Who here likes retro games for their fantastic difficulty levels? I do.
So last year I beat a few games, like Strider and Bionic Commando, which were very satisfying. More recently I've been hardpressed to either find games I can beat or beat the impossibly hard ones I've tried and tried to beat.
I recently beat Dracula X, though that game isn't really that hard. Mostly I managed to get the best ending by not falling to Stage 4', which always pissed me off to a great extent when I fell.
I haven't yet, but will someday, beat Ninja Gaiden 2, Castlevania, and Sonic 1 & 2. Those Sonic games are rough. I always wind up at Silver Sonic / Robotnik with a bunch of lives and continues, and bleed them all out fast as hell. I made it past when Jacquio revives in Ninja Gaiden 2. Every little bit helps polish my skills for next time. I made it to stage 5 in Castlevania, which is further than I'd ever made it (I just got it a few months ago), but the game froze up as I struck a red skeleton on my 3rd or 4th try at the stage (lol NES).
This is my Amazon games wishlist:
http://amzn.com/w/1I4QMT57G7GA0 Of highest interest to me are Ninja Gaiden 3, Castlevania 3, and Castlevania Bloodlines, as far as new territory is concerned. Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and Zelda 2 are rebuys for me for stuff that skipped moves. Actraiser 1 & 2 are games I've never played that I'm waiting to own the physical cartridge so as to have an unmolested authentic experience.
I'm also very much interested in playing Hyperstone Heist. I've never played it, but it's kind of a different animal because it's a game I would never play without a partner.
Chrono Trigger, like the Actraisers, I'm really interested in playing. I want something slightly complex and a little RPG. I beat Chrono Trigger once, but on my friend's cartridge. I need my own copy lol.
Is there such a thing as a strategy guide for Battle Network 1? I can't seem to find one. But that's not exactly on-topic lol.