Help extracting music from a GB file!

Started by Mathazad, October 07, 2013, 10:21:16 AM

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Hey I'm fairly new to these forums so I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section,
basically I need some help extracting music files from a GameBoy rom file.

I would like to extract all of the original music files from the original Pokemon Green game to mainly have a look at the Lavender Town theme and possibly put to rest the "Missing Frequency" theory + Plus I'm kind of interested in hearing and listening to all of the old music untouched.

I've had a look at an old post but it didn't particularly help me, I need something that will work preferably on mac but it's fine if it'll work on Windows.  >0<
All help appreciated :)



Yea, there's nothing there for Pokemon Green.

Allegedly, this program makes GBS files, but it's more of a disassembly tool and it's written in Japanese. You're supposed to load the file, hit the rectangle button above L4 Map, hit CTRL+S, select BIN and check the GBS file checkbox. I couldn't get it to play back in my Audio Overload program, so maybe it requires more tinkering:

If this seems too much trouble, I'd suggest having your emulator record the sound.


Yeah no, thanks for the reply!
I'll try have a look at both of your links. I would have just recorded the sound, but I would have never been able to use that in a spectogram as it's not the original .wav file.

- As a side note: I'm not even sure what format the files inside are going to be i.e. mp3, wav or some other format made for the gameboy. 


I'm not exactly sure how they insert music in the ROMs, but usually, you can extract a GBS file from it and then have a program convert a piece of music to other audio formats


Quote from: Hiryu on October 08, 2013, 06:06:16 PM
I'm not exactly sure how they insert music in the ROMs
You know, I'd be VERY interested if anyone actually knew how to do that...  I did some digging a while back but wasn't able to find anything.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and


Most of the time you have to rely on using existing tools, or do some Hexadecimal editing with a Hex editor, finding the string of code that has the music in it, and replace it with your own stuff.

And then there are guides for other platforms as well:
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