Late, but the other night me and two friends were going to my place and we saw an injured Squirrel on the street, real close to a driveway. He was on his side and couldnt seem to get upright. he tried to run, but wouldnt get anywhere on his side. A man from the neigborhood saw while walking his dog, and examined the squirrel, saw nothing broken, and that it was relatively healthy, and concluded he might have hurt his hip. He went to leave his dog home, and came back with one of those "pet taxies" that you put animals in when you travel. we put him in there, and after we left my place, my friend took it with her, planning on calling ASPCA, But seems they didnt want it. So for now, we're taking care of the poor cute little guy. Saving a Squirrel gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. X3