Rock Miyabi's 2009 Valentine's Day Contest

Started by Rock Miyabi, December 28, 2008, 07:51:10 AM

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Yllisos Zanon


Plus, I am looking forward in judging.  Because the more the day draws nearer, sick and twisted I become.  Looking forward to it already.  -u-'
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw


Mine is so good it's inconceivable within the natural laws of reality, so while I fix that minor detail its existence is impossible.

Sky Child


I'm mailing the original to Starry Omega tomorrow, and i'm going to make copies to hand out to my friends. YES THE BACK IS HALF-ASSED I KNOW SHUT UP

If I remember the rules right, I can just post the card entry here if I want to. But if that changed and disqualifies this then I'll just make another one. UNTIL I WIN.


My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Protoman Blues

Rock Miyabi

Quote from: Sky Child on January 16, 2009, 07:38:27 AM
If I remember the rules right, I can just post the card entry here if I want to. But if that changed and disqualifies this then I'll just make another one. UNTIL I WIN.
You're cool to post it wherever, so it counts. Love the cheese factor on the front. It didn't have to be a painful concept for this category, but I'm LOLing at the inside as well. Adding to the confirmed list again.
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.


In the end, I cant be assed to make something.. ;O;
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Sky Child


If I'm to make anything it's going to be rushed in the last few days, just like school papers. That's part of the charm.

Rock Miyabi

Thanks for the bump, Sky. Because I've sooo~ failed at doing so... -u-' Stupid life.

Anyhow, yep, just about 5 days to go. Deadline is this Friday at Midnight CST. I've updated my confirmed list, so right now we stand at 5 entrants for Category 1 and only 2 people for Category 2. Uh hello, right now you can just submit anything for that category and place, people!

As random items that I have no problem giving away for Category 2 winners right now (if you don't want to pick out a cheap prize and WANT these), I can also offer a brand new copy of the Star Force 2 Wave Command Card Kit or any Ryuusei anime settei that I have doubles of (they are mere photocopies remember, but still more than rare memorabilia) including these:

Posted on: February 09, 2009, 06:09:17 AM
0v0 25 hours left before the deadline!! ENTER!!! NOW!! 8D


Posted on: February 13, 2009, 05:27:44 AM
*shrug* I guess participation will always hover at this number. Thank you all who entered!!!  8)

Well, looks like we ended up with 9 total for Category 1, and only 3 of those people also entered Cat. 2. And I didn't see anyone play along with Maqqy's incentive deal at TMMN or dA, so no extra entries there. So that means Tabby, Sky Child and PressStart all automatically win something for that category. Yeesh, so much for me randomly choosing winners for that...and so much for trying to get people to be nice and send each other cards. Nobody even bribed me with a Valentine. :-[ :P

Ideally, I would have rather waited until the judging was done for people to post their entries for Category 1. But as it is I had to work today so I have yet to give the judges the entries to judge, plus a couple already are on dA, and today is V-Day after all. So anybody here can go ahead and post their entries in their threads if they want. But judges: no commenting on them yet until you're done submitting your results to me!

Hope to have results ASAP, but probably will be a couple days. Contacting judges now.
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.

Sky Child

I'm going to watch this thread like a mother hawk.

Shinichameleon / Nayim


Ah crap, I should've drawn stick figures on Friday night

Shinichameleon / Nayim


I wanted to win a MMZOCW participate but I managed poorly my time didn't have time

Rock Miyabi

HAWK SCREEEEECH! It's time to announce the winners!

I want to once again thank everyone who submitted an entry and all my volunteer judges. It's nice that there is always someone new who tries their hand in this each year, both drawing and judging. I personally did not participate in the judging after Haly K volunteered, so there would be at least one more female judge to attempt to balance things out.

As stated before, there were 9 total entries for Category 1, which was the "Love Hurts" theme. Judging was a bit all over the place, which I felt was a good thing. No one person was voted to the same place by more than 3 judges. And many of the final placings were just separated by a few points. So it was a good, tough-to-choose competition. You all had very different and creative ways of interpreting the theme, and I was really glad to see that. I'll probably comment on them all myself later at some point.

I will be PM'ing all three winners as soon as I can, after I post this everywhere. Without further ado, here are the entries and final results, along with some randomly selected comments from our judges:

Our first place winner is: DRACOZOMBIE
with a wacky love affair between Elec Man, Crash Man and...a fake leg?

Haly K said: "Truly, this is the most creative entry in my opinion. You can't get more original and hilarious than an ElecManxfake leg pairing!"

Protoman Blues said: "Dracozombie has always had a fantastic sense of humor with her art, especially with ElecMan and CrashMan drawings.  An interesting and crazy way of showing one's broken heart!"

Dr. Wily II said: "This one is way unexpected. Elec falling in love with a plastic mannequin leg? Woah, I wonder what happened to him in his past love life. Add Crash consoling him, also didn't expect that, since Crash is like, the demo man of the family. The ending was a twist too."

linkfreak131 said: "I really enjoyed this comic, and I liked the fact that there were, virtually, no words to it; only pictures. The fact that this "love story" isn't about one of the main characters falling in love with another main character in the series, but, a completely random mannequin leg, was totally original. I found myself laughing through most of it, which was a good thing. xD"

In second place is: SKY CHILD (now also known as Jewel Man)
with Tornado Man's love being burnt to a crisp by Heat Man

Protoman Blues said: "For me, I think Sky Child really put her very creative mind to work with this one.  It fits the theme of Love Hurts & Broken Hearts so well, especially the combination of the look on TornadoMan's face as well as the drawing of broken SplashWoman stuffed in a Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket.  The innocent look on HeatMan's face is also priceless."

Haly K said: "Kentucky Fried Mermaid? Best idea yet! I also love HeatMan's 'innocent' expression."

Unknown Neo said: "Funny but wrong. Heatman is crazy."

Dr. Wily II said: "Well, KFS sounds delicious until you find out it's your lover in the bucket, plus Heat Man acting as the angel is priceless, he who cooked the fish..."

Coming in third is: TABBY
with (Hide your eyes, children) sexy Sigma ready to nab an army of fangirls

Yllisos Zanon said: "This picture is as funny as it is disturbing. No surprise that Sigma is a romantic."

Ok, seriously, Baldy, eh, I mean Sigma gets a spotlight, a really bright one... XD"

Protoman Blues said: "Tabby here made Sigma's already sexy look even more sexier, with his new devious plot.  The rose in his mouth also helps as well.  Bravo, Tabby.  Sigma should have more fangirls really really soon!"

Rounding out the rest of the competitors were these fine pics~

with another Tornado x Splash pairing:

Haly K said: "This seems so simple yet romantic. And yet sad at the same time, considering the artist's comment. Let's hope there's a happy ending for the two love birds~"

linkfreak131 said: "Although I feel like I could get really nitpicky at the anatomy in this piece, I really like the concept. The background is really pretty and really sets in the mood for "devastation". The cracks in their armor must have taken quite some time as well. Over all, it is very nice, and it's certainly different than most of the other entries."

with Tron's alluring appeal being no match for Trigger

linkfreak131 said: "The art is totally adorable in this! I think this was the only entry that had a Valentine in it, so it certainly fit in with the theme. The Servbots seem a bit on the random side in the picture, but they are cute none the less."

Unknown Neo said: "Funny and fitting. Tron likes MM Volnut, but so does Roll. And the Wrench is funny. Also Servbots."

Mona Risa
with a cutout criss-cross of .EXE lovers:

linkfreak131 said: "This definitely fits the theme very well. xD I'm glad a pictured was added along with the photograph since the photo seemed kinda foggy and out of focused... I can see what you decided to draw it out. xD It certainly made me laugh a little bit. Glad to see you attempted to do something a little bit "outside of the box" with the photograph."

Unknown Neo said: "Great with the dolls as that requires more to do it. But it is cute."

who, through Gemini Man, shows that you can't love another without loving yourself first:

linkfreak131 said: "It took me awhile to realize that that was a mirror Roll was holding... But, I really do like it. xD It's funny that he fell in love with his reflection... Kinda like Narricist. xD I like the "quick drawing" style it has, as well. =)"

Unknown Neo said: "Geminiman is a narcisist and likes mirrors. So it's funny and true. Plus the art is a fun style."

with the classic sad tale of Zero and Iris:

Dr. Wily II said: "This one lacks humour, but makes up for it in emotion with Zero mourning over Iris. Seriously, a touching scene."

Unknown Neo said: "A very nice, simple style."

with a love triangle comic between Roll.EXE, Rockman.EXE and Devil Roll:

Dr. Wily II said: "So...Evil Roll sends out viruses to disrupt Rock and Roll's date, and in the confusion, Evil Roll snatches Rock from Roll, and a cliffhanger ending? Well, I would like to see this continued, that's for sure."

linkfreak131 said: "In the end, this was actually kind of cute. ^_^ I can tell you worked pretty hard on this, but I would have liked some sort of development in the storyline. What happens in the end?"

As mentioned before, there were just three entrants who participated in Category 2, so they all will get something. In the case of Tabby and Sky, it's a little something extra on top of their Category 1 prize, or can be a little extra money towards something more expensive that they want. But here were those V-Day card entries if you have not seen them yet:

Sky Child (language warning):



Congrats to everyone!!
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.

Sky Child

my reaction to not being in first place

Congrats, Dracozombie. ROUND TWO IS NEXT YEAR.

I know I'll eventually win one of these things if I never leave you alone.

Shinichameleon / Nayim

Congratulations Dracozombie 8)
Thank goodness my art finally show up >U< I'm so happy  O^O (Yes, i know i was 4th place but thats ok, at least i gonna practice again XD)

Especially Heatman 8D :cookie:

Dr. Wily II

Hehe, all were great, it's really hard to decide...
Either way, congrats to all you winners and participtants! 8)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Sniper X

Congratulations Dracozombie!

I might enter next year if my art is improved.

Shinichameleon / Nayim

Quote from: Sniper X on February 16, 2009, 02:57:02 PM
Congratulations Dracozombie!

I might enter next year if my art is improved.

I would to see that your improved art 8), correct me if i wrong :\

Yllisos Zanon

Hey, Miyabi, are us judges allowed on how we ranked the judging, or will you be posting how each judge ranked the contest?

Dracozombie, congrats.  Sky Chi... I mean, Jewel (Wo)Man...  -u-'  Good luck next year.  Tabby, you earned points for making the most disturbing pic in this contest, despite any possible blindness.   -_-
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw

Dr. Wily II

Most disturbing? I rather loved the whole concept of it. 8D XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Shinichameleon / Nayim

Quote from: Dr. Wily II on February 16, 2009, 04:40:31 PM
Most disturbing? I rather loved the whole concept of it. 8D XD

Even everyone "loves" Sigma's body...... :o what i say again?