Since I had the figure on my drafting table while reposing it for display, I decided that it was high time I break out my gouache paints and give them a try!
Just finished the grayscale shading, so there's my setup. I needed to wait for the paint to dry a bit, as gouache is very water-soluble.
The grayscale.
Even after the paint had dried, when I applied the color wash, it mixed the grays around. That's how I learned just how water-soluble gouache is. It's like painting with thick watercolors.
The finished piece. For now, at least. I may apply more touchups later, but it's done for now. Media used: gouache on an acrylic wash.
I'm liking the gouache. For my next project, I plan to use it, perhaps do a mixed-media, as I like how acrylics aren't as water-soluble, and since I layer my paint, it's better that the medium doesn't dissolve the layer beneath it. But, for a quick experiment, I like the results, and it gave me some experience with using gouache.