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Topics - VixyNyan

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It's been a whole year since Rockman 9 / Mega Man 9 came out for Wii, PS3 and 360. It has been well-accepted by a lot of fans and new gamers. The classic series has been pretty quiet on releasing a new sequel since the 8th game, and when media all over the world got a hold of the leaked info and ratings showing up, everyone cheered and jumped with joy. It's fun to see how the game came to exist and Protodude put up a nice little article about how it all happened.

When the game was finally out, it became an instant favorite, specially around the time our annual awards ceremony started. It was voted "Best Game of 2008" and got very high ratings on other categories too, along with the 2nd and 3rd game in the classic series. A little snip from the winning award commentary went like this:

"(...) Returning to the roots of the 8-bitiness, Capcom might have something great going on here. This game ended up meeting every Mega Man fan's expectations. The 8 new robot masters (this includes Splash Woman, a female robot master), the very fun and inspiring intro cutscene, the very useful weapons, the challenges list that gave lots of replay value, and different kinds of DLC content (Endless Attack and Proto Man Mode being some of the favorites)."

"Yea, this game had it all and it keeps the player wanting to play the game more and more without so much stopping. When the game gets tough and challenging, you just go back in and try and try again until you manage to beat it. It's so addictive and very satisfying when you finally beat that tough segment of the game. The music is also a great asset to this game. Here you can enjoy songs like "We're the Robots", "Maze of Death", "Flash in the Dark" and roughly 30 other tracks that have all been composed by the Inti Creates sound team, along with the development of the game itself. There's a favorite song for everyone here. (...)"

"(...) There's no question about it though, thanks to Keiji Inafune, Game of the Year is Mega Man 9! Recreating childhood memories might be the most craziest idea that Inafking, Capcom and Inti has ever thought about bringing to a gaming market of this graphics-hungry generation. And you know what? They kick all kinds of behinds for it!"

So what is RPM gonna do to celebrate this? We have a few things planned, but it would be great if you celebrate this anniversary in your own unique and creative way too. ^^

First off, this week will be a Rockman 9 week, with a skin change for our site.

Why is it a week? At this very week, the game will be one year old on all 3 regions of the world.

flagus September 22
flagjp September 24
flageu September 26

As you can see, this whole week will be our way to celebrate the game's anniversary for a whole week.

To spice things up, everyday at 18:00 Europe / 12:00 New York time (or a little bit after that), I will personally live-stream as many of Rock's games as I can this week in my gaming channel, in a Rockman marathon, just for this great occasion. This might include some of the spin-off games too, and other series, like X, Zero and DASH/Legends series. Keep track of the time and I'll see you there in a few.

The games we have played through so far:
01. (Monday) Rockman 1
02. (Monday) Rockman 2
03. (Monday) Rockman 3
04. (Monday) Rockman 4
05. (Monday) Rockman 5
06. (Monday) Rockman 6
07. (Tuesday) Rockman 7
08. (Tuesday) Rockman 8
09. (Tuesday) Rockman & Forte
10. (Tuesday) Rockman 9
11. (Wednesday) Rockman World 1
12. (Wednesday) Rockman World 2
13. (Wednesday) Rockman World 3
14. (Wednesday) Rockman World 4
15. (Wednesday) Rockman World 5
16. (Wednesday) Rockman 1: The Power Battle
17. (Wednesday) Rockman 2: The Power Fighters
18. (Thursday) Rockman Zero 1
19. (Thursday) Rockman Zero 2
20. (Thursday) Rockman Zero 3
21. (Friday) Rockman Zero 4
22. (Friday) Rockman X1: Cyber Mission
23. (Friday) Rockman X2: Soul Eraser
24. (Friday) Rockman X1
25. (Friday) Ryuusei no Rockman: Denpa Henkan! On*Air!
26. (Saturday) Rockman: Battle & Chase
27. (Saturday) Rockman DASH 1
28. (Saturday) Rockman DASH 2 Episode 1 Roll-chan Kiki Ippatsu!
29. (Saturday) Tron ni Kobun
30. (Sunday) Rockman DASH 2
31. (Sunday) Rockman X7
32. (SPECIAL!) Rockman EXE Transmission

If you want to join in on the festive anniversary celebration, post in this news thread or spread the Rockman 9 love all over the net.
We appreciate it either way, and we hope that Capcom and Inti Creates will accept our love too. ^^

Fight, For Everlasting Peace! Now we can talk about Rockman 9 in general and our experience with the game. ^^

Do you want to get your hands on Rockman EXE: Operate Shooting Star? Play-Asia has a page ready where you can drag it into your own shopping list at the website, and you can pre-order it before it gets shipped later on November 12th.

The game has a set price at $44.90 USD. Support RPM by making your order there.
The box art is a tentative store-shelf image and might / might not be the final rendition.

Source: Protodude's Rockman Center

Gaming / Video Game Comics~
« on: August 31, 2009, 03:44:39 PM »
We read comics, we relive our video game childhood, and enjoy some jokes or two. ^^

From Loki / Cooltendo at Game Spite: Nintendo Super Squad

The Game Boy (Original Page)

Kirby's Adventure (Original Page)

Mole Mania (Original Page)

Can you post some comics? :3

Challenge Mode / The "Rockman 9 / Mega Man 9 Ranking" Thread
« on: August 29, 2009, 07:47:34 PM »
I was thinking that there needs to be one thread for everyone to send their high scores or times for this game, no matter how good or bad it is. That way, we can compare them with each other and you get your own page where your submissions are listed. ^^

See some times and scores on this page.

The modes that we will have on that ranking system are:

- All Clear (beat the game)
- Endless Attack (Download Content. Get as far as you can on this mode)
- Special Stage (Download Content. Beat the stage)
- Blues (Download Content. Beat the game with Protoman / Blues)
- Hero (Download Content. Beat the game on the Hero difficulty)
- Super Hero (Download Content. Beat the game on the Super Hero difficulty)

- Magma Man (Time Attack)
- Hornet Man (Time Attack)
- Galaxy Man (Time Attack)
- Tornado Man (Time Attack)
- Jewel Man (Time Attack)
- Splash Woman (Time Attack)
- Plug Man (Time Attack)
- Concrete Man (Time Attack)
- Wily Castle 1 (Time Attack)
- Wily Castle 2 (Time Attack)
- Wily Castle 3 (Time Attack)
- Wily Castle 4 (Time Attack)

We're using MySQL for this ranking system. It puts everyone's entries in a neat, painless order. ^^

Is anyone interested~? We can do this for other games too, if you want that?

Challenge Mode / Super Mario Bros. 3
« on: August 02, 2009, 08:10:08 PM »
When I was away on a game meeting about a week ago, I wanted to play through Mario 3, every level without skipping them.
It might not look as fast as the world record or something, but I just wanted to have a video clip available for everyone to watch. ^^

SMB3 Full Run (single-segment)
Watch | Double Size | Download

I think I did alright.
My first-ever mistake was at the very end of World 5, then things got a little tougher in the Lava Fortress level in World 7.
I have to do a better job next time. ^^

General / Post Counts and Member Groups
« on: July 19, 2009, 11:10:52 AM »
RPM Mistress: The beautiful princess VixyNyan.
RPM Sorcerer: The technological magician Shiki Tohno.
RPM Knight: The most loyal (and sexcellent) staff members on the board.
RPM Purifier: Staff members that are bringing balance to the board with their smashing personality.
RPM Soldier: They post news yay~
RPM Irregular: Scrap metal. Also banned.

Post Count Evolution (Thank you Karai for the images)
25Net Navi
75Robot Master
150Resistance Member
250B-Class Hunter
500A-Class Hunter
700SA-Class Hunter
1000Neo Arcadian
2000Master's Unit
5000Legendary Hero

Some things might change. o.o

News and Announcements / Community Watch: Like music to your ears~
« on: July 15, 2009, 12:28:13 AM »
Here's another community watch, where I will report about random things that happens all over the Rocknet, both the English and Japanese sides.

> Abnormal Gravity has another comic up, going to number 232 now. This weeks subject is talents. ^^ The music playlist at the bottom has a good selection of remixed Rockman tunes, like Green Grass Gradation from Rockman ZX, Battle vs Sera from Rockman DASH 2 and 21 other tracks that will make your day all the better.

> The Mechanical Maniacs has a 9-chapters long walkthrough for Mega Man Battle Network 3, plus a boss guide and battle chip libraries. The art gallery has been updated with new drawings and pictures too. Go to the front page for the details.

> A news post at The Mega Man Network says that the value pack for Irregular Hunter X & Rockman Rockman for the PSP will come with a soundtrack when pre-ordering it. They also have a new weekly gift art drawn by Glitcher, where roles has changed with X ready to give lots of hurt and pain to Vile/VAVA using his very own Ride Armor. Ouch. MMN's Mega Man Universe has a page recently updated with new facts and information for Dr. Light, among other changes too.

> The Rockman Anime Music Video Station has a AMV Summer Contest ready for those who are skilled enough in making music videos. It started on July 1st and will end on September 22nd. Everyone will get their awards on September 30th, so if you're interested, read the rules, make a cool music video and go for fame! ^^

> A couple of drawings at DeviantArt has been posted if you like to see some. ^^ First up is What Title? by General-RADIX, that has Wily-Prinny and ProtoEtna on it. Fun thing to know is that it was drawn on RPM's Oekaki Board. Second up is HUMAN AFTER ALL by Cuboidal, the 6 robot masters from the first game in super deformed human forms... well, depends on your point of view. ^^ Next we have MMX- Vava encounter pg2 by Silver-Ray, a memorable scene from X1 involving Vile/VAVA grabbing X with the Ride Armor. The first part of this comic series is right here. And then we have an adorable drawing for a contest, this picture is called Roll Summer Entry 3 by Megaman-Legends-Club, and it has Roll Caskett wearing a bikini, while Volnutt is in the background. If you want to see more drawings, click here and then click on the Popular or Newest tab at the top.

> Protodude has posted in his blog about a Debug Mode in Mega Man Star Force 3, roughly two weeks after the game has been out. This strange find can be seen in MegaRockReborn's video on Youtube. We have to remind you to turn down your volume before making the jump. o.o;

This is all we have for the moment.

There wasn't any new bits from Japan, even though Tarbo-san already mentioned the PSP value pack on the Cocorog blog.

If there's anything else interesting popping up anywhere, we'll post about them next time. ^.^

EXE / Forte in Rockman EXE WS (Wonderswan)
« on: July 10, 2009, 11:08:33 PM »
But first, a little info about the game. (scroll down a bit to see the secret fight)

Download the soundtrack

Quote from: the 'pedia
Rockman EXE WS's story is the retelling of Seasons 1 and 2 of the Rockman EXE anime, ending with Gospel.

Like Rockman EXE Transmission, Rockman EXE WS is a platformer. As you start the game, you are brought to a screen that shows a conversation between Netto and Rockman as well as any other character in the conversation, briefing you on the situation at hand. You are then brought to a screen that shows a list of the current chips you have (which can be found lying in stage or by defeating enemies) and four boxes.

By selecting a chip from the list, you choose which of the four boxes you want to place the chip in. Once chips are selected and you begin the stage, you may use the chips by pressing the Y buttons. Unlike the other Rockman EXE games, some chips can be used multiple times, or replace your Rock Buster attack (such as the Wide Sword).

As you battle through the level, you will notice that the stage splits into two paths. Both paths lead to a different boss, one harder then the other.

You unlock stars in different ways too. ^^

Beat the game at least once and this star is yours. (Last boss is Dream Virus)
You get this star by earning the Saito Style and defeating Gospel.
Beat the game with a 100% Synchro (Completion).

When you beat Gospel, the Extra Mode will be unlocked on the title screen. You will have 3 difficulties. If you picked up every Special and Support battle chip and all the Styles (Heat Guts, Aqua Custom, Elec Brother, Wood Shield and Saito Style) so that you get 100% Synchro) you will unlock EX-Hard Mode. This is a boss survival mode. You will fight the same bosses on every mode, except on the last one where a secret boss is~

Practice Mode:
» Your HP is recovered after each battle
» You have all the Styles
» You have ALL the Chips

Extra Mode:
» Your HP is recovered after each battle
» You have all the Styles
» You have all the Chips except the three Support Chips

Hard Mode:   
» Your HP is recovered after each battle
» You have all the Styles
» You only have a few recovery chips

EX-Hard Mode:
» Your HP is not recovered after each battle
» You only have the Normal Style
» You only have a few recovery chips

Now that you have an idea on how tough EX-Hard Mode is, after beating both Dream Virus and Gospel, you meet the 13th boss:

Forte (click to watch video)

RPM proudly presents the fight against Forte.
Youtube and Nico Video didn't have it, so I had to step in and fix that.
And now it's on the 'tube.


Rockman Series / Rockman Scripts and Cutscenes: The Archiving Project
« on: July 09, 2009, 06:08:29 PM »
I read the random topics in the Rockman child boards about debates with the timelines and story and things like that. One of my wishes with RPM was that it would have (almost) every cutscene and dialogs easily available from every game. To spice things up, I wanted them to be as pixel-perfect as possible too (screen-grabbed from emulators or recorded in video form). There are a couple of materials already available and the work is still in progress to bring more. ^^

Original Series

Rockman 9: Yabou no Fukkatsu!!
» flagjp Japanese (Finished!)
» flagus English (Text script finished)

Super Adventure Rockman (Video cutscenes)

X Series

Rockman X
» flagjp Japanese (Finished)
» flagus English (Finished)

Rockman X2
» flagjp Japanese (Finished)
» flagus English (Finished)

Rockman X6 (FINISHED!)
» flagjp Japanese: 18 Cutscenes, 16 Dr. Light scenes, 20 Hunter Base scenes, 193 stage dialogs
Green = Finished

DASH Series

Rockman DASH 2 Episode 1
» Mission 4

Planning / Suggestions

» Rockman (Ending) 8D
» Rockman 2: Dr. Wily no Nazo (Intro & Ending) 8D
» Rockman 3: Dr. Wily no Saigo!?
» Rockman 4: Aratanaru Yabou!!
» Rockman 5: Blues no Wana!?
» Rockman 6: Shijousai Dai no Tatakai!!
» Rockman: Complete Works (database & other things)
» Rockman 7: Shukumei no Taiketsu!
» Rockman 8: Metal Heroes
» Rockman & Forte
» Rockman & Forte: Challenger from the Future
» Rockman World (Ending & Credits) 8D
» Rockman World 2 (Ending & Credits) 8D
» Rockman World 3
» Rockman World 4
» Rockman World 5
» Rockman Rockman
» Rockman: The Power Battle
» Rockman 2: The Power Fighters
» Rockman: Battle & Fighters (Database & cutscenes)
» Rockman's Soccer (Intro + other things) 8D
» Rockman: Battle & Chase
» Rockman Strategy (cutscenes are PC cam recorded >v<)

» Rockman X3
» Rockman X4
» Rockman X5
» Rockman X7
» Rockman X8
» Rockman X: Command Mission
» Rockman X: Cyber Mission
» Rockman X2: Soul Eraser
» Irregular Hunter X

» Rockman Zero
» Rockman Zero 2
» Rockman Zero 3
» Rockman Zero 4

» Rockman ZX
» Rockman ZX Advent

» Rockman DASH: Hagane no Boukenshin
» Rockman DASH 2 Episode 2: Ooinaru Isan
» Tron ni Kobun

» Rockman EXE Transmission
» Rockman EXE WS
(Suggest more~)

No plans for the Data/Brother Action RPGs yet. o.o;

News and Announcements / Quick Music Update
« on: July 08, 2009, 01:00:59 AM »
For those who are interested, we have pieced together two "Sample" Soundtracks for the Japan-exclusive cell phone games Rockman EXE: Phantom of Network and Rockman EXE: Legend of Network.

(click any of the images)

Recorded straight from a mobile phone, there are 7 tracks from each game available for download now. These are good enough, to find out what the music sounds like in the games. I edited them into 2-loop tracks and tagged them with whatever source available. ^^

Please enjoy them. We will offer more hard-to-find soundtracks later on.

News and Announcements / Community Watch: The Beginning
« on: July 06, 2009, 11:11:15 PM »
I wanted to find time to look all over the internet and see what's happening on both the Japanese and English sides of the Rockman/Mega Man community, so from today and once every week (hopefully then or whenever possible), I will find some interesting things to collect and later post about them here. And yea, I'll be posting good things about our affiliate sites too, when there are things to discuss, plus other websites or blogs that are Rockman-related. ^^

For now I have something for everyone.

About 5 days ago, our friendly Japanese blogger Tarbo-san (also known for running the Cocorog blog), has posted 2 video clips on Youtube about Rockman EXE music. What's so special with these music tracks is that they are the Main Themes from as many of the games in the series, composed with the Nintendo DS game Daigasso! Band Brothers DX.


The songs that are composed on Band Brothers DX are listed here:
- Battle Network Rockman EXE (GBA)
- Rockman EXE WS (WSC)
- Rockman EXE Transmission (GCN)*
- Battle Network Rockman EXE 2 (GBA)
- Battle Network Rockman EXE 3 (White)/Black (GBA)
- Rockman EXE Battle Chip GP (GBA)
- Rockman EXE N1 Battle (WSC)
- Rockman EXE 4: Tournament Blue Moon/Red Sun (GBA)
- Rockman EXE 4.5: Real Operation (GBA)
- Rockman EXE: Phantom of Network (Cell Phone) !!!
- Rockman EXE 5: Team of Blues/Colonel (GBA)
- Rockman EXE 5 DS: Twin Leaders (NDS)*
- Rockman EXE: Legend of Network (Cell Phone) !!!
- Rockman EXE 6: Cyber Beast Gre(i)ga/Falzer (GBA)
- Rockman EXE 7 (TUS)

* Games that are crossed over aren't in the playlist.

It's not everyday you get to hear music from the two Japan-exclusive cell phone games.
You can download these tracks from RPM now. ^^

Zip Archive | Music Folder

Credit to Tarbo-san for posting about it.

Gaming / 2D Fighter, Cute and Free: Vanguard Princess made for three~
« on: July 03, 2009, 06:19:32 PM »
Made by the ex-Capcom employee Sugeno Tomoaki (Rockman & Forte, Biohazard 3: The Last Escape, The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood, and so on), this cute fighting game looks just as good as other games similar to Melty Blood, Guilty Gear, Arcana Heart and BlazBlue. ^^

Watch the video.

Download (Mirror)

Gaming / Gaikai, the software streaming server technology
« on: July 01, 2009, 11:55:17 PM »
Merge the topic with the old topic, wherever it is~ >U<

Dave Perry is demonstrating the Gaikai streaming technology, loading games and other software from a server. o.o

It loads emulators too, that's why I mentioned software. ^^;

News and Announcements / Bathing Suit Contest is a GO~!
« on: June 13, 2009, 09:35:26 PM »
Since 2001, Maqqy's Mega Man Bathing Suit Contest has been a staple in the Rockman community. After a few glitches last year prevented any results from happening, the contest is back with the hope of being bigger and better than ever! Rockman Perfect Memories is proud to team up with Maq to co-host the 2009 Mega Man Bathing Suit Contest! New this year is the temptation of some Mega goodies. The winners of the two categories will have their choice of either a 1-year deviantART subscription or the Mega Man Official Complete Works artbook from UDON! There are also a few additional prizes ready for those exceptional artists who claim second place.

The rules have not changed over the years, nor will they now. There are two categories: the TALENT Category for artists who want to showcase their skills and the CONTENT Category for those who want to display their humor. You are allowed to submit two different entries, one for each category. Since the contest is getting started a little later, however, the deadline has been extended into early September. This will also shorten the time between when the winners are announced and when the MMOCW actually releases and is available to be sent to our winners.

For the full details, please head over to the contest link. Summer won't be here for long! Get started on those pictures and good luck to all who enter!

General / More Site Building - Video Test
« on: June 05, 2009, 01:49:35 AM »
In my attempt to make the front page grow more and more, I wanted to test a way to play streaming video on a web page, without so many painful settings and whatever.

First, I was trying out FLV flash movies. They had to be down-sampled to 30 fps and the quality wasn't always gonna be great, especially if you remember what Youtube videos look like. >U<

Then I tried to convert my clips to MP4. The frame rate stayed at 60 fps, and even the quality set to 500 kbps looked neat. ^^

Download Video
You see which game that is? It's a Playstation game lol. owob

I'm sorry if the video starts too slow, but wait a while, it WILL play.
I hope there's some code I can write or something to make it pre-load the movie instead of waiting. o.o;

Anyway, I'm gonna use this streaming video player for all kinds of guidance, you know, like walkthroughs and boss fights. ^.^ And now that I can play Playstation games in 60 fps (thanks TAS community owo), look forward to some MM Legends too. :3 I'm working on adding PSP clips too, especially for MMPU and MHX cutscenes, boss fights and Challenge Mode. ^^

You like this idea? And you like the quality of the video?

Rockman Series / Hoping for new games or sequels to come out soon?
« on: May 29, 2009, 09:40:21 PM »
In the Daletto TV Rockman Megamix Special videos, 2 special guests showed up.

Hironobu Takeshita (Producer for Shooting Star Rockman series, Rockman 9, and other things)
Tatsuya Kitabayashi (Producer for Rockman Rockman, Irregular Hunter X, and so on)

They showed up at the very last minutes of the Megamix Special interview. I have good eyes, you know~ >v<

Long story short, do you think they might be planning a new game or went in there just to discuss the comics? Hm hm. :3

What games are you looking forward to?

- Rockman Rockman 2 / Mega Man Powered UP 2
- Irregular Hunter X2 / Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X2
- Rockman X9 / Mega Man X9
- Rockman DASH 3 / Mega Man Legends 3 (why not? xD)
- something else

Go watch the videos and let us talk about this in the topic. ^^

Gaming / Let's Play... The Title Of This Game!! State 50 Saved!!
« on: May 28, 2009, 05:12:11 PM »
Crazy things going on here. Talk about "Let's Play" videos and link to them. ^.^

"Let's Play" is the type of videos where the player talks and makes a commentary, while they play. >v<

Extra points if the "let's player" has a wonderful (and fun) personality~ 0v0

There are a few we already know by DeceasedCrab~
Let's Play La-Mulana
Let's Play Cave Story
Let's Play Moon Crystal
You can see more of his work if you click his name up there.

Satoryu is deliciously neat too. ^^

Just Play the Damn Game: Sonic 3 & Knuckles

me and two friends Let's Play S3K, getting all emeralds as Knuckles.

Cybershell13 has a lot of Sonic LPs you should watch too. ^^;

Then I saw SirRonLionHeart, who's been so active and very passionate to his work:
He submitted way over 600 videos in 3 months and still counting. o.o;

When you see his LPs, you see that he really enjoys what he's doing, and looks like he has a big ego too. >v<

There are a few LPs that will bring a big smile to everyone, and it's just so adorable. ^.^

Let's Play The Cookie Crisis Super Mario World - Episode XIV
Let's Play The Cookie Crisis Super Mario World - Episode XV
Let's Play The Cookie Crisis Super Mario World - Episode XVI

You can watch more of his Cookie Crisis adventure on this playlist. There are some special guests in there. ^^

Cybershell13 appreciates his work so much, a video was made for him.

So if you have more LPs to recommend, throw them in here. ^w^

So with some final words, Cybershell13 is gonna introduce you to something, that you might recognize. >U<

General / Why is RPM so great? Why are we so great?
« on: May 26, 2009, 05:48:10 PM »
There is a thread about how you found RPM and why joining it, but after so many years, why do you still love this place so much? What is it that excites you, that tickles your most sexual urges and why is it such an awesome place to you? Do you love the front page, or the forum, or both? Are there good reasons for you to be here, in this sexcellent place, then it's a good idea to explain why. ^^

My guess would be:

- random member #1: I created RPM!
- random member #2: I love RPM because of Sub Tank.

Tell us why you love RPM so much, that you always want to visit it. Good reasons, please~?

Game Info

テレビで遊び隊 流星のロックマン 電波変換! オン・エア!
Play-on-TV Shooting Star Rockman: Wave Change! On-Air!
Released March 15th, 2007 (Japan)

"Denpa Henkan! On Air!" is a "plug and play" TV game that came out at the early year of 2007. The device uses Xavix motion-sensing technology, and it's a self-contained module that hooks up to a TV set. The player wears a WarRock-shaped motion detector on their arm to perform different kind of actions on-screen (much like the use of a Wii Remote). The mini games and battles are in first person, similar to Super Adventure Rockman.

Product Info at Amazon JP.

Main Menu

Press Play to see the Title and every part of the Main Menu.

Mini Game (This mode lets you play six different mini-games.)
- Virus Shooting (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Slash Sword (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Guard & Guard (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Ox Fire's Power Battle (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Cygnus Wing Battle Run (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Harp Note ♪ Sound (Easy, Normal, Hard)

Free Battle (This mode lets you fight against bosses, with selectable difficulty.)
- Ox Fire (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Cygnus Wing (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Harp Note (Easy, Normal, Hard)

Status (You can look at the battle cards you collected from the mini-games.)

Click here to see all the Battle Cards

High Score (This lets you see your high score on the mini-games.)
- Virus Shooting
- Slash Sword
- Guard & Guard
- Ox Fire's Power Battle
- Cygnus Wing Battle Run
- Harp Note ♪ Sound

- Change the Hand position: みぎ (right), ひだり (left)
- Delete your Data

On High Score mode, you can see your score in the 3 difficulties. You will also see cute Hertz icons and they will smile more when you get a specific amount of points in the mini-games. If you haven't played the mini-games yet, they will stay sad until you get a higher score.

When you win on any of the Mini Games, you will get a Battle Card. Here's all the Victory screens for them.



Virus Shooting
Slash Sword
Guard & Guard
Ox Fire's Power Battle
Cygnus Wing Battle Run
Harp Note ♪ Sound

Free Battle
On Free Battle mode, you will be able to fight against Ox Fire, Cygnus Wing and Harp Note, with 3 selectable difficulties (EASY, NORMAL, HARD).
Bosses have more health on higher difficulties and they move faster too. New attacks shows up on harder difficulties as well.

Easy and Normal doesn't unlock the Final Battle. Maybe if all 3 difficulties are beaten first. ^^;

Lift Up: Right-side Guard.
Lower Down: Left-side Guard.
Lift Up + Press Left Button: Right-side Sword Slash.
Lower Down + Press Left Button: Left-side Sword Slash.
Lower Down + Turn WarRock 90 degree forward + Press Left Button: Shoot.
Shake: Make the boss lose their grip on you.
Lift Up/Lower Down + Press Right Button: Change the Sword to something else.
Lower Down + Turn WarRock 90 degree forward + Press Right Button: Change the Shot to something else.

Ox Fire
Easy: Download
Normal: Download
Hard: Download

Cygnus Wing
Easy: Download
Normal: Download
Hard: Download

Harp Note
Easy: Download
Normal: Download
Hard: Download


I'll upload all of these to the front page later. ^^;

Is it blog-worthy now, Protodude~? >U<

News and Announcements / Happy 6th Anniversary, RPM!
« on: May 20, 2009, 01:18:39 AM »
Today is RPM's birthday! It has turned 6 years old. Time does fly by fast. ^^

To celebrate, we at RPM have decided to post a lot of new things for the site.

First of all, RPM now has new sections that you can access right on the front page. Most of them are only informational stuff. The new sections are a big list of different Rockman-related media and other collectible things, along with some fan works that might be interesting even for long-time community members.

The new sections are:

Rockman Books: It will be filled with sample pages and other neat info about each book. This might include small bits of sources that are normally only accessible from these books. We will cover Source Books, Manga, English Comics, Guide Books, and any other interesting and officially-released books.

Soundtracks: This section will be about the official Audio CDs that has been released and published by different media companies, and it will also have tracklists, lyrics for the songs in the CDs, and also some interesting information that's been translated from the soundtrack booklets. Sample scans and short music samples might be uploaded here too, but enough to meet Capcom's legal standards.

Cellphone Games: Called Keitai in Japan, this section will be all about the games you can play on a Cellphone, all of them released by Capcom. Most of the games are only available in Japan though, but we will only write a little bit about them and hope this section will be a big source for those who are interested.

Playable Rock: This section will be about all those Capcom-related games where Rockman and friends are playable, like Marvel vs. Capcom, Namco x Capcom, Gun Spike, and so on. And of course, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is in here too. We hope to have a few guides for these games later, and also some quick info and movesets of the Rockman characters that you can play as.

Fan Projects: This one is about Fan-Created games that you can play on your computer or other game consoles, like the GBA. Here we see old relics like Mega Man Legends: Reploid Legacy and Mega Man 21XX, along with on-going projects like Mega Man X: Corrupted, Mega Man 10, Mega Man Engine, and so on. We hope to have lots of info about them, and also some video clips too. There's one download available for MML-RL already, so try it out if you want. ^^

Hacks / Bootlegs: This section will be all about hacks that you patch on the Rockman games, and turning them into new games somehow. We will write a few things about the games, and also make guides for some of them, like boss or weapon guides. The Bootleg part of this section isn't up yet, but it will be about some pirate games like Rocman X and Rockman DX3. Whenever those pages will show up, we'll let you know.

That's all the new sections we have for you. I have some random things to talk about too.

- In the ZX Video Archive, I have now filled it with every video clip from the two official ZX websites. We're also interested in TV Shows and other stuff where Rockman games are on them, so for now, we put up Arino's attempt at playing Rockman 9 on Game Center CX, and we'd love to see more Rockman things like that.

- If you haven't been on the front page much, I can tell you that a new page was added, for a game called Ryuusei no Rockman: Denpa Henkan! On-Air! and it's a type of game that you connect straight to your TV and you can play all kinds of mini games on it, and also fight bosses. I can tell you that a friend of mine has managed to buy this device through a Japanese Auction, and it arrived to my closest Postal Office now. Anytime this week, I hope to have lots of video clips recorded from the game, including the mini games and some battles that can't be seen on Youtube. Who is the friend? I'll tell you later. ^^

- At the end of this month, we might have a "picture of the week" placeholder in the right corner of the front page. If you have any kind of artworks you like to submit, send them to my e-mail address and I'll put them up for you. ^^

- From this day and on, we will have the skin of the website changed to something more... colorful. Each day, the skin will become the same skins that we used for Front Page Theme Week Retrospective. The regular skin will come back at the very end of this month. ^^

- Oh yea, I almost forgot! This announcement is a big one. Take a look at this~

Rockman X8 e-Capcom Original Special Sound CD

You know what this is? This is a very limited CD that was bundled with Rockman X8, as a pre-order item.

The CD isn't available anymore and can only be found on very rare moments at random auctions.

But at this very special day, you are able to download the music from it. Is that cool or what?

And with all these lovely announcements, I'll end it with a fan-made micro game, Wario style!

Have a wonderful day everyone!
And if you have some fun things to post for this day, throw them all in this news thread.

Rebecca, signing out~! <3

Gaming / Playing Mario Kart to be a better driver
« on: May 17, 2009, 10:37:50 PM »
Simulation teaches teens the perils of distracted driving (Video Clip)

EAGLE COUNTY - It's the middle of a school day at the Vail Christian High School near Eagle and if you listen carefully you can hear the kind of music associated with video games.

In fact on this day, students like 13-year-old Alli O'Brian are getting the rare chance to play Nintendo at school.

"I'm here playing Mario Kart," O'Brian said.

If it sounds too good to be true, it's because students might get to play video games, but it's not all fun and games. Students like Alli are learning firsthand how difficult it is to try and drive while dealing with distractions like talking on the cell phone or texting.

"I ran into a lot of things and it was very stressful," said O'Brian.


Original / A new game, with someone else taking the lead~
« on: May 11, 2009, 01:17:48 PM »
In this new Classic series game, Rockman and Roll are missing, which could mean that some evil scientist might have kidnapped them.

And not only that, said criminal has now unleashed a pack of robots to invade the whole world.

Who is our savior? Who will save us from this new danger?

RUSH MAN!! or just Rush~ ^^

Rush has to enter the lairs of the new robots, destroying their minions, and in end, to defeat them, Rush has to...

Snuggle-glomp all the bosses! lolwut!? Why you ask? ... well the robots, are all Women. >U<

Rush has to get close to the robots, and do his doggie-chores (licking their faces and stuff), until the robot-women get so weak that they can't resist his cuteness and start petting him and snuggling him and stuff. They will be friendly enough to give Rush their weapons. :3

Gospel/Treble will help out as well, finding out that his master is missing somewhere as well.

The girls that are announced are these:

DFN-001: バッシュウーマン (basshu) = Bash Woman
DFN-002: ブラッシュウーマン (burasshu) = Brush Woman
DFN-003: カッシュウーマン (kasshu) = Cash Woman
DFN-004: ダッシュウーマン (dasshu) = Dash Woman
DFN-005: マッシュウーマン (masshu) = Mash Woman
DFN-006: プラッシュウーマン (purasshu) = Plush Woman
DFN-007: スマッシュウーマン (sumasshu) = Smash Woman
DFN-008: トラッシュウーマン (torasshu) = Trash Woman

Fortress Bosses will try and stop you too. Returning faces with some changes.

DWN-013: クラッシュウーマン (kurasshu) = Crash Woman
DWN-014: フラッシュウーマン (furasshu) = Flash Woman
DWN-054: スラッシュウーマン (surasshu) = Slash Woman
DRN-067: スプラッシュウーマン (supurasshu) = Splash Woman

Tango is also playable (secretly unlockable) and will have to snuggle and cuddle with the girls the same way to get their weapons.

Beat, Eddie and Rightot are help-units.

If you play as Rush, he will face Gospel in random duels across the game, and the other way around if you play as Gospel.

Tango has to fight Reggae. o.o

Do you have what it takes to save humanity? Fight, Rush, Gospel & Tango! For Everlasting Snuggle!

(RPM, now it's your turn to take the controller! Use your creativity, and design these girls. >v<)

Gaming / Contra fan? Own a Wii? Now you're "Locked and Loaded!"
« on: May 08, 2009, 09:38:13 AM »
Official Website

For Wii Ware (just like Gradius Rebirth back then), Contra Rebirth is coming out in Japan on May 12th for 1000 points, with a stateside release coming soon.

What say you? Wanna kick some alien scum?

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