Two Girls Stab Another Girl to Appease Slenderman

Started by Quickman, June 04, 2014, 09:53:50 PM

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Protoman Blues


The omission of details of the kids' lives we knew about.  We didn't get to the Batman chapter yet, hence why I neglected to mention it.  I was covering the crime and horror comics, which I have read.  In the first few chapters, he discusses the "injury to the eye motif" which were quite prevalent in a number of EC Comics that I had read.

The research into the comics was what I was discussing, not the cases.  For the most part, from what I've read in the book and could compare to the comics mentioned that I've also read, the research was for the most part correct.

Ringman and I did discuss the case studies presented, as they were quite fragmented.  But we still gave credit where credit was due, as the one place he did his research was in the comics.

This was my argument; Wertham researched the media.  Many media watchdog groups do not do this and their claims as to what certain things contain are wildly inconsistent with the claims by people who actively consume the media that they are targeting.

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Protoman Blues

I question how much research he actually did. I don't trust liars.


According to the article, the research was actually there, at least some of it.  For the purposes of the book, case studies were changed and divided to be different people.  I can actually see why he would do this, too.  It's like changing names, and some details, which happens all the time.

The thing is, if someone's case history made it into a book and their friends and associates could tell that it was them, then it could ruin their reputation and they would have a viable position to sue for slander.  For books like this, omitting certain details and modifying case studies helps to prevent such things from occurring.

You'd be surprised just how many professionals do this.  This isn't the first I've heard about such accusations, nor is Wertham the first to be on the receiving end.

Psychiatrists and psychologists operate under HIPPA, and they need to maintain patient confidentiality.  Patients are often used in medical journals and related texts, but their names are omitted.  For the purposes of a mass-market text, details concerning a patient's case would be omitted, cases would be changed, etc.  Nowadays texts will come with a notice explaining this, but back then, I don't think it was required, as what Wertham was discussing was a relatively new field.

Protoman Blues

For the record, I don't trust psychiatrists & psychologists much either. XD Because experience has shown me that they have a ton of their own issues to deal with that they DON'T deal with. Instead they try to help others so they don't have to deal with their own [parasitic bomb].

As for Wertham, this is what gets me.

QuoteWertham constantly omitted relevant details about these kids' lives.

This isn't a case of omission for confidentiality reasons. This is a blatant case of not putting in OR ignoring certain details to further his own misguided views, views which helped seriously damage an industry. People like him are what get shows like Batman Beyond and such cancelled, because they wrongly believe that the "excessive violence" (which is laughable) should be censored. This study was a placebo, like most "it's the music" or "it's the video games" bullshit reasoning for why certain people do certain things.

QuoteBut now we know that Wertham buried evidence that his subjects were often violent and sexual long before they read comics. And more importantly, they suffered from social and cultural disadvantages that no doubt contributed far more to their troubles than Batman did.

When things like background and [parasitic bomb] are omitted to help further your own agenda, it puts the entire credibility of the research itself in question. Research or not, what this man and other men like him do is dangerous and wrong.

Sakura Leic

The guy almost ruined the comic industry by not including everything about the kids background?  I certainly wouldn't trust the guy either.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


He did later become an advocate for the comics industry in the 70s.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Quickman on June 11, 2014, 09:40:51 PM
He did later become an advocate for the comics industry in the 70s.
Well that's good.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Indeed, and I'm willing to forgive him since he turned his opinions around.

Also, the comics correlation was originally brought up as an example of a media scapegoat, as it's the best example out there.  I'm hoping that Slendy and creepypasta don't become the next media scapegoat.  We don't need another Dr. Fredric Wertham.

Just an aside, Wertham's "cameo" in JLU with his "The Innocent Seduced" book in a segment about a media pontiff railing against the Justice League was cute and gave me a good chuckle.


Morgan Geyser to undergo competency hearing

The girl with the worst of the Slenderman delusions is scheduled to have a competency hearing to determine if she is competent to stand trial.  Competency hearings are essentially court-run psych evals, but conducted specifically to determine if a person is able to stand trial.  No diagnosis will be made from this hearing.

This is a good first step, but the girl also needs a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation.  Just because the court (might) deem her as mentally competent doesn't mean that there's still not something else going on.

Sakura Leic

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Judge deemed hearing violates Fifth Amendment rights

Two doctors in limited interviews have determined Morgan Geyser to be mentally incompetent to stand trial, as she may not be fully aware of the nature of her actions and the charges against her.  She was scheduled to have a competency hearing to determine if she is able to stand trial, and the results of it could be used in an insanity plea later.

However, the hearing would involve her discussing the incident, and that can be turned over to the state, thus violating her Fifth Amendment rights against self incrimination.

Needless to say, this is a setback in the case.  Geyser is the most troubled of the two girls and the most in need of psychiatric intervention.  If she can't get the right evaluation or sway the court into pursuing an insanity plea, then she'll be another of the many mentally ill individuals who have fallen through the cracks and languish in prisons without proper rehabilitation.

Sakura Leic

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


An interesting article about how other girls feel about Geyser and Weier.  It's nice to see the opinions of people of similar age, rather than what adults think, as due to a witch hunt mentality and overall lack of exposure to common Internet memes, adult perception can be heavily skewed.

Sakura Leic

I'm really glad I never had trouble with bullying, even though I never had close girl friends in the first place, but yeah the bullying problem in schools can be pretty bad.  I once had a friend who got the [parasitic bomb] beat out of him, for some reason, before Spanish class but he was suspended for a few days for fighting back.  I never really understood what was wrong with defending yourself when someone is literally punching you in the face.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Lawyer Seeks Weier's Records

After Morgan Geyser had been declared mentally incompetent, the lawyer of Anissa Weier, the second girl charged in the case, now seeks her records, which will determine if she should also have a competency hearing.

As for Geyser's halted hearing, she would need to submit a plea of insanity first, which she has not yet done.

There are still discussions of moving the case to juvenile court.

In terms of my opinion on Weier's competency, she was the one who was quoted as having second thoughts as the two were attacking their friend.  She seems to have it a bit more together than Geyser, but with how she readily followed Geyser, then she seems just as misguided.  The two need proper guidance, and due to the nature of this case, it's clear to me that such guidance was not going on in either household.

I can't really say that much for certain with Weier, as we know less about her home life than we do Geyser.


Court Finds Slenderman Suspect Incompetent

The descriptions of her behavior in court, along with some of her claims makes me wonder what was going on in Geyser's home to have her be so mentally immature.  I mean, it's one thing to be imaginative (and for the record, I believe in unicorns.  That's a very trivial detail as lots of people believe in unicorns.), but some of her claims go a bit beyond the usual childhood imaginative play.

I'm wondering if there's not already something going on with her that her parents never truly picked up on, and thus she was never properly evaluated and treated for it.  It makes me sad, really.

Sakura Leic

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


She claims she can speak with the Ninja Turtles? That's... random. Well, even MORE random, anyway.

Before this, I only thought she believed in horror figures.

Sakura Leic

I have no doubt the Turtles are very disappointed in her.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Yikes, I knew that bad creepypastas will rot your brain, but this is redonkulous. It reminds me of this really bad Jeff the Killer rip-off based on Walmart (yes, something like this exists, unfortunately) where the main villain gets superpowers or some crap for going bonkers.


Authorities say that teen is obsessed with Slenderman

I heard about this one while listening to an episode of Darkness Radio.  The connection to Slenderman is tenuous at best, and it seems like the authorities are grasping for straws.

This is looking like an annoying trend of copycats.  Ugh.  Kids these days...

Sakura Leic

Why Soul Eater of all things, was it the parts about Medusa abusing Crona that set her off?  Also I love how they called it an online book instead of a comic book even though it's a manga.  I mean comic book isn't that much better, but it's a visual book.  Must of assumed it was since is what they are comparing it to and maybe she read Soul Eater on a scanlation site.

Not that it matters since Soul Eater has nothing to do with Slenderman, the kid needs mental help judging how the text and diary were worded. 
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection