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Messages - AquaTeamV3

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I hope the 3DS gets some kind of attachment that lets you output to your TV; maybe they could make it so that you could choose to output only one screen or both.  It'd be nice for recording purposes.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: March 03, 2011, 10:29:50 PM »
I love him too. I'm so happy they got the Spectacular Spider-Man voice to voice him, cause he does such a good job as him. Plus, he's been vastly VASTLY improved I think from his previous games.

I can't speak for MvC3 as I've never played it, but he was pretty legit in MvC1 (and MSH IIRC).  I just know that he's much less forgiving on input, as you've gotta mash the inputs for his air combos a lot faster than anyone else's.  The evil part is that you don't know which direction he's going to land on and you end up eating a second one.  Rinse, repeat.

I kinda miss MSHvSF's Armored Spidey, actually.

I might choose the fire pig just so I can end up with the water monkey.

Original / Re: King Stages: It only exists to torment the player
« on: February 28, 2011, 01:28:21 AM »
The blinding grenades always seemed kinda forgiving to me, or maybe I just had the jump pattern down.  I seriously remember a few cases where I thought I had died and found myself perfectly fine after shooting one.

Original / Re: King Stages: It only exists to torment the player
« on: February 27, 2011, 06:11:04 AM »
I kind of wish they had just mapped Bass' dashing to down+jump.  Double tapping is kinda difficult to do in a pinch.

Original / Re: King Stages: It only exists to torment the player
« on: February 26, 2011, 05:08:14 PM »
What stage is Bass NOT the best character to play?
Yeah, MM&B has the most blatant case of character Bias I've ever seen.  The only time Megaman has an advantage is in boss fighting, and honestly the majority of bosses are a cakewalk compared to the often-nightmarish stage designs (from Mega's point of view, anyway).

Original / Re: King Stages: It only exists to torment the player
« on: February 25, 2011, 05:46:27 PM »
I kind of view MM&B in the same vein as X6; both are games that are no doubt flawed, but in the same token playing them is a guilty pleasure.  The King stages were no doubt frustrating, even moreso with the GBA's reduced visibility in some areas.  I'm pretty sure I spammed the parts system in the game to get me through that part (i.e. switching to super recover when picking up an item and them energy saver when using a weapon).

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: February 15, 2011, 04:24:33 PM »
Wow, that SF1 Ryu costume is amazing.  Zero could go for a Colonel, Iris, or Vile theme.  Wonder how that'd turn out?

Presenting the new MML3 reaver!  Interesting design, to say the least, heh.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: February 10, 2011, 10:45:42 PM »
The official translation is something along the lines of:

"There are no more heroes? *tear*"

*MvC3 footage*

"Yay, there are heroes!"

Gaming / Re: Easy Mode Mockery why?
« on: February 08, 2011, 04:01:15 PM »
MM10's easy mode was so pathetic that I had to run through it helmet-less in an attempt to get some sort of challenge from it.  Thing is, if you're buying items constantly you shouldn't even have the issue of accidentally falling into a pit, since Beat/Treble will be right there to get you out (sorry Blues).  Between the covered pits and spikes, the bosses getting easier, and the Yashichi spread around like nobodies business, the game's pretty much impossible to die in.  I literally laughed my way through that mode, especially having played through it on normal beforehand and noticing how much they were cutting out of the game.

A good example of "easy mode" being somewhat challenging would be Viewtiful Joe.  I think Kids Mode is supposed to be the equivalent of easy mode, although it certainly feels like normal.  I still have yet to get past Fire Leo on Adults (and don't get me started on the unlockable difficulties).

Oh, and this thread's begging for this video:

Fan Creations / Hankuruten: Our MML3 Reaverbot Submission
« on: February 03, 2011, 12:47:22 AM »
MMLS once again has a submission for the Devroom's contest, although this time we've split up into multiple groups (and therefore multiple submissions).  This is the submission that our team came up with.  It kinda started with me suggesting a bear-protecting-cubs kinda thing, and through much discussion we ended up with this guy.  Without further ado:

Devroom Servbot Number: #000359

Reaverbot Name: Hankuruten


Despite its appearance, Hankuruten  initially appears passive. It will stare intensely at you as long as you  remain in its line of sight. Otherwise it will do nothing, even when  attacked…until you attack another Reaverbot nearby. Then this berserker  will relentlessly assault you using acrobatic melee attacks, high-speed  tackles and grabs. Make sure to evade its grip and be warned: Hankuruten  will use its remaining strength to take you down with a kamikaze wall  slam should its chances become hopeless. If you decide to fight it  without provoking it, its defense increases and its refractor payoff  decreases.


Capcom Unity Thread

(P.S.: Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks it looks like Radar KillerXD)

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: February 01, 2011, 09:50:09 PM »
Man, this makes you wonder how viable Phoenix really is.  All the health of Shedinja without the usefulness of Wonder Guard.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: January 29, 2011, 05:19:23 PM »
If Sigma gets in a fighting game it might not be TvC2 (assuming we even get that).  Note that every character in TvC aside from Doronjo is a hero, similar to how they pulled MvC1 off..  I mean, they could pull a MvC2 and just start adding people regardless of affiliation, but I'd think that hero characters would more likely see game-time first.  Assuming that TvC2 would keep all of the characters from the prequel and add new heroes, they'd probably go for a series that hasn't been represented yet.  Model X/ZX/A's a possibility, as would be a BN/SF character.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: January 29, 2011, 02:01:36 AM »
I never really considered it "replacing" so much as just grabbing a character that already had a moveset, same for Tron really.  Truth be told, I'd really like to see Sigma get into a fighting game sometime soon.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:58:16 PM »
It does?  I've only used her in Pocket Fighter, but in that instance it caused instant stun if you held the button for a few seconds.  I don't even know if Marvel games even have stun; last I saw that was in MSHvSF.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:09:13 PM »
Roll's healing super summons an E-Can that heals only robots, yes.  The Yashichi is a Capcom item that generally benefits whoever finds it, robot or not (in most cases).  Having it heal just Zero/Tron (and the latter's not even a robot) would be a bit odd.  Of course, having a character toss out an item that randomly heals your opponent would be a really bad idea in the first place.  XD 

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: January 28, 2011, 04:37:54 PM »
By that I meant that it'd make no sense to only give the item's powers to solely Zero & Tron; might as well make it work for all Capcom characters in that case.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:02:40 PM »
It certainly wouldn't be hilarious for the guy playing Hsien-Ko, that's for sure.  Although come to think of it the yashichi hasn't been in either a Legends or X game, so it really wouldn't make sense at all.  The item is a staple for Capcom period, not just Megaman.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: January 27, 2011, 11:31:22 PM »
Looking at the partial move lists on the official site, Hadangeki is spammable still. It's not a charge motion anymore, so that makes spamming it acceptable, for lack of a better term.

Eh, TBPH it's only a problem in lag, and that'll probably remain the same no matter what.  If someone tries that offline or on a good connection, they're getting punished for it. XD

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: January 27, 2011, 10:14:53 PM »
0_0  Just by looking at that clip I'd have to wonder why one would main Phoenix.  Unless she has some kind of crazy offense she's gonna die quick, and there's not MCrashing like in TvC.  Even with Phoenix mode that health is still super low.

General / Re: Change my nickname, please
« on: January 27, 2011, 09:54:43 PM »
Hey, can I have my name fleshed out as AquaTeamV3? (My general online handle)  There are other Aquas running around in other places, so I don't want to get mixed up with them or anything like that.  Please and thank you!

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: January 27, 2011, 01:25:37 AM »
Exactly!  Just tweak the weapon-switching dealy to make it more user-friendly and you've got yourself a character.  Blatant laziness is blatant.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: January 27, 2011, 12:28:19 AM »
Man, this has to be one of the lamest excuses I've ever seen.  Megaman doesn't have enough moves? Really?  I guess it's kinda showing their laziness above all else, though.  Zero and Tron are both copypasta in terms of moveset, minus the Level 3's.  They did re-work Jill Valentine completely from MvC2, though, so...yeah.  o-O

TBPH, I have mixed feelings about the fan-made movesets.  One one hand, they are a step up from Mega's MvC1 system, but they do seem a tad...excessive.  His normals really don't need to be weapons, as he's perfectly capable of punching and kicking on his own, including in the air.  I also don't think he needs that many special moves; all he really needs is a selection of around 3 or so to swap between.  MvC's version of this wasn't terrible, but you really didn't have time to summon Eddie and pick up the weapon you wanted before a smart opponent could take advantage of that.  TvC's was far better, as not only was the switch one swift motion that kept you safe, but the weapon use was also streamlined but still very useful.  Really it'd have been nice for them to re-work classic MM's weapon system to the point where it's more accessible in combat, but unfortunately Capcom either didn't think about it hard enough or were just too lazy too.

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