Linkle is adorable, and the first reason I'm actually tempted to get the 3DS version (not a big Wind Waker fan). The fact that they gave her crossbows is just hilarious, given the previous "history" of the weapon.
/sees Twilight Princess HD for Wii U
/thinks about it
/sees Wolf Link & Midna amiibo
/sighs while taking out wallet
That was pretty much my thought process.
Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda, but I'm one of those weirdos who actually resents when motion controls are removed from a Wii-to-WiiU port/sequel (see also Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and to a lesser degree Mario Tennis Ultra Smash). That and it's hard to not be disappointed with the fact that the visuals are more or less just an upscale, since I still remember the glorious Link vs. Armogohma tech demo from before WiiU's launch.
But I'll be damned if I'm missing out on a Midna Amiibo.
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