There's also the chance that this is Endless Frontier SRW OG Saga 2. Which would relate to that poll they released a few months ago about what characters people would want in. Mainly Tales, Xenosaga, and a few other Bamco characters.
too early for that [parasitic bomb]. |:
Not really. quite a few series have made it in incredibly quickly.
F91 was in SRW about a month after it hit theaters, Gundam Wing, barely a year. and Turn-A a mere year afterwards as well.
But GL as a whole is pretty much ruled out. It'd be to dificult for the setting.
Geass is highly speculated. Terada said he was interested, but the show hadn't finished when Z was being worked so he ruled it out. But there were obvious homages to it. Like Black Charisma, aka noTzero. And "Orange".
Also not to mention that he was incredibly gay. Though easily the most amusing original boss ever.