Mega Man 42 - Released!

Started by Servadac, June 30, 2013, 12:23:46 AM

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It's nice to see a new game posted in here that's actually almost done.

You said in the blog that you've fixed things up a bit since the video was made, but I didn't see anything wrong with it aside from a few things needing polish. Off the top of my mind, the physics on the bed platforms was the only thing I really thought could use some, maybe cap your terminal velocity if you can.

Overall, well done.
Quote from: Flame on September 26, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations


Quote from: Reaperoid on June 30, 2013, 02:42:42 PM
It's nice to see a new game posted in here that's actually almost done.

You said in the blog that you've fixed things up a bit since the video was made, but I didn't see anything wrong with it aside from a few things needing polish. Off the top of my mind, the physics on the bed platforms was the only thing I really thought could use some, maybe cap your terminal velocity if you can.

Overall, well done.

Thanks for your comment. If you look closely at the video you can see the Megaman sprite glitch out a few times, that's mostly what I've fixed and also the physics engine a bit. I assumed Megaman couldn't make a four-tile gap jump but apparently he can so I fixed that. Regarding the bed it's kind of supposed to make the character hard to control but I can see if maybe I can make a cap.


Heys!  :D Its nice you have Roll in there! I'll just nit-pick on the screenies of her. On the 'Player Select Character', Roll has a red chest armor but her player sprite has none.


Quote from: Zynk on July 05, 2013, 05:25:39 PM
Heys!  :D Its nice you have Roll in there! I'll just nit-pick on the screenies of her. On the 'Player Select Character', Roll has a red chest armor but her player sprite has none.

Yeah, I gave this some thought as well. I think her sprite would look kinda weird with the chest armor and it's nicer to keep it in line with Megaman's sprite. Also the Robot Masters look different from the concept art as well, obviously you just can't draw that many details when you only have 32x32 to work with.


Look forward to giving it a try!  :)


Game needs some serious graphics touch up.  If you're still looking for a music composer, I'll give it a shot.  Just tell me where I can download the sound fonts.  I can do pixel arts too.


Bumping because of new trailer. Re: the above gentleman I plan on releasing a redux version of the game with better tile sprites at some point. Don't have time to do it for this release because of various reasons but I'm aware of it.


Nice to hear that things are still on track for getting an original soundtrack in there, and now I realize that as I posted this I forgot to get back to you on something - really sorry about that, I got occupied with some other things that I ended up forgetting about it.

Can't wait to get to hear the rest of the soundtrack, that last theme in the trailer sounded pretty catchy.


Whenever I see fan-made Megaman games, I always wonder if I could make sprites for such games. I really want to touch up Roll over there. But I really don't have much free time.  O^O

Still, I'm expecting another cool Megaman fan game. Good job!  owob


I'm going to quote a line from the indiedb page you guys have set up for this game:

QuoteMega Man 42 is made in the style of the original Mega Man for NES. Because of this many of the newer features are not to be found in the game, such as Mega Man's slide and charge-up buster. There are no E-tanks either. This to preserve the challenge of the game instead of watering it out with features that do not add to the gameplay, and instead detract from it by making it too easy. A Password system has been implemented however.
For reference:

I don't mean to be completely antagonistic, but this sounds fundamentally wrong on so many levels that it just hurts my brain. First of all, your notion that the aspects of sliding, a chargeable buster, and E-Tanks "water out" gameplay and add nothing to it are completely untrue. ALL of these aspects add depth to the gameplay elements of Mega Man. They make for different possibilities and present the player with more basic options in how they can approach certain situations. By removing these aspects, you are essentially removing any sense of depth from your game.

Based on the trailer and what you stated on your site, it definitely looks like this is going off of aspects from the very first Mega Man game. While I might be alone on this one, I don't think this is such a good idea. Dumbing down the gameplay back to the very basics would make the game seem far more outdated than it would challenging or interesting. This is also paired with the fact that you're not choosing to incorporate a save feature. I'm not shy to admit that I absolutely loathe the notion of passwords, considering all they do is waste several minutes of time either trying to remember them or write them down in order to pick up your progress. Essentially, they seem like the lazy way out of actually programming a functioning save feature.

Other than all of that...I don't even think I need to comment on anything else (graphics, music, etc). They all speak for themselves as a foreboding warning through that trailer.



Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PM
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PM
Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


I could deal with the no slide, charge and loss of E-Tanks. But not being able to save in this day and age, is ridiculous. I don't mean to be harsh, but I simply don't have to time to play the game in one sitting. Barely any of us do. We've all got jobs and lives and families, so not being able to record your progress and being expected to blow through the whole thing in a few hours is just not the luxury that all of us have. Especially if you work in retail. My hours have jumped up quite a bit due to the approaching Holiday season, and I do plenty of work in the field of musical journalism on the spare. Playing games are a bit of a cool-down from work, so I take about an hour or so at most to play and to sometimes record on Youtube. So if there's no password system, I think I'll just run through a few levels, post the work on Youtube to show people what to expect, and probably not touch it again after that.


I just got done testing this game out for an hour or so. Even though my expectations weren't exactly high for this game to begin with (refer to my first post in this thread), I tried to go into this with a bit of an optimistic outlook. Unfortunately however, that outlook came back to bite me harder than I could ever imagine.

Right now, I'm doing everything in my power to type all of this without exploding into a sea of anger that would make even the most vulgar and hate-fueled forum goers cringe in anguish. For the longest while, I proclaimed "Mega Man Rocks" to be the absolute king of garbage when it came to poorly made fan-games...but not anymore. There are so many different problems with this game that it's not even funny. It's actually gotten to the point where I'm highly considering ripping off Joseph Collins' style of creating a list that pin-points every last complaint and bug with the game. However, I don't feel inclined to do so right now (mostly considering I haven't beaten the game yet). For now though, I'll briefly describe some of the major aspects that make me think so negatively on this game.

- The overall engine is extremely flawed in more than one way. Movement, scrolling, and among other aspects feel so off that it barely feels like I'm playing a game inspired by the mechanics of Mega Man.

- Movement in particular is extremely awkward. Upon reaching the peak of your jump, Mega Man/Roll seems to hover slightly in mid-air for roughly half a second. This makes jumping around on platforms (some of which are constructed and positioned in such asinine ways) extremely awkward.

- The recoil from damage in this game is just insane. Every single time you take a hit, you'll be sent flying backwards at an alarming rate. The distance you get thrown from damage is much greater than in any other official Mega Man game as well. All of this pretty much guarantees a few cheap deaths from being flung into bottomless bits.

- The graphics are outright atrocious looking. Nearly everything in the game, especially the Robot Masters, look like they were done up in MS Paint in about 3 minutes. The overall look of most of the things found in this game is completely unlike Mega Man in almost every single aspect.

- A good chunk of the music is outright ear-bleeding. Missile Man and Sand Man's stage themes are easily among the worst of the bunch. The composition on these pieces is either extremely bland, completely unlike that of a Mega Man game, or so jumbled and ear-piercing that it becomes unbearable to listen to.

- The level design is absolutely wretched. I understand this is supposed to be taking after Mega Man 1, and while that game did have its fair share of flaws in its level design, it doesn't even come anywhere close to this game. A good example of this is in Missile Man's stage - primarily with a jump that requires the player to leap over a small gap, but with barely any room to do so due to a disturbingly low ceiling. From what I've seen so far, a few jumps similar to this also appear in one of the Wily stages.

- The Password system. We live in the year 2013 - and soon to be 2014. Even in the regards of this game trying to imitate the style of a much older game, the password system is extremely unnecessary. It's an outdated mechanic that was only used due to most games back then not having enough memory space to allow for such a feature. Considering this game is for the PC, there is NO excuse not to have a functioning save feature.

- The game itself starts off in full-screen mode. I don't particularly like full-screen mode for more personal reasons than technical ones (I'm the kind of guy that likes to multi-task when doing these things, and full-screen gets in the way of that for several obvious reasons). You can put the game into windowed mode by pressing F4 however, but that only begs the question: If you were going to include a windowed mode on this, then why make it automatically become full-screen on launching it? Why not just keep it in windowed mode for easier methods of maximizing and minimizing the game? Or better yet, add an options menu to adjust something like this.

Ugh...I'm gonna need a minute after all that...or an hour...or maybe a few days/weeks/months/eons/whatever. I'll probably go through with that list once I complete the game.

Update: 10/31/13
I can't stand to reach the end of this thing. Even though my word would probably be a bit more credible if I had completed the game, I don't think I'll be doing so for a while. I'm officially at my wits end, and all due to one particular instance that occurred in this game.

Due to the insane recoil as mentioned in my list of issues, I was struck by a Sniper Joe-esque enemy (that only seems to come to life and attack whenever he sees fit), and landed directly into a pit of spikes without any chance to save myself. Even with invincibility time, I still died upon hitting the spikes. Now then, I understand this game is obviously going off aspects from the very first official Mega Man game - and the lack of invincibility time saving you from spikes was indeed something that was present in the original.

With that being said however, why do you think Capcom saw fit to change this in every single other Mega Man game released? It's because they knew the first game had a ton of design flaws, with the invincibility time not counting towards spikes being one of them. Why do you think they added things like E-Tanks, a slide, a chargeable buster, and even a save feature as the series went on? It was to make new innovations to the series in order to make it fun. That's why.

This whole thing all goes back to a point I made in my original post: Unless you're actually willing to make an effort to improve upon certain aspects (which Capcom obviously already did as the series went on), making a game based on the outdated and flawed aspects of the original Mega Man game is not a good idea in any way, shape, or form. Case closed.


Hey, congratulations on the release of your game! I gave it a go and, aside from a few issues, I found myself enjoying the experience quite a bit. I know you're aiming to update the artwork eventually, so I'm not going to harp on you about that aspect. In fact, there's something strangely appealing to me about the sprite work in its current form, though I'm not sure what it is. The music is a mixed bag, I'd say; while some tunes were generally quite pleasant (Sky Man, Ombuds Man, Zombie Man), there are a few I think could use a bit more work. Missile Man's theme seemed rather repetitive and lacked the fast-paced, explosive nature you'd expect from a missile themed Robot Master. While I thought the instrumentation of Sand Man's theme was more fitting for his stage, the melody was simply dissonant. Again, those were the only two tracks that I really had any quarrel with.

I found the majority of the level design to be fluid and inventive, though I did encounter some hiccups along the way (namely one evil room later in the game). There were also instances where having a special weapon seemed mandatory for smooth progression, otherwise you were guaranteed to take hits. These areas might have been easily traversable if it weren't for some of the incredibly large hitboxes on pretty much all of the projectiles. For instance, the shielded enemies that throw grenades at you are next to impossible to dodge simply because the explosions in this game have a hitbox nearly twice the size of the actual sprite. This was one of my biggest frustrations, especially against the final boss, but I'll talk about that later. Aside from the hitboxes, I thought most of the boss battles were fair with a nice sense of variety.

The weapons were well suited to deal with each Robot Master and made sense thematically. I probably didn't look at the weapons as in-depth as I should have, but I tend to be more of buster dueler when it comes to Mega Man games. Still, I found myself using the weapons in a variety of situations; Brain Man's weapon was particularly useful in taking out those obnoxious bouncing ball enemies, despite being fairly slow. Also, Sand Man's weapon was a very unique concept and, now that I think about it, I probably should have used it against those Joe-type enemies.

So, my least favorite aspect of the game would definitely be some of the engine aspects; I'm aware that this game is a callback to Mega Man 1, but the knockback in this game is too extreme. Not only does it send you back a huge distance, but it also hurls you downward. If there was one aspect of the game that I'd recommend fixing first, it would be that (though, I do have another one in the spoiler tag). My favorite aspect of the game would be the Robot Masters themselves; some of them are completely ridiculous, but that's why they're so fun. There were so many nice creative touches along the way, such as the padded cells in Mad Man's stage and the breaking in and out of the glass in Ombuds Man's stage. The only stage that I really felt lacked that creative charm was Missile Man's stage; it just seemed rather empty at times and had some frustrating enemy placements. Overall, this game was a fun and challenging experience (I missed the use of E-tanks, but it sure made me work for my victory) and I would certainly playthrough it again, given you fix up some of the more frustrating issues. Some of those issues are listed below and have to deal with the last few stages.

[spoiler]While the first two fortress stages were easy enough to get through, those Joe enemies were extremely irritating, given that they frequently appeared in clumps and had practically undodgeable attacks. I noticed they also sometimes threw their explosives in a completely random direction, though this proved to be beneficial for getting past them. I actually quite enjoyed your spin on the Yellow Devil; it made the fight far less tedious then those fights tend to be, given you discovered its weakness.

I do not like the third fortress stage at all, even though it's short. This is all due to that one room with the four evil jumps in a row. First, I really hate those types of low ceiling jumps, but to force the player to do four times (over spikes) is just downright mean. The boss was interesting, even though it was difficult to anticipate his attacks. I only managed to beat him by camping in a corner and mashing the shoot button.

My biggest complaint about the fortress stages is directed at the final boss. I was really enjoying the game up to this point, but this boss really put me over the edge. Yes, it was a difficult boss and I'd be perfectly fine with that, however this comes back to hitbox issue. Pretty much every explosion and projectile fired from the boss, in all of its forms, seem to have hitboxes much larger than the actual sprites. I'd be standing nearly ten pixels away from an explosion and still get tagged. This was especially frustrating because I knew I needed all of my health intact for the final form. This is the one aspect of this game that I'd outright consider a dick move. First, I've never been a fan of having to use a particular special weapon to take down a boss, but I could still cope with that. No, it was the choice of weapon that infuriated me; the paint weapon has barely any horizontal movement to it, so it requires you to be right next to the boss for it work. However, since the boss alternates its attacks randomly, you never know when he'll decide to do that four ball attack, which appears right where you need to be. This essentially leaves the player praying that the boss will use the other attacks and the battle ultimately comes down to luck. I feel this can be fixed easily if you give the paint weapon more range or you change where the orbs appear during that attack. Otherwise it is completely unfair. Sorry if I come of as a little extreme in this part, but I'm conveying the genuine frustration this caused me, especially since this happened right before the finish line. This is the only thing in the game that I feel absolutely needs to be fixed, because otherwise I can definitely see myself playing through this again and enjoying it.[/spoiler]

Thanks for the game!


Just finished the game! I'll report some bugs I found.
1.) When on ladders, Megaman can shoot Paper Slasher only once; you have to enter/exit the menu for it to work again.
2.) While playing Roll with boss weapons, her colors seem to revert when she's on ladders. There's one frame transition where you could see her red color.

For players who would fight the final boss:
[spoiler]Try killing off your retries up to zero so that you wouldn't have to farm weapon energy to defeat Wily's 3 machines.
Since its in a spoiler tag, here's the weapons you need to defeat Wily:
a.) VS Blimp: Use paper Slasher first until you drop the Blimps HP in half, then when it descends use Sleeping Sand;
b.) VS Tank: Use Zombie Beam (forgot what its called :p) on the turret;
c.) VS UFO: Use Paint Glob, use it like Bubble Lead vs Alien.[/spoiler]

Comment about the game. Graphics are meh, needs improvement esp. Roll  ~w~. Music is cool, some are catchy but needs more instruments & remixing; I'm looking forward to it in MM42 Redux. Over-all its short but sweet.

EDIT: I also like to point out that Megaman & Roll doesn't have the short step animation (tap left or right move 1 pixel forward sprite). Hope you add it.


Well, persistence has paid off for me, and I somehow managed to beat this game. I didn't enjoy it. Not one, single, solitary moment of it. All of the reasons as to why will be listed below. As stated before, I'm pretty much taking a page out of Joseph Collins' book (read: completely ripping him off) and listing off every major bug I managed to find, along with every complaint I have for different portions of this game. Since I'm still checking for bugs in the 8 main stages, I'll primarily post listings for general aspects on the game itself and the Wily stages for now. I'll update this to include the main stages later.

[spoiler=Overall/General Aspects]

  • When playing the game in windowed mode, if you minimize or deselect the game itself, it will still respond to certain inputs. This is most notable on the title screen, where the up and down arrows can still be used to select options. The enter key is also capable of pausing and unpausing during actual gameplay should you have the game minimized.
  • Certain inputs in the button config option can become glitched, with their input suddenly registering as "Unknown."
  • Portions of Roll's sprites will change to her original palette while she has a weapon equipped. This is mostly seen whenever climbing up a ladder.
  • Both Mega Man and Roll's jumping is extremely off. The acceleration for this is essentially backwards, which in turn causes both characters to slow up and "hover" in mid-air for a moment on reaching the peak of their jump.
  • Attempting to cancel out of Roll's dash by pushing jump causes her momentum to carry over regardless of what buttons you press. Even if you hold the opposite direction during this, she'll still briefly fly towards whatever way you were previously dashing.
  • Dropped items will sometimes zip through platforms if they're produced from an enemy that's directly below or too close to such surfaces (this mostly happens with the red platform-crawling enemies).
  • Mega Man and Roll will sometimes recoil in the wrong direction when they're hit.
  • Obtaining the item dropped from bosses while getting hit at the same time will cause both Mega Man and Roll to freeze in their "getting hit" animations. Other graphical anomalies can potentially emerge during this as well (I had a situation where this happened with Mega Man that caused his sprites for walking and shooting to be layered over his stunned state).
  • A similar glitch to the above one can happen if you have a weapon equipped, and then get hit while transitioning screens. Both Mega Man and Roll's palettes will either show signs of glitching or layering with their default ones.
  • The animation loop on the lower-half of Wily's saucer is positioned incorrectly.
  • (Intentional?) The weapons in the pause screen initially seemed spaced out enough so that there could be 4 on each side. Upon obtaining a set amount however, the weapons become bunched together in the menu, leaving 6 on the left side and 2 on the right.
  • (Intentional?) Revisiting an already completed stage plays the Robot Master's intro again.
  • (Intentional?) Robot Masters will still appear at the end of a stage, regardless of whether or not you previously defeated them.


  • The game boots up in full-screen mode. This is more of a personal pet peeve of mine, but full-screen mode is a bit of a nuisance for when one wants to multitask with certain aspects. The game can be put into windowed mode by pressing F4, but it begs the question as to why the game couldn't just start off like this upon being booted up (especially considering you can still maximize or minimize the game in this state).
  • There is virtually no story in this game. I understand that Mega Man games aren't looked upon for their "spectacular" story telling, but you could have at least put in some form of introduction sequence before immediately bringing up the title screen. (*)
  • The title screen has no music. (*)
  • A good portion of the actual music in the game is downright horrible. Most of the tracks sound incredibly bland, with no traces of structure of polishing to them, or are so incredibly cacophonous that they could be considered a form of musical torture.
  • Much like the music, the graphics are all over the place. Most of them are very crudely and poorly drawn, with the biggest offenders being the Robot Masters. From a design-standpoint, all of them don't even look like they belong in a Mega Man game. This is excluding the fact that all of them have horribly wobbly looking structures, along with arms that resemble wet pool noodles.
  • Touching spikes with invincibility time will still kill the player (*)
  • The recoil from damage in this game is absurd. Every time you take a hit, you get sent flying back much further than you would in any of the official games (and all in a mere instant as well).
  • I'm not exactly a fan of pun-based Robot Masters (Sand Man, Mad Man, Ombuds Man, etc). Normally this kind of stuff implies a much less serious tone, in which I'd simply pass it off and think nothing of it. This is what I would think, if the game didn't completely contradict this notion later on. [See Ending section for details]
  • Why is it a requirement to hold left or right in order to use Roll's dashing move? This never had to be in either the classic or X series, where you could just hold down in-place and slide in the former - and just hit a single button or double-tap forward in the latter. The way Roll's dash is set up in this game makes it feel unnecessarily awkward to control.

(*) Note: I realize that this game is based on aspects of the original Mega Man, and that some of the details I listed were present in that game. As stated before however, I really don't like this overall notion. To revert back to the very beginning of the series is to essentially dumb down the gameplay (and in the process, reverting back to many design flaws as well). When it all comes down to it, the game itself is devoid of any sense of depth or intriguing aspects that made the later games in the series so enjoyable.


  • Collecting any form of item will cause enemies to disappear while the player's energy is refilled.
  • Certain enemies can move during screen transitions. This is most notable with the jumping skull enemies found in Zombie Man's stage and Wily 1.
  • Enemy spawn-points can continually produce the same enemy regardless of whether or not the original one is dead. This can lead to instances of cloning the same enemy over and over again.
  • The Soldier-Met enemies will sometimes throw their grenades directly behind them (without changing direction). This seems to mostly occur when one emerges on-screen at the same time it throws a grenade.
  • A similar glitch can happen with the Elephant Head enemies. They'll sometimes fire projectiles behind them, and even at other strange, yet varying angles and speed depending on where the player is standing.
  • Shooting a Zombie enemy as it falls off a ledge will cause its upper-half to zip off-screen.
  • The hit-box for the circular explosions that some enemies produce is far too big for its own good.


  • Most enemies that fire projectiles lack any form of animation for their attacks. This is understandable for certain enemies like the Mets, but why do the Paper-Boxes in Ombuds Man's stage and the Tooth Fairies in Sand Man's stage lack any kind of unique animation for sending out their projectiles? It makes them look more like static objects than enemies.
  • Some enemies have no start-up time or wind-up animations for their attacks. The biggest offender in this regard are the Sniper Joe type enemies. Their melee attack is only a single frame, and they only do this move if you're ridiculously close to them (which pretty much guarantees that you'll be taking damage from them if you don't have Missile Man's weapon).
  • Did you seriously feel the need to make the beetle enemies in Wily 5 as small as possible? The color choice on them also makes them blend in with the background, further adding to the annoyance of locating and trying to get rid of them. Furthermore, why on earth are these insects enemies to begin with? And for that matter, why does Mega Man take damage from something as minuscule as them? They don't seem to be robots, considering their size and coloration. If anything, these seem more like enemies that you'd find in the Mega Man DOS games.


  • The Thunder Hammer always disappears upon returning to the original position where it was fired, rather than flying past it and off-screen.
  • The collision detection for the Launch Missile is extremely off. There were several occasions where I clearly landed on top of the Missile to utilize its platform functions, only to end up falling right through it.
  • The Radiation Ray will sometimes cause enemies to lock on to the locations of other enemies that are either already destroyed, or those that aren't present on the screen.
  • The hit-box and path-finding for the Homing Laser are extremely glitch-ridden. It has the potential to either curve around the intended target completely, or dances around any with high mobility (eg, Sky Man) while somehow failing to hit them.

  • The player should at least have some control over what direction the Insane Cannon's bullets fire out, or at least have their potential paths condensed slightly. As it stands now, this weapon is pretty much useless at anything but point-blank range.
  • The graphic for the Color Glob sticking to the floor doesn't change if the projectile hits a wall. Could you seriously not make a new graphic for this, or at least turn the existing one on its side so it doesn't look so lazily implemented?
  • The Radiation Ray's sprite(s?) are way too big, and it looks very unappealing at that (I can't even tell if it actually has more than one frame of animation).
  • The animation for the Sleeping Sand is highly delayed.
  • The Paper Slash's ammo count is quite limited in comparison to other weapons that hold a similar premise (for reference, the Magma Bazooka has 56 total shots). I'd suggest boosting the ammo from 14 to 28 to actually make it more of a worth-while weapon.

[spoiler=Wily Stage 1]

  • This mainly applies to a few set stages, but I feel this is the best place to list it. There are several glitches that can occur after defeating any of the fortress bosses in Wily stages 1 through 3. These include (but are probably not limited to) the following...
    - Mega Man/Roll will freeze in their "taking damage" animation after being hit at the same time a fortress boss is destroyed.
    - After defeating a boss, both characters can suddenly revert back to their normal palette if they have a weapon equipped.
    - Both characters can get stuck in a loop of their walking animation after defeating a boss.


  • I absolutely despise the edge-hopping section that was incorporated into this. The only "challenge" that comes from this is how poorly designed this "gimmick" is. All it does is lead to unnecessary frustration. The worst part is that this isn't the only section like this...
  • The Yellow Devil boss seems to have sections that break off out of thin air. As in, there's no sprite of the Devil itself in the position where one of its globs emerged from. That's kind of a cheap thing to throw at the player (especially since these invisible spots also seem to hurt the player when there's clearly nothing there).

[spoiler=Wily Stage 2]
Aside from the ones with the fortress boss, I did not find any bugs in this stage (yet).


  • I know you put in a few large energy items to help refill the Launch Missile, but that still doesn't excuse the first section that forces you to use it in order to progress. If you mess up or just didn't refill the Missile, you're pretty much screwed (unless you want to farm off of the goat-like enemies at the start of the stage for all eternity, but that really shouldn't be a requirement for the player to actually progress in the game). Not only that, but the Missile riding segment drains up nearly all of its ammo. If the section was shorter and more forgiving with the ammo count, then I could probably see past it. As it stands however, this is a horrible way to start off this stage.
  • The boss of the stage. Just the boss itself. I'm not a fan of gigantic, static enemies with no frames of animation that lob out projectiles in every way imaginable. It's quite another thing however, to have this thing's attacks nearly unavoidable whenever it gets too close. Not to mention that the damage sustained from it is way too high.

[spoiler=Wily Stage 3]
Aside from the ones with the fortress boss, I did not find any bugs in this stage (yet)


  • This room.
    THIS. [tornado fang]ing. ROOM.
    Whoever designed this room needs to be smacked upside the head with a snow-shovel. This is easily, the most spiteful, detestable, loathsome, evil, baby-kidnappingly horrendous excuse of a room I've ever had to go through, in ANY Mega Man fan-game.
  • The boss of this stage has no weakness. Granted, I can sort of understand the thought process behind this (considering he uses every RM weapon at pure random), but you could have least given him one, minor weakness. Every other boss in the game has one, so why not this guy?

[spoiler=Wily Stage 4]

  • The position detection for the teleporters seem to be broken somewhat. Sometimes when I stand on one, Mega Man/Roll won't be sent off as per usual. The detection for it either seems to be on the very left side of them, or just extremely off-center.

Not much to say here. It's just a typical boss-rush stage, and that's about it (even though I could make entire post rambling on about why these Boss Rushes are obnoxious and need to die off altogether). Then again, this stage could be considered a bit redundant as well, mostly considering the nature of Wily 3's boss.

[spoiler=Wily Stage 5 and Ending]
I did not find any bugs in this stage (aside from the aforementioned and annoying beetles, that is).


  • The final boss has three phases. Granted, the boss itself is much easier when you know its weaknesses and where to position yourself for each of its attacks. The first time around though, it's absolutely dreadful. Even the first Mega Man's final boss only had two phases. So why give this one three? To make it more challenging? All this amounts to is a tedious endurance test. It's neither fun, nor is it challenging once you understand how each phase works.
  • In going back to the potential notion of this being a non-serious game: If that was your intention, then why on earth did you throw in the whole "Let's kill Dr. Wily" bit from the end of Mega Man 7? Aside from it being completely out of character here, it's also highly contradictory given the obvious.
  • Where on earth were Rush, Eddie, and Beat the entire game? Again, I realize this is going off of aspects from the first Mega Man game, and none of them were present at that time. Considering you have them all show up for the ending however, it begs the question as to why they couldn't have been available in-game.

There's probably a lot more I missed, and I'll likely be updating this (and including the 8 main stages, of course) as time goes on. Overall however, this game is just one gigantic pain from start to finish. There's nothing fun about it. Not in any theoretical or practical sense. The only saving grace of it is a few potentially interesting mechanics behind some of the weapons - and even that gets botched up due to the numerous bugs and highly unappealing gameplay.


As stated, this game is a mess. It's playable, albeit barely. I haven't gone through all of the stages yet, but after traversing through Ombuds Man and Mad Man, I'd really hate to see what else is in store. Has anyone mentioned that the frame rate in Ombuds Man is actually much higher and smoother than the series usually allows for, but when you play through Mad Man's stage, the rate slows down to almost a crawl. Is this to compensate for the padded room areas?

Also, I feel that the stages are a bit lonely. There's not enough enemies in each stage. On the other hand, I do like Prometheus. Maybe original material better suits you, Servadec.


v1.1 was recently released a few days ago. Sure, this game may not be everyone's favorite, but I'm passing the message along. Quite a few bugfixes and it sounds like some of the more disliked jumps have been adjusted according to the alteration in the jump physics.

Here's a link to where you can grab it, if you are so inclined:


I still have to find some time here, but I'll surely give this a go and let you know what I think. From the shots. It looks really nice!
My art,projects and other things.

Joseph Collins

Quote from: Shinryu on November 05, 2013, 01:07:56 PMAs stated before, I'm pretty much taking a page out of Joseph Collins' book (read: completely ripping him off) and listing off every major bug I managed to find [...]
Hey, it's okay, Shinryu!  Really!  I'm actually kind of glad my style of (over-)analyzing these fan games is interesting enough for other people to borrow.  ^_^;;  I take it as a compliment!  Besides, it's not like I put a copyright on that format or anything.  (... yet~)

As for this game?  I'll probably get to it when I'm less busy (slacking off).  It looks promising and the addition of Pink Megaman Megagirl Roll as a character seems like a good idea.  Plus, I'm kind of excited to see a fan game that I've actually heard of finally got released.  I haven't exactly been following the fan game scene, but I've seen "Mega Man 42" on YouTube now and then.  So, yeah.  :3


I barely was able to change the freaking controls to my preference; I would press the up key and it would assign the C key...  bVd

I've seen Shinyru's LP of the game, and I don't think I'll be playing this one anytime soon.


Yet again. The bug where Paper Slash doesn't work after using it on ladders is still present.

Plus, Roll's palette bug is still there.