply #369 on: July 10, 2009, 08:23:23 PM
Ramzal, dude, you gotta get some self confidence. None of this posting like fifteen paragraphs defending why you do something, just accept that some people won't always approve of the way you do things and move on.

W-why is it that I seem like the guy who can't accept others opinions...?  -u-'

I'm just stating my mind.

It's how I interact in all situations real or fantasy-online-forum-ku!

Besides, it's it more productive to argue ones opinions and ways through exact detail to have a meaningful debate---and just how much attention are you paying to most of my posts?!  -u-'

Wait. Why is it that those three are leaving the village? Won't they be regarded as missing-nins?

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Reply #370 on: July 10, 2009, 08:38:43 PM
There's not much of a debate to be had here. There's just a guy who thinks you're taking things too seriously and you responding with FIFTEEN PARAGRAPHS OF WHY MY ACTIVITIES ARE TOTALLY FINE AND NORMAL AND I'M TOTALLY FINE AND NORMAL GOD DAMN. I mean I'm not paying any attention to your posts, the only reason I checked this thread out at all was because I noticed the last post was by Zan and I was expecting like a four billion word essay on the minutiae of Naruto that I could hopefully laugh at, but instead I get fifteen paragraphs of defensiveness. Doesn't matter what it's over, if you're posting fifteen paragraphs about why the way you do things is totally acceptable, you need to start taking things less seriously.

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Reply #371 on: July 10, 2009, 08:42:41 PM
There's not much of a debate to be had here. There's just a guy who thinks you're taking things too seriously and you responding with FIFTEEN PARAGRAPHS OF WHY MY ACTIVITIES ARE TOTALLY FINE AND NORMAL AND I'M TOTALLY FINE AND NORMAL GOD DAMN. I mean I'm not paying any attention to your posts, the only reason I checked this thread out at all was because I noticed the last post was by Zan and I was expecting like a four billion word essay on the minutiae of Naruto that I could hopefully laugh at, but instead I get fifteen paragraphs of defensiveness. Doesn't matter what it's over, if you're posting fifteen paragraphs about why the way you do things is totally acceptable, you need to start taking things less seriously.
-AC here we go again

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Reply #372 on: July 10, 2009, 08:45:18 PM
There's not much of a debate to be had here. There's just a guy who thinks you're taking things too seriously and you responding with FIFTEEN PARAGRAPHS OF WHY MY ACTIVITIES ARE TOTALLY FINE AND NORMAL AND I'M TOTALLY FINE AND NORMAL GOD DAMN. I mean I'm not paying any attention to your posts, the only reason I checked this thread out at all was because I noticed the last post was by Zan and I was expecting like a four billion word essay on the minutiae of Naruto that I could hopefully laugh at, but instead I get fifteen paragraphs of defensiveness. Doesn't matter what it's over, if you're posting fifteen paragraphs about why the way you do things is totally acceptable, you need to start taking things less seriously.


In other news, back on topic. Danzo with a sharigan and Naruto probably going to become a missing nin.

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Reply #373 on: July 10, 2009, 08:46:49 PM
I wouldn't mind that. I like "One Vs. the rest of the world" scenarios.

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Reply #374 on: July 10, 2009, 10:02:06 PM
there is only one good Shonen series.
it is called Hokuto no Ken.