Also, some minor SU spoilers for those not caught up, so hiding it.
[spoiler]So, last night I had a dream that Peridot went nuts and ran away from the Crystal Gems. Pearl had the police looking for her and one cop did manage to corner her in a donut shop, but Peridot got away, screaming about how she's a traitorous clod. As she wanders around a city in a daze, she's approached by a scientist who touts his robotics projects and tells Peridot that he can build her new limb enhancers.
Not questioning how this guy knows about those limb enhancers, Peridot follows him to his headquarters, which are located in an old asylum. All the while, the scientist (whom I JUST NOW REMEMBERED was Dr. Wily) is telling Peridot about his robots and how she could work with him and build more robots. He shows her his Robot Masters and says how he's currently building a robot of Pearl.
Peridot is intrigued, and she follows him deeper into the lab. Wily corners her and with the help of Airman and Quickman, he grabs her and straps her down to a table, saying how he's finally got a Gem specimen and he can finally prove if his theories are correct; if Gems are advanced androids. He tells Peridot that he's gonna open her up and see what makes her tick, and use that knowledge to build his Pearlbot.
So as Peridot is screaming at him to let her go (YOU CLOD) and trying to get away, Wily starts cutting her gem from her head.[/spoiler]