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Messages - Blue Valkyrie

Pages: 1 ... 150 151 152 153 154 ... 157
Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: December 28, 2013, 02:45:43 PM »
I salute you Mr Wireless Mouse, after years of dropping you and generally being klutzy you finally stopped working. Time to get get a new one, although I don't have the heart to toss out the old one, too many years of gaming between us.  :'(

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: December 28, 2013, 07:58:11 AM »
(Acidburg it is then! I'll try not to land on anything important!)

It was not the best landing she could have hoped for, but any landing you can walk away from is a good one as they say. Blue shakes her head and her optics refocus on the ruined controls ahead of her, whats left of the drop ship sits half buried in the ground and quite on fire. Blue quickly unbuckles herself from the pilot seat now siting on an odd angle from the crash. From the outside there is not much left of the ship, and the raging fires hint that keeping one's distance might be for the best, the door suddenly flys off it's hinges as Blue emerges from the airlock, stumbling a bit as her balance is still all askew.

"Oooookay...legs check, arms check." She coughs a bit looking herself over and happy to find all her limbs still attached. Blue then takes a moment to get a feel for the location she's now in, and if anyone noticed the fireball.

Roleplay / Re: Neo Secret Files and Origins
« on: December 28, 2013, 07:34:20 AM »
But failing to notice the bolder? You and White Beard really need to stop building things Blue can toss.  XD

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: December 28, 2013, 07:32:58 AM »
((Hope this is as good enough an intro as any.))

It had been a week since the Omni-Gem had been stolen from it's resting place. Blue knew who was behind it of course no one else knew it's location after all, but something was amiss there had been no attack no attempt at revenge for past defeats in fact things were almost too quiet. Luckily she still had the drop ship from the whole cloud city ordeal. It had taken the whole week to learn how to work the bloody thing but she managed to get it flying again and the autopilot would make tracking White Beard easy. Blue said her goodbyes too her friends on azure star and took off, the auto pilot handled the flying for her although she had figured out enough just encase something happened. In the mean time all she could do was keep an eye out and wait.

Two days had passed, she felt a little homesick already but knew if she didn't get to the bottom of this azure star would become a battle ground again. The signal had been getting stronger, the Dark Star III was apparently orbiting some large object in space near another planet, this was it she thought as she squinted to get a better look as her target came into view.

"Thats...odd." Blue says out loud to herself just as beam fire begins to the pelt the small drop ship. Cutting the autopilot Blue makes a hard turn toward the planet away from the fleet, small fighter craft quickly swarm the ship, it would seem White Beard was aware of his missing drop ship. Despite her best efforts her lack of experience in piloting make her an easy target and the shuttle rocks as a laser bolt pierces the right engine tearing it off completely. The shuttle quickly begins spinning out of control as it's caught in the gravity of RPM and it's not long before anyone on the surface see a shooting star trailing through the sky toward the ground.

((Not quite sure on a crash site yet, any ideas?))

Roleplay / Re: Neo Secret Files and Origins
« on: December 28, 2013, 07:30:42 AM »
The cosplay power might make for some interesting moments.   :D

Roleplay / Re: Neo Secret Files and Origins
« on: December 28, 2013, 07:05:21 AM »
Might as well add Blue's bio here too!

Blue Valkyrie

Name: Blue
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Race:Android (?)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 126 LBS
Hair: Light Blue
Eyes: Blue
Job(s): Side Scrolling Hero
Hobbies: Chilling on the beach, guarding cosmic powered gems
Abilities: Super Strength, Super Durability, Cosplay Power

"Blue's life as she remembers it started when her stasis tube slid open, after regaining her senses she found her way onto the surface of Azure Star. The friendly natives could not tell her of her origins or that of the ruins but welcomed her regardless. Feeling that she needed to repay her new friends she stood as a protector to the small planet. Her life changed when Azure Star came under the attack of the space pirate White Beard and his Dark Star gang who had come to Azure star to steal the fabled Omni-Gem. Blue however managed to thwart their plans protect the gem and prevent it's resting place Cloud City from crashing into the sea. Blue then hid the gem within the ruin she awoke from.

The second attack came when White Beard attacked Azure Star a second time with a new battleship the Dark Star II and four star generals designed to defeat her, Blue however managed to defeat Flare and Terra Star but was too late to prevent White Beard from stealing the gem, following him to his ship she battled white beard but was surprised when Shadow Star one of the surviving generals betrayed the captain and stole the gem for himself. Battling the revived star generals she managed to destroy shadow star before he could begin his efforts to destroy the surface of the planet allowing him access to more precursor technology. The Gem was returned to it's new resting place and Blue figured this would be the end of the planet's problems.

Unknown to her however White Beard having been saved by Tempest Star and  rebuilt Flare and Terra Star joined forces with Dr WilyII and stole the gem to prove his worth, this drew Blue from Azure Star to RPM where her ship was shot down by the Dark Star III and where she met the resistance.

Light hearted, but with a strong sense of justice. Blue is not one to sit on her hands when there is work to be done, this impulsive attitude can get her into trouble as she doesn't know her own limits well but regardless never gives up no matter how many times she's knocked down. Blue is fiercely loyal to her friends and not matter how bad things get never abandons them.

Blue's android body is super strong, able to match robots like Guts Man in the strength department. In battle she can grab physical objects and carry/toss them back as projectiles. Her body is also able to withstand a great amount of damage, and appears to absorb energy from things like E-tanks easily enough to repair. Eating or drinking as well as sleep can recharge her.

Blue also possesses a power known as "The Power of Cosplay" an ability learned on RPM where she can copy the powers of someone she's dressed up as as long as the outfit remains intact. The powers are neither permanent nor as potent as the original's however and she still retains her super strength and durability.

Running out of power causes her to enter stasis lock, saving her but leaving her open to attack as she can't move till recharge is complete. Her headstrong personality makes it hard for her to accept others views if they clash with hers and she's well known for never giving up even if it means damaging herself. Her "Power of Cosplay" ability has a  possible negative side effect, the longer she stays in character the greater chance that personality will begin taking over.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 28, 2013, 06:17:42 AM »
No new story scenes or enemy designs but with Blue likely joining the Rping fun here soon I thought I'd just do a brief story recap on Blue's own adventures before Wily II and Captain White beard's team up.

An advanced android of alien design, possessing unmatched physical strength and durability but lacking memories of her past she has become the self appointed protector of Azure Star and it's more primitive inhabitants. She has battled the Dark Star Gang and their leader Captain White beard as well as forces of the maniacal doctor Wily II. Recently she has found her self on RPM tracking her nemesis who has joined forces with Wily II to conquer the galaxy with the stolen Omni-Gem. While on RPM she learns the power of cosplay from Blues that grants her the power to take on the abilities of the one she cosplays as as long as she wears the costume.

Captain White Beard
The robotic space pirate and captain of the dark star gang. Traveling from world to world stealing technology and riches to achieve his goal of galactic conquest legends of a powerful gem that contains infinite power draws him to Azure Star and against his future foe Blue. Arrogant, easily angered and often short sighted he is still a brilliant scientist in his own right and has built legions of powerful robots to serve him.

The Star Generals (Shadow Star, Tempest Star, Flare Star, Terra Star)
White Beard's top generals,Shadow Star, Tempest Star, Flare Star, and Terra Star. Four powerful robots who he built to match his greatest foe after his first defeat, all are equipped with his elemental chip based off the energies inherent to the Omni-Gem. Blue managed to destroy all but Tempest Star but they have with the exception of Shadow Star been rebuilt several times. Shadow Star Betrayed White Beard and he has remained in the scrap heap since.

The Dark Star Gang
White Beard's pirate armada. Commanding this force from his star ship the Dark Star his robotic minions the Buccaneers do his bidding. His armada is equipped with powerful advanced weapons and shields and his robots come in many forms. Blue has nearly destroyed the Dark Star Gang on two occasions but white beard has managed to recoup his loses both times.

Azure Star
Blue's home planet, a small moon sized world with a tropical habitat (although other climates do exist on various parts of the globe). Once the home world for an advanced civilization Azure Star now stands as a testament to a lost race with their ruins scattered all across the surface and even under the ocean. Reaverbot like guards patrol their halls and few of the primitive inhabitants of the Azure Star dare to enter these ruins. The world has a very Kirby's Dreamland like look to it

The Omni-Gem
A crystal of unlimited power, noted as clean energy source. The Omni-Gem contains the power of the elements and was the reason for White Beard's attack on Azure Star in the first place. Legends and tales of the gem have floated across the galaxy for some time hinting at just how far the precursor race must have reached across the galaxy in their day. Blue managed to defend it during her first battle with the Dark Star Gang however it was stolen and used to power White Beard's new Dark Star II, Blue however managed use the chaos of Shadow Star's betrayal to reclaim the gem and force the pirates back yet again. Hiding the gem in her own ruin it was recently stolen by an unknown individual, Blue stealing an abandoned Dark Star gunship gives chase and finds her self over RPM.

Copy Bot
A series of robots copying Blue's appearance and powers. Ignoring the obvious creepy question of why White Beard wants an exact copy of Blue around this bot has proven to be dangerous foe for the protector of Azure Star. Possessing all her abilities and powers but lacking her sense of justice this copy bot has been destroyed and rebuilt several times. Flare Star can also be considered a copy bot of sorts although her design evolved into a unique form.

Pre Blue Valkyrie
-Blue awakens in her ruin, the local reaverbots are not hostile to her however and she makes this place her home despite no remembering anything of her past.
-Blue meets the various intelligent local species who are unable to enlighten her on the past of the ruins or her. She decides to use her powers to protect them from anyone who would harm the planet.

Blue Valkyrie 1

-The Dark Star Gang drawn to Azure Star by legends of the Omni-Gem attack and Blue responds in kind to protect it's people.

-Level 1: Azure Sea- Blue travels from island to island fighting back buccaneers and other dark star bots. She encounters White Beard's first machine and defeats it. White beard retreats in the Emerald Forests.

-Level 2: Emerald Forest: Blue climbs through the trees preventing the Dark Star from clear cutting the forest in their search for the omni-gem. She encounters white beard who chases her with a flying machine. However she out maneuvers it and turns it's own cannon balls back on it winning the day.

-Level 3: Jagged Peaks: Blue Finding her self at the foot of the Jagged Peaks and White Beard's forces ascending. She climbs the mountains and traverses the caves within avoiding landslides and aerial bots. Battling White Beard yet again she defeats his drill machine and finds herself standing within the clouds on a flying city.

-Level 4: Cloud City: An abandoned city of the precursors, she finally learns why the pirates are attacking and rushes to find this "Omni-Gem" so that the cloud city won't fall into the ocean as the gem powers the city. Traversing the decaying structures and avoiding falling to her doom she hitches a ride on-top of pirate drop ship and is attacked by white beard in another machine designed for air combat. She manages to turn back it's missiles and reach the Sky Temple before White Beard does.

-Level 5: Sky Temple: The entrance to the core of Cloud City, fighting through hostile reaverbots and pirates she arrives in the core too late as White Beard crashes in stealing the gem leaving Blue to deal with a large reaverbot guardian. Escaping the Sky Temple she feels the city slowly losing power and dropping toward the sea, this would create a tidal wave that would destroy the islands. With no time to lose she jumps onto the Dark Star for the final battle.

Level 6: Dark Star: (Much like Sonic 2's last level this is a short one) Blue battles a copy bot and then challenges White Beard who's built a giant mecha to battle Blue. Despite being powered up by the omni-gem she manages to strike at the bot's connection to the gem and reclaim it. The mecha explodes and white beard escapes, the damage to dark star is great however and it crashes into the Cloud City destroying it too. Azure Star is saved.

Blue hides the Omni-Gem in her own ruin and decides to relax on the beaches for a well earned break.

Blue Valkyrie 2, tomorrow likely.

The best place for you to crash would probably either be St. Acidburg that has a Met invasion going on right now or the Weapon's Shack where most of everyone is right now.

So literally drop in? XD
I think she'll join the resistance since White Beard is teaming up with Willy II.

Sure no problem, there's also a recap thread for Wilypocalypse for at least half of it, but it got screwed up along the way because TENK made a villain sue and he needed to be retcon it.

That might be better, I just realized how many pages there were.  :o

Just gotta get Blue off Azure Star somehow and she'll be able to jump right into the hijinks, and maybe not being completely up on who everyone's characters are kinda fits with Blue being new anyway.

Luckily I think I can use parts of my update in between others posts, though I would like to do this when Mirby and Phi are online at the same time so they both have chances to post, though I wish Suppercut was still here or here more often his characters were interesting.

Also Blue feel free to revive RPM-Vengers if you want to join that too.

Will do! Just give me a bit to got up to date on all story of RPM and maybe make a bio for that section. With work being slow I don't have much of an excuse to not come up with something.  :)

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: December 28, 2013, 04:55:50 AM »
Weirdest time off I've ever had on the Christmas holidays, 24th-27th off, work Saturday then off 29th and 30th. Not complaining mind you, although January and February is kinda slow for my industry so money will be tight.

I'll have to read up on the Wily RP and the Pokemon ones then before I jump in on either. Although after barging in on Wily II's castle I'd wager he and and Blue are not on friendly terms.  XD

I'd join in on that if it ever happened, I'm not really up enough on Pokemon past the first gen to be any use for the current RP going though.  X(

I really like the wilymanII design, good thing there are no sides to the helmet though or else WilyII would be suffering from some nasty hat hair!


Confounded by the power of Yin-Yang WilyIIMan Blue returns armed with the knowledge given by a new mysterious scarf wearing ally. The Power of Cosplay!

Sorry couldn't resist.  >w<

Fan Creations / Re: Tron's Music Workshop 2.0
« on: December 27, 2013, 10:02:38 PM »
You succeeded, I heard "HYPER COMBO FINISH" in my head after the track ended.  :D

Fan Creations / Re: Tron's Music Workshop 2.0
« on: December 27, 2013, 09:40:23 PM »
I really like it, maybe find someway to fit that creepy bell from the Phase battle themes but otherwise I don't have any criticisms. Not sure why but I could see this music easily fitting in a PS1 era Capcom fighting game.

Or just have Blue dress up as Aile.

That should solve the problem!

That gives me an idea....  :D

Okay wow Willy II isn't messing around, so Blue needs to keep dodging for phase 1-5 and then toss the boulders back at Wily II when before the shield goes back up. Curse you evil geniuses and your invincible shields! *shakes fist*

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: December 26, 2013, 01:43:37 AM »
Best present this x-mas other than my new headset was my tribble plush  owo (sadly no purring sfx)

Entertainment / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: December 25, 2013, 06:19:25 AM »
Got the Dark Knight Returns soundtrack from a friend been listening through it. Loved the graphic novel and the animated movies so it's nice to hear the music tracks on their own. The somber tracks like during the flashback scenes are my favorite.

Currently on track 21 "It's an Operating Table..."


"You don't get it son this isn't a mud hole. It's an operating table---and I'm the surgeon!"

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 24, 2013, 06:38:35 PM »

A Power Piston. 8D

A boss room with destructible floor tiles giving the fight something of a time limit? I hear Power Pistons I think Big O for some reason.  XD

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 24, 2013, 06:26:54 PM »
Hoho... Interesting design, wonder what he has next.

A mountain stage, perhaps a drill inspired machine?

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 24, 2013, 05:45:58 PM »
I guess he's freed by the third?
Or sent off to robot heaven by Steve? XD

Off into the sky for Steve and Buccaneer adventures!


Level 2 Boss: White Beard Machine#2

As the end of the Emerald Forest comes into view a large flying machine crashes through the treetops hovering just over the ground, White Beard grins as the machine's main weapon aims at her. "I've got you this time you pesky meddler!" White Beard thinks to him self.

This boss fight is a scrolling stage, hills and the occasional bottomless pits appear as Blue runs to the right, the White Beard Machine always stays to the left of the screen either firing a cannon ball directly at Blue...

Or launches one at the ground that rolls along the floor...

Either way they explode after hitting a solid object (namely Blue). but can be grabbed and tossed back at the machine to cause damage. As White Beard takes more damage the terrain will become more treacherous.

After destroying the white beard machine with it's own weapon the captain now twice defeated flys off to plan his next move and Blue finally finds her self on the edge of the emerald forest a massive mountain range jutting up into the clouds.

Next Up Level 3 - Jagged Peaks

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 24, 2013, 05:38:43 PM »
At ground level, and while climbing up the hollowed tree.

Steeve is carrying a Buc that has a :P look. XD

Ah yeah, it's more a "Oh god put me down" look. You can see Steve still carrying him on the second mock up. XD

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