Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth

Started by Mr. Haxwell, May 16, 2013, 12:59:25 PM

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I'm sorry that the stores around here don't stock Milo...

Dr. Wily II

There is only one solution.

For me to mindfuck Runaway... And you online import some. 8D

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


I shall buy some Milo!

And Runaway is currently sleeping off hay fever from hell and a Benedryl hangover.  Need to slog through drug-induced drowsiness, first.  And snot.

Lots of snot.

Protoman Blues

Years later, I still really [tornado fang]ing love this remix.


Checked the temperature outside.  It's 0.  Yeah, compared to you folks in the frozen North, that's balmy, I know. :P

For me, however, it's an excuse to get some hot cocoa, wrap myself up in a blanket, and curl up with Mabel.

Sakura Leic

Jeez, even though I know temperatures can get to the negatives 0 just gives me a chill. 
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Sakura Leic

Just thinking about it since I live in a desert and it never gets below 30.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


I checked the temperature again.

Now it's -3! 8D



Sakura Leic

God my dad is manic today, which isn't a surprise.

Basically if you tell him about a plan or if something is wrong with your car he will obsess about it and ask over and over and over again in a never ending cycle which is why we tell him at the end since he'll do it until he's done.  He even worries about things he shouldn't worry about like if my mom is going to be paid for giving away my bedroom set and stuff.

I just needed to get that off my chest while I continue packing.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Dammit Photoshop, Y U NO MAKE GREEN-BROWN

I can mix that color with paint. D:


Photoshop's color spectrum thing is a [sonic slicer]. Last night I was working on something for a contest and I just couldn't get the right [tornado fang]ing shade of red that I needed. A gradient would just look worse.


I've taken to blending the colors that I want, as if I'm working with pencil.  The result is usually a rough rendering, but really, if it works, I'm not complaining.

Isn't that right, green with purple shading?

Sakura Leic

Watching a Batman movie marathon, and they' skipping the bad ones.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Quote from: Quickman on January 04, 2014, 09:38:25 PM
I've taken to blending the colors that I want, as if I'm working with pencil.  The result is usually a rough rendering, but really, if it works, I'm not complaining.

Isn't that right, green with purple shading?

How are you doing that? Adjusted opacity paintbrushes, or what?

Police Girl

Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 04, 2014, 09:40:12 PM
Watching a Batman movie marathon, and they' skipping the bad ones.

So would that be... 1966 Batman, Burton Batman, and the first two thirds of the Dark Knight Trilogy?

Or just Burton Batman and the Dark Knight movies?

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Clefant on January 04, 2014, 09:45:09 PM
So would that be... 1966 Batman, Burton Batman, and the first two thirds of the Dark Knight Trilogy?

Or just Burton Batman and the Dark Knight movies?
I think it's the lather.

Also Joker is such a psychotic dork in this movie.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Quote from: Clefant on January 04, 2014, 09:45:09 PM
first two thirds of the Dark Knight Trilogy?

I haven't seen the first two but I honestly thought that the third was [tornado fang]ing terrible. Dull as hell.


Quote from: Junpei Iori on January 04, 2014, 09:42:35 PM
How are you doing that? Adjusted opacity paintbrushes, or what?

More of cross-hatch.  I treat it like I'm using pencils.


Quote from: Quickman on January 04, 2014, 10:17:35 PM
More of cross-hatch.  I treat it like I'm using pencils.

Ah, I see. I guess since you actually DRAW and I just use PS for effects and manipulation, the technique's a little different.
That, and I use a mouse.


This pic is an older one I did with the cross-hatching technique, particularly on the face, which I shaded with purple.

I don't use effects very often, though I may try adjusting opacities and blending modes and see what colors I can get from that.


Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 04, 2014, 09:55:16 PM
I think it's the lather.

The word you're looking for is: latter

Quote from: Junpei Iori on January 04, 2014, 09:58:31 PM
I haven't seen the first two but I honestly thought that the third was [tornado fang]ing terrible. Dull as hell.

Why would you watch Rises without seeing the first two? The previous films give the finale more meaning.

However, that's not to say they make Rises much better, because it doesn't. That movie will always be [parasitic bomb].


Watch The Dark Knight.


Quote from: Quickman on January 04, 2014, 10:32:59 PM

I don't use effects very often, though I may try adjusting opacities and blending modes and see what colors I can get from that.

Linear Dodge and Color Burn are my babies.

Quote from: Phi on January 04, 2014, 10:42:59 PM
Watch The Dark Knight.

I have like six movies on my backlog.