VG Music Thread

Started by Acid, December 29, 2008, 04:09:12 AM

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I'm gonna go ahead and post stuff that people may not quite expect from me, but here goes.

Chrono Cross music deserves more love. Overall the game may be more inferior than Chrono Trigger (in most people's opinions, including my own), but the music was beautiful.

Chrono Cross - Scars of Time
Chrono Cross - Star Stealing Girl
Chrono Cross - Prisoners of Fate
Chrono Cross - The Dream that Time Dreams
Chrono Cross - On the Beach of Dreams ~Another World~

I'll keep it at that for now.


Quote from: RMX on December 31, 2008, 04:09:50 PM

Click Me. 8D

Also, some more favorites:

The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker - Sage Raruto
The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker - Farewell Hyrule King  :'(
Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic Ambiance (David Wise is a [tornado fang]ing GOD.)
Banjo-Kazooie - Click Clock Wood (Lobby)
Click Clock Wood (Spring)
Click Clock Wood (Summer)
Click Clock Wood (Fall, my favorite version)
Click Clock Wood (Winter)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Torvus Bog ~Submerged Temple~ (I love this song. Remixing Maridia's theme was a great idea.)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Sanctuary Fortress (BEST. METROID. LEVEL. EVER. With awesome music to boot!)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Quadraxis Guardian Battle (Bosses were so [tornado fang]ing awesome in this game, and their themes were great!)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Emperor Ing 1 (Oppressive. That's the only word for this one. Also, insert Acid quote about boss battle music here)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Emperor Ing 2 (Round two however sounds like the music that'd play when the underdog catches it's second wind.)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Title
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Bryyo
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Rundas Battle (One of the best boss battle themes I've heard in my life.)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Omega Ridley

Actually, after showing so much Metroid Prime love, I'd love to hear some opinions on what Prime game had the best music in your opinions.

Da Dood

Corruption is probably the most underappreciated game on the Wii.

Best music's still at Prime 1, though. :D

Also, kudos on Click Clock Wood. Summer is my favorite, as I'm a sucker for cheesy videogame waltz (see Super Mario Bros. underwater theme and the masterpiece that is Super Mario Galaxy's Observatory mk-III).

Protoman Blues

Mario Kart 64 - Circuit

In all of Mario Kart, this is my favorite theme to race to.

Mario Kart 64 - Highway

Real Karters do this track on Mirror Mode!

Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram - Burning Inside

One of my favorite tracks from my favorite game of all time! 

Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram - Sweet Tragedy Of Dreams

The amount of times that Ninja Lou and I have battled to this song is countless.   8D

Virtual On: Cyber Troopers - Into The Blue Sky

Temjin's theme from the first Virtual On game! 

Also done in 8-Bit with a kick ass picture some of you might like...  8D


Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 31, 2008, 06:34:45 PM
Mario Kart 64 - Circuit

In all of Mario Kart, this is my favorite theme to race to.

Mario Kart 64 - Highway

Real Karters do this track on Mirror Mode!

Mario Kart 64 is godly. Music & game. That is all. XD


Does anyone remember this? I still think this game is underrated.

Protoman Blues

Wow Bubsy.  I haven't played that game in a long time.  Great game.


The Sonic "copycat". Collecting yarn like you do rings. One hit and you're gone. x3

Quote from: Fxeni on December 31, 2008, 08:24:51 PM
Does anyone remember this? I still think this game is underrated.

Oh I do remember it, and I think so too. ^^
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Protoman Blues


The Drunken Dishwasher

oh snap Fxeni got to Chrono Cross before me.  Same w/ Da Dood on KI.

hmm.  Okay i'll link what I can, starting w/ TERRANIGMA! (i'll trust Vixy on Illusion of Gaia and Soulblazer)

Opening - Terranigma
Crysta - Terranigma
Underworld - Terranigma
Ressurection - Terranigma
Elle's Theme - Terranigma
Overworld - Terranigma
Zue - Terranigma
Leim's Quest - Terranigma
Boss Fight - Terranigma
Lhasa - Terranigma
Wandering People - Terranigma
New Waters - Terranigma (guitar strings is hard to hear  O^O)
Perel's Theme - Terranigma
Lloyd's Theme - Terranigma
Dark Gaia Battle - Terranigma
Final Day - Terranigma
Ending Theme - Terranigma

Damn, this game deserves a VC download or a DS Port (or a Soulblazer Trilogy collection for the DS)  O^O

Hmph, I see some DKC here huh?

Life in the Mines - DKC1
Cave Dweller Concert - DKC1, 2:35 makes this worth it really IMO
Northern Hemispheres - DKC1, I think we all agree on the power build up of this theme w/ the snow from the background coming closer and closer owo

! Gundam Wing Endless Duel!  :D
Lady Une and Vayeate - Gundam W Endless Duel
Versus - Gundam Wing Endless Duel

i'll spread more Chrono Cross love (though i'm part of the bunch who thinks Cross is a wonderful distant sequel to Trigger)
Let's see what Fxeni already posted...okay!
Fields of Time ~Home World~ - Chrono Cross
Drowned Valley - Chrono Cross
Forest of Illusion - Chrono Cross
Fortress of Ancient Dragons - Chrono Cross
Dragon's Prayer - Chrono Cross (for a Final Dungeon, this is something else  :) )
Dragon God - Chrono Cross
Radical Dreamers - Chrono Cross

KI...i'll do it in another post, practically the whole soundtrack of both 1 and 2 deserves a listen.  I still hope for a 3 >:

now for 10 random themes I like from random games

Dick Gumshoe - Phoenix Wright (THAT'S RIGHT!)
Passionate Rhythm - Romancing Saga Minstrel Song
Battle Vs Lord Blazer - WA2nd Ignition - WA Rocking Heart Album
Roswell Sortie! - Yggdra Union (for SRPG fans, I RECCOMEND this game :) )
Main Theme Orchestral Version - Parasite Eve
Under the Moonlight - Radical Dreamers
All You Have To Do is Practise! - Rivera The Promised Land
Big Battle - Digital Devil Saga
Last Map - SMT 3: Nocturne
Sinistral Battle - Lufia 2

i'll do another long ass post cuz I love this thread and you doodz~


Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
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Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


My VG Music list would be entirely too insanely long to be practical.  However, I feel the need to post a tune I recorded, lost in a previous reformat, and finally went hunting for today.  And I'm quite ashamed of all of you that in three pages nobody beat me to it. :P

Yoshi's Story ending, a.k.a. the most insanely cute piece of VG music ever.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and


Yoshi's Island - Flower Garden

I love humming along to that one. Had someone join in with me in the past... was fun :P


Oh, and one other thing.  It's almost a year old, but I didn't track it down until a few weeks ago:
a kickass Toxic Seahorse remix on Newgrounds.

Now THAT is how the PS1 tracks should have done it. 8)
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and


Now I know some of you don't like Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (for reasons I quite frankly don't understand, to be honest) but I'm sure some of you will agree that Bowser's Battle theme kicks ass.