Snake-Man's Videos, Fan Creations, and Projects

Started by Snake-Man, December 04, 2012, 03:38:03 AM

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Yo guys! Snake-Man here, and while I am new to the forums, I was drawn in by the huge amount of fan projects, creations, and overall great people that seem to be gathered here!

SO, I am going to share some WIPs and art with you guys.

My main project is a music video to the Megas song "Walk Away From Light." It is currently in the key framing stage, but I hope to get it finished within the next few months.

Screen Shot:



IN OTHER NEWS, I also have a second project in the works, but is currently in the idea stage: A Megaman Fan Game! Well, maybe not a fan game, but I am having loads of fun making Robot Masters that feel iconic and memorable.

The Robot Masters:

The four robot masters designed so far: Tomb Man, Flare Woman, Straw Man, and Wire Man.
The next four: Sabre Man, Warp Man, Prism Man, and Torrent Man are still in the works!

Flare Woman is a robot master designed to oversee pyrotechnics and firework shows for theme parks. She is seen as almost a mascot for firework shows and is a hit with kids. She loves stuffed bears, but hates laser pointers.

Straw Man is a robot master designed as an anti-pestilence robot. He oversees crop production and makes sure pests stay away from the fields. His favorite hobby is checkers, but hates arguments.

Tomb Man is a grave keeper robot master designed to be a groundskeeper for graveyards. With his impressive strength he can dig burial grounds for optimal space and efficiency. He loves flowers, but despises loud, disruptive noises.

And Wire Man is a power technician robot master designed to route power to homes across the country at power plants. His favorite pastime is basketball, but he hates rodents.

An older Flare Woman design.

The first time I sketched these four. They've changed quite a bit![/spoiler]


Imma gonna take a look at the Animatic later.
And damn, another person who knows how to draw appears before me.

Anyway, the robot masters look very nice. I especially like Straw Man (his name makes me laugh) and Wire Man.
I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Protoman Blues

Dr. Wily II

Those are some awesome Robot Master designs... *swipes*

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Joseph Collins

Strawman reminds me of Professor Crane, AKA "The Scarecrow" -- specifically his very first Batman: The Animated Series design.  He has that same look, but I think you did enough to differ him from Scarecrow. (Or at the very least, enough so it's an "allusion" rather than a "rip-off".)  Wireman also reminds me of Springman for some reason.  I guess it's the vaguely similar design.  Flarewoman is pretty cute, though, and Tombman looks pretty bad-ass.

I really dig these designs.


Alright, here are the next set of Robot Masters coming your way!


PRISM MAN is a Robot Master designed for research on light-based energy conversion. With his assistance, humanity has managed to advance their research in energy consumption and utilize military defenses that not only deflect laser weapons, but even reflect them, as his weapon, the PRISM DEFENSE, has proven. He's a bit of a grump due to having so many experiments to attend to, and is prone to cynical behavior. He likes beaches, but hates rainy weather.

WARP MAN is one of the most advanced robots in history. Being a collaboration of dozens of the top roboticists in the world, he is primarily used as a teaching robot for physics and mathematical theory. His power, the WARP STORM, has the ability to manipulate space to move and destroy objects around him with relative ease. However, like another predecessor that could manipulate time, Flash Man, his power has a weakness of being on a timer, as shown on his chest. He likes a mental challenge, but hates bums.[/spoiler]

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Updates: New Robot Master!

Sabre Man, the deuling Robot Master!

Also, got some design work I am doing I want to show for Warp Man's stage:

Dr. Wily II

*swipes Sabre Man*

And interesting hazard concept. *swipes too*

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Dr. Wily II

Woo... More interesting hazards... And minions!! *swipes*

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


I might just move this stuff to a Fan Games thread or something. But I DO want to have more substance before doing so. :<


Nah, don't go into that section unless you have proof that the game is going somewhere, otherwise you'll only get negative comments towards it and you'll end up leaving, like it always happen, that part of the forum got flooded with way too many fangame threads that ended up being just a robot master showcase, everyone here lost hope of fangames getting finished. Stay in here, this forum section is more comfy and friendly :)

I like those animations you posted.


I'll keep that in mind. If something does come out of this, I'll wait until I have something to show before making a thread about it.

Till then, concepts and such will just stick around here.

Also thanks, glad you liked them!  :3

Dr. Wily II

Tomb Man... Now that's using the field to his advantage... *swipes*

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Protoman Blues

Dr. Wily II

She makes our hearts go boom boom boom? *swipes*

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Dr. Wily II

LOL, a heater in an ice lair!? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS!? XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

