Mega Man Infamous Intent (MMIFI)

Started by Threxx, November 16, 2014, 04:56:19 PM

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(Turns out it's my 3rd post. Not quite as monumental.)

Anyway, it's a new fangame!

Team Members:
NinjaMan_Z (Programmer, Sprites)
Faruga (Programmer)
CHAOS_FANTAZY (Writer, Sprites)
Dameon_Schnider (Sprites)
MissingNumbers (Sprites)
-Eric- (Sprites)
Threxx (Composer)
Deathro (Composer)
Littlelamp100 (Composer)

Plot Summary:
The wars to defend mankind continue!  A mysterious new Robotic force has emerged in the town of Lansford, an old town with a rich history, famous for being home to many great heroes.  Mega Man and company have taken the stage, but even so, it can't help but be noted that his longtime nemesis seems conspicuously absent in this attack.  Wary of deception, they press onward, hoping to uncover the source of the rogue Robots...

And like I said earlier, we do have some assets to show!

We have quite a few sprites done. Spoiler tags because big images.

Player Sprites:
These use a different style in order to provide more cohesiveness between the RM designs and the player sprites, and for a different style in comparison to most MM games:

Weapon Sprites:

And, some of the Robot Masters:

Archer Woman:

Tome Woman (tileset demo):

I do music stuffs

Title Theme:
Robot Master Selected:
Tome Woman's theme (v3):

We're looking for 1 or 2 more people to join the project to help with spriting, programming, and possibly general game design. More information is likely to come.

And that's the game so far! Leave any questions or comments in this thread. I have active acounts on and Sprites-INC (where most of the other members are), so you can catch us that way.


Storywise, if Mega Man's nemesis is missing then that means that he could have been kidnapped. As for everything else, these are some good and unique robot masters. Are you taking suggestions for robot master names?


Quote from: RetroRespecter on November 21, 2014, 03:46:50 PM
Storywise, if Mega Man's nemesis is missing then that means that he could have been kidnapped. As for everything else, these are some good and unique robot masters. Are you taking suggestions for robot master names?

No, the robot masters are pretty much set in stone at this point, but thanks for your offer.

Well, this isn't entirely true. We're open to suggestions for a death themed robot master. (A reaper, necromancer, etc.). If you can come up with something interesting in that vein we could use it.


Scythe Man
Grave Man
Death Man (Oh wait...there is already one of those in a fangame)
Necron Man



I'm going to second RetroRespecter's "Necromance Woman" name idea for the death-themed Robot Master.

Yuno Gasai: Living proof that yanderes are NOT meant to be messed with.


Quote from: Raging-Banebou on November 24, 2014, 03:54:19 AM
I'm going to second RetroRespecter's "Necromance Woman" name idea for the death-themed Robot Master.

We've actually been pretty inspired by the "Midnight Woman" idea, since we actually tried a Necro/Necromance Man and it didn't totally flesh out. It's all still very much in concept, so things could change.


So I felt that this system would be easier than me posting to Mediafire with every new song (especially since that player is now broken for some reason).

Have a SoundCloud playlist, with downloads!

EDIT: Fixing broken link.


So, new music and a request.

The first fortress theme of the game. I'm really pleased with how this one came out:

And, a recruitment request again, we're looking for another programmer to help with that aspect of the game. You'd have to be versed in using GM: Studio, and have a Skype/Dropbox account (neither of which are hard to create).

Thanks, and I hope to get some offers.


So first off, we've found a programmer, and we've actually switched environments to Python now.

We've finished over a third of the soundtrack! This is excellent, if i do say so myself. The engine is also making progress, with the level editor well on it's way to completion.

The level editor is complete! Here's a gif:


Enjoy this OST preview for now.

In addition, Eric finished artwork for Archer Woman:




So we have a blog now!

Follow us here:

We'll be making smaller, more frequent updates here. When we have something major, we will make a new forum post.

We also have a YouTube channel: but it's unlikely you'll see anything there for a little bit. Still, be sure to subscribe!


So, semi-big update.

Make sure to follow the tumblr blog if you have not as yet.

We've released an updated OST preview with all the completed Robot Master themes, and we have the first video on our channel! Check that out. As you can see, the engine is progressing. :D


I haven't really looked much into this fan game, but I can tell you right off the bat, right now! That for sure, it's agreeable that there's no question about it; I have absolutely no doubt in my mind and it's pretty clear: it can now be said with certainty that you have my word, this is not unlikely; it's more than just possible or probable; you can bet that it's spot on when I say that it's a fact and a given; the tables are turned and it's less doubtful, so the stakes are raised, thus all bets are off and everything's now more definite than ever that it's unarguable to be guaranteed and there's no denying it


Quote from: rockmanclassix on January 17, 2015, 02:34:41 AM
I haven't really looked much into this fan game, but I can tell you right off the bat, right now! That for sure, it's agreeable that there's no question about it; I have absolutely no doubt in my mind and it's pretty clear: it can now be said with certainty that you have my word, this is not unlikely; it's more than just possible or probable; you can bet that it's spot on when I say that it's a fact and a given; the tables are turned and it's less doubtful, so the stakes are raised, thus all bets are off and everything's now more definite than ever that it's unarguable to be guaranteed and there's no denying it



Just ignore him.

Anyway; I applaud you for attempting to redraw the original sprites.


Yes, we are still alive! Here's some footage of the engine, with our first test enemy!

Remember to follow the blog for more frequent updates if you haven't already.


This has to be something major if you're posting it here. None of us doubted you progress.


Have a youtube playlist of the music! This is the place where I'm going to be putting things from now on, and I'll upload more themes as they are finalized/as I see fit.



So, we have a little poll for you guys!

As some of you may have noticed, one of our robot masters was removed from the project due to a falling out with the creator.

Our team members have worked to conceptualize new robot masters to fill the void, and we decided it'd be best for you guys to decide!

Please read all concepts before making a decision. If you need clarification about anything just ask.

And do not worry, the losing concepts will not disappear; we will find uses for them in the future.



Warp Man:

Stage: The Moon, "Warp Zone"

Boss Pattern:

  • Warp Man can teleport, whenever he does this, he will ALWAYS appear close to the ceiling, as a preventation for cheap hits. His primary movement style is jumping, taking advantage of the low gravity.
  • Warp Man opens a portal in front of himself and charges into it, he then creates another portal and flies out of it, trying to crash into you. He can do this up to three times, opening a new portal while moving each time.
  • Warp Man fires a Warp Portal into the wall, said portal proceeds to suck you towards it. At the same time, he'll proceed to fire energy blasts at different angles that, once in the middle of the room, get pulled towards the portal.
  • If you get caught by a warp portal, you'll take damage, be slowed down, and have heightened gravity. This lasts for a few seconds.
Warp Portal: Fires an arcing energy orb that turns into a portal when it hits a surface, said portal will suck in enemies that are close enough, lasting for only a short period of time. If an enemy is sucked in successfully, it gets shot at the nearest enemy, damaging both of them. If you jump into the portal, it'll shoot you at the nearest enemy like a cannonball, making you invincible and dealing a fair amount of piercing damage, but costing more weapon energy.

Gryphon Man:

Stage: Tempest Tower

Boss Pattern:

  • Gryphon Man can shoot up to 3 bursts of air at you . However, these will separate into 3 different directions and then direct themselves to you all at the same time.
  • Gryphon Man flies up in to the air and proceeds to spin in the air and attempt to hit you after a while. He will bounce around the room until either you are hit or he bounces 3 times.
  • Sometimes, he may hop across one side of the room to the other. During this, if you get close enough to him, he may slash his claws at you in midair.
  • Will shoot a moderately fast air slash from his arms which can bounce off of the wall once before disappearing.
  • Every couple of times, Gryphon Man will strike down onto the ground instead of just regularly landing, sending fast moving wind gusts across the ground and can cause a good amount of damage.
Gryphon Dash: Allows the player to dash about 5 tiles both on the ground or in air in every direction, does damage to any foes that come into contact. Can be automatically cancelled out by pressing the fire button again. Is good for recoveries. [Possibly] When directly hitting the ground, small wind guts will go along the surface of the ground, attacking enemies.


So, in the end, we've come to an early decision!

We've decided to use BOTH robot masters, as the 58 votes we've received (thank you guys for being so great about that) have caused us to end in a tie.

So, say hello to your two new robot masters, Warp Man AND Gryphon Man!

Warp Man:
Concept by Blackmore and Faruga.

Gryphon Man:
Concept by Deathro.

Both masters were sprited by Dameon.


Hey guys, we're hoping to get a better idea of what you want to hear about our game from us so I threw together a poll to help us gauge that.

Select as many options as you're interested in, and we'll be bringing you more Infamous Intent content soon. Stay tuned. c :


I voted for all, because nothing should be kept from the expecting.


I voted, because nothing should be more important than the size of the member.