Best Arcade SFII Hack, Ever?

Started by N-Mario, January 09, 2014, 04:04:27 AM

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Whoever is working on this CPS1 arcade hack of SFII, is a [tornado fang]ing, BRILLIANT GENIUS! - Boxer - Claw - Sagat - Dictator - Dictator again, different video uploader.

I don't know who it is, but I think this is the best SFII World Warrior Hack I have ever seen in my life. These videos seem to look like the hack is 100% finished. Yet, there is little to no information of this particular hack in progress. I'm trying to do more research on the author(s) of this hack, but all I picked up are SNES hack versions, or older unfinished hacks like Yumeji's version. The videos above are the only things I can find about this particular Arcade SFII hack being in existence.

I'm not entirely sure why this hack being held back by a couple of people. I would really LOVE to play this hack. :)


So what is the hack exactly? The ability to play as the boss chars?


Yes. To be exact, the way they were programmed in the original SFII World Warrior is much more different than the way you could play tas hem in SFII'CE. :)

Here's the info about the Boss differences for anyone who does NOT know.

* M.Bison/Vega (Dictator)
- All attacks use fierce punch sound effect.
- Psycho Crusher only hits once. Beginning frame lasts a little longer before flying forwards.
- Scissor Kick/Knee Press is a single Fierce Kick attack rather than a special move.
- Slide is used with standing light kick, instead of crouching strong/fierce kick.
- Head Stomp links either into a Skull Dive, or a Reverse/Backwards kick, exclusive to SF2-WW.
- Crouching Punch attack is missing recovery frames.

* Balrog/M.Bison (Boxer)
- Has a stationary Turn Punch special move.
- Standing Medium & Fierce Punch attacks are reversed as morre known from Champion Edition.
- Missing a tripping attack.
- Missing throw frames.

* Sagat
- Standing punch animations are reversed.
- Tiger Shot throw frames have shorter recovery times.
- Missing a tripping attack.
- Missing throw frames.

* Vega/Balrog (Claw)
- Guarding has no stand frame.
- Climbs on invisible cages on a stage.
- All crouching kicks trip opponents.
- Rolling Claw only rolls once, no matter which button is suppsoedly pressed.
- When claw is attached, most stand/crouch attacks usually miss opponents when walking against their bodies.

So yea. A lot of M.Bison's attacks in this are World Warrior exclusive, which this hack will allow us to play the bosses this way. :)
It seems like it's unreleased hack from what I can tell from doing research. But I don't know what they're waiting for to release it. It looks finished to me.

