Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth

Started by Mr. Haxwell, May 16, 2013, 12:59:25 PM

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Dr. Wily II

Quote from: Quickman on December 13, 2013, 04:19:11 AM
Ack!  Mabel's been up on the forbidden shelf again!

I can tell because she knocked Mewtwo over.
Ohshi- Mewtwo will not be pleased.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Quickman on December 13, 2013, 04:19:11 AM
Ack!  Mabel's been up on the forbidden shelf again!

I can tell because she knocked Mewtwo over.
Why is it forbidden again?
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Because I keep figures on that shelf and Mabel has a habit of knocking things down.  I don't need bounty hunters or Mewtwo doing any cat-assisted shelf-diving.

Police Girl

Figure shelf I take it.

I have multiple "Forbidden shelves".

My cat doesn't get up on them anymore because she's banned from my room but my parents will often put stuff there to my aggravation.


Anyway yeah, shelfdiving sucks ass. I've got most of my figures posed in ways that they won't take fatal dives but [parasitic bomb] happens sometimes.

Also Youtube is doing stupid [parasitic bomb] again.


I have several figure shelves, too, and Mabel will get on each one when I'm not looking.  Just cleaned off one of them, righted Mewtwo again, and then discovered that Mabel was on another shelf, as evidenced by stuff being out of place.  Fixed those as well.

Police Girl

I don't let the cat into my room anymore so she's not gotten on my shelves in a while.

She's tiny though so she doesn't do that much, still don't want her up there.


My shelves are in my living room.  Bit difficult to prevent Mabel from getting in there unless I shut her in my bedroom.

Police Girl


Quote from: Fxeni on December 13, 2013, 04:07:01 AM
*Throws Assassin's Creed Black Flag out the window*
... Garbage.

What in particular is bad about it?


Quote from: Fxeni on December 13, 2013, 04:07:01 AM
*Throws Assassin's Creed Black Flag out the window*
... Garbage.
It's stuff like this that makes me ponder, "did these critics who give [insert a game that looks more like a movie here] a 9/10 or 5/5 Stars because it's actually good, or were they paid handsomely to cover up the fact that it's crap?"

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Fxeni on December 13, 2013, 04:07:01 AM
*Throws Assassin's Creed Black Flag out the window*
... Garbage.

I really wish I could hear some of these stories one day!

Police Girl

Quote from: ViperAcidZX on December 13, 2013, 05:06:13 AM
It's stuff like this that makes me ponder, "did these critics who give [insert a game that looks more like a movie here] a 9/10 or 5/5 Stars because it's actually good, or were they paid handsomely to cover up the fact that it's crap?"

All I know is that its considered better than AC3 but on the other hand its yet another annual AC game.

But yeah its pretty known that some game reviewers are paid off to give good reviews. Lots of reviews of the Xbone being 0.1 points higher than a PS4 review yet the PS4 review is more positive. Games Journalism is a joke for the most part.


The biggest issue with a game that looks and plays like a movie is that it seriously lacks replay value.  It's a one-and-done game, not much more to see here, go home, folks.  Also, games that practically hold your hand throughout the entire thing, with little to no free roaming.  

Mass Effect felt like that.  I didn't get very far because I got bored.  Seriously, at one point, I questioned the point of it even having directional controls when I was playing to what amounted as a rail shooter (or rail talker, since there wasn't any shooting).


You say "one-and-done" like it's always a bad thing. That's really only the case if the price is worth more than the content.

The Walking Dead (as I posted previously) is divided into 5 "episodes", or chapters, if you will; spanning about an hour. These episodes cost a mere $5. This was done because of said length.

And let me tell you, those 5 hours had much more heart and emotion than many full-length games I've played. There isn't much replay value in TWD, other than the option to replay an episode and choose different choices, thus witnessing how that choice affects a character's fate. Despite the short length, I don't mind, because hey, it's only 5 bucks.


Not all one-off games are bad, no.  So long as they are engaging and fun, then they have replay value as they were enjoyable.  The player may notice something new with each subsequent playthrough.

And it's also not to say that such games have terrible stories.  Mass Effect's story was pretty darn good.  It's the actual gameplay that turned me off to it, as I felt that it seriously lacked in that area.  The way that it played out when I first played it would have been better if they just went straight to QTE-style or any other FMV-style game.  I felt as if the game was just holding my hand, and preventing me from doing any actual exploration.  I couldn't go off and do whatever I wanted until I triggered certain event flags, and by then, the story was practically shoving me into the next scene before I had a chance to screw around.

I didn't like it.  I didn't like the hand-holding.  It didn't give me a very good first impression and I haven't been real eager to bother with it again, even if my computer could even handle it, which I doubt it can.

Protoman Blues

You should get A Link Between Worlds. Oh boy can you go exploring in that game!  8D


Adding it to my Christmas wish list, then! 8D


Or Z.O.E HD Collection (PS3). Awesome mecha action in the second game, which you can get by itself on PSN. :D


I don't have a PS anything. :(

I told my brother to load me up with visual novels.

Protoman Blues

You know, if I ever get a PS4 sometime next year, you can have my PS3 Quickie.


Third snowstorm this week headed my way!  YAAAAAAAY!

This time I won't make the mistake of assuming that my neighbor will shovel.  I'll also put down more cat litter.

I should put down used cat litter and say that the clumps are for extra traction. 8D

Police Girl


Now I have become BONKERS!

I feel free of all restraints and that I can accomplish anything.

Posted on: December 13, 2013, 07:42:16 PM

RPM, plz.

Mr. Haxwell

We're either half-dead, or we have nothing better to post. Besides, I'm just wasting time, killing more morons, who reject my proposal for "More expensive stuff".
I'm playing Disgaea, if you don't understand.

Fear me.
