If you could change anything you want in the X series, what would it be?

Started by Irregular Ass-R-Us, August 08, 2013, 05:12:05 PM

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Irregular Ass-R-Us

Indeed i notice that so yet again thanks  :) .

Anyway back to the topic i agree that there should be more humans involved in it so that we could see what they are doing since nearly though out the whole series there are barely any human appearances in any of the X games and also the X series could use exploration like the Zero series did.

So it gives you a feeling of being an actual Irregular Hunter and also interact with NPCs within the base


Sakura Leic

Quote from: Fxeni on August 09, 2013, 12:33:01 AM
I would have had Zero and Sigma stay dead after X1. Yup.
As much as I love Zero, I have to agree with that.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Quote from: Sakura Leic on August 09, 2013, 12:38:51 AM
As much as I love Zero, I have to agree with that.
If anything they should Keep Zero alive until later.
Actually have him survive the encounter then die after killing Iris.
This way when he dies you're actually invested in the character.
They did the best job they could to convey their bond given the tools of the trade in '93 but it's still hard to care for him from that game alone.
At least that is how I feel.

Irregular Ass-R-Us

I think that Zero should die as he did in X5 because at the end when X and Zero because i think it felt right after everything they have been through which feels right.


I would keep Sigma as the antagonist. He's too integral to each game to omit.  However, he does need more focus and better characterization instead of just appearing at the end as the obligatory final boss. Irregular Hunter X was a step in the right direction.

That said, focus and characterization is one of the biggest issues with the whole of the X-series. X needs more attention as the main character of all games, perhaps taking some ideas from Iwamoto, whereas Zero needs more attention in X3 for his upcoming role as an antagonist. It's just weird how the most virus-centric story does not involve the red one at all.

Other than that, the whole Wily - Zero - Virus matter needs to be explained in great detail in those respective games. Dr. Light could also stand to have a more active role in informing X about the situation.

Irregular Ass-R-Us

I agree with you Zan.

X does indeed need more more attention than Zero and i think X4 didn't show much about X but focused more on Zero , Also gameplay wise Zero is a little overpowered for me especially in X5. Sigma should also have more of a back story rather than being a generic antagonist, there should be more about his past when he was commander Sigma. Also maybe a re-design for sigma. But i also think there should be multiple antagonists other than Sigma.   

Sigma Zero X

The ending of Mega Man X Command Mission should include Massimo, Marino, and Cinnamon.  These three get no love or attention in most of the story, especially the final battle and ending.  While I can make use of them post-game (especially against Ninetails), the story is ruined and is a slap in the face to fans of these three party members.
"Well.  This is just delightful!" - Marino, from Mega Man X Command Mission

Irregular Ass-R-Us

Quite true. I think command mission as a whole is quite underated and i think in future games they should be futured along with other new characters.

