Pokemon Generation VI: X/Y & Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire

Started by Archer, January 08, 2013, 12:35:20 PM

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I only have a pikachu. Not even a leaf type. I kind of regret saving inside the elite four castle. -_-
Guess I'll just have to win it some other way, if he keeps getting OHKO'd by stronger water pokemon..... with a weaker level stats.  -AC

Sakura Leic

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Quote from: N-Mario on November 18, 2013, 04:59:57 AM
I only have a pikachu. Not even a leaf type. I kind of regret saving inside the elite four castle. -_-
Guess I'll just have to win it some other way, if he keeps getting OHKO'd by stronger water pokemon..... with a weaker level stats.  -AC

Why don't you just lose and try again

Police Girl

Quote from: Ruri on November 18, 2013, 05:02:38 AM
Why don't you just lose and try again


Its not like you lose that much money.


I didn't have a Grass type, either.  I went in with Fire/Psychic, Fire/Flying, Fighting/Steel, Normal/Flying, Psychic, and Bug/Poison.  None of my teammates had a Grass-type move, either.  The Elite Four wasn't a problem for me.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Quickman on November 18, 2013, 05:19:16 AM
I didn't have a Grass type, either.  I went in with Fire/Psychic, Fire/Flying, Fighting/Steel, Normal/Flying, Psychic, and Bug/Poison.  None of my teammates had a Grass-type move, either.  The Elite Four wasn't a problem for me.
You were also probably the most over leveled out of all of us.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 18, 2013, 05:01:52 AM
Don't you have a Thunderstone?

And lose a Pikachu?

..... Maybe on a low level female I caught and didn't take with me far into the gamne.. But I won't on the one I've kept in my party.

Does Lucario learn anything like a Thunder Punch, or something effective on water types?....... Uhh..... Well too late anyway since I'm stuck inside Elite Four anyway. Even if I lose, I still continue at elite four from my last save, as far as I know....

Sakura Leic

No you get booted out of there to the last Pokemon Center and lose a little bit of money.

And you can breed more Pikachus.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


I think I may have used Lucario and Alakazam in the Flood Chamber.  Who all do you have on your team and what are their movesets?

Police Girl

Quote from: N-Mario on November 18, 2013, 05:31:00 AM
And lose a Pikachu?

Its just a [tornado fang]ing pikachu its not like its a goddamn golden goose.


Booted out? I thought if you black out meant instant game over. and the game loads the last save you did in the game. If I get booted out does that mean if I beat 1 or 2 of the elite 4, then get KO'd, I have to beat them all over again? I only remember doing the elite 4 like 1 or 2 times growing up as a kid with one of the earlier GB/GBC games. I think back then, it was like you could only save outside of the elite 4. Once you entered, you couldn't save any more or some crazy thing like that. My memory isn't what it used to be.  -AC

Sakura Leic

You do have to fight them again, but it gives you a chance to grind and buy more items.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Quote from: N-Mario on November 18, 2013, 06:02:31 AM
I think back then, it was like you could only save outside of the elite 4. Once you entered, you couldn't save any more or some crazy thing like that.

Nope, you could save in the Elite four.


What other types are on your team?  You have more than that Pikachu, right?  Or are you Nuzlocking this?

Police Girl

Good [tornado fang]ing lord I hate Glittering cave now.

I just want an old amber so I can get a [tornado fang]ing aerodactyl and the game is spitting [tornado fang]ing Dwebbles and Hard Stones at me like they're going out of style.

And I missed getting Solrock the first time through and now all I can seem to find are Cubones.

The encounter animations are really starting to wear on me now. I don't need or want to see two different [tornado fang]ing effects for each time I encounter a pokemon, the first one is PLENTY.

Having to see the Pokemon cut-in for each time I use a move on the field is [tornado fang]ing aggravating too. I want an option to turn that off, but hell at least they stopped doing a cut-in followed by "Pokemon used Rock Smash!".


Just Greninja, Charizard, Butterfree, Vivillon, Pikachu, and Pidgeot. Though I've seen some water types against water types actually gaining HP back when hit by water attacks, but I don't think the Elite 4 ever does that, and use another move instead. I think I just remember seeing it happen in outside battles.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Clefant on November 18, 2013, 06:16:03 AM
Good [tornado fang]ing lord I hate Glittering cave now.

I just want an old amber so I can get a [tornado fang]ing aerodactyl and the game is spitting [tornado fang]ing Dwebbles and Hard Stones at me like they're going out of style.

And I missed getting Solrock the first time through and now all I can seem to find are Cubones.
You want me to give you an Aerodactyl, I have plenty.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Quote from: N-Mario on November 18, 2013, 06:16:43 AM
Just Greninja, Charizard, Butterfree, Vivillon, Pikachu, and Pidgeot. Though I've seen some water types against water types actually gaining HP back when hit by water attacks, but I don't think the Elite 4 ever does that, and use another move instead. I think I just remember seeing it happen in outside battles.

What are their movesets?  If you have a super-effective move, you could take on certain battles single-handedly.

Police Girl

Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 18, 2013, 06:17:19 AM
You want me to give you an Aerodactyl, I have plenty.

If I go through another two rock smash runs without any Old Amber showing up then sure.

I still have a few more pokemon to round up in the cave first.

Sakura Leic

To this day I still don't understand why Hariyamas have Whirlwind.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 18, 2013, 06:28:28 AM
To this day I still don't understand why Hariyamas have Whirlwind.

To this day I'll never comprehend why Altaria is considered a dragon when its just a [tornado fang]ing bird with cotton balls glued on it.

Ugh the way they designed encounters in Glittering cave is atrocious, I get that they wanted to make it less aggravating and not have encounters every 5 seconds but only having pokemon encounterable in the corridor bit and not in the area where Team Flare was, and on top of that making them only appear in predetermined spots that only replenish when you leave the room, and on top of that have one or two pokemon with really high encounter rates (Cubone and Machop) and multiple others with really low encounter rates (Solrock and Lunatone, Kangaskhan and Mawile) is a surefire way to pad for time.

I'm lucky to have gotten Kangaskhan on my first run through the place but at the rate they keep using all the spots to spit Cubones at me I'll never [tornado fang]ing get a Mawile. Found a Lunatone but it's being a complete dick to catch and I don't have a False Swipe pokemon on hand.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Clefant on November 18, 2013, 06:31:04 AM
To this day I'll never comprehend why Altaria is considered a dragon when its just a [tornado fang]ing bird with cotton balls glued on it.
You know now that you mention it, Ho-Oh would have been way more awesome if it was a part Dragon type.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Pikachu has mostly electric moves, and some sort of body slam move.
Butterfree and Vivillon both have a bug move, flying move, and a psychic move.
Vivillon has one fairy move, draining kiss or something.
Pidgeot, mostly flying moves.
GreNinja has a dark move, two water moves, and a psychic move.
Charizard, two fire moves, cut and strength.

It's not the best though.

On side note, has anyone tested to see if poke-amie has a voice recognition system? I read some info somewhere that it's compatible with the mic that if you said something (probably only like, two or three words), your pokemon would react or something.

Police Girl

I know pokemon react if I start talking but I don't think it actually recognizes words.

Ugh finally caught that [tornado fang]ing lunatone.

Police Girl


[tornado fang] your hard stones glittering cave.

EDIT: [tornado fang]ing pagebreak.