How come PSX emulation has loading times?

Started by Align, December 05, 2013, 11:16:15 PM

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I mean, without a CD to spin up, surely it should be nearly instant, since modern hard-drives are so much faster than CD readers back then...


It needs proper loading sync and timing (just like the Mega CD emulation, there is CONFIG PERFECT SYNC or something) to make sure that nothing breaks during gameplay.

There are parameters in the ISO and/or emulator that defines what the correct reading speed should be to make sure that files load properly.

Of course there are fast loading settings you can change and what not, but that could be troublesome for the game itself. Some example of games that won't work proper is The Misadventures of Tron Bonne.
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Loading times aren't always just about the CD or the CD drive speed. The console needs time in order to pull the data from the correct part and load it into the Playstation's RAM. With a cartridge, there aren't load times because the console can access the data instantaneously.

It's like if you're looking for something in your house.  Imagine that a cartridge would be just  like an organized shed in your backyard and you can find anything because you have everything organized and it's within arm's reach. With a CD, imagine a normal house that can have several rooms, but you can put more things within the house verses the cartridge shed. You will actually have to get up, remember where you put it, go to that room, look and acquire it, then bring it back to where you were.


Well yeah, but the parts loading the data and the RAM itself are also that much faster than they were back with the Playstation, so I'd expect it to be considerably faster.
I guess if the devs built around the loading times being there in their game, they'd have to be enforced by the emulator, though.