Some more info about Rencoguista:
TOYSUP!#03 富野インタビュー
宇宙を背景にして潜水艦が出せる 海の底には水を支える構造物があるので間を縫う戦闘シーンも出せる
TOYSUP!#03 Tomino Interview
-Capital Tower was built on the first year of RC. They started building the space side first. Mankind moved residence to near to the rail network to wait for the exhausted earth and nature to recover.
-The surviving spacenoids from the UC era, you might call them remnants, build their own place on the far side of the moon and oppose the capital tower.
-There's a colony of water/ocean near Venus. What mankind needs most, psychologically, when away from Earth, is the sea. 100 km diameter 150m wide disc. He envisioned a disc of water just floating in space and decided it'd be a great image. Now there can be submarines in space. Also there's a structure below it holding up the water where battle scenes can take place.
-Reconquista (not guista in here) means the rebirth of Gundam, NOT a retaking.
-The reason for depopulation and environmental degradation is the wars for supremacy that took place during the UC era.
マニニィ 「ベルリィに負けるな! ルイン!」
ノレド 「ベルリィ! 三千五百回生を盛り上げろ!」
ベルリィ 「あっ!?」後ろからドツかれて、つんのめるが、踏み止まる。
ルイン 「(誰にいうともなく)年下を辱めるなよ!」
生徒A 「今の体の動きだって、尊敬しちゃうよぉ」
生徒B 「ルインこそ総監殿に取り入ろうって、ベルリィをかばうのか!? さすがだなぁ」
ベルリィ 「あれ!?」
□ 校庭の別の場所
生徒A 「あれ、どこの女子だ!?」
生徒B 「キャピタタァーが監視している女子のはずだぜ?」
ノレドたち 「(オフ)ウォォォォ!」
ルイン 「もういいから! マニニィ、この子どうしたんだよ」
マニニィ 「あたしたちのクラスに編入してきたんだよ。記憶が戻るまで面倒みろってさ」
Scenario (script) sample from a book Tomino wrote on the basics of visual media that went on sale in 2011
First half of an episode, "When the G's G-Setter activates!"
"Grendodard and Saint Lason Academy" instead of the "Saint Flower academy"
tl;dr Belry defeated a woman pirate and her robot is being kept in a warehouse in the school; the "Capitator" is afraid because said robot wasn't made in Ameria.
Space Elevator book
-The UC era used up most of Earth's resources and manking is coming close to extinction
-RC didn't bring back heavy industry but focused it on around the capital tower
-Capital tower's capital means capital as in economic terms
-RC's population is under 1/10th (of UC's?)
-The tower's in the amazon because Tomino thought that'd probably be the only place on Earth where greenery is left at all
-The base of the tower can move between the river and sea.
-They messed up the size of the gondola but instead of fixing it just have the MS connect to it.
-Space elevator's speed is 500km/h
-Top of the capital tower is a religious place, holy land
-Story is to ask the children of 10+ years to think about what to do with Earth 50 years from now
Gundam exhibition Tomino interview
-G-Reco will feature love, romanticism and adventure
-By featuring the problems of modern society he wants children to think about said problems
-The Cuntara are the people who became food when mankind turned to cannibalism at the brink of extinction. They represent the problem of racism, the horrors of the collapse of society, and the depths of human sin
-(Why go so far?) Because children in puberty watch anime. From Triton he learned that there's a strong possibility of anime speaking to children in puberty. Even if it's fantasy, a good story will make the viewer think of how to apply what they have learned to real life. There is a circuit in there that leads to the real world.
-When creating G-Reco, Tomino made note of how children aren't watching Gundam anymore and is trying his best to make a show for kids.
-If it were his usual thing that viewers' age would rise.
-In order to keep the story to the basics he consulted young staff and sought their opinions on everything.
-G-Reco has a stronger message of co-existence than other previous Gundam series.
-Mankind went as far as to cannibalism but after a thousand years learned to forgive.
-This dark background is to tell the next generation "you don't want that to happen, do you?"
-Tomino doesn't think humanity is THAT stupid