Wilypocalypse NOW

Protoman Blues · 399663

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Offline Mirby

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Reply #75 on: November 30, 2012, 11:50:41 PM
"Oh thanks, Shinobu! That'll be great!" Talyn said enthusiastically. "Let's go with GREAT HASTE!!" she said, turning to Sapph.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #76 on: December 01, 2012, 01:52:14 AM
Sapph nodded slowly before apparently speeding up. "Lead the way." He said, sighing a little. "Though, you wouldn't happen to know if there's any place near there to stay, do you? My place kinda got destroyed in the crossfire."

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #77 on: December 01, 2012, 02:13:44 AM
(Yeah I'm suddenly inspired today and I think I can turn PB's character's mood killing tendencies into a plot point.)

"Hey Sakura can I ask you something?" W2PB asked her in a hushed tone.

"What is it PBB?" Sakura listened curiously.

All 4 of them were walking toward the karaoke bar.  PB and Kharaxel were still talking to each other and making jokes, although Kharaxel looked visually awkward and PB didn't seem to notice, oddly enough.  W2PB and Sakura were lagging behind watching the 2 of them.

"Well first can you not call me PBB?  I don't like it that much, I was only pretending to like it to humor PB."  W2PB said a little bitterly "Which brings me to my second point, is it me or does PB come off as an insensitive jerkass?"

"What makes you say that?" Sakura asked.

She wasn't angry that W2PB for what he asked, in fact it was quite the opposite.  Lately PB had been a bit off, ever since the war started.  She wanted talk to him about it for some time but with the war effort on full swing she couldn't get a chance.  Sakura was hoping she could talk to PB at the party about it, it seemed like a good time.  If even W2PB noticed something was off, then the problem was worse than she originally thought.  Her other 2 problems didn't help matters either, W2PB seemed normal, but he's trying to hide what was happening to him as best he could.  Kharaxel was another one with that malevolent presence emanating from him.  She really wanted to help him, but she felt if she did she would open Pandora's Box and get herself killed.  Plus she needed to deal with one problem at a time so that all hell didn't break loose.

"Well quite a few things, first was when he dumped me on you.  I don't mind that much and I know you don't either but you seem very unsure of what to do with me, so that's increasing your stress."  W2PB was very concerned about Sakura's tendency to worry about everyone and everything, despite his own problems with his "reprogramming".  

"The second thing was when I went in his room to change my clothes.  I didn't choose them he just tossed them at me and put on something very similar not letting me talk about wanting to look different.  Though I guess with my glasses off now, we still look a little different but I never got a word in edge wise about how I felt about it."

"But what really set me off was how PB stereotyped Kharaxel and peer pressured him into drinking alcohol when he didn't drink.  Kharaxel seems very nervous since he's a new member here and I don't think drinking would help him adjust to being in the resistance."  W2PB was also a bit concerned about Kharaxel's nervousness and Sakura keeping her eye on Kharaxel didn't help matters either.

"The point I'm making here is that PB keeps ignoring everyone and not seeing that what he's doing is not fixing things and in fact making things worse. Hell why the heck are we having this party in the first place?  Sure destroying the Wily Star II was a great achievement but throwing this party puts the Resistance in a very vulnerable position, even if we're heading for Neutral territory.  Heck that doesn't stop old Bathair from destroying the Sexstation 2069 while we're gone.  Why is PB so irresponsible right now?" W2PB was visually frustrated but luckily he was very quite about it and PB and Kharaxel were still engrossed in their conversations, Sakura didn't even feel Kharaxel's Negative FRESCAs reacting to anything.

"That's what I was worried about.  W2PB, you're right, it does seem that PB is not looking around him or seeing how uncomfortable we are right now." Sakura admitted "But I don't think he's doing it on purpose.  You may not think this but PB is also just as stressed as anyone here, maybe even more so."

"Really but he's still cracking jokes at everyone and not taking anything seriously."  W2PB said a bit doubtful.

"Yeah but that's his way of hiding his problems and trying not to make everyone worry about him.  The one thing about PB is that he loves making people happy and having fun.  But when the war started he knew he had to lead the Resistance, but I know deep down he's really worried too.  I know he really didn't want this war to happen, he hates the fact that he has to fight Wily II, I think he even considered him a friend.  

So when Wily II started going mad...er, it hurt PB a little.  He was forced to fight against a friend who turned evil...er and all the workers that the doctor built followed suit.  He was really proud to work with those robots, but when they started attacking his customers he felt responsible for what happened because he asked Wily II to build them for him.  So now PB feels he has to put on a brave face for everyone and try to act how he always acted, but in doing so he seems like a pale comparison of who the real PB is."  Sakura sadly explained.  "The fact that he's talking about drinking also concerns me, PB doesn't drink anything except water and Mango Lemonade."

"So if the war is causing him to act differently what was he really like?" W2PB was really curious about how PB was back then, Sakura wouldn't have the respect she has for him if he was always acting like he is now.

"Pretty much the same way he is now only he was more considerate and thoughtful.  He designed each of the rooms in his various Sex related...businesses." Sakura said the last part a little awkwardly.  This confirmed W2PB's suspicions that Sakura had not been in a serious relationship, but he knew PB couldn't be blamed for that one.  He knew Sakura wasn't the type to actively pursue such a thing just yet in the first place.
"He can still be a jerk but it's only because he wants people to forget about their problems and make them laugh.  Once during a Pokemon tournament, he made the entire female audience wear white on a day that there was a Pokemon using surf so that they would get their tee shirts wet for the male half of the audience.  Afterwards he gave every girl there free passes to his Sex Shack with a complementary month supply of Mango Lemonade.  If the woman said she was allergic to Mangos or Lemons he would give them a Strawberry Banana drink instead."  Sakura laughed at the memory.  "Of course because he compensated for all of them along with the cost to build the stadium, the winners got horrible prizes and PB made 30% less revenue for 6 months."

W2PB was a bit shock about this, he put his own passion at risk so that he could make everyone happy.  He was really a selfless guy.

"In fact I think he was nicer to you than you think, but not in the way you expect." Sakura said.

"Really, you have to explain that one because I'm not seeing it."  He said a bit skeptical.

"Well if I know PB, and I know him pretty well, he was probably trying to make you not like him on purpose so that you wouldn't want to become him.  He must have picked up on that when you showed up without your glasses and wanted different clothes to wear." Sakura explained.

"I don't know, if he wanted me not to become him how come we're wearing the same clothes right at this moment?" W2PB asked incredulously.

"Well you may not believe this but your wearing what he normally wears, he's a sucker for black red and yellow.  He actually rarely wears grey." Sakura clarified.

"So he gave me something he would wear and wore something he wouldn't?  Huh, I never even thought about that."  W2PB pondered "I guess that is possible, heck he may honestly want Kharaxel to relax a little by drinking a bit."

"Uh huh that's just the way he is." Sakura confirmed.

"I guess I gave him a little less credit than I should have."  W2PB said with a little regret "But he shouldn't have to push himself so hard to help us at the cost of his destruction."

"That's why I want to talk to him tonight.  While what he's doing is really nice, he's going about it the wrong way and I want him to let me help him.  He's done so much for me, and now I want to return the favor."  Sakura declared quietly.

"Okay just be careful all right, you're pretty stressed too and that can't be good for you either."  W2PB said as he put his arm around Sakura to reassure her.

"I will." She said feeling a little confident she could help PB, and as soon as she helps him she'll help W2PB overcome whatever is happening to him.  He's such a nice robot and she doesn't want him to suffer.

"I really wish I could help Sakura more, if what she's saying is right than she and her master are more alike than I previously thought before."  W2PB pondered "But if I try to I may end up hurting her, I have to be very careful or else that program could make me her worse enemy.  I may have to hurt her right now and do what that program says, because if I rebel against it and I become something else, I'll never forgive myself."

(Man why do these things always end up much longer that I thought it would be?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #78 on: December 01, 2012, 02:45:44 AM
(Okay, I've fleshed out those two enough, I believe. Now I need to focus less on myself, and more on eventual advancing of the main plot through Kharaxel's/Tron point of view. Plus, I'm horribly curious as to what will you guys do for the karaoke bar. )
Anyways, I'll leave W2PB... I mean... PBB... That really rolls off the tongue well, in your Resistance's hands for now. I'll take him back when the time comes. :P)

Pixel Man watched on as the events unfold. Although seeing a Wily II Number "betray" his master in such a way, he knew never to doubt Dr. Wily II's wishes. He decided to report back to his master on this update.

Pixel - Calling Master Wily II.

DWII - Yes Pixel Man.

Pixel - W2PB has successfully joined the ranks of the Resistance. Even PB has taken him in very well, giving him a new set of... Apparel, and even a new name.

DWII - A new name?

Pixel - Yes, ProtoBorg Blues, or...

DWII - PBB for short.

Pixel - ... Yes, Master.

DWII - Good. That PB never ceases to amaze me even during these times. Any suspicions?

Pixel - The one named Sakura might have caught on.

DWII - Sakura... Even better. Continue with the signal. Sakura will do the rest for us.

Pixel - ... Master?

DWII - You have your orders.

Pixel - ... Yes, Master. Pixel Man out.

Dr. Wily II was swivelling on his evil chair. This latest update proved to be the best news to date. He knew that if W2PB... No, he meant PBB, were to be taken in, PB would entrust him to someone to train him. And there's no better person than Sakura. Soon, Sakura will train PBB in the ways of the mysterious FRESCA, and then... (Not going reveal, even if it's obvious. 8D)

Dr. Wily II laughed manically at the thought, as he spun himself on his evil chair. Such evil spinning.

boforte is in one of the Maintenace Labs, being attended to by Medic Man. The bitter taste of defeat still lingers in his body, and he wanted revenge.


Medic - Please calm down~ The nanobots need to do their work~


Medic - But the Master didn't blame you right~


Medic - You know to never doubt the Master's plans~


Medic - Told you to calm down~

boforte - I'll get my revenge... JUST YOU WAIT- OWOWOWOWOWOW!!

At the site of the destroyed Wily Star II, multiple debris were floating about. Expected from an explosion of that magnitude. Among the debris, were Omnicron and Moonstar. Despite their efforts, they could not out-manuveur Vixy. And they paid the price with their lives. A mysterious shadow appeared behind their bodies, and seemed to swallow them up, letting out a big burp. A red mono-eye opened, and growled deeply. (Guess who~ 8D)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #79 on: December 01, 2012, 04:47:18 AM

Hajime had been driving through the city for some time, picking up any debris left behind throughout the war.  He may not be a huge fan of civil wars, but he can at least make a profit out of the remains of the Arwings that survived the reentry into RPM.  Most of them contained the parts he had sold to the Resistance when they needed a cheap method of constructing their space fighters.  A little Force Metal regeneration will make them good as new for someone else to throw their money at.

He never was one for joining sides, much like the rest of Blazkrieg who would rather be cheering than fighting for a cause, but because of his business, he knew there was no telling who might find a way to rope him into their faction with little to no effort.

(As you might have read, Hajime and the rest of Blazkrieg will remain neutral, though Hajime may be prone to joining a side if something happens to him while one of them is around :P)


Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #80 on: December 01, 2012, 05:04:15 AM
Meanwhile at the Weapon's Shack, a computer received a email.

The person currently running the shack stopped to look at the computer to read the contacts of the email.

"Close the shop and meet us at DW's karaoke bar, I'm in a bit of a snag and may need back up.  Bring Zet with you.

Signed Sakura."

"Oh dear, it must be serious if she needs my help.  I better go find Zet."  The person walked away to find Sakura's pet Mettaur.

The person found Zet in front of a gun rack with a feather duster dusting the gun collection.  Zet was mostly the same when Wily II first built him but Sakura eventually upgraded him to enhance his abilities.  Overall he was still the same shape but instead of the Classic Megaman Style he looked more reminiscent of the Megaman Battle Network style.  He also had the addition of rabbit ears, feet, and whiskers.  Sakura noticed that the main problem with Mettuars was that they can only move their weapons in a vertical direction she added rabbit ears to enhanced the reach of his weapon a mini Z-Saber that was a model of the Megaman Zero games version.  The new feet was to not only improve the movement of the Met but allowed it to jump a great distance.  As for the whiskers, Sakura learned that animals used whiskers to improve their senses so she figured the same concept could increase Zet's scouting abilities.

"Oh there you are." The person said.

Zet looked up and saluted at the person with one of his bunny ears.

"Come along now, Sakura requested we meet with her, she apparently needs help."  The person said as he picked Zet up.

Zet meeped at him and thought about why Sakura asked for help, worried about her.

(I figured this would be useful a little later for the eventual show down with the Rabid Mets, good thing Zet's modifications were still in the other RP.  Copy and Paste FTW.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #81 on: December 01, 2012, 06:36:38 AM

(You can't really say you're back from the dead when you've been spending the past week or so browsing the dead busy world thread.)

RMZX got up from his seat to go take a look around, this being his first time at the Karaoke bar, he kinda wanted to look at the place.

After a little bit of looking around he sat back down, and promptly put his head down as if he was taking a nap.

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #82 on: December 01, 2012, 06:36:59 AM
Jaf sat himself down in a corner of the Karaoke Bar. He fiddled with chopsticks, trying to grab a piece of sushi with them. "Why these things don't just come with a fork..." He complained to himself. He didn't really know why he came here of all places. He couldn't sing for his life, and he was underage for alcohol too. He finally gave up and stabbed through the piece and lifted it to his mouth. "Oh. That's right. This place has some really good sushi."

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Reply #83 on: December 01, 2012, 06:39:25 AM
RMZX felt a disturbance, as if something had just appeared with little to no introduction, then went back to sleep, because he couldn't be assed to panic, he had to save his energy for running away from a loving machine.

(Pretty much what I'm saying, give us a little backstory, play around a little bit with your character.)

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #84 on: December 01, 2012, 08:14:00 AM

(Pretty much what I'm saying, give us a little backstory, play around a little bit with your character.)

(I was considering working out a little background, but I wasn't sure what to do or say concerning the events of the RP. I'll get back to it.)

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Reply #85 on: December 01, 2012, 09:04:38 AM
Finally the party had started at DarkWaltz's Karaoke Bar. Protoman Blues was actually enjoying him time off from leading the resistance. Despite the outward appearance, this was a break he felt that both he and his forces definitely needed, especially after a difficult battle to destroy the Wily Star II. He saw his forces having a good time. He saw RMZX sleeping at a table, possibly cause he had too much partying or too much to drink. He saw his apprentice and his robotic counterpart talking in the corner. PB knew that Sakura was worried about him but he didn't want her or any of his forces to know how tired he really was. Despite the massive amounts of energy and power he has due to his ego, PB still requires rest and relaxation every now and then. After walking around and talking to everyone it was his turn to get on stage and sing.

PB - *grabs the mic from DarkWaltz* "Thanks DW. This next song goes out to me for being so heroic and dashing during these rough times! Just kidding. This goes out to all of you as well!"

As the Karaoke Machine comes on, Knight of the Wind starts to play...

PB - "♪ Whooaaaaaa. Whoooaaaaaa. Whooooaaa Whoooaaa Whoooaaaaa!
Hey All! You have all been very strong!
I know! We have fought so very long!
And I. Have fun in DarkWaltz's bar!
We're here. After fighting in the stars!

And it's done. We won!
Victorious this day!
Another nights, we'll fight.
This battle's just begun!
And I'll wage, we'll save...
Each and every, each and every, each. and eve.ry. one.
Till this war is won!

And I rock. I rule.
With my sword
Commanding the super awesome-o power
The power in you!
I won't rest, till the end
By my ego I'll defend!
My kingdom!
I'm the Kniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight of the Win!

Whooaaaaaa. Whoooaaaaaa. Whooooaaa Whoooaaa Whoooaaaaa!

Hey all. We blew up a giant sphere!
I know. There's no need to doubt or fear.

On the ground, in the sky.
We'll keep a watchful eye.
Soon he will, be gone.
Thanks to you and I.
And I'll wage, we'll save...
Each and every, each and every, each. and eve.ry. one.
Till this war is won!

And I rock. I rule.
With my sword
Commanding the super awesome-o power
The power in you!
I won't rest, till the end
By my ego I'll defend!
My kingdom!
I'm the Kniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight of the Win!
The Knight of the Win!
I'm the Knight of the Win!

I command a massive force. Such amazing power.
My army is the very best! They'll make that Wily cower!

*PB air guitars*

Whooaaaaaa. Whoooaaaaaa. Whooooaaa Whoooaaa Whoooaaaaa!

And it's done. We won!
Victorious this day!
Another nights, we'll fight.
This battle's just begun!
And I'll wage, we'll save...
Each and every, each and every, each. and eve.ry. one.
Till this war is won!

And I rock. I rule.
With my sword
Commanding the super awesome-o power
The power in you!
I won't rest, till the end
By my ego I'll defend!
My kingdom!
I'm the Kniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight of the Win!

The Knight of the Win! ♪"

PB hands the mic back to DW during all the applause from his forces. While the applause are happening, the Sword of Omens warns PB of danger. He didn't want to let his forces know so he slipped into the bathroom. Thankfully the noise from the applause masked the sound of the sword's warning.

PB - *holds sword hilt up to his eyes* "Sword of Omens. Give me sight beyond sight!"

Through the Sword of Omens' sight beyond sight, he saw Dr. Wily II's immense army of Rabid Mets approaching the Karaoke Bar from a distance. He put the sword back down.

PB - *angrily* "[tornado fang]! Can't I just get one goddamn night off!"

PB left the bathroom. He didn't want anyone to know what he was about to go do, but he had to make sure to tell someone just in case the worst happens. He went over to Vixy.

PB *whispered in Vixy's ear* "Vixy sweetie. Wily II has sent a massive force of rabid mets to attack this place. I'm going out alone to fight them all. Make sure everyone continues to have a good time tonight. I'll hopefully be back when I can. Try to keep this from Sakura. She worries, you know!" *kisses Vixy on the cheek* "Later sexy!"

Protoman Blues then goes back into the bathroom, washes his hands, then teleports out and appears in front of the rabid Met army, with a whistle.

PB - *furious and charging up* "Damn you, Wily. I just wanted one [tornado fang]ing night off. ONE. [tornado fang]ing. NIGHT. of not having to deal with this [parasitic bomb]! AND NOW YOU ATTACK A NEUTRAL BAR JUST TO GET BACK AT ME? AHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!"

Enraged, Protoman Blues unleashes his power and becomes a Super Saiyan (even though he's not of the Saiyan race. Deal with it!). Despite his powerful form, PB was still extremely tired. The transformation alone was exhausting and even in this state he knew he would probably not be able to defeat Wily II's entire army. His ego and his desire to make sure his friends and forces had a good time clouded his rationality as he flew towards the Mets to attack. Meanwhile, at Dr. Wily II's World Domination Station...

boforte - "OH [parasitic bomb]. He's gone Super Saiyan. Say goodbye to THAT army, Doc."

Dr. Wily II - "SILENCE FOOL. Just look at him. I've seen him fight before and I can tell something's wrong. He's tired. He may be powerful now, but it's not going to last long. Sooner or later he'll give out and then HE'LL FALL!"

boforte - "Then let me go finish that cocky bastard off!"

Dr. Wily II - "You? HA! You've failed me enough for one day." *contacts his Robot Masters* "GattlingMan. ReverbMan. Assist the Rabid Mets in defeating Protoman Blues. Don't kill him though. I want him alive. Hehe...Haha......MWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!"

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #86 on: December 01, 2012, 09:46:17 AM
Hajime continued to mind his own business, picking up fallen scrap when he noticed a faint flash some distance from where he parked his Dragon Truck, sensing a large bonfire of anger following a massive increase in stamina and strength.  He wouldn't be too concerned about it if it weren't for several Rabid Mets blocking his path down the street, plus several more trampling around him and preventing him from doing nothing more than retreat to the cockpit of his truck to avoid getting caught in the stampede.

At a higher distance, he witnesses what he assumes to be a Super Saiyan with a yellow scarf standing before the advancing herd raring to attack the first met that approached him.  He was clearly beyond his limit and looked like he needed to sit down for a while, but a large burst of egotistic desires was keeping him from pushing the thought to the forefront of his mind.

Hajime thought about helping, but with this many mets trampling over the debris he picked up, and how deeply blinded the Sayian was in his own emotions, his first priority was to get his truck out of the way before he thinks to throw some kind of energy attack that will damage it and force him to shut down his business for a while to repair it.  Deciding to put his own profits first, he turns the engine over and attempts to drive away from the Rabid Met swarm, trampling those that were too fixated on the Saiyan to pay attention to other obstacles in their path.


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Reply #87 on: December 01, 2012, 11:07:59 AM
As they neared the Karaoke Bar, Talyn noticed some loud singing. "Must be havin' a party. Let's go!" she said enthusiastically, running off to the interior of the bar.

"Wait...  I'm probably gonna have to sing, aren't I?"

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #88 on: December 01, 2012, 12:25:47 PM
Sakura was talking to W2PB in the corner when PB's song was over.  Despite all hell breaking loose and the fact that she was worried about everyone she and W2PB were able to have a very peaceful conversation with each other.  W2PB was able to relax for the first time in the last few hours and in turn she was able to relax, despite knowing that W2PB was still in danger.  She was able to talk to him about her history in RPM and some funny stories to share.

"So you were the second prize winner in that Pokemon tournament you were talking about earlier?" W2PB asked

"Yeah my Lucario Fenri and Absol Yin made a pretty deadly team, but in the end we were no match for Hitomi.  Seriously that damn Clefairy was evil but then again it's Hitomi."  Sakura mused.

"I see so what lame prize did you win from it since PB had no money."  W2PB asked curiously.

"If I remember correctly it was a bottle of Mango Lemonade and some movie tickets.  Hitomi basic got a extra bottle of Mango Lemonade."  Sakura laughed.

"So he couldn't even afford a trophy?" he asked astonished.

"Yup, he was basically broke."  Said Sakura.

"Wow that must have sucked." W2PB whistled.

"Yeah but it was so much fun, I hope we can have another one when the war is over.  This time I'll use my Milotic Venus, and Metagross Metoolgross, they should be able to complement each other."  Sakura said planning.

"Well I hope you win next time."  W2PB said with a smile "You seem so smart."

"Thanks."  Sakura replied.

"Ms. Sakura." Someone said.  Both W2PB and Sakura looked to see who it was.

"Ah Borock Bot, you're here!"  Sakura exclaimed.

"Indeed I arrived here as you ordered."  Borock bot bowed.

Borock bot looked exactly like the real Borock.  Right now he was wearing a white suit with matching pants, a black shirt, a yellow tie and black shoes.

"So this is the guy takes care of your shop when you're away?" W2PB asked, he was honestly impress.  This Borock bot must have been as advanced as he was, it was quite a feat since Sakura wasn't as crazy about robots as old Bathair.

"Yeah he is."  Sakura confirmed "Did you bring Zet?"

"Zetto!"  The little red Mettaur meeped.

"Oh there you are I missed you so much!"  She said as she grabbed the little Met and hugged him.  The Met was very happy and W2PB found the sight just adorable.

"Hah hah, Sakura you look so cute right now." W2PB thought happily.  He was glad she was able to relax after with all the deceit and doubt hanging them.  He may not be able to enjoy the moment to the fullest due to what Bathair was doing, but he felt for now it was good enough.

Unfortunately it wasn't meant to last long.  Sakura sensed a huge spike of FRESCA out in the distance.  She felt what it was immediately, raw unadulterated Ego.  

"No way that's PB!"  Sakura shouted in her mind.  PB had been gone for a while, she thought he was talking to DW in the back but apparently she was wrong.  His Sword of Omens must have alerted him that something was wrong.

"Something happened to PB didn't it."  W2PB observed.  Despite not know her for long W2PB knew it had to be PB.

"Yeah, he's in trouble.  He's still tired and he's using too much energy, if he doesn't get help then..." Sakura sputtered out.

W2PB hugged her to calm her down.  She was shocked at this action and temporarily went numb.

"Go." He whispered in her ear.

"Alright, but I want you to stay.  You don't have any combat experience yet."  She whispered.

"Okay." W2PB said.  As much as he hated it she was right.  If he went with her he'll get in the way, and the fact that it was Wily II's forces attacking made him uneasy.  If old Bathair saw him the program may activate again.

"Thank you."  Sakura said.  She was relieved that he would be safe at least.

"Borock bot come with me, I need your help.  Zet you stay here."  Sakura ordered.

"Zetto!"  Zet yelled and saluted

"Yes ma'am." Borock bot said as he followed Sakura.

When they left W2PB kept looking at Sakura.

"...Please come back safe."  He whispered.

Sakura and Borock bot were heading for the girls bathroom to sneak out.

"So you found out what was happening on your own."

Sakura stopped for a minute and looked at the direction of the voice.  It was Vixy who spoke to her.

"Well yeah."  Sakura said "He must have went Ego Sayian just now, hell the Ego Spike was so big I bet Hitomo felt it from the Moon!"

"I see." Vixy replied "PB wanted me to keep this from you but I knew I wouldn't be able to stop you.  You like your Master are very stubborn and once you've made up your mind you won't turn back.  Sakura I beg of you, rescue PB and make sure he comes back."

"I will." Sakura said firmly

She and Borock bot continued heading for the bathroom.

"Good Luck."  Vixy said as she went in with Borock bot.

"Borock bot you know what we have to do right?"  Sakura asked.

"Yes." Borock bot said determined.

"Okay let's begin, remember we have to be in Sync and our FRESCAs must be at the same level."  Sakura reminded.


The two stood side by side and then began to move.

"FU"  The two stretched both arms opposite from each other like a mirror.

"SION"  The moved their arms in the opposite direction while they raised one knee in the same direction as their arms were previously.

"HA!"  The two then pointed and connected their fingers at the same time.

A bright light engulfed them and when it died down they became one single being.  BOSA ROCKKURA!

The being was wearing a dull pink dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a dark blue beret, glasses, black dress pants and black heels.  A paint brush floated in front of the being.

"Character Change!" it shouted and the being was engulfed in light again.

At the battle field PB was at his limit.  The Mets kept coming and there seemed to be no end to it.  

"God dammit."  He cursed "This can't be how it ends, brought down by a bunch of living helmets?"  

The Met army kept edging ever closer.  Suddenly a fraction of the army was blasted with burst of electricity.  Almost immediately PB was shot as well with 2 bright green bullets.  PB was suddenly healed of some of his wounds as he looked up from the direction of the blasts.  What he saw surprised him, it looked like Sakura but at the same time it was not.

Currently "Sakura" was wearing a dark brown worn our long coat with the sleeves rolled up and a golden wolf head on the back, a dark blue pleated shirt, grey baggy pants stuffed in black combat boots, a grey glove on her right hand, glasses and a strange red bangle on her right arm.  The arm with the bangle was even stranger however, it looked like a black and red bone like monstrous mutated arm with a yellow gem embedded in the back of the hand.

Her weapon was just as strange, if not stranger.  It was a dull red chainsaw like giant sword at least bigger than her body with an equally dull red shield and a bright red Gatling gun.  PB almost felt the sword it self was alive.

"Sakura" immediately jumped in the middle of the of the Met army, converted the weapon into sword mode, and went berserk.  She wiped out a row of them with one single slash and shot an occasional pot shot at those who weren't massacred.  However that wasn't the only thing weapon was capable of, a few pitiful Mets the sword came alive.  It was a black gruesome monster thing with yellow eyes that chomped on a few poor Mettaurs and ate them.  

Needless to say PB was a bit shocked.

"Sakura what are you doing here?"  PB asked a bit horrified.

"Sakura" looked back with her usual smile and bright eyes.  PB felt relieved that, despite looking like some kind of monster that she wasn't one.  

Then with his mind clearer he took out his Sword of Omens and joined the fray.  

The Mets didn't stand a chance against the duo's might and eventually the entire army was destroyed.

"Thanks for the back up Sakura.  I really wish you didn't come here but I guess you did anyway. Hell if you didn't I probably would have been a goner."  PB said laughing it off.

"Sakura" didn't say a word as she walked over, took off the glove on her left hand, and proceeded to slap PB across the face.

"Ow!"  PB held a hand to his stinging face and looked at Sakura.  What he saw was a heart wrenching sight.  

"Sakura" was crying and trembling.

"Y-You idiot!"  She yelled a bit bitterly "Why *sniff* did you think you could take on those Mets on your own?  You just got back on a dangerous mission and you just rush into a suicidal attack just so we wouldn't worry about you and have fun!?"      

"Young one..." PB said gently.

"Don't you "young one" me you jerk!" That stung his pride a little. "I know you don't want anyone to worry but when you do [parasitic bomb] like this it only makes me worry even more.  Why the hell do we have to do this to each other, why can't we be honest with each other?  I feel so powerless, what's the point of having this power if I can't protect the people around me!?"

PB just kept looking at her with a guilty look in his eyes, her tears were over flowing and she wouldn't look at him.  PB walked over and wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug, like that of a father.

"I'm sorry I hurt you." PB said, "Sakura" kept crying into his suit.  "If I wasn't this dense you wouldn't have to hurt like this.  I'm a crappy master, but you're an amazing student and I'm very fortunate for that."  

"I feel like everything is falling apart PB." She whispered.

He leaned down and positioned his mouth to her ear.  "Is it about PBB?"

"Sakura" looked up in shock "How did you...?" she said quietly.

"I noticed you had some sort of worry in your eyes when you looked at him."  He said quietly.  "You mind telling me what's up?"  

"Not now." She replied quietly "We need to be in a secure location, not even the base is safe in the current situation."

"That's right you couldn't find the traitor."  PB said a bit worried. "You think he's still in the base."

"I don't know, he could be tailing us and we're not seeing him." She replied ashamed.

"It's alright, we'll talk about it later."  PB replied "Let's go back to the karaoke bar."

"Okay." said Sakura.

"Well isn't this a heart warming site for sore eyes!"

Both of them looked up and saw two robot masters ReverbMan and GatlingMan.

"I'm suprised you managed to survive that Commander Protoman Blues." said GatlingMan.

"Yeah and that hot little package in your arms has a powerful punch." ReverbMan cackled.

"...Shut Up."  "Sakura" said with no emotions.

"Huh?"  Both of them said.

"Sakura" got out of PB's arms, she was no longer crying.  She had a fire in her eyes.

"I said, Shut Up." "Sakura" said in a calm anger.

"Ooh she has a mouth this one." ReverbMan said excited.

"The human emotion is a very confounding and useless thing." GatlingMan stated.

"Useless you say?  Of course you wouldn't know anything about that, you guys are just slave to that bastard Wily II desires!  You don't care about the people you hurt so long as you fulfill your Master's corrupt "Wish!"  "Sakura" roared.

"That is irrelevant, we were ordered to keep PB alive however we received no orders about you."  GatlingMan said coldly.

"Why don't we capture her?" ReverbMan said "She could be very useful to us."

"Over my dead body!"  PB said almost as coldly as "Sakura" earlier.  If there was one thing you should never do in front of PB it would be threatening Sakura.  He stared daggers at ReverbMan.

"Wily II has been threatening the lives and freedom of thousands of citizens of RPM City and has been hurting those special to me!"  Sakura said in anger "I normally can give someone a second chance.  But Wily has done too much, he's gone too far, and I can't forgive him.  This is literally the worse that of my life and it's all that insane man's fault!  I will stop that man's ambition if it's the last thing I do!"

When she finished she lunged at GatlingMan.

(I'll put a reference for the second costume change later.)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 06:20:30 AM by Sakura Leic »

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #89 on: December 01, 2012, 12:49:30 PM
(Go Rabid Mets! Go Rabid Mets! 8D ... Darn Sakura! XD
I need to edit now... That battle went WAY faster than I expected...)

Gatling + Reverb - GLORY TO THE WILY II EMPIRE!!

Gatling Man and Reverb Man did a Sieg Zeon-ish salute, and teleported out.

boforte is clearly not pleased.


DWII - Bah to your petty revenge. You will get yours soon. Just not now. And go back to the Maintanence Lab. You are still not battle-operational.

boforte grunted under his breath as he left the control room, albeit limping.

DWII went back to spinning in his evil chair, laughing manically all the way.

At the battlefield a few distance away from DarkWaltz's Karaoke Bar, the battle has heated up. PB was slashing away at the Rabid Mets, but it seemed that for every one Met he desttoyed, 2 others joined in to intercept. The odds were indeed stacked against PB, but it was clear PB was not going to go down without taking more Mets with him.

Gatling Man and Reverb Man has teleported in around the rear of the Rabid Met army, but they can clearly see PB slashing away.

Reverb - Sohowdoyouthinkweshouldtakehimdownhuhhuhhuhshouldweflankhimorshouldwelikeambushhimor...

Gatling - Oh just shut it, Private. We'll observe as the Rabid Met Swarm overwhelm the Protoman of Blues, and then we will strike fast, and strike hard! As one great strategist once said, he who waits and observes, will win the battle.

Just as Gatling finished his statement, he turned to look at the Rabid... Wait, where's the Rabid Met army!?


Reverb - finallysomeactionohboyohboyohboy

With that, the 2 Robot Masters rushed towards PB and Sakura.

*And now, we cut to the point where "Sakura" lunges towards Gatling Man*

Gatling - Tsk, tsk, such rashness.

Gatling Man side-stepped the lunging "Sakura", and somehow managed to land his elbow right onto "Sakura's" back. "Sakura" let out a loud ACK as she falls face first into the ground.

Gatling - With such rashness, you can never defeat me. The strategams are in my favour!

Gatling Man aimed his Gatling Buster, and fired in rapid-fire.

Over with Reverb Man...

Reverb - Youcannotdefeatmeinyourcurrentstatenonono... REVERB WAVE!!

Reverb Man aimed his twin speaker busters, and fires off 2 Reverb Waves at PB.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #90 on: December 01, 2012, 01:56:25 PM
Defensive systems flared into life as a massive energy spike erupted in the centre of Alastor's vision, only to disappear as quickly as it appeared. Shaking his head to clear the spots still dancing in front of his eyes, he tensed, mind racing as it calculated all of the possible causes for such an event.

Alastor - "An attack, maybe? I need to get there. NOW."

Spreading a portion of his conciousness across his surroundings, he began searching for any kind of wireless signal that he could use to force a teleport to the location his sensors had indicated. He was beginning to lose hope when a pair of third-party teleports registered almost directly on top of the source-point of the energy. With a brief mental shrug, he managed to hack enough of the return signal to piggyback the teleport co-ordinates and arrived in a shower of light, just in time to see a robot with a giant speakers embedded in its' chest launch an attack on a red-headed human male.

Alastor - "Mavericks!? Here!? ......Ask questions later, I guess."

A quick flick of his wrist had has Beam Knife activated and in his hand as he moved in to intercept the attack....

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Reply #91 on: December 01, 2012, 02:11:45 PM
Kharaxel, standing in the only close shadow. Looked upon the battle that took place right now.
"Sakura" just got hit by one of the Wily II bots and fell on the ground.
Now some kind of noise wave attack from the other robot, Reverb Man went flying towards PB. He managed to dodge it, but, the first bot called Gatling Man, jumped at PB and did the same move he used on Sakura. Sending him flying a bit and down on to the ground.

Kharaxel didn't like this. He reached inside the pocket of his suit, and took out a typical one hand blaster.

Tron - "What?! You're going to HELP them?! Are you out of your mind?! What do you hope to accomplish with this small pewpew blaster?"

Kharaxel - "This pewpew blaster has a long range, and... I'm a good shooter."

Kharaxel took aim with his blaster. The two robots neared Sakura and PB who lay on the ground.

Kharaxel - "You go first, mr. noisy."

Kharaxel fired. Reverb Man felt, as his right right eye suddenly got hit by small bullet of plasma, and exploded.

Reverb - "Ohnonononoithurtsdamnitwhodidthiswho!"

Gatling Man looked around, and noticed small amount of smoke from the shadows of the karaoke bar. Before he reacted however, another shot was fired, this time hitting Gatling Man in his left eye.

Gatling Man - "Arrgh! OVER THERE! IN THE SHADOWS!" Said Gatling Man, grabbing his eye in pain.

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Reply #92 on: December 01, 2012, 06:25:51 PM
As Kharaxel and Alastor attacked Wily II's robot masters, Dr. Wily II looked on from his World Domination Station...

Dr. Wily II - *sinisterly spinning in his evil chair* "MWAHAHAHAHAAA, perfect. PB and Sakura are both knocked out. NOW MANTISMAN!"

MantisMan - "By your command!"

While Kharaxel and Alastor were fighting the GatlingMan and ReverbMan, MantisMan appeared next to the unconscious de-Super Saiyan'd Protoman Blues and picked him up. He looked at the other two Robot Master and simply nodded as he teleported away from the battle. GatlingMan and ReverbMan also teleported away from the area. Kharaxel and Alastor both looked at the destruction then went over to Sakura to see how she was doing.

Alastor - "Is she?"

Kharaxel - "She's okay. Just unconscious. I'll take her back to the Sexstation's sick bay. You head to DarkWaltz's Karaoke Bar and let Vixy know what happened here."

Alastor - "Sounds like a plan!"

Tron - *in Kharaxel's mind* "You fool. You should finish her off now! Then you can lead the resistance!"

Kharaxel - *in Kharaxel mind* "SHUT UP!!!"

Alastor - "You okay?"

Kharaxel - "Yeah, no worries. My name's Kharaxel, by the way!"

Alastor - "Alastor, at your service!"

Kharaxel and Alastor parted ways. Kharaxel headed back to the Sexstation with Sakura while Alastor headed towards the Karaoke Bar. Meanwhile, at one of Dr. Wily II's secret undisclosed bases, Protoman Blues woke up in a cell, chained up so he couldn't escape. He tried teleporting out but something was preventing it. In fact, something was disrupting all his powers.

Dr. Wily II - "Ah, I see you're awake. Goooooood."

PB - *still weakened from the battle* "What have.....you done with....Sakura...you diabolic dastardly...bastard!"

Dr. Wily II - "Dramatic even in chains. Excellent. I was hoping for that remaining ego in you. You need not worry, PB. Sakura is fine. I have no need of her or the Wily Star II. I have what I really wanted. You!"

PB - "Me?"

Dr. Wily II - "Well you may have noticed that my robotic clone of you couldn't compare to your ego, your power. Try as I might, I could not make a perfect robotic PB clone. So I created him as a distraction of sorts. The fact that Sakura is teaching him the ways of the FRESCA is even better. Once he realizes his full power, he'll just be another weapon in my arsenal. But you, oh ho....you are to be my main weapon."

PB - *feeling weird and angry* "What....are you blathering about, you psychotic [tornado fang]?"

Dr. Wily II - "MWAHAHAHAHAAAA, feeling angry are we? I wish I could say that was my natural charm. But I must give the credit to to Frenzy Aura Wave Generator I've placed in your cell. Just like my FrenzyMan, this Wave Generator unleashes the same negative energy that my Robot Master does. During your stay here, I plan to constantly bombard you with Frenzy Waves until your mind is just a rage filled bomb waiting to explode. Hahahaha, and we've seen how powerful you get when you're enraged, haven't we Mr. Super Saiyan? Once you're nothing but a incoherent raging psychopath, I plan to unleash you upon the world AND YOU'LL DESTROY IT FOR ME!!! THEN MY BOTS WILL TAKE OVER AND I SHALL RULE!!! MWAHAHAHAhAHAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!"

PB - *angry* "You're a goddamn fool, doc! I'll destroy this base before you let me loose!"

Dr. Wily II - "You're the fool....fool! Along with the Frenzy Aura Wave Generator, I've placed a power dampening field around this cell. It not only prevents you from escaping and activating your powers, but it prevents others from sensing where you are. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have bots to build and a world to conquer. Remember, get angry! I'm going to love you when you're angry! HAHAHA...MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!"

As Dr. Wily II walks away, Protoman Blues feels the anger and rage building up inside of him.

PB - "......wellllllll [tornado fang]!"

Back at Sexstation 2069...

Kharaxel - "Look, she's coming around."

Sakura woke up in sick bay and saw PBB

Sakura - *still groggy* "....Boss?"

PBB - *sad* "No.....I'm sorry Sakura!"

Sakura *gets up quickly in shock* "Where is he? SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE HE IS!"

Kharaxel - *also sad* "O-One of Wily's bots took him away. We don't know where."

Sakura - *lowered her head and teared up a bit* "....that idiot...."

PBB - "Looks like....you're in command now!"

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Reply #93 on: December 01, 2012, 07:59:01 PM
Sakura looked a PBB, her expression showed she did not approve of what he said.

Sakura - *getting up* "I am in command now?! You're already talking like he's gone for good?!

PBB - "That's not..."

Sakura lost her balance and almost fell down, however Kharaxel caught her by the arm and helped sit down back on the bed.

Kharaxel - "Calm down, Miss Sakura. I understand you're angry and saddened... but, I believe that what PBB wanted to say was... resistance needs a leader who would... lead.... ugh..."

Kharaxel felt nauseus for a moment, his vision darkened. He didn't like this. Since PB's kidnapping, his other self have not spoke a word.

Kharaxel - "Excuse me. I meant to say that someone needs to lead us, in order to rescue PB. And although PBB might be different from the original, I sincerely believe PB would want you to do this. I know it sounds strange from someone who you barely met, but I noticed through this brief time, that he puts great trust in you and..."

Sakura - "Yes. Say no more." Sakura looked at PBB "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout... I just..."

PBB - "I know. I understand. Don't worry about it. What's important right now, is that we need to locate where he is."

Kharaxel - "Miss Vixy said she and some others are working on tracking him right now. They'll inform us if they find out any- ARRGH!"

Kharaxel felt sharp pain inside his head, letting out a scream of pain. It was something he never felt before, but the darkening vision was familiar. It felt, like that time.

Tron - "Exactly!" Tron chuckled "I've had enough! I had hoped to somehow take over the resistance, or get a position of power using YOU! But that's for naught it seems! Listen up now, you maggot! I'm taking over, ever since the war began, I've been silent, for one reason. I needed to find out the workings of your soul and body. Last time, you managed to get back in control, this time however... well, what can I say except... sleep well, dearie!"

Tron's maniacal laugh was the last thing Kharaxel heard before drifting off into abyss of dreams.

PBB - "Hey, man. You okay? What's wro-"

PBB who helped Kharaxel stand on two feet was suddenly pushed away by him. Kharaxel's face was twisted in a sick smile.

Sakura could sense it. Justice and Doubt, which up until now were present along with Injustice and Cunning, disappeared and were replaced by the latter.
Kharaxel emanated with such a vicious aura, that you could choke on it.

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Reply #94 on: December 01, 2012, 08:05:43 PM
(Oh man, I go to sleep and I miss so much.)

RMZX - "No thanks, I don't want anymore dessert... Huh?"

RMZX woke up. He was back at home, in his bed.

RMZX - "Strange, this isn't where I went to sleep... who brought me... oh god no."

He hears a noise in the hallway, something like food being prepared, he sluggishly rolls out of bed, landing with a "Thump" on the floor. A picture that was on the edge of his nightstand fell on his head.

RMZX - "Ouch, hey what's this?"

RMZX held the picture in his hands, it was a picture of a young man that resembled him and a young woman, both smiling and wearing wedding apparel.

RMZX - "Other me was... Married? That would explain the android... I guess. No matter, she's none of my concern."

RMZX got dressed, grabbed what he considered necessary equipment, and slowly slinked out. As he passed the kitchen he got a quick glance of the android's appearance, he gave a puzzled look to himself and headed into the ship and launched off.

RMZX - "She... looked nothing like the girl in that picture... How peculiar."

RMZX decided to head back to the Sexstation, seeing as he still knows nothing about what is going on.

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Reply #95 on: December 01, 2012, 08:11:52 PM
(Wo-hoo! Go me! 8D)

Dr. Wily II teleported back to the WDS, and sat back down in his evil chair that spins.

DWII - I just love it when things come together. *spins* Now what to do... *spins* I could celebrate... *spins* But it's still only chapter one of this book of mine... *spins* I KNOW!

Dr. Wily II stood up suddenly, causing his evil spinning chair to hit him at the back of his knees. He fumbled a little, straightened out his labcoat, and teleported to the control room of his underground factory. His sudden appearance shocked Wily Fighter, who was still checking on the expansion progress.

WF - Master Wily II! I wasn't expecting to see you here.

DWII - Just wanted to personally check on the progress of my army, since the Rabid Met army was destroyed.

WF - I'm sorry they failed, Master.

DWII - No worries, I got what I wanted in the end. And given that the Resistance is weakened, I wanted to see if the Orbitus squad is ready.

WF - Master. 2 of the units are ready. The third is currently undergoing final adjustments, and will be ready soon.

DWII - Good. With their sheer size, they will overwhelm the Resistance! Send them out in their Barrier mode once they are ready. I want to hear the screams of the Resistance from the laser rain!!

(So yea, next wave is 3 Orbitus-s. But I won't attack yet, need time for you to post and stuff, LOL. :P)

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Reply #96 on: December 01, 2012, 10:24:27 PM
Hajime tried desperately to get out of the swarm only to suddenly hit the brakes upon seeing a huge wall of electricity blast through one section of the stampede.  Following the trajectory path, he saw someone else jumping into the fray to protect the yellow scarfed Super Saiyan.  She wasted no time jumping into the heart of the swarm and swinging what looked like a living weapon around, wiping out one sector after another, most of which almost hit his truck as he was still trying to get out of the way.  With seven carts full of debris he spent most of the day collecting, he wasn't about to lose them all in this fight as much as he hates abandoning them to their fate.

But just as quickly as he had turned his focus back to the flooding road in front of him, the remaining mets began to dwindle down to nothing, leaving him with a large mess of toppled debris he would have to clean up before something else hampers his escape, which once again didn't take long when two of Wily II's Robot Masters showed up to finish what the swarm couldn't do.  Not wanting to get caught in another fight before he has a chance to secure his Dragon Truck, he quickly uses the wires from his arsenal pack to pick up the debris that had fallen out while keeping an eye on the ensuing fight to make sure he hasn't yet been spotted.

Once again, the fight quickly turned in favor of the Resistance, it seemed, as two more people showed up to stop the Robot Master from further harming the two that were already engaged in battle.  But they were too busy with the two already present Robot Masters when a third one showed up and grabbed the since normalized, yellow scarfed saiyan and teleported out, leaving them to clean up the mess that occurred.

Hajime grit his teeth in frustration that he would let something like this happen when he had every capability to fight and help out, but then if he did he would inadvertently drag Blazkrieg into a situation they weren't comfortable aiding and ruin his own business in the process.  Reluctantly, he jumps off his truck and begins collecting the remains of the rabid met army, hoping to reconfigure and use them as assistance for his Restoration Masters waiting in the safety of the Junkyard for the war to be over so they can help clean up the mess that ensued throughout the battle.


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Reply #97 on: December 02, 2012, 02:43:33 AM
(Dang 8 updates after I go to bed, looks like this ain't going to die anytime soon.)

"Sakura" was still sitting on the medical bed when Kharaxel's other self finally surfaced.  He knocked out W2PB with a single blow, as this happened "Sakura" took out a pill and swallowed it before Kharaxel noticed and looked evilly at her.  

"So you're the other being that resides in Kharaxel."  "Sakura" stated

"Ah it feels so good to be in control again." "Kharaxel" laugh manically "That Kharaxel is such a pathetic being but since he's so weak it's easy for me to take him over, sure I could be stronger but this should be strong enough to take over the Resistance and rule the world!  I'll have the Resistance join Dr.Wily II's army in surrender and then off the old man.  With Wily II's robot army and resistance under my command nothing will stop me, Tron!  HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

"Are you done with the monologue yet?"  "Sakura" said bored.

Tron was shocked.  "What did just you say?"

"I thought you may have been a threat but this is so underwhelming." "Sakura" bluntly said "You're the second person I know who has Dark Powers, but compared to her you're just a stupid monkey."

"How can you say that, I knocked out PB's robot clone so easily!"  Tron sputtered as he pointed to W2PB's body.

"A robot clone of PB who barely has any combat experience."  "Sakura" reminded.  "How did you think I got him into handcuffs so easily, I mean you were there after all."

"So you knew Kharaxel was following you." Tron said a little shocked.

"I didn't know it was Kharaxel until he showed up before the party." said "Sakura"  "I knew something with that FRESCA combination was following me all those times.  But because of what you said, I confirmed you're not the traitor.  Then again I knew you couldn't be the traitor in the first place, it would have had to have been one of Wily II's robots they're the only things that Wily II could trust."

"My you're smart.  Who would have thought the apprentice of PB could be so calm to assess things so properly." Tron complimented "I assumed you would have thought I was the traitor and then PBB could back stab you when you least expected it.  Oh well that doesn't matter you're still too weak to fight."

"I guess I would be...If I was still Sakura."  "Sakura" said simply.

"What!?"  Tron said shocked again.

"Seriously you didn't noticed the glasses?" "Sakura" pointed to her face.  "I never wear glasses you dolt. While you were busy with "PBB" I took the opportunity to ingest a heal pill to heal my wounds."

"What the [tornado fang] is a heal pill!?" Tron yelled, he wasn't familiar with the term at all.

"It's what a God Eater uses to recover health."  "Sakura" explained "I guess you never played that many video games did you?"

"Who the hell has time for worthless crap like that!?"  Tron never played video games, he thought it was a waste of time when he could be plotting to take over the world.

"Well I guess that answers that question, you really don't know how to have fun do you?" Sakura observed.

"Who cares who the [tornado fang] are you now?" Tron roared.

"I guess I should at least tell you before I beat you."  She replied "I am now know as Bosa Rockkura, a fusion between Borock bot and Sakura, since Borock is still traveling."

"Who the hell is Borock bot!?" Tron yelled.

"You didn't noticed that guy who showed up at the party a little later, the one in the white suit?  That was my creation Borock bot, a replica of Borock much like "PBB" is a replica of PB.  The only difference is that Borock bot has been around much longer than "PBB" and has more combat experience." Said Bosa Rockkura as she returned to her default form.  Tron was shocked by the change of clothes.

"What happened to your clothes!?"  Tron sputtered.

"This is my ability, I can turn into other characters from various Manga, Anime, and Video Games that I have watched."  Bosa Rokkura declared.  "The person I transformed into before was Lindow Amamiya from God Eater Burst.  I figure that would be the perfect form to take down a army since a God Eater's job is to take down various giant monsters known as Aragami.  Of course I'm not as strong as the real deal, if I was I wouldn't have been knocked out that easily."  It was mostly Bosa Rockkura's fault, if she didn't rush in at the robot masters like that, PB would have still been around.

"So that was it.  But you're not in that form anymore, you're defenseless!"  Tron said as he shot out some dark needles at her.  The paint brush floated in front of her and glowed.

"Character Change!"  Bosa Rockkura yelled as a bright light engulfed her once again.  The needles were deflected harmlessly and clattered to the ground.  When the light died down her appearance was changed once again.  

This time she was wearing a navy blue jacket and pants and beige shoes. The jacket had gold trimmings, zipper, and Ladybug brooches on both sides of the far end of her chest and her stomach.  The jacket has a heart shaped hole in the middle of her chest that exposed her cleavage rather nicely.

"I admit that your abilities are formidable but you still can't beat me."  Tron said as he moved in to punch her at high speed.

"Stand: Gold Experience!"  Sakura summoned a golden robotic manikin (that how you spell it?) being with similar Labybug accessories.  The being proceed to rapid punch Tron as he approach.

Tron was sent back as Bosa Rockkura's stand let out a deep roar.


Bosa Rokkura then began moving around the room to see what she could use.

Tron looked up and looked at Bosa Rokkura but something was different.  She was moving much slower.

"What's going on why are you moving so slow are you mocking me?  Take this!" he tried shooting more projectiles at her.  The needles hit her...only to phase through her.

"What the heck, I was moving so fast.  I was faster than you, why can't I hit you!"  He said as he kept trying to shoot her.

While to him it looked like he was already at Bosa Rokkura and failing to shoot her down, in reality Tron had only just gotten up.

Gold Experience has the ability to over flow Life in inanimate objects and bring them to life as plants and animals.  When it hits something that is already living that person is over flown with the power of Life.  When overflown with the power of Life their mind becomes faster to the point where they think the world has slowed down when in reality their body can't catch up to the mind and they move slower.  As a result when they get hit in this state the blow is much more painful due to their heighten senses.

Bosa Rokkura knew this and took this opportunity to change some of the objects in the room into animals.  She looked at one of the empty beds and rack that was used to hold bags of blood and IV and decided to use that.  She turned the blankets into a Wolf, one of the mattresses into a Bear, the other into a Tiger, the pillow into a Badger, the frame into a Lion and the rack into a Anaconda.

When Tron finally shot out the first set of needles it hit the lion but instead of the loin being hit, instead he was hit!  

"What the hell why was I hit!" Tron said in slow motion.

"It's because you were hit with one of my creations, when you try to hit an inanimate object brought to life the creation won't be harmed and your will receive a back lash of the damage the thing you hit would have been inflicted with if you actually hit something." Bosa Rokkura explained.

"What did you say?" He said as another set of needles came out.

"ATTACK!" Bosa Rokkura gave the call and all the animals rushed at him.  He kept hitting them with needles but he was only hurting himself and he couldn't stop hitting them since in his mind he shot so many.  When the animals reached him he was screwed.  

The pain was so intense because of his now heightened senses.  The ruthless scratching and biting from the various animals was brutal, especial from the god damn Badger.  When the mammals ceased their assault the Anaconda took this opportunity to wrap himself all around Tron's body.  When he was incapacitated Bossa Rokkura walked up to them with her Stand right behind her.  

"Now I'm only going to say this once, you can't beat me or anyone else on this ship, who are much more powerful than I am by the way."  Bosa Rokkura said with her voice dipped in venom.  "Give control back to Kharaxel and give up your ambitions or else Gold Experience will go into Requiem mode and kill you both, and believe me he will."  

As she said this Gold Experience took out a pitch black arrow with gold trimming ready to stab himself.


(Oh boy I have some explaining to do now.  So Sakura can fuse with Borock/ Borock bot into Bosa Rokkura and transform into any character from anything she played or read.  

Since PB's Super "Ego" Sayain form takes up so much energy to use along with the stress from his previous battle PB pretty much wasted a lot of energy and couldn't keep it up.  If he was in his normal form he might have lasted longer but he wasn't.  

Now Fusion is different than going Super "Ego" Sayian.  Instead of enhancing the human body beyond their limits to become more powerful, Fusion is a combination of 2 people with equal power to become a new being.   Their level must be equal in order to work and their collective power is pooled into one body and they share this power together. Bossa Rokkura can Character Change which allows her to gain the abilities of other characters in various Video Games, Manga, and Anime (Comics books and TV shows are included but I might only use the Video Games Anime and Manga)  However normally she can only Character Change into one character to their full strength at a time.
Character Change takes a bit of energy to use and the longer you stay in it the more energy you use.  She can change into different characters but depending on how much energy she used they won't be as powerful as the first.  In order to Character Change she has to change back to her default form and do it again.  

The reason she was able to do it a second time and was still fairly powerful was because she only fought a few Rabid Mets [PB managed to wipe out half of them before Bosa Rokkura showed up] and didn't expended that much energy before she was knocked out by GatlingMan.  Even if the Mets are Rabid they are still Mets and are in turn still very weak.  

When was able to rest a little bit when she was admitted into the sick bay she was able to recover the energy she expended while the Heal Pill she ate took care of the damage since, again, Bosa Rokkura wasn't hurt or exhausted as bad as PB was.  Since she didn't expend that much energy in the first place she was still able to still be fused with Borock bot.  If she expended more energy during the Rabid Met fight, when she was knocked out Sakura and Borock bot would have been separated.

If she was fused with the real Borockman she could also summon other characters out of thin air but since she's not fused with the real Borockman she can't.

Now why was Tron so weak now?  Well when Tron sent me his profile he said that Tron was stronger than Kharaxel but since Kharaxel is weak Tron is not as strong as he he could be.  

Kharaxel is just a normal human being who can shoot decently.   His speed and power is increased slightly when Tron is in control but not by much since Kharaxel is not that strong in the first place.  So because of that the Dark Needles are Tron's best and Signature attack, since Kharaxel is a good shot Tron is a better shot, but not by much.  

So with this I figured he only causes Kharaxel "grief" by doing bad things others and having the blame fall on him, he may have killed a few people but they were normal humans not fighters like the members of the Resistance. Since W2PB/PBB doesn't have any combat experience and was caught by surprise he was knock out easily and Tron's Ego grew bigger since he knock out another target.  Tron has a massive Ego and sense of Narcissism because he thinks that he is all powerful when in reality he really isn't since he never has been in a real fight but has hurt/killed a few normal humans.  

This is my justification as for why Tron is so weak and Bosa Rokkura is so strong.  If this was a normal fight, Bosa Rokkura would have had a more difficult time.  

Now Bosa Rokkura transformed in Giorno Giovanna of the Jojo Universe.  His Stand has ridiculous versatility hence why all that crazy stuff happened.  Since Tron was so pathetic Bossa Rokkura was able to take him down easily, but if this was a normal fight it would have been harder.  

Here's Giorno Giovanna's profile warning it contains Spoilers


If you click the link that says Gold Experience you can see the Stand's abilities.  I didn't show all of them since it's still pretty ridiculous so I only showed the Over Flowing Life ability.  If Tron's character is dumb enough not to comply with Bosa Rokkura's demands...well you might want to read what Requiem can do, it's not pretty.  

And here's Lindow's Profile with more Spoilers


I pretty much used Lindow's post game form when he becomes part Aragami.  When he becomes part Aragami he becomes a New Type God Eater.  Before he turned part Aragami he was a Old Type God Eater, so he could only use the sword, a New Type is able to use both a Sword and Gun in one.  For the Weapon I used his first weapon seen below there, when he become part Aragami his weapon changed.  When you play the game you are a New Type and you can customize your Wepon anyway you want and when you beat the game you get access to make other NPC weapons both Guns and Swords.  So in my file I have my character equipped with Lindow's sword, I forgot what shield I equipped in game so I went with his shield, and Alisa's Gun.

Here's what she uses.  The gun is the second weapon below the sword.  

You can also make bullets in the game, but since I barely used the gun in the game I just went with a generic electric shot.  The bullets come in many different types and 5 elements: Fire, Ice, Electricity, Divine and Healing bullets.

Okay that's it.)

(EDIT: Eh you know what, with the way Tron ended up I think I'll change his FRESCA from Cunning to Ego. BRB)

« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 10:33:27 AM by Sakura Leic »

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #98 on: December 02, 2012, 03:23:11 AM
(Don't worry girl. You shouldn't change his cunning yet, the guy is not giving up too soon.)

Tron just couldn't believe it. He thought defeating both the fake and the girl will be easy. Taking over the resistance too. Then taking over the world and after that... perhpas he could reclaim it.
Now he was at an impossible situation, something he didn't consider.

Tron -  *Thinking to himself* "What the [tornado fang] is she?! No, more importantly... what do I do?! If this [parasitic bomb] is any indication, if I give that moron back the control they will surely find a way to neutralize me for good. If I won't she will kill us both! Either way, I'm [tornado fang]'d! Wait... BOTH of us?"

Sakura - "Well? I'm waiting."

Tron - "So that's it? If I refuse you'll kill us both?! That's your [tornado fang]ing solution, huh?! You're no better than I am, you know? You want to kill that poor shmuck, just because I currently control his body?! Even though you have me defeated? And I can't do [parasitic bomb] to you?! HA! Don't make me laugh, you stupid self serving [sonic slicer]! I'm sure PB will be [tornado fang]ing proud of you when you finally tell him "So yeah, this guy inside Kharaxel tried to kill us, so I killed them both when he refused to let him go.". I mean, it's not like that maggot HONESTLY TRIED to save you during that battle with robots, or anything! But I guess a pretty little thing such as you, has no real problem with completely getting rid of a lame maggot such as him. I mean, why should you bother? He has no special powers, what good is his life for?!"

Tron gambled. He had nothing to lose at this point. Either he could find a way out of this by trying to hit Sakura's sense of good, or total oblivion.

(Oh and sorry for so many swears. I just wanted to illustrate that he's pretty desperate and give more venom to his words.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #99 on: December 02, 2012, 03:46:45 AM
(Don't worry I had him swearing a bit too.)

Bosa Rokkura listened to his pleas and replied.

"I know Kharaxel is a very kind man and he doesn't deserve to die.  But I know that he would much rather die than for you to be in control of him forever and do such horrible evil deeds!  PB or Vixy would have offered the same thing if he was in my place, but if it was another member of the resistance they wouldn't offer you the chance. 

They would have killed you immediately.  We're in a time of war if anyone tried to take over the Resistance, even if that member was a dear friend, we have to defeat them.  If they are honestly evil and truly hated us we would have no choice but to kill them. I'm sure PB would understand if he was here.  So you're very lucky I was the one who found out since I know you are not Kharaxel.  So I ask you again, will you give control back to Kharaxel or will you both die."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection