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Messages - Suppercut ♡

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Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:12:42 AM »
(I'll give this a try, I guess...)

Being linked to the Bridgetframe's computer systems, Sinos was immediately aware of the incoming homing lasers. "Well, let's see what this thing can do... Shield Roller!"

The Bridgetframe reached for one of the disc-like objects on its belt. The mechanism automatically hooked the yo-yo to the palm with a tractor beam that acted almost like a laser rope. Immediately, Sinos's mech threw it outwards before clenching its hand, stopping the yo-yo from advancing, then started flicking his hand about to cause the spherical device to fly about him rapidly. As it flew around, it glowed as a small energy shield formed around it, which dispersed the laser shots as the yo-yo collided with them, smashing them into disorganized particles.

"Alright, here we go... Hey, ugly robot!" Sinos called out to the W2M9, probably in vain. "Catch..." He flung the yo-yo forward, and the tractor beam appeared to break as the shield on the device dropped, revealing small jets all around the disc, propelling it forward at a high speed. At the last second before hitting the W2M9, it suddenly decelerated. As if insulted, the machine reared a fist back as if to swat the toy away. Before he could, however, Sinos chimed in, "...and Release!" and the yo-yo's frontmost jets suddenly ignited on full force, literally directing all of its backblast into the robot's face like a fuel shotgun as it whizzed back to the Bridgetframe right into its open hand. On contact, his hand began restoring energy to it, as his free hand grabbed his other yo-yo, ready for a second strike.

Off The Wall / Re: Post a Random Fact About Yourself
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:52:44 AM »
If anybody wondered what I work on in the Air Force, here it is.

I maintain remotely piloted aircraft. Or more specifically, the box that the pilots sit in to fly them. Which essentially, since I'm on a day shift, encompasses going out and adjusting air conditioners when the pilots complain it's too warm. -u-'

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's all super interesting when I'm actually learning my job, but...yeah...

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:48:25 AM »
(So, wait... Did the W2M9 fire anything at the Bridgetframe yet? Where exactly am I in this battle?)

Roleplay / Re: The Mana-Verse
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:43:28 AM »
"I like her boots," Caetlynn chimed in, smiling. "They're kinda like mine, although maybe less stylish." At this point, others may have noticed that the footwear in question was also of strange material, possibly armor. It was, at least visibly, the only armor she wore. The bottom of the boots were blackened, possibly from fire, but not necessarily fire that was ejected from the boot... rather, some sort of flame source that remained under it for an extended period of time. They also sported white wing details on them. The boots possibly did fly at one point, but from wear and tear, as well as a magical analysis, they appeared to have run its course and no longer function. The right boot's heel also had a small stain of blood, probably from performing an act similar to the newcomer's.

Roleplay / Re: The Mana-Verse
« on: February 08, 2016, 02:41:53 PM »
(Ayy, uh... I'm actually going to be including plenty of melee-happy spells in Caetlynn's arsenal. She already has Blade Summon, too, and if she summons something she can't handle outside of the initial summoning (such as a Buster Sword or something, which she gets a ten second period of mastery of it until she drops it for being too heavy) she can easily hand it off to anyone else strong enough.

Other than that, as I said to Uncle Why, I have FTAC classes to attend, and I have CDCs that are long overdue to complete, heheh. I'll see if I can't post during class or something. Otherwise, I can 100% post Friday... if you really want to wait on me, anyways...)

Hey I heard you were complaining about hot home conditions

I'm in New Mexico and my AC does nothing but blow hot air no matter what setting it's on.

In New Mexico.

In the middle of a desert.

I can't waaaait for summer...

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:58:09 AM »
I think I've lost control of my life paycheck.
fun fact: amazon refused to believe I was buying these for myself and insisted on gift options[/spoiler]

Yeah the Sans version too, I actually like it better than the original to be honest.  Mostly because Garnet's version only makes sense when Garnet is singing it while the Sans version makes sense from anyone in Sans' position.  That and I don't particularly like Garnet's singing voice, a bit too subdue for my tastes but that's Garnet for yah.
I kinda like Garnet's singing voice, but the lyrics really rub me the wrong way. The first time I heard it, I just can't get it out of my head that the song is basically saying that if you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant-other in you're a life, then you're just a loser virgin and you're evil and you're gonna get beat up by lesbians. I mean, it really focuses on the whole fact that Garnet is a fusion and that "fusion is a metaphor for sex ololololol" bit kinda just... bugs me.

Meanwhile, Sans, well yeah that guy's amazing. And fits better when trying to make a version for another character IE Sinos/Tangent or any of your characters?

*still has both versions of Stronger than You in her head*

This isn't going to end until I make a Wilypocalypse version of this isn't it.


Challenge Accepted. B(
Both versions? So, like, Sans's song too or...?

also I could totally see Sinos and Tangent doing that, lol

General / Re: Change my nickname, please
« on: January 19, 2016, 12:06:17 AM »
ooh it's even better than a "less than three"

super thanks~ :3

You should change it to suppercute quickie
well I mean if you really want it, I'll allow it


You know I almost went and made a thread in Gaming titled "why do people hate things" with the content being "no seriously i looked on reddit and like everybody hates things you know it's probably because theyre haters".

In other news, my Internet is the fastest and also the slowest, I have discovered. Sure, the data rate is blazing and streaming is awesome (not to mention it's been rather stable), but every single server is, like, halfway across the world for me, so the ping is pretty mild in online games... I miss not having to do as much lag compensation back in Mississippi.

General / Re: Change my nickname, please
« on: January 18, 2016, 05:50:22 PM »
It's been a good run, but I'd like Suppercut back please.

Maybe with a heart on the end or something I dunno.

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: January 16, 2016, 03:13:55 AM »

Oh my god that is too freaking adorable~! 0v0

Off The Wall / Re: See ya later!/Welcome back!
« on: January 14, 2016, 03:25:43 AM »
i-i'm back

if anybody missed me... '>.> I mean yeah I realize that I was only gone for like what a week but it was still so cold and lonely sadfaic

I'm on 100megabit Internet and it feeeels so goooooood~

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: January 14, 2016, 01:07:17 AM »
Apologies for the wait, my friends~ I finally have Internet set up and running in my dorm room. Currently just hardwired into the modem for now, getting a router tomorrow on payday. Will be making my posts shortly!

Roleplay / Re: The Mana-Verse
« on: January 06, 2016, 02:07:26 PM »
Caetlynn exhaled an irritated sigh. "She'll probably regret tagging along in the morning and slip out before we know it. Probably with some valuables in tow." She rolled her eyes, before succumbing to a long yawn that ended in a cute little squeak. "But I'm pretty tired myself. I'll be in room, uh... was it seven?" She glanced over at Grak, who gave a nod of approval, and then returned her attention to the group. "Seven. Just bang on the door real hard for me, okay? I'm a real heavy sleeper..." She began to walk off in the direction of the rooms, before stopping and wheeling around to add, "D-don't actually break the door down or anything. I usually rig some sort of protection charm to the door... And it will most likely explode."

Once behind the door of her room, she fished around in the hidden pocket in her dress for a small rune. "Heh... 'it will most likely explode'. They wouldn't buy that at all..." She placed it on the ground in front of the door, then stripped down and got in bed. "Just prefer my privacy, is all..."

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: January 06, 2016, 01:40:21 PM »
In-flight wifi. *JC voice* I asked for this. 8B

Anyways, I'll probably update one of the RPs while I'm on the flight but I have no idea what in-processing is gonna be like, so it'll be a while, probably.

About X3, Breath of Fire 2 or both?
I only quoted the part about X3 so I was hoping you'd get the idea, but oh well.

It seems like it has the same problem as X3's soundtrack in that they use the electric guitar way too much.
Holy crap I thought I was the only one who thought that.

Forum Games / Re: Comment on the Previous Signature.
« on: January 02, 2016, 03:18:34 AM »
"Kid's got a sword th' size of a skyscrapah.

...Wait, that sword's me.

Huh. I musta stepped into th' wrong game, allova sudden. I'll just go back t' bein' a Stranger now."

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: January 02, 2016, 03:14:21 AM »
is roleplay dead

Currently halfway home. Love how the Charleston airport has Boingo and I already have an account with them because it's the only internet back at the base, haha.

Extremely excited to come home though, it's been a year almost. And I get to spend a year's worth of leave en route!

Hopefully the Donkey is not voiced by Eddie Murphy, otherwise it will never shut up.
I request an explanation of the actions you are performing whilst residing upon wet muddy marshland filled with trees which I have claimed as my property.

Roleplay / Re: The Mana-Verse
« on: December 05, 2015, 07:40:38 PM »
"Well, yes. Cursed, to be exact." Caetlynn replied, wrapping her hand around the trinket and trying to move it in vain. "Magically, it's practically affixed to my skin. Thank god it doesn't cut off circulation or anything. It's also rather resistant to damage, to the point where I could probably support my body weight with the chains these charms are on."

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