Phantasy Star Online 2 Thread

Started by Frozen Potato, November 19, 2016, 08:09:33 AM

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Frozen Potato

This game has been on for 4 years, I'm surprised no one ever talked about it here. Well I'm not sure how many people here play this game on JP servers but i'll posting updates and such over here.

Also please don't bring up when Western Server is coming, because there're zero news about it within the past 3 years.

Upcoming updates

Christmas Update and Story Quest Episode 4 Chapter 7

Person 5 Collab, New Pet Dragon(Summoner Class), Mother Brain raid boss

New Dark Falz Costume Scactch

Battle Arena PVP

Feel free to post pics of your characters or playthrough here if you like. :)


Phantasy Star Online 2 (PSN Profiles)
Phantasy Star Online 2 (TrueTrophies) (32 images) (12 images)

I've been playing since way back in 2013 on PS Vita, and also experienced the whole server blocking of western players, but I later was able to get back to it and take care of a bunch of trophies that was left locked, and I'm LV50 Hunter atm. I just need to pick up more EX Cubes (about 8 or more) and I'll be done.

I'm on Ship 6. '>.>
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Frozen Potato

That blocking was probably due to DDOS back then, I think only SEA had the legit IP block atm due to SEA Server's existence(which was just bad btw.)

I'm on Ship 10, if you only played on one character feel free to make the other two since it's free. Sadly I'm only available during JP night time. _(<: 3/


I've been thinking of signing up for PSO2 once I'm done with this project I'm working with somebody but I haven't got word from him lately.

Frozen Potato

Frozen Potato

PSO2 Story Mode Esca Falz Mother Battle+ Cutscene(major spoilers).

Sorry for the facebook link, im just more confortable using it.

Bad playthrough because I was using the wrong Hunter Skill Tree intended for mobbing instead of bossing lol.


Ah, so Rockman PM did have a PSO2 topic already? Guess I don't need to make a new one then. 😅

Quote from: Frozen Potato on November 19, 2016, 08:09:33 AMAlso please don't bring up when Western Server is coming, because there're zero news about it within the past 3 years.

Heh... It's a thing now, though. 😅

IMO, this thread's title should be swapped to just "PSO2" now. In fact, I might as well go ahead and do so.

Also, here's the picture of our latest maintenance shot. Taken by @VixyNyan (

We're in Ship 1, PSO2 Global.
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