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Offline Gotham Ranger

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Reply #25 on: May 26, 2009, 09:16:32 AM
There are alot of times I wish the Rockman Community was has far as the Sonic Community in terms of fangames/hacks. The Rockman Community is also alot more friendly so people would be able to actually get into it without destroying their brains >>

But stuff like MMX: Corrupted shows its there!

I say this only because I absolutely love the Megamissions series. It was really cool and its a shame I don't know Japanese or it was never translated. The armors and scenarios were really cool and it introduces one of my favorites, Return X.

I'll probably be trying some more Megamissions stuff, but now that my computer works again, I can get back to working on that Absol rip off I've named Crescendo. He still needs arms.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #26 on: May 26, 2009, 09:18:40 AM
That's true...

And awesome, ABSOL MAN!

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Reply #27 on: May 26, 2009, 10:09:59 AM
...Or NOT. The .rar file I saved the [parasitic bomb] in has randomly [tornado fang]ing corrupted for no better reason than to [tornado fang]ing spite any god damn good run of luck I have. How [tornado fang]ing typical.

Offline borockman

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Reply #28 on: May 26, 2009, 10:13:08 AM
Oh man, sorry for hearing that. :(

I knew that feeling just too well...  ;O;

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Reply #29 on: May 26, 2009, 10:16:18 AM
Darn it...

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Offline Gotham Ranger

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Reply #30 on: May 26, 2009, 10:33:12 AM
I'm doing what ever I can to recover the archive.. My only bright light is I posted most of what I actually cared for here on RPM.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #31 on: May 26, 2009, 10:46:05 AM
Well, that's good to hear.
Best of luck to the recovery then.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Gotham Ranger

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Reply #32 on: May 27, 2009, 09:37:22 PM
Well, the recovery went [parasitic bomb]. Luckily, most of what I lost wasn't the writings I feared they were. *sigh of relief*

Anyways, here's an old avatar I made way back when in my Liquid X, when I thought my lame Return X rip off was awesome!

I just love the way the animation came out.

Soon I'll have some more Return X stuff I'll wanna post. I'm working on the pallette which is a [sonic slicer] because of his armor color not being something all that common.

Offline borockman

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Reply #33 on: May 28, 2009, 12:20:56 AM
Yeah, I like the simple animation here. The DNA stuff on the background is cool too!

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Reply #34 on: May 28, 2009, 06:35:23 AM

Yes, before anyone says anything, Return X is missing a hand. Thats on purpose. Here's why.

Return X uses his hand like a beam weapon and I'm attempting to do an effect like Zero's saber with his hand because I suck with spriting hands. Hands are hard, yo. I'm thinking about stopping while I'm ahead though and moving to the SNES sprites. Easier to manipulate. I've obviously shown a slight aptitude in being able to edit 32bit sprites (and X's 32bit sprites are god damned ugly) and I think I could've done some okay from scratch 8bits except now I've been put off, but hey, Absol Man is a good example. So I think somewhere in the middle is nice. Plus, the SNES sprites just look better. My only gripe is they're small (X is a god damned midget) and the detail might be lacking as alot of MegaMissions chracters are ridiculously detail.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #35 on: May 28, 2009, 09:11:46 AM
I see...
Well, as of now, man, he looks great.

And cool avatar animation there.

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Offline Gotham Ranger

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Reply #36 on: May 28, 2009, 09:36:48 AM

Now in SNES Style!

Also, thanks for always commenting no matter how frivilous my posts are, DWII :P As well as anyone else who bothers (borock, sky, acid, jericho, that really long michael name, strangeman)

Offline borockman

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Reply #37 on: May 28, 2009, 09:44:13 AM
Haha, that's a nice Return X SNES sprite.

As well as anyone else who bothers (borock, sky, acid, jericho, that really long michael name, strangeman)

Hey, bothering people is my forte.  XD

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Reply #38 on: May 28, 2009, 09:55:01 AM
Heh, it's always nice to see stuff that has not been sprited before, and you are doing a great job on these. :3
And cool SNES style now too.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Gotham Ranger

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Reply #39 on: May 28, 2009, 10:18:30 AM
I've always wanted to see MegaMissions put into game form because I really enjoy that side story. The problem is, as I've just noticed in my Return X sprite, is that those characters are really frikken colorful. Trying to keep Return X SNES as vibrant as PSX still had me over the 16 bit limit at 21 colors. I did manage to get it down to 16 but it just loses its.. I don't know. It looks flat. I'll post it later after I try a few more sprites in both pallettes.  I think if I ever got into fangaming, I'd use the SNES sprites but with a 32 bit limit.. If thats even possible. It probably is.

Anyways, I'm rambling to myself. I can't code worth a [parasitic bomb] :P Thanks for the replies though. Even if its just a few people it means I have more people to show what I do to and that in turn gives me reason to improve.

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Reply #40 on: May 28, 2009, 04:29:39 PM
Good stuff so far from what I saw  *o*
But I might not able to give you a useful c&c since I don't do sprite works.

Nor do I can code  ::)

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Reply #41 on: May 29, 2009, 01:36:31 AM
I just managed the pallete a bit, so I hope you don't mind:

Your's is the "Old" sprite, and mine's the "New" sprite.

Diffrences? Yours still had too many colors, you could've used the second and third shades of X's skin color to work as a substitute for the red, purple and yellow hues. Which resulted in a broken pallete. I also kind of messed with Return X's pallete to pake it appear more natural to the style (akin, the style's pretty dark, not as vibrant and colorful as the PSX X sprites). The sprite turned out okay, just that the colors needed to be worked on a bit, why it didin't turn out as vibrant and colorful as it's PSX counterpart. Remember: The SNES display wasn't as powerful as Japanese cousin, the Super Famicom disk system? or the PSX. So I slightly suggest that you should work on constructing your pallete a little better.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Gotham Ranger

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Reply #42 on: May 29, 2009, 03:08:58 AM
The problem with that, from my experience, is that the pallette usually consists of the dropout color, so you'd still be one over.

However, if I'm wrong, oh well. I appreciate the help and yeah, you're right, I really need to work on my pallette construction :P But like I said, some of the other characters in the megamissions series are so ridiculously colorful that trying to fit them in 16 colors is nigh impossible.

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Reply #43 on: May 29, 2009, 03:24:25 AM
Nigh Impossible? yeesh. What happens in a megamissions series stays in a megamissions series I guess. Although if we do get the Megamissions cards transilated, there may be a silver lineing for the Megamissions manga to see a US release. :P

There's always seems to be a complicated design always happens in a futuristic manga I suppose (like someone said; it's the formula).

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Gotham Ranger

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Reply #44 on: May 29, 2009, 03:33:31 AM
Actually, hmm. My memory sucks. Thats probably what happens when you save every card in bulk, but here's a good example of "good lord":

Luckily, alot of the other mavericks (X1-3) are just recolors with some modifications.

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Reply #45 on: May 29, 2009, 03:36:25 AM
That's a good lord? more like a Copy+Paste frainkenstien job. :P

But then again, what are the odds?

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Gotham Ranger

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Reply #46 on: May 29, 2009, 03:39:52 AM
Its funny you say that. He's a combination of the four Limited Mavericks from Series 3 of MegaMissions :P

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Reply #47 on: May 29, 2009, 03:48:29 AM
Love your Liquid and Return X sprites *o*, very well done. I also liked the DNA background for Liquid.

Offline Gaia

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Reply #48 on: May 29, 2009, 03:51:11 AM
Its funny you say that. He's a combination of the four Limited Mavericks from Series 3 of MegaMissions :P

I can recognize Crush Clawfish (X3), Neon Tiger(X3), Morph Moth (X2), and what's his face. I forgot what the head's supposed to represent. ><;

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Gotham Ranger

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Reply #49 on: May 29, 2009, 04:07:08 AM
Launch Octopus.

Love your Liquid and Return X sprites *o*, very well done. I also liked the DNA background for Liquid.
I think I need to fix the logo. The L kinda looks like a C