Wilypocalypse NOW

Started by Protoman Blues, November 25, 2012, 10:39:41 AM

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Ninja Lou

(You guys should do something like Dragonball Z and do a "Last time on Wilypocalypse NOW" Just to summarize what has happened. On page 50 of 90 right now  -u-')
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Quote from: Ninja Lou on June 18, 2013, 05:04:27 AM
(You guys should do something like Dragonball Z and do a "Last time on Wilypocalypse NOW" Just to summarize what has happened. On page 50 of 90 right now  -u-')

(There's a recap thread.)

Ninja Lou

This post has been approved by Marle!

Sakura Leic

(Lou are you reading this just for fun or are you thinking of joining?)
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Suppercut ♡

"Apparently my SIIDRA model actually does have a system for processing food and drinks. It can emulate ATP action like in organisms, to an extent, in order to provide some energy. The remains are then consumed by the energy core, reduced to nothing but subatomic dust which gets vented out. But for some bullsh-- ahem. Somehow, I forgot." Sinos struggled to keep his cool after getting frustrated at... wait, I got frustrated? Why doesn't Dr. Danow answer my questions about my irritability?

"Guess I'll find out what the bar has to offer..."

(What DOES the bar have to offer? And how can Sinos find such information?)

Sakura Leic

(All I know is that this place apparently has pie, some alcoholic drinks, and Radioactive Sake, other than that I guess you can make it up.  Try to save some room for PB's pies later, pie takes lots of effort to make!)
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Suppercut ♡

"Alcohol tends to be a staple in civilizations from my universe, so... Bartender! ...Could you please tell me what alcoholic drinks do you have?"

The bartender, confused by Sinos's attempts at a polite, somewhat childlike demeanor after screaming profanity into what he assumed was a Bluetooth headset of sorts, had to process his request for a few seconds before clicking his tongue and saying, "Well... I'm not sure how hard you want your liquor, but we have some nice draft beer if you're interested."

"Sounds alright," Sinos said. He took his drink with a "thank you" and began sipping it.

(footnote: I don't know [parasitic bomb] bout drinks >.<)

Ninja Lou

Quote from: Sakura Leic on June 18, 2013, 05:19:52 AM
(Lou are you reading this just for fun or are you thinking of joining?)
(I might join in, PB is planning something so I will have to wait till he is done with his thing.)
This post has been approved by Marle!

Sakura Leic

(Yeah I know that's going to take a while, I might have to give you some extra information.)
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Quote from: Kisala of Mariglenn on June 18, 2013, 05:46:52 AM
"Alcohol tends to be a staple in civilizations from my universe, so... Bartender! ...Could you please tell me what alcoholic drinks do you have?"

The bartender, confused by Sinos's attempts at a polite, somewhat childlike demeanor after screaming profanity into what he assumed was a Bluetooth headset of sorts, had to process his request for a few seconds before clicking his tongue and saying, "Well... I'm not sure how hard you want your liquor, but we have some nice draft beer if you're interested."

"Sounds alright," Sinos said. He took his drink with a "thank you" and began sipping it.

(footnote: I don't know [parasitic bomb] bout drinks >.<)
(What?! How could you not! You obviously put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up! D: )

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Kisala of Mariglenn on June 18, 2013, 05:46:52 AM
(footnote: I don't know [parasitic bomb] bout drinks >.<)
(Neither do I.)

"Yes I'll start with some Orange Juice for now." Borock-bot nodded "I should probably use this time to contact Sakura."
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Suppercut ♡

(MCH and pyro, y u no pick up on my perfect opportunity for comedy?)

(By the way, Ahrzayl, you can turn off the profanity filter (so you stop seeing [megamanx weapon] instead of curses) in the forum settings by going to your profile)

Sakura Leic

(Different time Zones and Pyro probably still has to deal with his loss.)
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


(Oh, I know. I just find the filters to be hilarious yet appropriate. xD)


"Oy, Sinos!" Archetype shouted, still on the floor. "Mind getting me something to eat? It could be anything really, I just need... SOMETHING to fill my stomach!" While his growling stomach stayed taunting him.

Quote from: Ahrzayl on June 18, 2013, 05:52:07 AM
(What?! How could you not! You obviously put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up! D: )

(This girl knows what she's talking about!)

Sakura Leic

"Would this fruit pie suffice?" Borock-bot asked as he pulled it from his pocket.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Like an infant, Archetype crawled over to Borock-bot and responded "YES! That will most certainly suffice!"

He snagged the fruit pie and immediately starting scoffing it down with much intensity. It was quite... unsettling to watch.

While he was devouring the pie *munch* *munch* "Wait a second *munch* are you telling me *munch* you had food with you the entire time?!"

(That pie did come out of nowhere...)

Sakura Leic

"Well Mr.Pyro found a treasure chest full of them and I wanted to save a few for latter." Borock-bot laughed nervously.

(This did happen a little bit before you showed up.)
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Archetype had just finished the last bite. "Whew, damn that was one hell of a pie!"

He stood up and peered around the room, still seeing that they were looking at him with worried faces. "I... uh. I'm sorry about all of that. I swear, that very rarely happens to me..." He said nervously and shyly looked away. "I know I acted a little crazy there... or a lot."

"Really? I hadn't noticed." Keco chimed in sarcastically.

Sakura Leic

"Well I guess you hadn't had much to eat as you were wandering." Borock-bot laughed nervously.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


"Yeah, pretty much..." He scratched his head, slightly embarrassed.

Sakura Leic

"Hey guys we're back with the ingredients!" Asch yelled as he Zeta, Zet, and the Berbils came back with various fruits and other miscellaneous ingredients. 

"Perfect timing we're just chilling the dough and ready to start with the fillings." PB stated.

"Uh yeah..." Sakura said still weirded out by PBPB apparently being able to access ADA's system at will.

"Saki are you okay, you have that same look you had when Ninja Lou Lou told us about how Quickie froze him in Carbonite." Zeta raised and eyebrow.

"You know Ninja Lou?" PB asked.

"He's another one of my regular customers at the Eastern Branch, usually buys Shurikens, Kunais, Smoke Bombs, and other things.  He hates the nickname I call him but I love calling him that." Zeta laughed.

"He does does he?" PB smiled as he rubbed his chin, he also realized that he needed to shave soon.

"What's Carbonite?" Asch asked raising an eyebrow.

"We'll explain later." Zeta stated as she went over to the counter next to PB to dump some of the fruit along with Berbil Joe.

"Whatever." Asch sighed as he dumped his fruit on Sakura's side with Zet and Berbil Jade.  "So what happened while we were gone?"

"I'm still trying to make sense of what happened, my mind is a mess right now." Sakura said as she held her head with one hand.

"Need some help?" Asch asked.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked as she turned to him.

"Well I was thinking something like this." Asch said as he pulled her medical mask down and kissed her lips.

Sakura's eyes widened a bit as she didn't expect him to kiss her like that again so soon.

"Oh my." Zeta smiled as PB laughed.

Asch pulled away and looked at Sakura who was still a little stunned.

"Better?" Asch asked.

Sakura blinked for a bit and realized that her head felt a bit clearer.

"Yeah I think so." Sakura smiled before putting her mask back on and began chopping some fruit.

"That's good to hear." Asch smiled as he chopped fruit as well.

"So what happened that made Saki confused like that?" Zeta asked as she turned to chop some fruit on her side.

"I don't know the full story but I suppose I can tell you what I do know." PB said as he started on his pile of fruit.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Mr. Haxwell

Quote from: Kisala of Mariglenn on June 18, 2013, 06:07:32 AM
(MCH and pyro, y u no pick up on my perfect opportunity for comedy?)

(Well, the crystal was still locked up in the bag, so I couldn't see or hear anything, and Kathy's probably too busy preening herself, which she doesn't do, BTW, to even understand humor after all the trauma I've put her through. XD

Since I sorta created a bad parody of others characters, I'll just stick to mine and those that are "commandeerable".)

Kathy - "Could I have some pie, please? Little Pyro here nearly drained half the energy I had left trying to find you guys."

Pyro being somehow polite. Pull out a pie, and presented it to Kathy.

Pyro - "For you, mommy."

Kathy - "Oh, your such a darling."

She ruffled his hair, affectionately.

Kathy - "You may have driven me up the wall, with your singing, but maybe I was wrong about you."

She sat down to eat. Falling in love with every bite.

Kathy - "Nyaa~h, these taste so good. I can't remember when last I had a freshly baked pie."

(I'll let someone else continue here. While I go watch Game Grumps.)

Fear me.

Ninja Lou

(I think I will just write something to get myself back into RPM since I have been doing nothing but lurking for so long.  :P I just need to do it in a way that won't screw anything up)

Posted on: June 18, 2013, 07:14:50 AM
Meanwhile at a undisclosed area of RPM a warp tunnel appears and a figure emerges.

"You said I needed a break, so that's why I had you bring me here." Ninja Lou said into the communicator built in his cap. "This is an old safe house I haven't used in forever. I think the last time I was here was sometime before I was sucked into that rift."

Lou took a look around at his surroundings, the safe house was a cabin in a forested area with a lake nearby. It was the perfect place to relax.

"I know we told you to take a break" A voice replied "But we meant something along the lines of taking a nap in your quarters and taking a few days off. Not to use the warp tunnel to go to ..... Hell, I don't even know where you are! It's like you aren't even on the planet anymore but you have to be because I can still talk to you."

"Relax Terra, this is a safe place, a little crazy, but safe." Lou replied as he walked over to the cabin.

"No really, the information from the sensors in your hat make no sense. My computers are giving me conflicting information." Terra said as she punched in a few commands into her Holo-keyboard. " Are you sure you want to.."

"Trust me, I'll be fine" Lou interrupted as he entered the key-code to unlock the door to the safe house.

The door slid open and Lou was met with a gust of stale air, the safe house seemed to have been untouched the whole time. He took a few steps in and inspected the cabin. There was a thin layer of dust covering everything.  It was small  consisting of a room and a bathroom, but it suited Lou's needs. There was a storage locker filled with equipment ranging from shurikens to medical supplies. A chair and table was located in the middle of the room with an open laptop on it. There was a small bed off to a corner. Along the back wall near the bed there was a closet which contained replacement battle suits and various clothing, all out of date he thought to himself. Finally the right corner was the kitchen area, which was nothing more then a wood-burning stove and a cabinet containing some canned food, all expired.

"So what are you going to tell people when they asked where you have been all this time?" Asked Terra over the communicator. "It's pretty unbelievable and not exactly a short story"

"I'll tell them the truth, I've repeated it so many time that I can say it pretty quickly now and cover all the important highlights" As Lou said this he hit a few keys on the laptop, as expected it was dead.

"Really? This I have to hear." said Terra with a smirk.

"Basically, My team and I went to seal a demonic dimensional rift, killed the demon causing it, the rift became unstable, I was sucked into a medieval world before it closed, found it to be inhabited by dragons that can take human form, was pulled into a civil war, help end civil war, got married, wife was murdered, went on quest to avenge wife, avenged wife, found out she was not really dead, went on quest to restore her, saved wife, you found a way to bring me back, came back with allies, and here I am"  As he finished he let out a deep breath. "See, easy"

"Let's see where to begin..... A, that wasn't that short, B, that was kinda hard to believe, C, that time flowed differently there, and D, you left out the part where you got a lot more powerful." Terra replied.

"It wasn't that long, besides I want to keep the power thing to myself. However I see your point though the dragon/civil war thing is hard to swallow." said Lou as he walked over to the cabinet.

"Not that.... You getting married???? No one is gonna believe that!!!" Terra said as she started to laugh.

Lou rolled his eyes.

"I walked into that" Lou said

He reached into the cabinet and pulled out a can of pasta. He barely opened it before the stench of rotten food reached him.

"Ugh, that horrible" He said as he incinerated it with a short burst of energy. "Ok Terra, I am gonna need a bunch of supplies warped in. I will need a few battle suits and hats, food and water, a new laptop with all your added goodies, a broom, and a duster... this place needs a good cleaning."

"You are suppose to to be relaxing." Terra said as she punch in what Lou requested. "Ok give me about an hour or so and I should have everything ready to be warped in. Oh, almost forgot Reis said she might drop by later, she is curious and would like to see this... RPM place. Anyway let me get back to work. Talk to you later."

Lou sat down. It's been sometime since he was last here, even with all the craziness that happens, he missed the fun that he had here in RPM. While reflecting on his time spent here a voice spoke to him from the back of his mind.

"We believe that this rest in long overdue Louis"

"Yes, ever since your return you have been working non-stop helping people and making sure that your enemies knew that" said another voice.

Lou smiled, the voices that he heard were that of the Dragon Sword, his weapon which contained the souls of the first two dragons, sometimes called the Twin Dragon Gods. They were two of his closest friends, one he called D (who resembled a European type dragon), and the other S (who resembled a snake like Japanese dragon).

"Yeah, yeah I know" Lou said out loud. "It gonna be a nice few days relaxing and not having to worry about anything."

Lou leaned the chair back and threw his feet on the table. Then lowered his cap to cover his eyes.

"See, easy day." Lou said.

"With you, we have found that never to be the case" D replied.

This post has been approved by Marle!

Sakura Leic

"Oh you do?" Borock-bot asked.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection