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Messages - Rodrigo Shin

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Rockman Series / Re: Writer question.
« on: April 21, 2009, 10:36:31 PM »
Perfectly fine writing. Crappy translation, but not at that point of the game.

Hypershell's magic fish will have a word with you, I quote:


Maybe when they finally learn Sigma is mispelling [parasitic bomb] even in the Japanese version to the point of yelling "DAGS" and "BAGS" when he's trying to yell "X".

Here, kids. That wasn't so hard now was it?

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: April 17, 2009, 08:59:42 PM »
Actually pretty awesome game, now I just need the command list... and better fighting skill.
The command list is both in the official site and also within the game package itself. Sure, the attack names are in Japanese, but you'll know what movements to try. >.>

And once you figure Zero's token 12-Hit Combo (there's a way more devastating one the CPU always unleashes) that doesn't take any of your Super gauge away, it'll be smooth sailing.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: April 15, 2009, 11:50:46 AM »

Hey, guys, remember when Zero showed up to kick a bunch of original characters asses by jump kicking in the air (he was younger/so he didn't even care)?

How can you not?

More info -

'd have some videos to showcase the game better, but shitsux, pc is slow, all that.

Well, now that you mention it, since I just happened to stumble across this particular message...
Sorry, but I don't buy all of that. The scar thing? They can say it's important all they want, but how much do you want to bet that they don't know in what way yet. For the Virus thing after X2? Sure, they had a basic premise for the X vs Zero fight I'm sure, but obviously didn't figure out how to execute it well, hence X5.

Really, don't give Game Designers too much credit; more often than not they're making it up as they go along. When they actually do have a base idea for later games, it often changes a lot in the process.
Both in the same post, yowza! Holy [tornado fang]ing [parasitic bomb], they're indeed not dead!

the SM series in general needs more recognition.
Ive never watched SMR though. Ive gotta go look for it one of these days.
Are these direct links I happen to have? >_>

Why yes they are.

Anyone know when I can watch the Saber Marionette episodes without downloading the episodes because You Tube only had about 8 dubed episodes.  I don't mind if it's dubed but I would like to watch it, because the manga I read seems pretty bad.
Youtube has SMR in it's entirety, although they're dubbed in Spanish. I honestly don't think they're streamed anywhere else, best to my memory though. But I could be wrong.

Either way, since my love for SMR has been getting the thread derailed (not that I mind, but I know others do):

And this is why we at Ácido Cinza Inc. consider Clash Man a bona-fide karaoke of pain and thunder, namely the best robot master evar.

I'd actually recommend it. Since it's just three OVAs long it could use more fleshing, but it's still very good IMO.

And as far as her depiction in the above fanart goes, I'd say she doesn't look off at all. The picture Flame posted is an 'odd man out' as far as she goes, since the vast majority of the artwork has her even as a DFC (the OVA included). But that's what makes that other piece of art even better IMO. >_>

I'm glad enough to see it getting some love from artists on the web. I can count in my fingers how much fanart of SMR is out there.

Hey, nice image. Didn't have that. *swipes*

The girl is Bloodberry, there's the katakana for "Bloodberry" in the image and a copyright notice saying "Saber Marionette R"... and the image itself is tagged as SMR as well.

very few have. it was a 1995 radio drama, later made into a 2 episode OAV.
SMJ is more commonly known, yet still somewhat obscure.
3 episode OVA actually.

Wait Bloodberry has pink hair but if she is from Saber Marionette R she may be Marine or not I could be wrong.
No, Bloodberry from SMR always had dark blue hair. The girls in SMR are not the same from the SMJ series despite their names. Especially considering it's at least two centuries after SMJ happens.

I really doubt they actually had the instruction manual when writing this sort of thing.  Still it's fun to see what they came up with!
That's part of why I rue selling out my Mega Rockman 2 copy. We had an instruction manual all in Portuguese - who knows what kind of crap they had come up with in that? Odds are it won't beat little gray men (and woman) and scientists turned voodoo masters, but regardless!

Found this on Pixiv anyway:

Rockman Series / Re: Coro Coro Contest Possibly Revealed
« on: March 30, 2009, 12:44:40 AM »
We need a fifth game to see what happened to him after he took his helmet off and ran away.

Ciel's pregnant with his child, so of course he has to run. The game is basically the organization-formerly-known-as-Resistance sending assorted animaloids to track Zero down and him killing them one by one because he's basically the living embodiment of "I Ran". They should totally get some J-Pop band to do a cover and use that as the ad's BGM.

Anime & Manga / Re: Casshern Sins
« on: March 08, 2009, 12:12:34 AM »
SKY is one of Janis/Janice's songs, it played in #8. Bullybots (LOLOLOL) are about to kill her, she starts singing, they freeze, Casshern comes out of nowhere and does his thing.

Anime & Manga / Re: Casshern Sins
« on: March 07, 2009, 09:52:00 PM »
I figure anyone here with the episode can do that by themselves, but I have the MP3 of Aoi Kage TV Size sung laying around if anyone'd like the upload.

Anime & Manga / Re: Casshern Sins
« on: March 07, 2009, 06:39:38 AM »
The preview theme, also played when Nico dies, was pretty much the reason I [tornado fang]ing downloaded this OST... and it isn't there. Fun times to be had by all.

"A Path" is the saving grace so far, and Life of Flowers has a nice ring to it too. "CASSHERN" is kinda cool (and doesn't afraid of anything, etc). Most of the others are too 'more of the same' for my ears. They work rather well in the show, sure, but not remarkable enough to listen by themselves.

Fan Creations / Re: Rebirth of the Rockman-Themed Stolen *Bleep* Thread!!
« on: February 27, 2009, 08:24:06 PM »
Canonically, he is a man.  besides, are you going to take "the new adventures of rockman" or whatever that Portuguese/Brazilian(whatever,) manga was called to heart also?

And I'm all for scientist extraordinaries turned voodoo masters ripping hearts out and aliens in the 'main' continuity and gratuitious nudity in every, I don't know, say three panels.

You got a Penguin and you got a Walrus
Walrus has fangs but don't you grab it
Penguin's got no wings
But he ain't no Happy Feet

You got a Penguin and you got a Walrus
If a Walrus pissed he kills a Buffalo
Penguin is in Walrus' stage
An easter egg you might've missed

Anime & Manga / Re: Casshern Sins
« on: February 23, 2009, 01:48:41 AM »
Since we out of nowhere found out Luna was CREATED (Ep, 17 "LEDA, THE CRAZY [sonic slicer]" -- Retrodramatic Rodman), what the hell's stopping... whoever... from creating a second one? I'm guessing that's what happened. Bolton also decided to remain behind studying her nano-cells, so who knows what's to come out of that.

I found it funny that with Lyuze rapidly ruining like she was in the last episode of all people Casshern asked RINGO if she was alright. What the hell.

And let's see if Rod's Rampant Speculation about Leda's miscarriage will even be touched upon!

But I liked Casshern's closing statement.

"What I felt at the end of my journey was not hope nor despair. It was anger."

Blow some steam and maim thrice your usual share of robots the next episode, 'shern. In the meantime make out with Lyuze.

Anime & Manga / Re: Casshern Sins
« on: February 16, 2009, 09:00:38 PM »
Helene I just saw as a symbolism for Lyuze's feelings. When she pretty much decides she wants to live, she disappears.

And jesus [tornado fang], do people only kiss in this series only if Leda shoves her robotongue down their throats? Nice fluffy-fodder between 'shern and Lyuze either way.

X / Re: What Do YOU Think is Under Vile's Helmet
« on: February 15, 2009, 11:17:42 AM »
It was inevitabl--

wrong Hugo Weaving character. Whatever

Rockman Series / Re: The Great Cateclysm: Silenced Forever?
« on: February 15, 2009, 02:25:37 AM »
Go to your profile, "Look and Layout preferences" and mark "Leave words uncensored"?

Quote from: Zan
I'm a fan of X, but I could care less about whether he's offed by Zero or by Elpis.
As I said... pot, kettle, black. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Rockman Series / Re: The Great Cateclysm: Silenced Forever?
« on: February 15, 2009, 01:53:27 AM »
Elpis destroying X's body and proclaiming he'll create a world without humans was one of the most epic moments of Rockman history.
No image macro to state how much I disagree with the above statement and damned if I bother to keep arguing that - but I do. So, whatever.

And eh, I'm with Kieran with this one, how X was offed compared to how he would have been originally offed = pot. Kettle. Black.

X / Re: What Do YOU Think is Under Vile's Helmet
« on: February 14, 2009, 09:07:37 PM »
The other one in your link Flame is from Ikehara. He only did 2 volumes for the first X, but otherwise was Classic Series only.
Ikehara did something for X2 as well - I don't know if it was included within one gamebook or whichever (I think I read something like that nearly a decade ago), but he did.

Also Iwamoto on Vile Mk-2.

Doesn't look like it's a reflection since X is actually pissed beyond belief in the scene at hand.

(Scan by Jecht-Striker.)

Fan Creations / Re: Rebirth of the Rockman-Themed Stolen *Bleep* Thread!!
« on: February 14, 2009, 04:18:48 AM »
MErti, MArty, whatever. the point still goes across anyway.
I wasn't trying to correct your spelling or anything, specially because it can be transliterated as either. I was just confirming it's her indeed.

Command X from here

Fan Creations / Re: Rebirth of the Rockman-Themed Stolen *Bleep* Thread!!
« on: February 13, 2009, 10:41:10 PM »
kinda looks like Merti.
It is Marty, from the armor she wore in the commemorative wallpaper Iwamoto did when the X mangas were reprinted in Japan. She never used it in the manga proper.

Anime & Manga / Re: Casshern Sins
« on: February 12, 2009, 09:39:50 AM »
From: "Rodrigo A.D.S. Shin" <>
To: "Shigeasu Yamauchi" <>
Re: Casshern SINS 18

Dear Mr. Yamauchi,

I want to watch Casshern,
not a David Lynch flick


Fan Creations / Re: Rebirth of the Rockman-Themed Stolen *Bleep* Thread!!
« on: February 09, 2009, 05:37:18 AM »

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