Sonic Forces ~Join the Uprising~

Started by VirusChris, October 10, 2017, 06:48:39 AM

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The Great Gonzo

Yannow what I'm worried about? Forces could turn out to be an enjoyable title and reviewers would still slam it because "weh weh modern sux".

i remember hearing that GameInformer penalized Generations harshly because it wasn't purely Classic-based, and outside of that it seems no one on staff can keep their biases wrt: Sonic in check. I don't trust them to judge Forces fairly.

Police Girl

Well, the boss stage had neat music at least.


Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on October 28, 2017, 03:36:48 PM
the best course of action is to let the hype trick people into buying it

What Hype?

I have seen absolutely NO hype for this game whatsoever.

Generations had Hype.

Mania had serious wide reaching hype. that reveal trailer was a phenomenon unto itself and that thing spread like wildfire

But Forces? People were skeptical from the very reveal when we saw SRS BSNS sonicface and end of the world vibes, realized it was Spagonia but on fire with giant deathegg robots, and then classic sonic pops in, confirming it's basically Generations 2 and they are rehashing a level already in the very reveal trailer.

And Mania killed any potential hype it could have had, stealing all the thunder and hype.

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on October 29, 2017, 04:39:10 AM
Yannow what I'm worried about? Forces could turn out to be an enjoyable title and reviewers would still slam it because "weh weh modern sux".
I'm more worried about it being enjoyable at all. It looks so bland and linear and too scattered gameplaywise. 2's company. 3's a crowd. there's a reason classic Sonic kept all it's playable characters with the same basic moveset, but adding a gimmick to each. this has 3 entirely different gameplay styles that play differently, while at the same time, not being different enough, since Modern Sonic's gonna spend at least 40% of a level in a 2D plane anyway. And in this game ESPECIALLY, even the 3D segments are so linear they might as well be 2D.

On Modern Sonic, he has never stuck to a single formula for long enough to have an identity outside of speed as a meme. And the boost formula, the only formula that has stuck around for more than 2 games, has been getting stale lately, but whether or not modern sonic "sucks" is an entirely different conversation that has little bearing on the subject matter.

i remember hearing that GameInformer penalized Generations harshly because it wasn't purely Classic-based
Because Generations made people realize how much they actually really wanted a return to Sonic's classic roots. Simple 2D platforming, with the bonus of the original classic design that hasn't been seen since the late 90's.

And then Mania was revealed and released, and people realized that yes, this is EXACTLY what the market really wants, and probably needs.

QuoteI don't trust them to judge Forces fairly.
I don't think even a biased review would do how horrible this game is shaping up to be justice.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

The Great Gonzo

Quote from: Flame on October 29, 2017, 06:46:25 AMI have seen absolutely NO hype for this game whatsoever.

IDK man, I've seen lots of folks (including several friends) excited for Forces. Maybe people in the places you're looking in aren't, but to claim that there's "no hype" whatsoever strikes me as untrue.

Frozen Potato

Incase anyone doesnt know, leaks are out already in YT.

Police Girl

Y'know its really only one or two people here that i'm seeing with such seething hatred about this.

Like its a sonic game guys stop getting so heated about it.

Sonic Cycle in full effect, in the end the game will most likely end up like Unleashed honestly, enjoyed by fans and seen in a better light a few years down the line but not so fondly upon release.


Quote from: The Great Gonzo on October 29, 2017, 08:01:32 AM
IDK man, I've seen lots of folks (including several friends) excited for Forces. Maybe people in the places you're looking in aren't, but to claim that there's "no hype" whatsoever strikes me as untrue.

Yeah, I see the same thing. Lots of hype for this in some circles. Usually younger people. Mania bashing too. Or more so Mania bashing because Mania fans bashing Forces? lol

The Sonic civil war has started.


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There has been hype for Forces since Day 1.

Ever since the announcement of the two new Sonic games, the fandom has been divided between Team Classic (Mania) and Team Modern (Forces). I've seen plenty of those arguments on youtube, and I'm sure fansites like Sonic Retro and Sonic Stadium are just as bad or worse.

Sakura Leic

I'm still pretty interested in it but yeah honestly that 1 minute demo was a terrible thing to do with how divided this game has been. 
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Apparently it's not just the Sonic demo, lots of Japanese demos have that one minute timer for their games. It's mind-boggling, but I'm reading comments here and there on YT and other sites saying the Japanese enjoy the one minute timer for whatever reason. Take it as you well, I'm guessing some would be unhappy but most are not.

Honestly I'm avoiding spoilers like the plague, so far I only looked at the first 5 stages of the game and one of the Infinite boss fights but since then I'm looking away from it. Don't want my experience to be utterly spoiled before I get to play it. Doesn't help some people don't... pick a thumbnail that's NOT a spoil.

Sigh... anyway. Here's some of the music tracks:

Loving this track!

Oh my gosh... this is SO beautiful. :'(
This End Credits song is amazing, the vocals are lovely to listen to and the lyrics are quite meaningful.

As always Sonic music are excellent pieces of work.

Better take a look at the tracks before their taken down. Some of them were taken down already.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


Quote from: Police Girl on October 29, 2017, 02:37:11 PM
Y'know its really only one or two people here that i'm seeing with such seething hatred about this.
It's not seething hatred, just extreme disappointment that Sonic Team seems not only out of touch, but seems to either be getting lazy, or have not learned anything about what people liked about games like Unleashed and Colors.

Quotestop getting so heated about it.
where's the fun in not getting heated?

QuoteSonic Cycle in full effect, in the end the game will most likely end up like Unleashed honestly, enjoyed by fans and seen in a better light a few years down the line but not so fondly upon release.
I sincerely doubt that. Sonic unleashed was ridiculed upon release for the ill conceived werehog, but the big difference is that despite people's misgivings about the concept, the gameplay was still solid. The level design in the werehog levels was generally agreed to be good, even if the concept of a werewolf sonic with stretchy arms was not, and even detractors generally agreed that the gameplay in those segments was still a perfectly serviceable beat em up, with the only real major flaw being obnoxious battle music that interrupted the soundtrack

The Day levels were also universally praised for being fresh, beautiful to look at with plenty of variety, and fun. While the Story was, despite having "end of the world" vibes, still fairly light, and fairly simple.

It also had the benefit of being the first major Sonic release after Sonic 06, which allowed for a very positive contrast to that mess.

This has the misfortune of having to contrast to both Sonic Generations, and Sonic Mania, both of which were fairly positively received, and bringing back the kind of elements that most of the sonic community had come to dislike about the series in the first place, the ones which had led to Unleashed being a strictly Sonic affair, with a lighter story.

I simply don't think Forces will be remembered as well as the last few Sonic games. It has too many questionable design choices
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Police Girl

I mean if Unleashed had Knux instead of Werehog and did something like made Sonic viciously sick or something during the night maybe people would have just been all over it instead i dunno.

Other than that I dunno I think it'll do fine.

Keep in mind Lost World was technically the game before Forces/Mania, that one was also looked down upon for essentially being.... rough.



And the videos went private or were taken down. Oh well, it was fun for a while.

Got to wait until release date then.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


Quote from: Police Girl on October 30, 2017, 02:28:29 AM
Keep in mind Lost World was technically the game before Forces/Mania, that one was also looked down upon for essentially being.... rough.

Lost World was just mediocre and forgettable, very forgettable. Also Wii-U exclusive when it came out, so no one played it
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


Oh. OH. Oh lordy! XD
You guys got to check this out!

Apparently it was taken down sometime after as the game isn't "officially" released to the public, but IGN... wow guys! You gave Forces a HIGHER score than Mania? Prepare the biggest crud-storm since you said "too much water". A 9.2 for Sonic Forces... what did Mania get? A 8.3?

[spoiler]Honestly this is either a fake or posted WAY too earlier. Most likely fake, but if this is real... how much do you think Sonic Team piad them?[/spoiler]

Anyway onto some INTERESTING news about Sonic Forces, apparently the game only have THREE LEVEL DESIGNS for it.

Twitter source: [spoiler][/spoiler]

Holy... that explains a lot. Not to mention one of them is a total newbie and the other is sort of a newbie. The other guy worked on Lost World and was promoted to Lead Level Designer.

So less level designers than Lost World and Colors.

Well I do like the aesthetic of the stages. Honestly for total newcomers not bad for their first attempt, but seriously Sonic Team. STOP. CUTTING. YOUR. TEAM. APART! This is why Sonic 06 failed big time (even though I enjoyed it... some parts) because you split up your team. Can't you keep your best members around to make better Sonic levels and improve with each game?

Ouch, this hurt Sonic Forces a bit. Isn't the guy in charge of the team's direction Kishimoto? If so, what are you doing dude?

Also a little bit more insight on Sonic Forces development tidbit:

The following is an account of what I was told about Sonic Forces at EGX 2017 from someone who used to work at Sega, they were there during Forces' public and internal announcement as well as several other Sonic and big Sega games dating back a good few years, they would have had access to information on par with what Aaron Webber has.

There was also another witness to this conversation who can confirm what was said if they ever bother to log into SSMB these days.

Anyway, during our chats with various developers and friends at EGX the conversation of Forces popped up, this individual said the following.

"SOJ actually came over to reveal that, needless to say... There was a number of us in the room from SOE and SOA, Sonic Team were there and they showed the video of Forces and demonstrated the game, they showed off the Avatar then told us their plans.... needless to say, there was a 'reaction'"

At this point their tone became very negative, they even did a facepalm motion.

"A lot of us didn't know what to say, then ST told us their plans for the game, at the time, they had a lot more plans for the Avatar, it was going to be a much bigger focus and part of the game than it ended up being. They had quite a lot of crazy ideas and plans for it. Needless to say, it caused a 'reaction'. A lot of people from both SOE and SOA told ST that they couldn't do that, that it wasn't a good idea. The next time we saw the game their ideas had been scaled back a lot."

Based on what I was told, the Avatar was going to be a much bigger part of the game, the primary focus with Sonic playing a much smaller role, I want to say that they also said that the working title was Sonic Wars but might be getting mixed up there with the other rumour which is looking more and more true.

Now I did wonder if there was anything to suggest that this was the case, such as trace evidence or some leftover clues. Aside from the fact that the Avatar has so many more gameplay mechanics put in there (granted they don't work well and most are dull) compared to Sonic (either one), the game is technically about the Avatar, since he's a reflection of you and the game is about how you join the resistance, you rescue Sonic and you and Sonic defeat Infinite.

Another hint is the trophy image for the game on the PS4:

It's got the title... Sonic Forces... but doesn't actually show Sonic, instead the focus is on Avatar characters.

Compare this to past Sonic titles which have either always showed Sonic or have been just the title logo.

So it sounds like at some point last year, or even late 2015, Sonic Team had a lot of plans and focus for the avatar, but then after showing it to SOE and SOA, due to their reaction they scale back a lot of the plans.

The only other hint I've found to support this and it's a weak one; is in the pages of several licensing mags. Recently several license mags have reported that Sega is to open an online store soon which we know about... but they've said that there would be focus on 'personalised and Customisation' items, bit of a weak link, but considering all of them mentioned customized and personalized items as a big thing which is a lot harder to do logistically, it doesn't seem too much of a coincidence.


Well... that certainly says a lot. I don't mind the Avatar system, I like creating my own character and joining my favorite characters and series on their adventure. I do, however, think it was too soon to be adding an Avatar creation to Sonic. Especially when none of Sonic's friends have been playable in a long time for their 3D games which is a shame.

I love playing as Sonic, but I do wish to play as Tails, Knuckles, and Amy again in another 3D Sonic game. Heck if they added them playable again along with the Avatar it wouldn't have been that bad.

What's done is done I suppose. Let's see where Sonic will go next after this unusual adventure.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3

Frozen Potato

I don't have much hate with what Forces is heading to, but there's so much missed opportunity they decided to ignore, such as playing Knux, Tails and others again. Having an avatar character seemed to be out of place for a sonic game. Well....I guess its the same company that constantly makes bad decision in PSO2 that always fix [parasitic bomb] later or [tornado fang] it up more.


funny you should mention the avatar's role Chris, someone on 4chins cobbled this image together suggesting that originally, BOOM Sonic was supposed to be the third character and was at some point switched out for the Avatar.

comes from 4chan speculation and [parasitic bomb] so grain of salt, ymmv, etc, but it makes enough sense to me, I remember that image of the 3 sonics.

Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Sakura Leic

That would actually make a lot of sense if that was the case.  Too bad BOOM was utterly mediocre.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Well... the games that is.

The show is still perfect.

Sakura Leic

But honestly that's the only thing that matters when it comes to Sonic games, I mean Sonic X doesn't have a game after all. Which probably is a good thing.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Honestly think the Boost gameplay is hurting Sonic more than helping him. Actually I think the Boost gameplay should be tied to small segments, kinda like what Sonic 06 did but better and without the bull-malarkey crud happening as well or Special Stages to get the Chaos Emeralds.

I like a return to Adventure-style gameplay for Sonic and his friends. Basically Tails and Knuckles plays just like Sonic but with their ability to fly, climb, and glide to reach the end goal of each stage. And possibly have their Mech and Treasure Hunting tied to optional sub missions of their stages. Heck exclusive stages for them too to really take advantage of their abilities. Heck Amy could play like Sonic and, similar to Mario and Luigi, Amy can jump higher than Sonic with the use of her hammer and the Cube Hammer move the Avatar uses can be her's for aerial attacks and such.

Basically an improved SA1 Amy.

I mean there's going to be a lot of work to get it right with level designs and gameplay for all the characters. I do like the concept of the Avatar, but it should've been at a time where 3D Sonic games were gaining a good rep and bring back Sonic friends as playable for the main series games and get their gameplay down right. Then add the Avatar on top of them along with them and I think the Avatar would've be better well received.

Sonic Team currently can't keep their staffs and send them off to other teams and games mostly after one Sonic game. Something in management needs to change otherwise Sonic is going to hurt a lot in the 3D/Modern games.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3

Frozen Potato

Quote from: Sakura Leic on October 31, 2017, 01:53:12 AM
That would actually make a lot of sense if that was the case.  Too bad BOOM was utterly mediocre.

I thought people said Fire and Ice was pretty good.


QuoteI love playing as Sonic, but I do wish to play as Tails, Knuckles, and Amy again in another 3D Sonic game.

Go play Sonic Boom.


Quote from: Zan on October 31, 2017, 02:53:26 PM
Go play Sonic Boom.

My brother watched me play the Boom demo, and we laughed our asses off at how buggy and unresponsive it was. There is a serious problem if even the sample is broken.

Fan reactions and playthroughs of the full game didn't fare much better.


Quote from: Zan on October 31, 2017, 02:53:26 PM
Go play Sonic Boom.

Hell no! Saw it and while the concept seemed interesting, I took a look at the gameplay and didn't sell it for me. Then I waited to see what others thought of it and gameplay footage and knew right, among the worst Sonic games in history and not for me.

EDIT/UPDATE: Famitsu has given a score to Sonic Forces:

35/40 for Forces.

And scores by Famitsu:
Sonic Forces 9/9/9/8 = 35/40

Sonic Mania 8/8/8/8 = 32/40

Whelp... apparently the Japanese love Forces more than Mania, then again they never liked Classic Sonic when it first came out.

Then again Famitsu has been fickle with their scores for some games take it as you well.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3