Hearing Spider-Blues cheer for teamwork irked Hierophant, knowing he'd have to deal with this mutual ringleader once he finds the opportunity to pull them on board.
"I seriously hope they take me seriously...." he sighs while dropping his elbow back on its respected armrest and running his hand over his face.
"A true leader does what they can to prove their worth as the operator of teams," Ittetsu said.
"That's easy for you to say," Hierophant groans, "Ryuta could shout one word and everyone will be standing to attention without trying. I'd be lucky if I don't end up using Justice's Spellblade to prove my right to lead that group."
"The best you can do is stay put and wait for that moment to arrive," Ittetsu suggests, "Getting hot and bothered is only going to further question everyone's decision to follow you, and take seriously the duties of this squad."
Hierophant compresses his lips as he slumps a bit into the command chair, going into a bit of a meditation to try and calm himself down while the Surtur fight rages on.