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Messages - Blue Valkyrie

Pages: 1 ... 146 147 148 149 150 ... 157
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 15, 2014, 03:17:44 AM »
(Er about that........)

((Well any character more versed in stuff than Blue I meant. XD)

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 15, 2014, 03:06:24 AM »
(Pity you don't have cosplay powers yet... Then again, they are just Joes. XD)

((Yeah I want to introduce any powers in her story before I use them in the RP, I'm trying to tie both stories together as best I can and I think I might start adding some cameos once I get past the second adventure, her adventures on RPM would take place between adventure 2 and 3 as well as after. An early version of her cosplay power shows up in Blue Valkyrie 2 and I figure she would pick up the cosplay powers from people like PB once Blue has been with the resistance for awhile.))

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:58:55 AM »
(It helps that you have more powers than "Punch" "Kick" "Throw", I've had to get a little creative after the first few posts XD )

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:56:34 AM »
Buccaneers are the Servebots of Blue Valkyrie.  XD

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:53:47 AM »
((In her current form most of Blue's enemies out preform her in one way or another. The Joe's simply are more powerfull, they have proper weapons and defenses. However Blue's physical strength is off the charts, and she's a creative fighter so it's been fun dealing with them, like the Tag-Team or blue using one Joe to knock another away while the others take advantage of the prone Joes.)

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:50:44 AM »

Blue still wasn't sure why these pirates had attacked her home, or what their final goal was. Chasing them across Azure Star's islands, through the thick forests and up a the jagged peaks hadn't done much to enlighten her at all, although Blue found her enjoying all the combat, it was a break from the dull peace she had been used too. Blue never considered herself a fighter despite her powers but her mind set was changing, and these odd robots made for a fun challenge.

Still, of all the odd things she had experienced so far it didn't prepare her for the sight at the top of the mountain. Within the clouds a city floating in the sky, clearly made by the same people who built the ruins dotting Azure Star's landscape...and white beard's crew swarming all over. Jumping to a broken ladder, likely used for maintenance back in the day she managed to surprise a few Buccaneers who had been setting up make shift defenses.

Level 4 is easiest the most dangerous level so far, the crumbling ruins have created some treacherous walkways and enemies are placed to take advantage of these jumps. Buccaneers in all types appear here minus the lumberjack and  Smiley Copters and Spine Mines also make their homes in perilous locations.

Blue also encounters some of White Beard's heavier forces. The Buccaneer Walker and aircraft pose a serious threat to her as she can't easily dispose of them.

Finally though Blue pushes through and finds an entrance leading deeper into the city, something calls to Blue something she can't quite place but what ever it is she knows this is what White Beard is after and she'll beat him there.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:29:42 AM »
Blue opens and closes her hand as Kathy's power helps repair her damaged arm "Thanks, I can move my arm again." Blue gives a thumbs up. 

The e-tank within the hammer space bag seems to be compatible with what ever powers Blue, who ever built her likely died centuries ago and she has no idea how tech stuff works anyway, downing the E-tank she feels her energy return. She jumps to her feet and stretches her arms up high no longer feeling the pain in her damaged arm thanks to Kathy, clenching her fists and taking a fighting stance she grins and dives back into the fray ducking behind a Joe and giving a strong punch to it's back armor, the impact sends it forward toward MechaGarurumon, no reason to stop tag teaming these things as she wasn't able to down a Joe easily on her own before.

((On the topic of Joe toughness blue can send Joes flying and do some nasty damage to them in close quarters if she's not fighting more then one but I figure throwing and sending one flying isn't doing too much damage more keeping them at bay. She's kinda noticed that the mono-eye design of a Joe is a bit of a weak point though so a strong enough punch can cripple one, their beam sabers can do some nasty damage to Blue though.)

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 14, 2014, 02:59:47 PM »
((I'm sure there plenty of Joes closing in, still can. =) ))

"I'm okay--kinda." She glances to her arm, now sparking from the damage.

Her gaze follows Karring as he begins battling the some of the joes closing in "Uh-sure I uh softened them up for you." Blue says jokingly as another wave of pain goes through her arm followed by a wave of dizziness, Blue realizes she might not be able to fight much longer like this.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 14, 2014, 02:36:54 PM »
A battered joe is tossed away as Blue stumbles a bit, rubbing her head she feels her energy reserves drop a bit more.

"Oh--that's weird." She mumbles to herself as her dizziness passes, closing her fist she socks another joe feeling a little dizzy again and falls to one knee staring at the ground while her optics attempt to refocus. Blue had fought tons of battles before but never one this protracted, and the damage she had taken from the crash as well as with the duel with Flare Star was beginning to slow her down, to say nothing of her energy reserves, that were basically gone at this point.

Unaware of how easy a target she now was the Joe sneaking up on her managed to get a good slash in, Blue had heard it's beam saber but still felt the skin on her right arm burn as the energy blade cut at it, luckily her agility hadn't failed her yet, jumping to the side stopping the saber from cutting to deep. Dizziness now mixed with searing pain hits her hard and the dodge turns into a clumsy tumble leaving her sprawled on the ground.

"Agh!" she cries out gripping her right arm, she attempts to climb to her feet but is only able to kneel as she notices the Joe standing before her beam saber raised high for the kill.

((Insert heroic rescue here?))

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 12, 2014, 04:18:25 AM »
Just don't wander into a dark room.  8D *many red eyes appear in the shadows followed by the Reaverbot sound*

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 11, 2014, 03:16:40 PM »

A more common humanoid type of guardian, they bare a striking resemblance to the Sniper Joes of today. Equipped with large nearly indestructible shields they lob projectiles at intruders and are typically only open to attack during this throw frame of animation. Phalanxes will jump to readjust their position should Blue attempt to jump over them. Blue can tear the shield from their grasp if she can get close enough and it's heavy weight makes it an effective projectile. Other wise the Phalanx themselves are also open to being thrown.

Two types of Phalanx are currently known, the grey and gold types.


The grey Phalanx is the most common, they lob energy lances at their targets and tend to be positioned in locations where they are hard to avoid or present dangers when jumping gaps.

Gold Phalanx

The Gold Phalanx operate mostly the same as the regular ones, however their projectiles are fireballs that after hitting a wall spread into a hazard that can limit the space Blue can move. This is far more dangerous in claustrophobic areas.

As stated before Phalanx can only be damage when they are in the middle of throwing their projectiles, but since neither type's can be grabbed Blue has another way of dealing with them. By grabbing their shields she can tear it away and use them as a make shift (heavy) projectile.

Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:24:36 AM »
Tried to get some time in on Wind Waker HD but kept getting drawn back to Dark Souls. >w<

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 10, 2014, 03:09:04 PM »
New enemies inbound, or rather old..ancient enemies!

(First of a few Guardian enemy types that appear in Level 4b within the depths of the Cloud City. Reaverbots were the inspiration for these designs.)

Scattered throughout the world of Azure Star and perhaps on other worlds too are remnants of the Precursor Civilization, this race clearly had mastery of technology that is far beyond anything the modern world uses. The scattered ruins across Azure Star act as silent testament to this civilization although it does little to solve the mysteries of it's disappearance. Deep within these ruins are machines known as "Guardians" they silently patrol the halls and rooms protecting the secrets within.

Guardian: Skitterbot Charger

Skitter bots chargers are one of the smaller types of guardians, they skitter along the ground quickly charging at anything in their field of view. They can also climb up surfaces such as walls and ceilings to chase down any intruders. They tend to attack in small groups. Like all small enemies Blue can lob these around as projectiles.

Guardian: Skitterbot Bomber

Skitter bot bombers, are mostly identical to their charger counterparts but prefer to lop explosive orbs at their targets from afar, Blue can grab and toss these around for the same effects. Bombers have the same level of mobility and tend to retreat if Blue gets too close.

Blue encounters the Guardians for the first time within the depths of Cloud City, guarding the Omni-Gem and preventing White Beard's forces from advancing. They seem to treat Blue as much a threat if not more.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 10, 2014, 02:27:46 PM »
((WilyII can take control of Terra Star for the time being if you plan to use him as backup, you know what his powers are from the sprite topic anyway. I'll hold off on posting until something happens on the Joe front or someone talks to Blue.))

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 10, 2014, 05:20:51 AM »
(Sure let's go with that.)

(Alright problem solved, I'll just react to things from now on.  XD )

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 10, 2014, 05:17:06 AM »
((So less we broke all the joes and more we cleared the ones near Blue's location with the others still fighting the more concentrated groups?))

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 10, 2014, 05:10:24 AM »
((Sorry about that wasn't trying to hijack the RP, just misunderstood what was going on.  X( ))

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 10, 2014, 05:08:44 AM »
(So I'm a little confused as to the state of the joe's right now, I was getting the feeling we were nearly done with them. Should I retcon those previous posts? )

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 10, 2014, 05:00:21 AM »
WilyII notices White Beard turning to leave the room.

"Arr..I'll be heading back to the Dark Star. I have my own preparations to finish before we are ready for our next attack."

"My Buccaneers will continue to help with the repairs, I'll also leave Terra Star here if you need some extra muscle."

Terra Star enters the room WilyII swears he feels his evil chair shake as the hulking robot stands nearby towering over the Dr.

"Greetings...." Terra Star says slowly.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 09, 2014, 11:01:25 PM »
"A lot of damage for "just a hobby"." Blue looks a little sad at the state of what must have been a great place at one point. She soon returns to dealing with any joes she can find.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 09, 2014, 10:31:37 PM »
-"Sounds like a certain pirate I deal with from time to time."

Blue sighs

-"I guess every world has their own problems."

Blue lightly taps her foot on a broken Joe

"Should we go track down that commander?"

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:21:12 PM »
"I don't think I've ever met a group like you guys before. So...who is this WilyII guy anyway, why is he attacking your world?"

Blue decides the break in the battle is as good a time as any to get a rundown of the situation she's involved herself in.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:09:37 PM »
Blue bends down grabbing a broken met helmet and leaning back she whips it at the last Joe she can see in her own area. A satisfying crack tells her the Joe won't be getting up anytime soon.

"I think we nearly got all these mono eye bots. And "toots"? Blue tilts her head as she joins the others.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:58:49 AM »
Blue ponders "Maybe you're right....still I could have sworn I saw a different looking joe when this all started. Perhaps I was wrong..."

Fan Creations / Re: Tron's Music Workshop 2.0
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:39:11 AM »
Gives off an RPG Dungeon theme vibe, I like it. Very foreboding like it's building up to something big.

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